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Kerry's crewmates who support him?
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Dwight Callaway

Joined: 15 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 4:41 pm    Post subject: Kerry's crewmates who support him? Reply with quote

Dear Forum-

I would like to know more about why the seven loyal Kerry crew members support his version of events, in the face of overwhelming disagreement from hundreds of other Swift Boat Veterans. It is vitally important that we get to the bottom of this dispute, because if we do, we will learn the truth about John Kerry in Vietnam and the John Kerry who would be President.

I do not believe the support and the stories of these seven former crew members are simply a matter of loyalty to a pompous and self-centered junior officer they served with for 3 months - or less, 35 years ago. Kerry isn't that charismatic or charming!

Have Steve Gardner, Van Odell (or anyone else) ever discussed Kerry's making attempts to buy or win their support - or the support of any other guys on the boat, either in Vietnam or later?

Does anyone know how long these 7 guys have been Kerry backers? Has Kerry taken pains to "keep them close" and loyal for decades? I have read articles to the effect that Kerry calls Swiftvets on the phone and smoozes and flatters them and tries to influence them. Did any of these 7 "flip" recently?

Have any of the Kerry backers ever publicly debated anybody from Swiftvets or faced a tough cross-examination on talk radio? Such a debate could really help reveal the truth.

Unless these guys are staying out of sight and not talking to anyone, it should also be possible for Navy veterans to find them, talk to them and get a sense of their genuine motives and feelings. I realize here that the DNC and the Kerry people may be keeping these guys locked down tight. That in itself is damning evidence against all of them.

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Last edited by Dwight Callaway on Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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U S Army EOD
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 5:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Unfortunately I can not remember the names, but I got in a discussion with an individual once who was friends with a crew member on Kerry's boat. The crrew member stated, "We got a pre-madonna over here that is trying to make a name for himself. This guy's a real joke".
Wootten A. York

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 6:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The former enlisted crewmembers on Kerry's boats could not have served more than about 2 months with him, according to RADM Hoffman.

They will not answer questions except through the campaign, according to messages posted here near the time that the bulletin board began.

One of the officers who used to support Kerry has recently changed his mind and now believes he is unfit for command. He has issued no public statements that I know of.
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U S Army EOD
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 6:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, I still don't believe we are pushing hard enough on Kerry's actions after he came back or on who the Vietnam Veterans Against the War really were.
Wootten A. York

8th Ord Det (EOD) ROK 68-69
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Dwight Callaway

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 7:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Navy_Navy_Navy wrote:

They will not answer questions except through the campaign, according to messages posted here near the time that the bulletin board began.

IF -- this is still true, then isn't it appropriate for these seven "Kerry loyalists" to be challenged to a public debate - on national talk radio or TV - by men like Steve Gardner, Van Odell, or anyone else who is an eyewitness to the disputed incidents and the disputed character and behavior of LTjg Kerry?

And if after being challenged to a public debate, the "Kerry loyalists" will not debate or will not even directly answer, then isn't it also appropriate for that FACT, if it happens, to be prominently (and frequently) announced by the Swiftvets?

IF it is true that these 7 Kerry crewmembers will not debate or answer directly, doesn't it indicate that they are afraid and Kerry is afraid of what they might break down and say when publicly challenged and contradicted by former shipmates, who were eyewitnesses?

The voters deserve to know as much as possible about the character of their leaders, before election day. A debate between these two groups of men about the character and behavior of John Kerry will help to resolve this extremely important dispute. America deserves to know the truth.
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 7:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Navy_Navy_Navy wrote:
The former enlisted crewmembers on Kerry's boats could not have served more than about 2 months with him, according to RADM Hoffman.

They will not answer questions except through the campaign, according to messages posted here near the time that the bulletin board began.

One of the officers who used to support Kerry has recently changed his mind and now believes he is unfit for command. He has issued no public statements that I know of.

From what I've been able to glean from published accounts Kerry had the 44 boat from 6 Dec 68 until no later than 28 Jan 69. He spent 1 week in COSDIV 11 before being transfered with the boat to COSDIV 13.

He was transferred back to COSDIV 11 and took over the 94 boat about 29 Jan 69 and was relieved on 13 Mar 69

So he was with 5 total crew for about 7 weeks and the 2nd crew of 5 for about 6 weeks.

So barring transfers, that's no more 10 crewmen he would served on a boat with. 1 is dead, 1 is opposed to him which leaves 8. Other than Fred Short, an outspoken supporter who apparently served with Kerry for the grand sum of one day replacing Alston on 28 Feb 69 (the Silver Star day)
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Last edited by ASPB on Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:04 pm; edited 2 times in total
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U S Army EOD
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sure I would love to see that happen. If it did, "loyalist" would try to claim that they are being picked on. If they are being protected and controlled by the DNC, I would bet that one of them will defect or screw up in some way. I would love to be, a fly on the wall, near Kerry and see the look on that guys face when it does. Its a long time till November, lets wait and see.
Wootten A. York

8th Ord Det (EOD) ROK 68-69
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:14 pm    Post subject: It'll happen... Reply with quote

I was Navy from '67 to '71, 2 yrs at NSD Yokosuka, 2 years on the Oriskany, CVA34. We sent a lot of ordinance off the "Big O," which was actually a small deck carrier. But we launched and recovered at a clip equal to the big decks. I think you can buy parts of her in the fishing department at Walmart now.

Kerry has so much stacked up against him, and so publicly, that it's just GOT to start coming out in a torrent. There are clearly some severe rips in the seams that are being covered up by a slavish press and the extraordinary financial power of the upper echelon Dems. At least Clinton was a little smart about it all, but it just seems Kerry gets his wacker stuck in his fly every time he turns around. It's good to see.

I believe this whole thing settles down to judges, I really do. The Supremes are very possibly looking at 4 retirements (Rehnquist, O'Conner, Stevens and Ginzberg) within the next 4 years. A couple of them may just up and die before then. And the courts are the prime operator for the liberals. Their courts do dirty work the legislature knows better than to even try.

Kennedy knows he's an old, dying ogre who wants to die knowing that he has helped put the final slit in the throat of this nation. Daschle sees that he has a MAJOR challenge in South Dakota. The rest of the power players see that, to finish their job on America, they have to get a president in THIS TERM who will nominate the kind of judges they need to get things done that would never ever make it through the very public legislative process.

The work being done by SwiftVets is phenomenally important and effective. Couple that with Unfit for Duty and the Cambodia lies--this guy's gonna nose in, hopefully by October, and carve himself and his dirty little tribe a real long gouge in the ground.

I look forward to that.

RE Gleason, YN2
Staff, Rear Admiral James D. Ramage
R.E. Gleason, YN2
Navy '67-'71
Staff, Rear Admiral James D. Ramage,
COMCARDIV7, '70-'71
USS Oriskany, CVA34, '69-'71

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 9:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Unless these guys are all independantly wealthy, with all the galavanting around they do, they have to be getting money from somewhere. As they say, money talks.
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Tad Belknap
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 9:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You certainly have a way with words silenthunter.... Very Happy ...I like your style !
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:02 am    Post subject: Re: Kerry's crewmates who support him? Reply with quote

Dwight Callaway wrote:
Dear Forum-

I would like to know more about why the seven loyal Kerry crew members support his version of events, in the face of overwhelming disagreement from hundreds of other Swift Boat Veterans. It is vitally important that we get to the bottom of this dispute, because if we do, we will learn the truth about John Kerry in Vietnam and the John Kerry who would be President.

I do not believe the support and the stories of these seven former crew members are simply a matter of loyalty to a pompous and self-centered junior officer they served with for 3 months - or less, 35 years ago. Kerry isn't that charismatic or charming!


Actually it would be possible for them to bond with him in some way particularly after he recommended them for medals after the incident in which he chased down a single VC and got a Silver Star for it.

He has sought them out over the years.
"That awful power, the public opinion of a nation, is created in America by a horde of ignorant, self-complacent simpletons who failed at ditching and shoe making and fetched up in journalism on their way to the poor house."
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Dwight Callaway

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 7:45 am    Post subject: Re: Kerry's crewmates who support him? Reply with quote

jalexson wrote:

Actually it would be possible for them to bond with him in some way particularly after he recommended them for medals after the incident in which he chased down a single VC and got a Silver Star for it.

He has sought them out over the years.

I KNEW it was some form of bribery or corruption on the part of Kerry and his loyalist crew. On another thread earlier today somebody wrote in more detail about that incident where Kerry got his silver star, he put his crew in for bronze stars and other medals. And I think it said they got them?! This needs to be verified.

It appears Kerry seduced these guys into dishonorable behavior, a little conspiracy that now has huge consequences if it isn't busted open ---all 35 years ago. What promises did he make to them besides the medals?

If Rassman put Kerry up for a silver star (which became a bronze star) for pulling him out of the water - a routine act that was embellished by Rassman (Kerry wounded and under fire), then I am convinced Kerry and Rassman made a dishonorable deal too.

But the most important point to make is that Swift Vets appearing in the big media and all the rest of us who get a shot at talking on talk radio or whatever need to stay on the offense and continually stress this point: It is Kerry and his loyal crew who are afraid to debate face to face with former "shipmates" what really happened in all these incidents. Kerry and his loyalists will only talk to softball interviewers who don't know the truth and who are Kerry backers themselves. There are other important points to be made but the refusal to debate, to release records, etc. needs to be made often. This fact will resonate with the general public. If they won't debate, they are hiding something. And what they are hiding is that they are lieing. The Swift Vets are telling the truth. In a face to face confrontation the viewers will know who is lying and who is telling the truth and Kerry and his boys know it.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 5:26 pm    Post subject: The crew Reply with quote

Follow the money B.W. Gustofik-USN -river section 533- pbr132 MY THO 1967&68
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 7:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I hate to say this, but someone has to. John Kerry says he committed "war crimes" in Vietnam. It's unlikely he either walked to the sites where these "crimes" were committed or took the boat out by himself. Could it be that his crew participated in these crimes and are supporting him as "partners in crime."

The various changes in their statements about events indicates they are covering up for something.
"That awful power, the public opinion of a nation, is created in America by a horde of ignorant, self-complacent simpletons who failed at ditching and shoe making and fetched up in journalism on their way to the poor house."
-- Mark Twain
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You GottaBeKidding
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 8:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


I'd like to know if the people who pulled the other two (three?) crew members out of the water got medals? If not, why not? (Hmmm. Maybe there wasn't a fire right after all.)

Is there any information on that? (Might be in the book, but I haven't gotten a copy of the book yet.)
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