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J. Toy Seaman Apprentice
Joined: 10 Aug 2004 Posts: 96 Location: Pa.
Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 11:17 pm Post subject: Kerry's service PT 109 redux? |
It seems to me that Kerry was following a scripted program when he enlisted, to become the second coming of JFK. (Kennedy)
Note all the similarities. Massachusetts, Ivy league, Navy, PBR service.
And after getting enough medals for "hero status," (by the way, how many people got 5 medals in 4 mos?) and having film for campaign value, opts out to run for office.
Let's face it the guy isn't stupid.
I see a fixation with Kennedy that he translated into exactly what he is trying to accomplish. A run for President.
Thank God for the Swift vets! I have no question on the truth of their charges.
I just hope it slams the door on another fraud's run at CIC.
Keep fighting the good fight!! _________________ Corpsman, 1969-1973 |
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llano Seaman
Joined: 11 Aug 2004 Posts: 157 Location: Llano Estacado
Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 12:27 am Post subject: |
A DNC stategist, Mr. Johnson, was on Hannity & Colmes a few days ago to get the democrats side in and he used the term "PT" boat while meaning swift boat. A slip? Wishful thinkin? Naaaaw, just an ignorant person. _________________ Home in Lubbock Texas, home of the Vietnam Project at Texas Tech University. A place visited frequently by Navy Chief. |
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ASPB Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
Joined: 01 Jun 2004 Posts: 1680
Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 2:20 am Post subject: |
I want to add something to the discussion here. This was originally shared on the internet in February of 04. Long before the organization of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.
It may give you some perspective from someone who was there:
In our little part of the War, especially during Operation Giant Slingshot, ASPB’s such as mine often operated completely independently on patrol and escort missions. POIC’s such as myself were responsible for filing after action reports with the Task Group Commander, generally a Navy LT or LT(jg). In conjunction therewith, we also had responsibility for drafting (not signing) recommendations for awards. In the action I mentioned, I drafted recommendations for awards for my engineer, a 20MM BMSN Gunner, and myself. Yeah, I agree! It was probably self-serving but my largely teenage crew was not authors! These recommendations did not specify the level of the award which was left to the TG CO or other upstream brass. I don’t know at what command level the actual award determination was made. I do know of several cases where similar recommendations resulted in no action by command authorities. I may not have said this previously but it was my policy to have all after action reports initialed by the entire crew. This was also true for the awards we’re discussing here, except for two guys who had to be medevaced after the action. Another thing that affected this was damage to the boat required our short-handed return to Dong Tam for repairs. This allowed the time to do the writing which, in the normal course of patrol duty (12-16 hours a day), was just not possible. At least in my little piece of the war, there were many gallant acts that never were written up, not only for lack of witnesses, but, simply for lack of time and energy.
As it relates to our topic the reason for even discussing it is to point out the “possibility” that Kerry could have acted in a self-aggrandizing manner, which from what I’ve read I believe he “probably” did. Back to my real point! My recent study is bringing me to the conclusion that JFK-erry is nothing more than an idol-worshipping, want-to-be JFK-ennedy who deliberately created a combat record in the shortest time possible in an attempt to emulate the “real” JFK and then got himself out of country post haste!
It’s interesting that his CO, George Elliot, is quoted as saying the he didn’t know whether to recommend a medal or a court-martial. Didn’t Halsey say something similar about the “real” JFK? As Randy said, “In the middle of an attack, the Captain of the Ship runs his boat aground, leaves the boat and crew behind, and pursues needless single-handed pursuit through the jungle of a fleeing enemy --- while his boat and crew are vulnerable to further attack from possibly hidden forces. Maybe we can find some Navy types to flesh this out with Customs of the Navy type background? Like, needlessly exposing his vessel and crew to possible attack?"
Where I served in country it was SOP, when you took fire (especially B40 fire), to run off a couple of hundred yards, lay 20MM, 50 Cal, M19, and M79 fire on the target zone, and then make a close-in run concentrating all available weaponry on the target. After suppressing fire we’d call in the grunts (the poor bastards) to sweep the area for KIAs and WIAs. We were ordered to “never” beach a boat and go ashore in a live fire zone except for the purpose of saving or preserving the lives of our forces and then only when we had chopper cover or were covered by another boat.
Believe me, these boats made great targets especially in daylight. As others have said he should have been, at a minimum, reprimanded if not relieved and court martialed.
His subsequent participation in VVAW was probably nothing more than pique at returning to the “World” to find that he wasn’t anointed “the” conquering war hero, wasn’t applauded and revered by his Brahmin buddies, and wasn’t immediately swept into the center of power politics as was his idol. His senate voting record on defense and intelligence continues to reflect this resentment, his far left tax and social (istic?) philosophy continue to reflect JFK-ennedy’s, and his consistent flip-flopping on the issues constitute an all consuming desire to attain for himself the reverence for and legacy of the “real” JFK. Integrity and principals be damned! The interests of the American people be damned!
Keep your pot on and sit on a flak jacket! J _________________
On Sale! Order in lots of 100 now at velero@rcn.com Free for the cost of shipping All profits (if any, especially now) go to Swiftvets. The author of "Sink Kerry Swiftly" ---ASPB |
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Scott Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
Joined: 24 May 2004 Posts: 1603 Location: Massachusetts
Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 2:32 am Post subject: Your post on "Kerry's Service PT-109 Redux? |
Funny, I found that exact quote on 25thaviation.org with a search on AltaVista, using the first line as a search phrase.
The author's name was included in that post.
Since you didn't quote the author's name when you quoted the post, I wasn't sure whether you wanted the author's name to become public...but with the search his name isn't hard to find.
Just thought you might like to know. _________________ Bye bye, Boston Straggler! |
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ASPB Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
Joined: 01 Jun 2004 Posts: 1680
Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 2:39 am Post subject: Re: Your post on "Kerry's Service PT-109 Redux? |
Scott wrote: | Funny, I found that exact quote on 25thaviation.org with a search on AltaVista, using the first line as a search phrase.
The author's name was included in that post.
Since you didn't quote the author's name when you quoted the post, I wasn't sure whether you wanted the author's name to become public...but with the search his name isn't hard to find.
Just thought you might like to know. |
I'm the Author. Name is Tom Mortensen, AKA ASPB RiverRat around here. Plagiarism is common in the blogsphere! I think I originally posted at VVAK. _________________
On Sale! Order in lots of 100 now at velero@rcn.com Free for the cost of shipping All profits (if any, especially now) go to Swiftvets. The author of "Sink Kerry Swiftly" ---ASPB |
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Scott Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
Joined: 24 May 2004 Posts: 1603 Location: Massachusetts
Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 2:42 am Post subject: |
Beautifully written, Tom.
I just wanted to give you a heads up. Not everyone knows how good some of the search engines are.
 _________________ Bye bye, Boston Straggler! |
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