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John Kerry's Anti-Veteran Legacy - Lt. Col. Gordon Cucullu

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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2004 3:59 pm    Post subject: John Kerry's Anti-Veteran Legacy - Lt. Col. Gordon Cucullu Reply with quote

John Kerry's Anti-Veteran Legacy


By Lt. Col. Gordon Cucullu
FrontPageMagazine.com | May 17, 2004

Lt. Col. Gordon Cucullu has been an Army Green Beret lieutenant colonel, as well as a writer, popular speaker, business executive and farmer. His most recent book is Separated at Birth, about North and South Korea.

John F. Kerry has made a conscious decision to base his 2004 presidential campaign on his war record. (In case you are unaware, the Senator served in the Navy in Vietnam). He commanded a small, brown water vessel called a swift boat. The swifties operated in a riverine environment; typical missions were to escort troops in landing craft, guard larger boats carrying supplies to distant outposts, and route and point reconnaissance.

Kerry was assigned to the swift boats after working offshore on larger ships. When he transferred to the swift boats, they were used to ferry personnel and material from shore- to offshore-vessels. Only after he had transferred to the unit was the swift boat mission changed to combat.

Swift boat crews were vulnerable to ambush from the banks of the rivers. The boats, armed with machine guns and small arms, almost always engaged the enemy from the river. On very rare occasions, the crew might go ashore to police the battlefield. The swift boat mission demanded independent thinking, initiative and courage from the crew.

Young John Kerry spent approximately four months in Vietnam. For purposes of comparison, a normal tour of duty in Vietnam was 12 months. He submitted a request to curtail his tour after incurring his third wound, having thereby received his third Purple Heart medal. Reassignment based on wounds received was not automatic but was at the initiative of each eligible service member.

When Kerry returned to the states, he wore a Silver Star for valor, the three Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star for service in a combat area. To that point, he is to be thanked for his service to his country. But from then on things went terribly wrong. In a coldly calculated maneuver, Kerry plunged into the most virulent element of the antiwar movement, associated with violent demonstrations.

Even membership in this group, while causing some concern, would not in itself be damning. But Kerry assumed a leadership role. Kerry was not “coincidentally” located near Jane Fonda. He was the lead speaker in events in which she was backup. They planned demonstrations and programs together. They were fellow self-styled revolutionaries.

Kerry flew to Paris to meet with the North Vietnamese representative to the peace negotiations. They met privately for several hours. Their conversation is not public. It is known that afterwards Kerry loudly advocated removal of all U.S. forces from South Vietnam as a way of obtaining release of our POWs held by Hanoi.

He became a core member and leader of the group Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW), mostly made up of men who had not only never been to Vietnam and had never served in the military.

(B.G. Burkett in his excellent book Stolen Valor catalogs an extraordinarily vast number of Vietnam wannabes in the VVAW who have sullied the reputation of real veterans. Almost all of them used the war as a way of making money or attaining influence.)

This is where legitimate vets have serious issues with Senator Kerry. As part of his involvement and rise to leadership in the VVAW and with the other antiwar groups such as those including Tom Hayden, Jane Fonda and the rest of the dregs, Kerry turned viciously on his fellow veterans. He testified before Congress, giving lurid tales – all manufactured – of atrocities that were ‘normal’ and ‘known by officials at all levels’ in Vietnam.

Kerry described disgusting things: torture, rape, burnings, dismemberment, violence against civilians and more as if they were common daily fare. In fact he said specifically that these crimes occurred virtually on a 24/7 routine basis with no interference, indeed with encouragement, from higher headquarters.

He went on to describe the Vietnam veteran as someone psychologically damaged by the war. In his words the Vietnam vet was a soldier driven to heavy drug and alcohol use, incapable of readjustment to normal civilian life after have been required to engage in atrocities ‘worse than Genghis Khan.’ One need only look as far as the crowd surrounding Kerry - the scrufty, fatigue-wearing, long hair, strung out misfits - to see how terrible the war was to its poor, innocent soldiers. Except that it was all a lie. Kerry’s testimony and his organization created a myth that persists to this day.

Hollywood, of course, loves the myth: Coming Home, Deerhunter, Apocalypse Now, Platoon, Born of the Forth of July, Rambo, and many more all raged at the war and exploited the myth. Indeed they pushed it so deep into the American conscious that most ordinary citizens cringe at the thought of a Vietnam veteran. They think that the whacked-out, crazy, drug-besotted image is the real one. How tragic for our veterans then and now. And John F. Kerry was and continues to be a major factor in perpetuating this gross lie, this appalling disrespect.

Today the persistence of this anti-veteran image still manifests itself in tragic ways. A terrific young man, Ranger Corporal Pat Tillman, recently gave his life for his country in Afghanistan. Tillman was not unique in his dedication, concern and patriotism: an extraordinary number of young people share that with him. And a majority of those who served in all our previous wars - including Vietnam - were cut from the same special cloth.

What made Tillman unique was that he was a successful professional athlete who turned down a multi-million dollar contract to join the army and fight against those who attacked us. His idea of loyalty was to pay back to his country for all the opportunities it had give him. And he sacrificed all so that we might stay free.

But the repugnant legacy created by John Kerry, the anti-Vietnam war movement leaders and their ilk persists unabated. Tillman has been attacked in the most disgusting manner as a ‘dead dumb jock’ and an ‘idiot who died for oil’ by the vulgar extreme left that Kerry helped create and continues to court for votes and support.

So I don’t care about where or if he tossed his medals or ribbons, or how deep the scratch was that got him a cheap Purple Heart. All those I can forgive. But the legacy of disrespect and contempt that Kerry intentionally produced and deliberately exploits to this day for his political benefit is unforgivable. It is for his post-war behavior that he must answer to his fellow veterans.

We are not your ‘band of brothers,’ Senator. You betrayed us and we want no part of you. You have caused too many people too much pain. Have the decency to leave us alone and stop using your fellow veterans as props to advance your career. For once, act like a man.
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PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2004 4:14 pm    Post subject: Re: John Kerry's Anti-Veteran Legacy - Lt. Col. Gordon Cucul Reply with quote

fortdixlover wrote:
John Kerry's Anti-Veteran Legacy


Letters to the Editor: Harry Tenney Comments about the Bush Administration Propoganda Machine
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They (the right wing of Bush & Co.) turned Senator Max Cleland of Georgia, a triple amputee, Viet Nam veteran, awarded the Silver Star, into a traitor because he DARED question the Boy Emperor and his minions' motives for declaring war against Iraq; he had the temerity to ask why a dictator, who was totally contained by "no fly" zones, embargoes and satellite observations, presented an "imminent" threat to the US.

Over a year later and hundreds of Americans dead, thousands maimed for life, countless Iraqi civilians, including children, pregnant women dead or brurtally burned and scarred, billions upon billions of taxpayer's dollars going down a rat hole with no end in sight, ex-Senator, Max Cleland's concerns and warnings are feebly responded to by an inarticulate idiot who can't complete two coherent sentences in a rambling "news conference" to preselected questioners. He said he has made no mistakes. Arrogance beyond comprehension!

When, oh when does the citizenry awaken to this nightmare of hoodwinking and lies?

Hitler used preemptive strikes against almost every nation in Europe declaring each of them to be an "imminent" threat to the Third Reich; he managed to take the focus of the German people off his miserable failure as a domestic leader, while allowing the major industries of Germany (I. G. Farben, Krupp, A. G. Bayer, etc.) to profit handsomely and, in many cases, employing Jewish slave laborers. Does some of this sound familiar?

Anyone who dared criticize the Fuhrer, was summarily shot, WWI heroes notwithstanding!

We aren't there yet, but more and more, what was once thought unthinkable is becoming reality!

I suggest anyone interested in the workings of the Nazi propaganda machine start by reading an interview by Gustav Gilbert of ReichsMarshal Hermann Goring in April 1946 [Nuremburg Diary]. It will chillingly give insight into what Bush & Co. are employing against their critics.

Josef Goebbels, Hitler's propaganda minister saw that the media reflected the party line, more and more, we see a media in the US threatened with advertising boycotts, condemnation and access denied if they dare reveal the truth about this scurrilous bunch in the West Wing.

Smear, distort, lie as they are currently doing to Senator John Kerry and his war record. THIS coming from a bunch of chicken hawks who never served a day in uniform, serving the country they claim to love so much. (Cheney had "better things to do"!)

Cheney criticizes Kerry for voting against the same weapons that he, Cheney, himself opposed, , as a matter of fact, Cheney as Sec of Defense opposed 81 weapons systems including the Apache helicopter now in operation in Iraq!

Where is the outrage? Where is the media? Why are the American people not at the barricades?

Our nation is suffering, our international reputation is in tatters. Mubarak of Egypt says the Arab hatred of the US is at an all time high, and we are getting ready to take over the Israeli operation of Gaza when the Israeli forces withdraw! Another debacle in the making.

Bush is a miserable flop! If a hummingbird had his brain, it would fly backward, permanently! The right wing can only smear, mock, lie, villify any and all that question their madness--Bruce Lindsay, Paul O'Neil, Gen. Zinni, Gen. Shinseki, Ambassador Wilson, Richard Clarke, John Kerry etc. All critical, all subjected to Bush denial and vituperation!

Kerry must not just beat Bush, he must save the nation and the world from him!

- Harry Tenney (electronic mail, April 27, 2004)
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2004 4:52 pm    Post subject: Re: John Kerry's Anti-Veteran Legacy - Lt. Col. Gordon Cucul Reply with quote

Craig wrote:
fortdixlover wrote:
John Kerry's Anti-Veteran Legacy


Letters to the Editor: Harry Tenney Comments about the Bush Administration Propoganda Machine

Again, veterans and military people:

Does the tone and tenor of the article quoted by Craig sound like its author respected and understood the Western culture you know? Or does it sound like something alien?

You be the judge.
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PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2004 5:08 pm    Post subject: Re: John Kerry's Anti-Veteran Legacy - Lt. Col. Gordon Cucul Reply with quote

We are not your ‘band of brothers, Senator. You betrayed us and we want no part of you. You have caused too many people too much pain. Have the decency to leave us alone and stop using your fellow veterans as props to advance your career. For once, act like a man.[/quote]

Great ending paragraph (by Lt. Col. Gordon Cucullu)

John Kerry should hang his head in the presence of all veterans.
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PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2004 5:17 pm    Post subject: Re: John Kerry's Anti-Veteran Legacy - Lt. Col. Gordon Cucul Reply with quote

fortdixlover wrote:
Craig wrote:
fortdixlover wrote:
John Kerry's Anti-Veteran Legacy


Letters to the Editor: Harry Tenney Comments about the Bush Administration Propoganda Machine

Again, veterans and military people:

Does the tone and tenor of the article quoted by Craig sound like its author respected and understood the Western culture you know? Or does it sound like something alien?

You be the judge.

The above fallacious remark is the best you can come up with to address right wing smear and attacks on Bruce Lindsay, Senator Max Cleland, Paul O'Neil, Gen. Zinni, Gen. Shinseki, Ambassador Wilson, Richard Clarke....
Treasonable felonious attack on Ambassador Wilson's wife that the administration does not seem to be making much progress (nor likely attempt) to pursue.
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2004 5:40 pm    Post subject: Re: John Kerry's Anti-Veteran Legacy - Lt. Col. Gordon Cucul Reply with quote

fortdixlover wrote:
Again, veterans and military people:

Does the tone and tenor of the article quoted by Craig sound like its author respected and understood the Western culture you know? Or does it sound like something alien?

You be the judge.

Actually, it does sound like the Western Culture I know. The Western Culture I know is tolerant of dissent and values free speech. I don't necessarily agree with Harry Tenney, but I have no objection to his voicing his opinion any more than I do to Lt. Col. Gordon Cucullu voicing his. So, yes, that does sound like the Western Culture I know. People expressing different opinons and others tolerating that fact.
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Joined: 06 May 2004
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PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2004 5:27 pm    Post subject: Re: John Kerry's Anti-Veteran Legacy - Lt. Col. Gordon Cucul Reply with quote

Craig wrote:
fortdixlover wrote:
John Kerry's Anti-Veteran Legacy


Letters to the Editor: Harry Tenney Comments about the Bush Administration Propoganda Machine
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They (the right wing of Bush & Co.) turned Senator Max Cleland of Georgia, a triple amputee, Viet Nam veteran, awarded the Silver Star, into a traitor because he DARED question the Boy Emperor and his minions' motives for declaring war against Iraq; he had the temerity to ask why a dictator, who was totally contained by "no fly" zones, embargoes and satellite observations, presented an "imminent" threat to the US.

Are you aware of the facts surrounding Max Cleland's wounds? He was getting off of a "Slick" when an improperly secured hand grenade fell from his web gear and detonated. In essence he "Fragged" himself. Don't hold Cleland up as a "Poster Boy" of riteousness. Don't forget what he did to the VA under his tenure either.
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