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NYT's weigh's in with predictable smear.

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Joined: 11 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 7:53 am    Post subject: NYT's weigh's in with predictable smear. Reply with quote

t may seem outlandish to launch a campaign broadside by television ad and book flackery devoted to discrediting the respectable Vietnam War record of Senator John Kerry, who has five combat medals. But that is exactly what a Republican-financed group of partisans is doing in presenting itself as Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and tattooing the Democratic presidential nominee with accusations of lying about his service and war wounds. Never in Mr. Kerry's command, but claiming to have served near enough, its members are trying to contradict the firsthand accounts of his crewmates who are vouching for his war record.

In a way, this political assault may merely be a knife-edged compliment to the effectiveness of Mr. Kerry's stratagem of tirelessly - some might say tiresomely - highlighting his wartime service. The attack ads and the book, "Unfit for Command,'' are a visceral part of the anti-Kerry campaign in the battleground states. The assault is gaining attention, with Internet and cable television zealots debating combat minutiae and even whether Mr. Kerry enacted wartime events with his political future in mind or held secret meetings with Communists.

The leader of the attack, John O'Neill, a Swift boat veteran and Texas lawyer, has been a detractor of Mr. Kerry for decades, ever since the Nixon White House recruited him to rebut Mr. Kerry's criticism of Vietnam policy. And the chief donor to the Swift boat broadside is a Texas businessman, Bob Perry, who is known for giving millions to the campaigns of President Bush and other Republicans.

Voters should also know that the group is one of the new "shadow party" efforts of supposedly independent ( but, in truth, transparently partisan) activist groups that have been set up to evade campaign laws and take advantage of nonprofits' tax breaks. One of the more prominent of these groups, the leftist MoveOn.org, is running ads attacking President Bush's Air National Guard service. We have denounced the Democrats for pioneering and financing these efforts - which the Federal Election Commission, ever the snoozing watchdog of American politics, has done nothing to rein in. The F.E.C. is to consider some get-tough proposals this week, but a majority of the commission members are likely to duck responsibility once more.

rest of screed

This is a concerted attack from Lib media because you are having an impact.

You wanted coverage, now you're getting it. This was to be expected. Let's roll.
American Conservative

Last edited by stealthy on Thu Aug 19, 2004 8:16 am; edited 1 time in total
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Son Of The Godfather

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 8:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Let's roll" indeed.
Voters should also know that the group is one of the new "shadow party" efforts of supposedly independent ( but, in truth, transparently partisan) activist groups that have been set up to evade campaign laws and take advantage of nonprofits' tax breaks.

...I forget... which one is it when lies are written... "slander" or "libel"? Evil or Very Mad
"Which candidate would enemies of the United States prefer to see in the White House?"
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Joined: 11 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 8:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

What you read there now will be on the networks tomorrow. They give the marching orders.
American Conservative
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 8:57 am    Post subject: NYT Editorial Reply with quote

"Take that, you Internet Zealots!"

This is so predictable. The NYT is starting off on the Swift Vets with an Editorial. Using the Dem's "talking points." Just like the WaPo did. I guess their "report" will hit in a couple of days.

The first report will also be a smear. You notice they all start off with some version of "Never in Mr. Kerry's command, but claiming to have served near enough." They know exactly how they are distorting when they do this.
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Joined: 20 May 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 3:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"It may seem outlandish to launch a campaign broadside by television ad and book flackery devoted to discrediting the respectable Vietnam War record of Senator John Kerry, who has five combat medals. ...."

Isn't that the whole point though? Is it a "respectable Vietnam war record?"

If the NYTimes is so trusting of Kerry, why do they not require him to put his money where his mouth is, and give the military permission to release ALL of his military records to prove it? Just like the President did.

Why is John Kerry so afraid of the truth? Actually, why is he so afraid of the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth?

I think the answer is clear.
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