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DNC 527 connections have fun

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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 11:59 pm    Post subject: DNC 527 connections have fun Reply with quote

From Hworta (Protestwarrior)

Even as Sen. John Kerry and his cheerleaders in Big Media try to
associate President Bush with the modestly funded Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, they remain silent about the links Kerry and the Democrat party have to multimillion-dollar Bush-hating groups. But they cannot keep concealing these ties, because NewsMax has uncovered multiple examples.

Story Continues Below

Thanks in part to tips from readers nationwide who are outraged about the blatant bias of the media establishment, we have found the following:

From Democrats.org, a Web site of the Democratic National Committee, May 9, 2003:
“The Democratic Party is partnering with MoveOn.org, People for the American Way, Campaign for America's Future, and dozens of other groups representing millions of Americans to organize a massive public mobilization. On Wednesday, May 14, join us by calling and emailing your representatives in Congress to let them know that the majority of Americans oppose more irresponsible tax cuts that go overwhelmingly to the wealthiest sliver of Americans.”

“In their own words, DNC coordination with MoveOn.org,” noted a reader from Florence, S.C., one of several who sent this tip.


'Kicking Ass'

From the same Web site’s unironically named “Kicking Ass: Daily Dispatches from the DNC,” here’s the ultimate in hypocrisy last Nov. 13 from one of Vermont’s more extreme ideologues:
“Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT), ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, took a short break from the 30-hour Republican hypocrisy-a-thon to come and see the results of the DNC's petition drive. We collected more than 310,000 signatures and comments from Americans who stand with Senate Democrats in the fight to keep ultraconservative ideologues off the federal bench.”

An accompanying photo has this caption: “DNC Chief Operating Officer Josh Wachs (left), Senator Leahy, and Zack Exley from Moveon.org pose with the more than 310,000 signatures.”


In its push to obstruct judges who follow the U.S. Constitution, DNC admitted elsewhere on its site that same day, “The DNC is also conducting a major petition drive in partnership with MoveOn.org. More than 310,000 Americans have signed the petition to protect our courts — with more than 172,000 of those signatures coming in the past 36 hours.”

And here’s DNC’s “Kicking Ass” item from Jan. 31:

Catch the Moveon ad during the Super Bowl
Here's a message from Moveon.org:

This Sunday, during the Super Bowl half time show, join us in changing channels on CBS. At 8:10pm and 8:35pm EST, switch over to CNN to watch "Child's Pay" on a channel which doesn't censor its ads. We'd like to keep a tally of the number of people who participate — you can sign up here.

Posted by DNC Research


MoveOn’s Web site admitted Aug. 9, “We're running a contest to help us choose the ads that will best convince undecided and swing voters to vote for John Kerry.”

Kerry's Letter

The same site still posts a “letter to MoveOn members from John Kerry,” dated June 17, 2003. “Make no mistake, we need to take back the White House in 2004 and that’s why I’m running for President,” Kerry writes.


A posting on “the official Kerry-Edwards blog” last Dec. 11 includes this boast from one Fe Bongolan of Berkeley, Calif.:
“The East Bay for Kerry/MoveOn House party on December 7th combined the forces of two grass-roots organizations based in San Francisco East Bay Area. We had 200 guests eating, drinking, and watching the MoveOn Documentary ‘Uncovered’ featuring Joseph Wilson and Rand Beers from the Kerry campaign.

“When Teresa Heinz-Kerry arrived, she handed me a pin that read in the center: ‘Asses of Evil’ with ‘Bush’, ‘Cheney’, ‘Rumsfeld’ and ‘Ashcroft’ surrounding it. She met, greeted and talked to a jam-packed room of Kerry supporters and others who came for the MoveOn documentary. …

“Thanks to Teresa, we kept the party going on, and she helped us here at East Bay for Kerry, throw the Mother of All House Parties.”


From the liberal Minneapolis Star Tribune: “Sam Kaplan, one of Kerry's biggest and earliest fundraisers in Minnesota, said he plans to continue raising money working with Americans [sic] Coming Together.” (Hint to the Star Tribune: That pro-Kerry group calls itself America Coming Together.)
The reader from St. Louis Park, Minn., who sent this tip pointed out, “This is a more direct, admitted coordination link than anything asserted in the New York Times.”

Consider this July 26 posting on BushCountry.org:

Do identical donation pages tracking unique team numbers show relationship between John Kerry's campaign and MoveOn.org?
The Judge Napolitano on The big Story on Fox News just showed a Letter from Moveon asking for contributions to John Kerry with a link. That link ended in Team=437 at the end of the link.

Now go to: http://www.Johnkerry.com and highlight the "Make a Contribution Link": /contribute3.johnkerry.co...l?team=138 It says team=138.

The Donation pages are identical in nature, form, and function in the sense they track the donations back to moveon.

Therefore they are tracking donations specific from Moveon thus applying a causal relationship between the two of them.

It is interesting that the PAC donation section on moveon no longer has a team number attached, but the letter shown on fox did.

How did they get assigned a team number for contributions of Team Number 437 if they are not in a relationship?

Looking at the HTML source and at the link at the end of this sentence: Contribute to Senator Kerry's Presidential campaign here. It still shows a "team=349" URL like this:

Contribute to Senator Kerry's Presidential campaignhere

So, one has to ask the question: Who assigned Moveon.org the "Team=349" for use on their PAC page?

Still, the Kerry site is clearly using 'tracking numbers' to gauge the source and effectiveness of various 'campaign materials'

What do they gain by having a unique team number? Have them explain that one to the Federal Elections Commission


MoveOn's Link to Kerry and Cahill

A reader from New Jersey sent this e-mail he received on July 22 that shows MoveOn's ties to Kerry and his campaign manager, Mary Beth Cahill.

From: Eli Pariser, MoveOn PAC To: Jim Shorts Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2004 2:34 PM Subject: Watch Kerry's big speech together.
The Kerry-Edwards campaign is holding house parties all over the country to celebrate Kerry's big speech next Thursday. Attend a house party in your area or host one yourself. Dear MoveOn member, A week from today, John Kerry will give the climactic speech at the Democratic National Convention, and the race to win the general election will be officially on. The speech will be one of the biggest political moments we'll have between now and the election, and it'll offer Kerry an opportunity to lay out his vision for the future of our country.

The Kerry-Edwards campaign wants to kick off this final phase of the campaign with a burst of grassroots energy, so all over the country folks are holding house parties to watch the speech. The parties will be linked together by a nation-wide conference call with John Edwards.

Hosting or attending a Kerry-Edwards house party is a great way to celebrate this fun and important event. To attend a party, just go to:


To host a party of your own, go to:


Hosting is easy � all you need to do is sign up on the Kerry website and offer people a place to watch. We've copied an email from Mary Beth Cahill, Kerry's Campaign Manager, with more information about the parties.

We'll be headed to house parties on Thursday night, and we hope you can make it too.

Sincerely, --Eli Pariser and the MoveOn PAC Team July 22nd, 2004

P.S. Here's the Kerry campaign's email:

From: Mary Beth Cahill, Kerry-Edwards 2004 Subject: A TV, some friends, and your next president Dear friend,

Next Thursday night, July 29, while John Kerry accepts the Democratic nomination, our supporters everywhere will be gathering to watch at convention parties in thousands of homes, restaurants, and public meeting halls across the country. This is the first time a presidential campaign has ever kicked off the general election with so much energy and grassroots support.

You can set up your own convention party in just minutes here:


Or find one to attend in your town here:


For millions of Americans, next Thursday night is the beginning of the presidential election. It's an opportunity to bring hundreds of thousands of new people into our campaign. When John Kerry accepts his party's nomination, it will be a special moment -- his one chance to lay out his vision for the country, uninterrupted, and with the undivided attention of the nation.

At thousands of events in 50 states, Washington, D.C., and four territories, our supporters are going to convert this night into an organizing opportunity. Last week we set a goal to sign up 100,000 new volunteers in one night at our convention parties. Now we're poised to blow past that goal.

Holding a convention party is easy. All you need is a television and a few friends. Sign up as a party host so that we can count your event in our total:



Mary Beth Cahill Campaign Manager

PAID FOR BY MOVEON PAC www.moveonpac.org Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

And Here's George Soros

Is Bush-bashing billionaire George Soros behind polls and "experts" slanted in favor of Kerry? Follow the money trail and decide for yourself.

In an Aug. 21 article headlined "Youth vote could carry Kerry into White House," the Bakersfield Californian newspaper quoted William Galston, director of Center for Information and Research at the University of Maryland, as saying: "It is a mirror-image reversal of the run-up to the Iraq war when the young were supportive. They are now disillusioned and confused with a situation where there is continuing carnage and no end in sight."

Galston, it turns out, is a "founding principal" of something that calls itself Democracy Collaborative.


And who funds Democracy Collaborative? George Soros.


Like-Minded Employers

As NewsMax.com reported Sunday, Kerry refuses to fire Zach Exley, a campaign staffer who was a director for MoveOn.org.

And, of course, Jim Jordan, formerly Kerry’s campaign manager, continues his work at the pro-Kerry Media Fund.
Although the Times and its countless imitators have for days made Kerry’s latest attacks on Bush and Swift Boats Veterans for Truth their lead story, note that they didn’t offer similar publicity when Bush’s campaign and the Republican National Committee on March 31 accused Kerry’s campaign of illegal coordination with anti-Bush groups.

"Senator Kerry, who supported the Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act, is now the beneficiary of the single largest conspiracy to violate campaign-finance laws in history," RNC Chief Counsel Jill Holtzman Vogel said at the time.

Kerry’s adviser Michael Meehan claimed at the time: "This frivolous complaint is not worth the paper it is written on. John Kerry and his campaign have nothing to do with these ads or the groups that run them."

But as NewsMax has now proven, DNC’s own Web site and Kerry himself disprove that assertion. The chief question that remains is how the Times and the rest of the media establishment can continue to ignore the Democrat deceit.

Instead of doing research into Kerry’s questionable ties, the Times today was content again to parrot his latest attack ad as one of the lead stories on its Web site: “Kerry TV Ad Pins Veterans’ Attack Firmly on Bush.”

Yet the Times did not run a lead headline when Steve Schmidt, a spokesman for Bush-Cheney '04, neatly summed up the Democrats’ desperate tactics on Friday:

“Real coordination is what John Kerry's campaign has been engaged in with the Media Fund, America Coming Together, and MoveOn.org. The revolving door of personnel, coordinated strategies and overlapping fundraising between the Democrat 527s and the Kerry campaign is a flagrant disregard of the spirit and letter of the campaign finance reform law."

Kerry still has a staff emmber who is was an organizing member of MoveOn.org. Whats more this guy, Zach Exley, apparently still gets to work for Mr Kerry even after Kerry called for resigantion of Bush's volunteer.

More Hypocrisy that knows no end!
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 1:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here is the most blatant example of Kerry's hypocrisy, in glorious black and white:


Kerry Campaign, MoveOn, DNC Coordinate Efforts to Oust Rumsfeld
By Jimmy Moore
Talon News
May 10, 2004

SPARTANBURG, SC (Talon News) -- Likely Democratic presidential nominee John F. Kerry, liberal online political action group MoveOn.org, and the Democratic National Committee all called for President George W. Bush to fire Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld over the Iraqi prison abuse controversy.

In an e-mail sent to supporters on Friday, Kerry campaign manager Mary Beth Cahill asked people to sign a petition stating they want Rumsfeld to resign or be fired.

"Over the past week we have all been shocked by the pictures from the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq," Cahill wrote in the e-mail. "John Kerry has called on Donald Rumsfeld to resign, and today we're asking you to support him by adding your name to the call for Rumsfeld to resign."

Not surprisingly, the e-mail also included a request for donations to Kerry's presidential campaign.

Yet, Kerry campaign spokesman Chad Clanton said the campaign did not originally intend on asking for money in the e-mail criticizing the prison abuse.

"John Kerry has made it clear that our men and women in uniform deserve a Commander in Chief that takes responsibility for the bad as well as the good," Claton responded to the Washington Times. "The bottom line is: We need more than just a new Secretary of Defense. We need a new president."

Although they are not supposed to coordinate efforts with the Kerry campaign because of the campaign finance law, MoveOn.org "coincidentally" sent out an e-mail to supporters on Friday as well asking for "President Bush to fire Donald Rumsfeld from his post as America's Secretary of Defense."

MoveOn.org urges its supporters, "Please call President Bush now, and urge him to fire Rumsfeld."

The White House comment line telephone numbers are provided in the e-mail for MoveOn.org supporters to call.

Despite the fact that Bush publicly chided Rumsfeld regarding the Iraqi prison abuse, MoveOn.org says that is not good enough.

"But [Bush's] got to go further, and dismiss [Rumsfeld]," MoveOn.org expressed.

Supporters were also asked to call their congressman and two U.S. senators.

"Let them know it's time for Rumsfeld to go," the e-mail continues. "Rumsfeld's simply got to go."

MoveOn.org asks its supporters to record their calls at their web site.

In a separate e-mail to supporters, MoveOn.org promotes Kerry's petition to remove Rumsfeld.

"Getting rid of Secretary Rumsfeld would be a huge step forward for all of us who oppose the Bush war policy, and Kerry needs to hear our support," MoveOn.org wrote.

The web site for the Kerry petition is provided to MoveOn.org supporters.

This quick connection to the Kerry campaign by MoveOn.org is what many were concerned about when a former MoveOn.org operative went to work for Kerry last month.

As reported by Talon News in April, Zack Exley was hired to be the director of online communications and organization for the Kerry campaign after serving as the special projects director for MoveOn.org.

MoveOn.org founder Eli Pariser said at the time that Exley will not be permitted to communicate with MoveOn.org until after the presidential election in November to avoid any suspicion of impropriety between the group and the Democratic campaign.

Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie said at the time that Exley's hiring was very peculiar and that he would not be surprised to learn of "further illegal coordination between the Kerry campaign and MoveOn.org."

The Kerry campaign is hoping to get 50,000 signatures to make "a strong statement that will be recognized in the media -- and by the Bush-Cheney campaign."

Placing their hope in this petition to revive their campaign, Cahill concludes that "this is one of the most important petitions we will send out in the course of this campaign."

On the same day an e-mail was sent by both the Kerry campaign and MoveOn.org, the Democratic National Committee also got in on the action by sending an e-mail to supporters calling on Bush to "take responsibility for these acts" in the Iraqi prisons.

"[Bush] has refused to hold Rumsfeld or anyone in his administration accountable," the DNC wrote. "This is just the latest example in a long series of refusals by President Bush to take responsibility for his administration's actions."

The DNC lists a string of incidents that Bush has supposedly not taken responsiblity for, including the undercover CIA identity leak, the lack of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and declaring "Mission Accomplished" before the war in Iraq was over.

"It's time for Bush to take responsibility for once and demand accountability," the DNC urged.

Just as the Kerry campaign and MoveOn.org had done, the DNC called on Bush to "fire Donald Rumsfeld for his failure to prevent the despicable acts at Abu Ghraib prison."

Vice President Dick Cheney said the criticism of Rumsfeld needs to stop and the Kerry campaign, MoveOn.org and the DNC need to "get off his case and let him do his job."

"Don Rumsfeld is the best secretary of defense the United States has ever had," Cheney remarked in a statement over the weekend.

Kevin Kellems, a spokesman for Cheney and a former aide to Rumsfeld, stated that his former boss has received a lot of respect from the American people since September 11.

"Americans want to keep Rumsfeld on the job," Kellems noted to Reuters. "Why? Because the guy in the glasses they see on TV is the guy who is protecting them by going after the terrorists. That's who he is to the average American."

This assertion is backed up by a Washington Post/ABC News poll last week that found 70 percent of Americans do not believe Rumsfeld should be fired.

Copyright © 2004 Talon News -- All rights reserved.
Everytime he had a choice, Kerry chose to side with communists rather than the United States.
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 12:09 pm    Post subject: amazing Reply with quote

The hypocracy on the left is just insane.
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 12:21 pm    Post subject: PACs and 527z Reply with quote

It is my understanding that MoveOn.org has two different funding
streams; one to their PAC and one to their 527 efforts (i.e.; they
stand on two legs). If I am correct they can use their PAC money
in co-ordination with Kerry's campaign under current Campaign law
but cannot do this for the 60 days just before the election. They
can use their 527 money to run attack ads right up to the election
(IF they are not incororated and only accept contributions from
individuals, not corporations or unions.) I am no expert on the
McCain/Finegold bill but I have read of it being descibed this way
as it effects PACs and 527s. BillB (FL)
BillB (Daytona FL)
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The Balloon Artist

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 12:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Has the national press been notified?
What about John Kerry's four months in Vietnam qualify him to be president?
Al Gore was there for five.
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 12:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm no lawyer, but if it walks like a duck and quacks it is good enough for me. They attack a group like SBV which has limited ties while coordinating on many different fronts.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 1:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is a perfect example of proof that the mainstream elitist media is liberal left democrat biased. Always have been, and will be until they're put out of business. That's what it will take. Even now, on the radio, they talk about Ginsberg resigning, yet they don't mention the years long formal links between the DNC and kerry campaign with democrat Bush hating 527s. Pinko liberal media bias and nothing but. That's what you get when know nothing self-important hacks have been given a free pass for decades the way they have been to say whatever bs opinion they want and lie and perport it to be news.
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Seaman Apprentice

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 1:59 pm    Post subject: Hmmmm Reply with quote

I may be a bit naive. I was under the impression that 527's also could not have ads from 60 days before the election also. I thought I heard this on one of the talk shows. I may have heard this wrong. If this is not true then great. I was sad because i figure this effort these fine men would go to waste as the attention span of most is short. If we can we need to get out even more and bring it in people. These ads cost a crap load of money and I believe that some well placed ads in certain places could help a lot. Even if not able to give any more money, at least use the time and get others to.
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Son Of The Godfather

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 2:18 pm    Post subject: Re: Hmmmm Reply with quote

lucky wrote:
I may be a bit naive. I was under the impression that 527's also could not have ads from 60 days before the election also. I thought I heard this on one of the talk shows. I may have heard this wrong. If this is not true then great. I was sad because i figure this effort these fine men would go to waste as the attention span of most is short. If we can we need to get out even more and bring it in people. These ads cost a crap load of money and I believe that some well placed ads in certain places could help a lot. Even if not able to give any more money, at least use the time and get others to.

Donation funded - Ad can go right up to election day.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 3:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This was on ABC national news and nightline last night
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