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A Very Special, Very Personal Thank You- A MUST Read!

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Seaman Recruit

Joined: 20 Aug 2004
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Location: San Diego, CA

PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 6:42 pm    Post subject: A Very Special, Very Personal Thank You- A MUST Read! Reply with quote

To An American Hero,

My name is Jenny. We don't know one another, but we are both Americans who love our country. I would like to tell you what you mean to me.

You are the highest ideals held sacred by our Great Nation personified. You are the very definition of what makes our country great, the epitome of Honor and Courage. You give all of your being to ensure Freedom, Liberty, and Justice for the world, not only for the United States. You are the Light of Hope that stands unconquerable against the darkness of despair. Yours are the hands that rip the oppressors from power, even at great personal cost. Yours are the hands that rebuild lives and lands. You are the Heart of American Pride. You walk in the footsteps of the greatest Heroes in American history, and they would all be so very proud of you, as ALL of us are!

You have EARNED the eternal respect, admiration and gratitude of the American people and Liberty loving nations all over the world. I want you to know that wherever you are, you will always live in my heart and in the hearts of the countless masses the world over who owe you so much, forever!

Thank you for being an American Hero, thank you for being MY Hero!
Kerry's Flip Flop Record: http://www.georgewbush.com/kerrymediacenter/read.aspx?ID=2439
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Seaman Recruit

Joined: 24 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 11:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Allow me to add my thanks to those expressed above. I, too, am a Vietnam Vet (2 tours) and suffered at the hands of those rotten-cheese-smelling idiots that Kerry joined with to betray us. I appreciate the bravery it must have taken to put yourselves out there and voice what lots of us have felt for a long time, but were too timid to express. For that, I'm eternally grateful. I was beginning to doubt that anyone would ever call these anti-war pukes on their betrayals--at least not anyone to whom the media might actually listen. Thanks again.
A "democracy" is two wolves and a lamb voting on what's for dinner.
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Seaman Recruit

Joined: 26 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 3:20 am    Post subject: Kerry's Anti-American Activities Reply with quote

I always hated the anti-war groups, even though I was too young at the time to understand the entire political picture revolving around the Vietnam War. I am thrilled that finally, someone is standing up and speaking out about how destructive their protests really were, especially to the men and women who were still on Vietnam battlefields and in Vietman prisons while the protests were going on. Mr. Giganti's powerful words, "Kerry gave the enemy for free what it took them many hours of torture to try to get from me," hit like a ton of bricks. One thing I now understand that I didn't when I was a kid back during the Vietnam War is that these protestors were not just exercising their rights to free speech (which the men and women who answered their country's call to military duty gave their time and lives to defend). They were actually aiding and abetting the enemy, and John Kerry, no matter how much he hopes we'll forget or ignore his part in the anti-war smear campaign he waged against all vets, was a major player in these anti-American activities. It would be a travesty if he gets elected President of the United States.

Thank you Swift Vets and all war veterans who gave of themselves to preserve our freedom.
Keep fighting the Kerry blight!
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Site Admin

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 4:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

While we understand your motivation, it appears your sentiment is directed towards the President. As this forum is reserved for expressions of support for the Swiftees, I am moving it to geedunk.

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Joined: 26 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 8:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey, Admin,

Even though her username suggests support for the President, I don't think that her letter was addressed to him in particular. I think it was directed to YOU, and all the others who have served. Am I wrong? Just my $.02.
Phil Toth
BMC(SW) ret

Don't Sweat the Mule Goin' Blind,
Just Keep Loadin' the Wagon.
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Joined: 25 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

As a young teenage girl in the late 60's , I didn't really understand the seriousness of the war. I knew that my cousin Chuck, a promising baseball all-star in high school, looked really cool in his Army uniform. The 19 yr. old boy that lived in the house behind ours, and who I had a terrible crush on, looked handsome in his uniform , too. I imagined marrying him one day..., but he never came home from Vietnam and my cousin lost his leg to a landmine. The reality of what they had sacrificed really hit me when we visited Chuck at the veterans hospital in VA, during the summer of '69. There were so many young men..., once healthy, happy and strong. After that visit I became accutely aware of the people who were protesting the war, the young men's service to their country, and the values I had been taught. I was only 13yrs. old, but I knew that the men and women who were protesting had it all wrong. Unfortunately, they still haven't got it. They don't seem to realize the government they so vehemently berated, is the same government who protects and serves them. They chastised and spat on the young people returning, finally, to home soil. The very people who protected their FREEdom to protest. We will never be able to give them the "WELCOME HOME" they deserved. We had our chance and we let the minority be the voice for a nation. We can not, and will not, let that same misguided, arrogant and selfish bunch mess it up this time. John Kerry, the war protester, traitor, and imposter, must not succeed in his bid for the office of President of the United States. The minority may speak the loudest, but when your RIGHT you don't have to shout. We will quietly take back our country's pride and power.
Born on the Fourth of July
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