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The Federalist

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 4:22 pm    Post subject: The Federalist Reply with quote


"There is a certain enthusiasm in liberty, that makes human nature rise above itself, in acts of bravery and heroism." --Alexander Hamilton



"Nothing is ended with honor which does not conclude better than it began." --Samuel Johnson

"To see what is right and not to do it is cowardice. It is never a question of who is right but what is right." --John Buchan

"I had rather starve and rot and keep the privilege of speaking the truth than of holding all the offices that capital has to give, from the presidency downward." --Henry Adams

"I believe in God as I believe the sun has risen, not because I can see it, but because by way of it I can see everything else." --C.S. Lewis

"The office of government is not to confer happiness, but to give men opportunity to work out happiness for themselves." --William Channing

"Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival." --Winston Churchill



"[Senator Kerry] woke up yesterday morning with yet another new position. And this one is not even his own. It is that of his one-time rival, Howard Dean. He even used the same words Howard Dean did, back when he supposedly disagreed with him. No matter how many times Senator Kerry flip-flops, we were right to make America safer by removing Saddam Hussein from power." --President Bush

"Kerry [has] presented himself to the nation as a bitter weakling who can't abide criticism and who takes his foreign-policy cues from Michael Moore." --James Taranto

"Here's the problem. Kerry is, as he's been known to brag, a 'man of nuance' or of 'complexity.' What he means by these terms, of course, is that he should be permitted to say whatever he wants -- or whatever the audience at a particular moment wants to hear -- without feeling like he's contradicting, or making an ass of, himself." --Jonah Goldberg

"We were weak, and weak people are beaten." --Vladimir Putin

"[A]s we enjoy the unprecedented prosperity that our freedom has made possible, we are losing a sense that every benefit has a cost, and that the other side of the coin of increased freedom is increased responsibility." --Star Parker

"A relatively small group of people who control the mechanisms of laud and lucre can have a tremendous influence on ambitious academics." --Marvin Olasky

"The federal government is slowly but surely destroying real families, but it is hardly a benevolent surrogate parent." --Ron Paul

"One of the many places where public schools have failed and failed badly is in the teaching of civics -- what the constitution is about, how government functions, why it is important that the individual citizen stay abreast of issues and candidates." --Lyn Nofziger

"According to the Kerry campaign, President Bush has 'lost' over a million jobs since taking office. This of course assumes that jobs are Presidents' to win or lose." --Thomas Sowell



"With questions of typography, superscript and proportional spacing filtering through cyberspace over the past week, it seems fairly clear that the memos CBS revealed on '60 Minutes II' are in fact forgeries. Allegedly written by the late Col. Jerry Killian, the memos' supporters hope they will strengthen the case against President Bush -- that he received preferential treatment and that he disobeyed direct orders while in the Air National Guard during the Vietnam War. Yet efforts to prove the memos' authenticity fail.... Yet, despite the breadth of evidence against the authenticity of these memos, CBS, and in particular Dan Rather, refuse to conduct an internal investigation. Mr. Rather even suggested on Friday that the critics are just 'partisan political operatives.' In the same segment, Mr. Rather added, 'The "60 Minutes" report was based not solely on the recovered documents, but on a preponderance of evidence.... If any definitive evidence to the contrary of our story is found, we will report it. So far there is none.' Wrong, Mr. Rather. Instead of a 'preponderance of evidence' suggesting these memos are authentic, there is in fact clear and convincing evidence that they are forgeries. CBS is willfully ignoring the good investigative work of the blogosphere, from which we have detailed the various arguments. If CBS and Mr. Rather continue to do so, then they will have undermined the public's trust in their objective reporting and dishonored the journalism profession." --The Washington Times



From the "See B.S." Files: "Kerry has consistently said holding Saddam accountable was and remains the right thing to do. And he's been just as consistent in his opposition to the way President Bush went to war." --John Roberts

"As a citizen who didn't vote for Mr. Cheney, but still thinks of him as my Vice President, and tries not to knee jerk everything based on left or right, I simply can't believe he got up and told voters, essentially, elect Kerry and we'll get hit again and maybe we'll get hit in a way that will be devastating. How is that statement by Mr. Cheney by itself not invoking and essentially doing the work of terrorizing people?" --MSNBC's Keith Olbermann

From the "alCoran News Network" Files: "The so-called Sunni Triangle west of Baghdad is now a no-go zone, and U.S. troops are in isolated fortresses much like the Soviets in Afghanistan." --CNN's Walter Rodgers **They must be tired of the Vietnam references...

"Harsh words have become the rule in this Campaign 2004, and today, for the first time, President Bush used a term for Senator John Kerry that he previously left to others: He taunted Kerry directly by calling him 'a flip-flopper'." --Dan Rather confused on what a "harsh word" is.

"Forget Bush -- the people around him are a complete disaster. John Kerry will basically re-hire the Clinton team and presumably remain faithful to his wife. Of course, Clinton didn't get Osama bin Laden, either. But his people worked harder at it." --Molly Ivins

From the "Queen Maureen" Files: "It's like that fairy tale where vipers and toads jump out of the mouth of the accursed mean little girl when she tries to speak. Every time Mr. Cheney opens his mouth, vermin leap out." --Maureen Dowd



Flip: "It was wrong to rush to war without a plan to win the peace. It was wrong not to show the kind of statesmanship and leadership that builds a true international coalition to share the cost and share the burden. And it was wrong to put our young men and women in harm's way without the body armor and the Humvees and the equipment and the reinforcement that they needed." --John Kerry, who voted against that body armor and those Humvees **We suppose a "true" coalition is one that doesn't include Britain, but France instead.++ Flop: "I think it was the right decision to disarm Saddam Hussein. And when the president made the decision, I supported him, and I support the fact that we did disarm him." --John Kerry in 2003 **Why wasn't the memory of this position seared -- seared -- in him?

This week's "Non Compos Mentis" Award: "You don't shove freedom down people's throats at the end of a gun barrel." --John Kerry, in an uncertain metaphor **That's right! You leave them under tyranny!

This week's "Las Clintonista Leftovers" Award: "We were fortunate enough to have health insurance." --Hillary Rodham Clinton Rodham on Bill's recent quadruple bypass

Dissent in the ranks... "[F]ormer President Clinton, recovering from open-heart surgery, could run [a better] campaign while under ether." --Gerald Austin, Demo strategist

From the "Village Matriarch" Files: "Well, I consider [talk radio's anti-Clinton bent] my gift to the American economy. I mean, think of all the people who have made a living and employed legions in the radio and television industry, the publishing industry, the Internet -- with the sole purpose and obsession, I guess, of talking about and writing about me." --Hillary Clinton



This week's "Hyper-Hypocrisy" Award: "Only in an election year ruled by fiction could a sissy who used Daddy's connections to escape Vietnam turn an actual war hero into a girlie-man." --Frank Rich, art critic, in the "Arts" section of The New York Times

This week's "Chronic Villagitis" Award: "Like the San Francisco and New York courts, the Nebraska court recognized that women's health, medical privacy and the U.S. Constitution trump anti-choice ideology. Women and doctors should make private, personal health care decisions -- not John Ashcroft or any other politician." --Planned Parenthood President Gloria Feldt

This week's "Leftelite" Award: "Only an idiot wouldn't like [John Kerry's healthcare proposal]. Of course, there are idiots." --Maria Teresa Thiersten Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry ++ "The common man doesn't look at me as some rich witch." --Comrade Teresa

This week's "Ignarus Perpetuus" Award: "After the State of the Union address the other night, I couldn't help thinking, is George W. Bush pretending to be a Democrat? Many parts of his speech could have been spoken by Bill Clinton, Dick Gephardt, Tom Daschle or John Kerry. He used the rhetoric of health care, jobs, and education. ... The difference is that while Bush talks about these issues that are so important to working and middle-class Americans, and sometimes even says the right thing, his policies reflect an entirely different agenda -- one that has the sole purpose of making the rich richer. Who does he think he's fooling?" --Blabs Streisand **Wasn't the State of the Union in January?



"Back in the '50s there was a popular song called 'A Slow Boat to China.' Someone needs to update it today, call it 'A Swift Boat to Nowhere,' and dedicate it to John Kerry." --Lyn Nofziger

"According to the Bush campaign, John Kerry's record of vacillation and inconsistency in the Senate would make him a disastrously indecisive POTUS -- an IMPOTUS, as it were." --Niall Ferguson

"So John Kerry now is the first self-confessed war criminal in U.S. history to be nominated for president. Normally this would be considered an electoral plus only in the more cynical banana republics. But the Democrats seemed to think they could run an antiwar anti-hero as a war hero and nobody would mind." --Mark Steyn

"Democrats can dish it out but have trouble taking it. If one wishes to go down the alley of such political rhetoric, one should not be surprised to get mugged at the end of it. ... Democrats can't credibly complain of a bloody nose when they threw the first punch." --Cal Thomas

"Campaign finance 'reform' holds that only 'legitimate' voices can be heard in a democracy, which should be repugnant to the crowd that usually waxes pious about First Amendment rights. ... The notion that, politically or legally, only some people have the 'right' to say something during an election runs completely counter to the core intent of the First Amendment. But, hey, what right do I have to say that?" --Jonah Goldberg

"While waiting for the Ouija board to give us Kerry's final answer on the Iraq war, perhaps we could get an answer on something simpler -- like whether or not Kerry owns an SUV. ... While Kerry works out his positions, apparently the voters have decided that their legitimate act of self-defense is to vote for Bush." --Ann Coulter



Jay Leno.... Bush is up 10 points [in the polls]. Doesn't look good [for Kerry]. Not only is Bush ahead overall, he's also ahead in a lot of key issues like Iraq, terrorism and the economy. But Kerry is ahead on grammar and pronunciation, and overall nuance. .... John Kerry called Bill Clinton Saturday night at the hospital. They said that Clinton talked to Kerry for 90 minutes giving him advice. Clinton reportedly told Kerry to stop talking about Vietnam. Not during the campaign. Just during the phone call. "Will you stop? I'm in the hospital." .... Here's an interesting fact, the Republican Convention boosted the New York economy $255 million. But the Democrat Convention in Boston only netted it $14.8 million. People wonder why it was so much less? Sure, Democrats don't like spending their own money. .... John Kerry has a new theme to his campaign, he says the "W" in George W. Bush stands for "wrong." The wrong direction, the wrong policy. Gee I wonder if Bush will say the "F" in John "F" Kerry stands for "flip-flop." Are these guys running for president of the 8th grade? .... Actually Bush got the last laugh. He said "everybody knows wrong starts with R." .... As you know, Kerry is now behind Bush in the polls, so he's trying to reach out to more people. I guess the Kerry campaign has been experimenting with new slogans. They sound kind of familiar. Have you heard his latest one? "Did somebody say Vietnam?" .... According to a new poll out today Ralph Nader is down to 1% of the popular vote. Now it seems to me if you're at 1% can you still call it the popular vote? Isn't the pretty much the "what the [heck] are you doing in this race vote?" .... Did you hear this? "60 minutes" has a new policy. From now on they're going to spend at least 60 minutes verifying their stories.

Lex et Libertas -- Semper Vigilo, Paratus, et Fidelis! Mark Alexander, Publisher, for the editors and staff. (Please pray on this day, and every day, for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm's way around the world in defense of our liberty, and for the families awaiting their safe return.)
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 4:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i like this one:

This week's "Leftelite" Award: "Only an idiot wouldn't like [John Kerry's healthcare proposal]. Of course, there are idiots." --Maria Teresa Thiersten Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry ++ "The common man doesn't look at me as some rich witch." --Comrade Teresa
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