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Vietnam Veterans For Academic Reform

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 5:29 pm    Post subject: Vietnam Veterans For Academic Reform Reply with quote

Leonard Magruder - Founder/President
Former professor of psychology, Suffolk College, N.Y.
Member: National Association of Scholars

(Vietnam vet contact: General Carl Schneider (ret.) -Korea, Vietnam - [Deleted by Admin]. If this arrives chopped up, there is a correct copy at v-v-a-r.org.)




Running Dan Rather Out of Dodge City
by Leonard Magruder

An article in "The Topeka Capital-Journal" of May 11, 1986, was headlined ,"Magruder Campaign for Vietnam Veterans Rolls On." Magruder was paying (in Topeka, Atlanta, New Orleans, Charlotte, Washington, Chicago, and Lawrence) to show a film being boycotted by PBS because it documented how the media had lied about the Tet Offensive of 1968. This, along with a letter to all PBS station managers broke the boycott with 280 out of 312 stations showing the film. In a letter , June 13, 1986, General William C. Westmoreland wrote to Magruder,"I congratulate you on your success in the showing of the film on PBS stations around the country." (see under "Vietnam and the Media" at v-v-a-r.org)

On Friday, however, "The Topeka Capital-Journal" refused to report on Mr. Magruder's latest campaign . Mr. Magruder stood in front of the newpaper building carrying a large sign that said ,"Stop the Media Cover-up for Kerry," and handed out material on polls from Vietnam veteran groups from all over the country showing that 80% of Vietnam veterans reject Kerry as Commander-in-Chief, or President. Last week the "The Lawrence Journal-World " had refused to report on the first of these protests. Magruder, who is President of Vietnam Veterans for Academic Reform, stood for two hours in front of the paper's offices while reporters and editors walked by, studiously ignoring him.The editor of the Univ. of Kansas newspaper, "The Daily Kansan," well known for its leftist bias, also refused to report on the story, even though for years the veteran group had had an auxiliary unit at the university. Throughout those years the "Kansan" always ingored any of the news stories the group gave the paper and recently , when Mr. Magruder complained to the Faculty Advisor about the bias, the advisor stood up and shouted "Shove it up your butt," resulting in a big ruckus that went all the way to the Dean and resulting in Mr. Magruder closing the auxiliary unit at the university to protest the leftist intolerance at The University of Kansas. Said Mr. Magruder, "David Horowitz is absolutely right, our universities are now nothing but hugh patronage machines for the Left."

"The national media is covering up for Kerry. Our polls (below) show that those who know war best have reasons for rejecting Kerry as Commander-in-Chief. The Ameican people need to hear what those reasons are.What Vietnam veterans have to say about one of their own, John Kerry, is of extreme importance to the nation. As much as these veterans would love to see a Vietnam vet become president, and this situation is very sad because they have waited a long time, they are nevertheless once again putting the safety of the nation first, and trying to warn the American people to stay away from Kerry. But they can't do that if the mainstream media, to help Kerry, is covering up what they have to say."
And there is no question about that. The Media Research Center just today sent out an article titled, "Major Media Biased to Help Kerry."

"New surveys have found that public perception of media credibility has fallen and that by three -to-one , more see major networks and newspapers as "biased to help Kerry " over Bush. A Rasmussen poll found that many more see ABC, CBS, CNN, and NBC as biased in favor of Kerry over Bush with CBS seen "as the most biased." 37% believe the CBS network news team is "trying to help the Kerry campaign " compared to just 10 percent who believe that CBS is trying to help Bush. 35% see"The New York Times", "USA Today", and "The Washington Post" as biased to help Kerry while only 7% see these as biased towards Bush."

The Magruder campaign now rolls on to Kansas City and beyond until it reaches Washington D.C., protesting at major newspapers along the way. As he goes Mr. Magruder will be putting together a coalition of Vietnam veteran groups from all over the country to aid in an appeal to Congress to examine the current media bias just as he did in March of 1986.
The Westmoreland vs. CBS case had just ended, Westmoreland having received an apology from CBS for the lies in its film "The Uncounted Enemy." In his final statement to the press Westmoreland gave top priority to pointing out that the trial had shown that the Tet Offensive had resulted in a victory for the allies, not the defeat described by CBS at the time, and again in its film. With this ending of a second battle with CBS over false reporting, Mr. Magruder decided to file with Congress a request that it hold an investigation into the bias of the major networks. The media likes to describe the charges regarding the Tet Offensive as a "right-wing fantasy", but Mr. Magruder was able to compile for Congress supporting documentation from 24 histories and commentaries on the Vietnam War all stating that the media, in particular CBS, had misled the American people about the Tet Offensive.
A large number of organizations went on pubic record with Congress as supporting Mr. Magruder's request , including chapters of Vietnam Veterans of America, Veterans of Foreign Wars, The American Legion, and the 20,000 members of the Northern Virginia Veteran Leadership Program .The issue was reported in numerous newspapers, including a front page article in "The National Vietnam Veterans Review." General Westmoreland, who also called in a statement of support to Congress, said in this newspaper on April, 1986, , "Professor Magruder's project is an extremely important issue and I support his efforts 100% "(see under "Vietnam and the Media" at v-v-a-r.org)

Said Mr. Magruder today, "We put together 37 Vietnam vet groups for that Congress fight, we have received reports in our poll campaign from 32 groups, I am confiident that we can put together an even larger coalition this time to appeal to Congress on this issue of the media trying to steal the election for Kerry. We're going to run Dan Rather out of Dodge City. Any vet group wishing to join this coalition to fight the media please call or e-mail me. "(see below)

A Marine Vietnam vet and leader of a veteran group recently wrote in an article ,"Curiously, on one of the central contentions in the presidential election, none of the major polling agencies have surveyed the preferences of Vietnam veterans. Americans trying to make up their mind about whom to vote for look to those most directly involved for their views, but none of the major polling firms deem it important enough to get at what Vietnam veterans feel about this issue. "
Our organization, Vietnam Veterans for Academic Reform is the only organization to make an effort to answer this question. Early on we asked our veteran contacts to send us any information on any polls their group had taken. We received responses from 32 groups. And when we totaled it all up it looks certain that at least 80% of Vietnam veterans are opposed to Kerry. We reported these findings in a press release to all local and major media but there was no mention of the material, with one exception. Marie Horrigan, an editor of United Press Internatinal, writing for Insight Online, connected with "The Washington Times", wrote about our project.
In addition, on Sunday , Sept. 26, Mr. Magruder discussed this whole issue, including the cover-up in Kansas, on a one hour program over radio station KHNC in Golden, Colorado, which reaches from Pueblo, through Denver, to Casper, Wyoming, and heard worldwide on The American Freedom Network.

The data , which is ongoing, is reported from all over the country. Any group could just as well have preferred Kerry, but so far no group has. Although some groups are small, the fact that all point in the same direction , and very strongly at that , suggests that what this collection is telling us is very significant statistically, and it looks like our estimate now is that 80% of all Vietnam vets are opposed to Kerry. On sample size, the major polls use samples ranging around 1000. Newsweek this week , for example, used 1003 respondents, L.A.Times- 1352, Harris- 1012, CNN -767. There are at least four poll samples in our report larger than 1000, one with over 3000, allowing us to be quite confidant in our extimate , espcially when all these samples are added together .
When the opinions of Vietnam vets are added to all other vets in national polls, you will see the gap narrowing, but still significantly in favor of Bush. So what this is telling us is that Vetnam vets, who served in the same war with Kerry, have some special reason for opposing Kerry and that is what the public needs to know and what the media is covering up.


Out of 45 Vietnam veterans... all say pooh on JFK...100% - powmiavets
Our heli-vets pol shows 160 against and 6 for Kerry - Ron Leonard-25th Aviation Battalion
I know about 650 Vietnam vets and their attitude toward about Kerry is 100% negative - Dan Decker, TSgt.USAF (ret.)
I know thousands of vets .I would say the opinion is about 98% against Kerry - Tony Cartlidge-Vietnam Combat Marine- 1968
Of 27 Vietnam Veterans I know, including myself, not one is willing to vote for John Kerry. - Charles Banto - USMC 1958-1974
100,000 e-mails, almost all veterans, around 100 to 1 against Kerry - Don Bendell, Special Forces, Vietnam, 1968-69, noted author
Out of 25 guys 90% against Kerry - Mike- mleonardos
240 vets, mostly Vietnam, 85% against Kerry -Tony Newcomb, Cpt.U.S.Army (ret.)
Of the more than 2500 veterans of all ranks who responded , 59 took umbrage with what I had to say against Kerry - Mark A. Smith, former POW, Vietnam.
An ongoing poll, with names and comments at 11thcavnam.com is running 16 for Bush, 4 for Kerry. (80% for Bush.)
I’d make the numbers 80 to 20 against Kerry - Philip Topps, Cpt. Inf.(ret), 1st Inf. Div. 69-70
100 against Kerry - 0 for him - Storrs Warinner- 67-68
17th Annual Reunion - out of 55 vets all against Kerry - Bob Griffin - 101st Abn. Div. Vietnam 1968-69
99 for Bush - 1 for Kerry - Don Martin., USA, Combat Aviation
Vets - union factory workers- 170 for Bush - 73 for kerry -Tony Newcomb, Veterans Leadership program
All the vets I know, 50 or so, have no use for Kerry -John Morrill- Vietnam veteran
200 on the net for Bush, 1 for Kerry - [Deleted by Admin]
members, 151 for Bush, 6 for Kerry - Kenneth Roberts
All the vets I know, probably 50, have no use for Kerry - JohnMorrill - Vietnam veteran
Bush-3795 (90%)- Kerry 404 (10%)-Viper's Vietnam Veterans Page, Presidential Poll

Every vet we know is opposed to Kerry - Chuck and Mary Schantag, P.O.W. Network
Rangers are 100% against Kerry -noatlmus44 - President
Every veteran I’ve talked to is against Kerry - General Carl Schnieder (ret.), Air Force -Korea and Vietnam.
I am anti-Kerry, as are most of my friends who are Vietnam veterans - Stud 369
I share the distrust I hear from my veteran colleagues - Peter McHugh, CW4 USA -67-68,71-72
I would say 90% of the military here (power plant) are against Kerry - P.Rein

Our claim of a cover-up was strongly supported when Swift Boat Veterans for Truth announced that 220 out of 229 Swift Boat Vietnam veterans had signed an open letter to Kerry challenging his fitness to serve as Commander-in-Chief. NBC, ABC, and the Associated Press all covered this up, not realizing that this was just the tip of the iceberg. Dan Rather mentioned it briefly, showing that it was a national story, but dismissed it as "allied with the Bush campaign."
A new poll by Rasmusssen Reports shows that Bush holds a 23% lead among all veterans, but that those with no military service favor Kerry by 10%. This is alarming because it means that those with experience about war would prefer Bush as Commander-in-Chief, while those with no experience, unfortunately a much larger number, believe Kerry would be best. Because the media is covering up this issue, this larger group could make Kerry, the less able of the two men , Commander-in-Chief, placing the country in much greater danger than it would be under Bush. This underlines the importance of the media reporting on our findings, which are just as valid as the better known polls, or, looking into this matter for themselves and reporting on it.

What is the reason vets reject Kerry ?

As to why Vietnam vets are against Kerry, we don't have to guess, we have it straight from Vietnam Veterans for the Truth, who sponsored a protest in Washington D.C. on Sept. 12 with the slogan "Kerry Lied...While Good men Died."
"Contrary to most media reports, Vietnam veterans are overwhelmingly opposed to Kerry. He lied to the American people and the U.S. Senate when he told our mothers and fathers, our wives and our children that we had raped, tortured, murdered, and ravaged the countryside in Vietnam. Kerry is not the centrist, moderate, strong-on-defense candidate he represents himself to be and voters need to know these facts. The fine young men and women who fought in Vietnam came home to insults instead of parades, because the nation listened to Kerrys lies, when they should have welcomed them home with gratitude."
Vets seem to sense that Kerry has no understanding of a new type of enemy, nor any idea of how to handle such an enemy. His lifelong history of preference for negotiation, dialogue, compromise, even appeasement, the typical tools of a liberal 20th century diplomat dealing with reasonably civilized nations would prove utterly useless in light of 9/11 and an enemy that has repeatedly said: (Osama bin Laden)

"We will offer no chance for America to come to an agreement with the righteous warriors, no possibility for compromise, no hope for a treaty, no attempt for solutions. The war will be waged until the United States remains a memory."

The psychology by which the media cannot allow the public to find out that the majority of Vietnam veterans oppose one of their own is elementalry. Most Vietnam veterans agree they fought in a just war to stop Communist aggression from North Vietnam. But the media, the university ,and John Kerry tried to tell the nation that Communism was nothing to fear, and that what we were doing was an "immoral" war against "freedom fighters" (Viet Cong) trying to reunify their country. These elements are apparently willing to risk the nation rather than finally admit that they were wrong. Once again, as happened in the case of the Tet Offensive, the media is robbing the American people of the ability to make critical judgements about their most vital security interests in a time of war.

The defeat of Kerry in the polls will be, not only a vote of no confidence in him as Commander-in-Chief, but because he chose to revive the whole issue of the Vietnam War, a final repudiation by the American people of the leftist version of the Vietnam War which Kerry espoused and which became institutionalized in our universities, in our history books and courses, in the media - the lies of the campus protestors, like Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Jane Fonda, Dave Dellinger, added to by John Kerry that were the reason for the disgraceful attack on the veterans of that war when they returned home. Attacks whose real purpose was to cover up the fact that in the end, the war protestors were on the side of tyranny and genocide, having betrayed a fight for freedom.
Here is the chance for veterans to get rid of a big one and straighten out the record. One who lied about their service to their country. Not to mention the fact that Kerry has no record on national defense, doesn't seem to understand the enemy, and has no plan for dealing with the terrorists. Like the Swift Boat Vets say, "Unfit for Command."


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