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Soros on Swift Vets: he's on a mission
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Joined: 21 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 5:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think he is behind (in some degree) the 50 dollars a barrel for oil. I bet it goes down after the election, in fact a newsmax artilce estimated down to 30 a barrel again.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 6:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

But how could oil be so expensive if Bush has a secret deal with the Saudis -- this a "war for oil", remember? Guess that blows that theory. Maybe if we were allowed to build more refineries, we could process some of the oil we already have, and if we started drilling our own oil, that would help raise the total production, reduce the flow time, and reduce our dependency on foreign oil. Kruschev said "Berlin is the testacles of the West" during the Cold War. Today, it is the oil pipeline.
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Stop Hanoi John

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 8:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Aaaah, but there is so much more to Geroge Soros than meets the eye. This is from Wikipedia (granted, it is just the 'critics' section).

Critics point out that Soros plays the currency markets through Quantum Fund, his privately-owned investment fund registered in Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles, a Caribbean tax haven which has repeatedly been cited by the International Task Force on Money Laundering of the OECD as one of the world's most important centers for laundering the illegal proceeds of the Latin American drug trade. By operating from Curaçao, Soros not only avoids paying taxes but also hides the nature of his investors and what he does with their money.

Soros has critics from all over the political spectrum: American conservatives dislike his dump-Bush campaign, and hawkish friends of Israel dislike his rhetoric with inflammatory comparisons to Nazi Germany and Yasser Arafat.

Former National Review contributor and ex-House Republican staffer Phil Brennan called Soros a "socialist billionaire".[1] (http://newsmax.com/archives/articles/2003/12/2/203605.shtml) Lowell Ponte of David Horowitz's Frontpage called Soros a "Billionaire for the Left".[2] (http://www.frontpagemag.com/articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=10781) Scott Shore of IntellectualConservative.com called him a "Soft Money Marxist."[3] (http://www.intellectualconservative.com/article2915.html) He has also been called a self-hating Jewish anti-Semite.

At a Jewish forum in New York City, Soros reportedly attributed a recent resurgence of anti-Semitism to the policies of Israel and the United States, and to successful Jews such as himself:

"There is a resurgence of anti-Semitism in Europe. The policies of the Bush administration and the Sharon administration contribute to that," Soros said. "It's not specifically anti-Semitism, but it does manifest itself in anti-Semitism as well. I'm critical of those policies."
"If we change that direction, then anti-Semitism also will diminish," he said. "I can't see how one could confront it directly." ...
"I'm also very concerned about my own role because the new anti-Semitism holds that the Jews rule the world," said Soros ... "As an unintended consequence of my actions," he said, "I also contribute to that image."[4] (http://www.jta.org/page_view_story.asp?intarticleid=13428&intcategoryid=4)
It should be noted that this could be a result of Soros's Popperian tendency toward self-criticism.

There are also some more inflammatory accusations about Soros' years as a young teen.


The official version is that Soros was born in 1930 to Jewish parents in Hungary and as a teenager was chased from Budapest by the invading Nazis. But, like so many things about Mr Soros, superficial impressions mislead. As far as it is possible to get at the truth, in Budapest in 1944 George Soros led a double life. His father, Tivador, a lawyer and editor of a journal in Esperanto (an almost forgotten effort to create a world language) forged official papers to disguise the family’s Jewish heritage: and save his family from the death camps. He had already sold off his property, so there was nothing for the Nazis to confiscate.

The papers saved the family. During the Nazi occupation, with German and Hungarian fascists rounding up some 300 000 Jews, young Soros posed as the Christian godson of an Hungarian official responsible for expropriating Jewish property. The 14-year old George sometimes accompanied his supposed godfather, helping to identify and expropriate the property of wealthy fellow Jews. So far from being a "Holocaust Survivor," George Soros was instead a Nazi collaborator.

Now, I don't want to judge him on his actions of survival during a horrific time, but I wouldn't call him a Holocaust survivor. That is a slap in the face to those who sufferred unimaginable terrors. I'm sure he sufferred in his own way watching the Nazi's confiscate the property of the Jews and struggling with his own internal conflicts, but I'm not shedding a tear over his 'struggle' for survival.

BUT, when you add in Kerry's questionable actions after Vietnam, Theresa's contributions to the Tides Foundation (which also has links to Soros - both are philanthripists), The Ramsey Clark connections, and the communist/revolution clenched fist salute still used by Kerry I become a little suspicious. This group has worked hand in hand with the Nazi's, turned their back on America after Vietnam, funded radical groups from Islamic militants to communist organizations, laundered money from drug trade, single handedly crippled economies of nations and continents (UK, Asia) for personal financial gain, and hide their activities in the process (Kerry won't release his full and complete service record, Soros' does his business from a tax haven).

This is the richest, most corrupt, most anti-American group to ever seek the Presidency.
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Stop Hanoi John

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 8:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sort of off topic, but not entirely. It all fits together so well the more you dig.

I was perusing some records of Theresa's charitable contributions to the Tides foundation, and I couldn't help but notice the blast from the past (and present).

If John Kerry becomes president, the first lady will have a track record of support for the causes of radical, anti-American groups – including Islamists, terrorist-defense law firms, abortionists and homosexual activists – that, by comparison, would make much of the country nostalgic for the days of Hillary Clinton, a study of her philanthropy patterns by Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin concludes.

One of heiress Teresa Heinz Kerry's favorite charities is the Tides Foundation, a 28-year-old grant-making institution that funds to the tune of hundreds of millions radical groups that, among other things, protest the U.S. invasion of Iraq, demand open U.S. borders, provide the legal defense of suspected terrorists and promote the spread of Islamist ideology in the U.S.


While John Kerry criticizes the way President Bush has conducted the war in Iraq, he actually cast a Senate vote to support it. Yet, Tides' Iraq Peace Fund and Peace Studies Fund supports the War Resisters League and Ramsey Clark's International Action Center. Clark actually offered to defend Saddam Hussein. His center also sponsored International ANSWER and United for Peace and Justice, both of which were run by long-time communist revolutionaries.

The Democratic Justice Fund, created through the efforts of Tides and George Soros, seeks to ease U.S. restrictions on Muslim immigration from countries designated by the State Department as “terrorist nations,” as reported By Ben Johnson in FrontPageMag.com. Tides also supports the Council for American Islamic Relations, a group that bills itself as a “Muslim civil rights group,” but one whose leaders have links to the terrorist group Hamas.

FrontPageMag.com also pointed out: CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad openly stated in 1994, “I am a supporter of the Hamas movement.” Community Affairs Director Bassem K. Khafagi has been arrested for visa and bank fraud. Randall Royer, a communications specialist and civil rights coordinator at CAIR, was arrested along with a group of Islamic radicals in Virginia for allegedly planning jihadist activities. CAIR has defended terrorist fronts posing as “charities” – some of which have beem shut down by the Bush administration.

Tides supports the National Lawyers Guild, which began as a Communist Party front. Last October, reminded FrontPageMag.com, Lynne Stewart, an indicted terrorist NLG lawyer, gave a rousing closing speech at the organization's convention. Stewart was arrested for helping her client, convicted 1993 World Trade Center bombing mastermind Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, communicate with terrorist cells in Egypt.


The Earth Island Institute is a recipient of Heinz cash. Three days after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on America by Islamists, the group published a statement on its website rationalizing the terrorist actions. Under the headline, "U.S. Responds to Terrorist Attacks with Self-Righteous Arrogance," the statement explained that the destruction of the World Trade Center, the crash at the Pentagon, the four airline hijackings and the 3,000 Americans killed "was not an 'attack on all American people,'" but "an act of anger, desperation and indignation."

Ramsey Clark? The man best described as 'the war criminals best friend? Defender of Slobodan Milosevic, Elizaphan Ntakirutimana, PLO leaders after killing a handicapped tourist and tossing him overboard the Achille Lauro? The founder of the International Action Center (whose membership is mostly socialists belonging to Workers World party)? Well, he is pictured with one admitted war criminal in this picture. (added text is not my work)

Geroge Soros? The hungarian billionaire who turned his back on his Jewish faith when it suited him, to work for the Nazi's and oversee the looting of money and treasures from the Jewish people? The man who single handedly tries to cripple entire nations finacial structures to make a little profit for himself? The man who makes billions from his tax-free Quantum Fund haven in Curacao where he can launder the illegal proceeds of the Latin American drug trade? I wonder how Soros envisions his part in a Kerry presidency? Hmmm.....

The Kerry picture becomes a little clearer. I shudder to think what his cabinet might look like. Fears of fake Vietnam Vet Al Hubbard as Secretary of Defense are keeping me up at night.

*both of my above posts I originally posted on another website, I have resurrected them here for additional input.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Soros is trying to buy the election. He just doesn't get it! The Swifties and the American public are NOT FOR SALE! The truth will win over the day.
God Bless America,
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:32 pm    Post subject: "sorryos" aka, "the other thing" Reply with quote

vell, min, sorryos, fhat do :vou" think, get you self down to TEXAS

ve' vell' velcome, vou' , come on, meet us at BILLY BOBS IN THE


the strange mr aj
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 4:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Everything you need to know about George Soros, from Citizen Magazine


Furious George

He's been called everything from "the world's angriest billionaire" to "New Age messiah." He's also-among other things-the mastermind behind efforts to bring down President Bush and overthrow traditional morality. And he's willing to spend whatever it takes to do it.

by Stephen Adams

Who is George Soros?

The 74-year-old billionaire is perhaps best known for contributing millions of dollars to forces on the far left such as MoveOn.org, the group that gained notoriety for posting a Web ad comparing President Bush to Adolf Hitler.

But that's not all: For the past few years, Soros also has been quietly sinking millions upon millions of dollars into campaigns for homosexual rights, abortion rights and "medical" marijuana. One foundation expert, for example, said in the past five years alone Soros' foundation has provided $31 million to pro-abortion programs and organizations. Joseph Califano, former secretary of health, education and welfare in the Carter administration, has called Soros the "Daddy Warbucks of drug legalization."A Hungarian immigrant and self-proclaimed atheist, Soros once described himself as a kind of trinity—financier, philanthropist and philosopher.

As a financier, Soros—one of the world's wealthiest men, whose fortune has been estimated at $7 billion—made his first billion in 1992 betting against the British pound and thereby hastening its disastrous devaluation. Since then he has greatly leveraged his fortune as a shrewd investor, a prescient trend spotter and savvy manager of the Quantum Fund. He has been accused of destabilizing world currencies and wrecking the economies of nations, notably in Malaysia and Thailand. A French court convicted him of insider trading and fined him $2.3 million in 2002.

As a philanthropist, Soros is virtually in a league of his own. A spokesman said the Soros network of foundations—the Open Society Institute (OSI), operating in some 50 countries—routinely gives away $450 million a year, totaling some $5 billion in the past two decades. While no official ranking is apparently available, this easily puts OSI in the upper tier of charitable-organization giving. Among the beneficiaries have been the American Civil Liberties Union and the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

As a philosopher, Soros likes to posture as one of the world's great thinkers, writing books with grandiose titles (The Bubble of American Supremacy, Soros on Soros) and creating and naming new schools of thought ("reflexivity," "Soros doctrine"). His central premise is tolerance and recognizing human fallibility, but with a relativist style: He insists that no nation or people possesses "ultimate truth." Therefore, a true "open society" and its leaders should not act unilaterally—as the United States allegedly has done in Iraq—but should subordinate national interests to multinational concerns and entities, like the United Nations and the court of world opinion.

Out of this flows an intense disdain for President Bush, whom Soros regards as an arrogant "supremacist" and "extremist," and for evangelical Christians—whom he despises as "religious fanatics."

Generous George

Ironically, Soros and his family—who are Jewish—escaped the Holocaust during World War II by posing as Christians with falsified identity papers. After the war they escaped their new Communist masters in Hungary by fleeing to England in 1947, where George attended the London School of Economics. He and his father, a lawyer, shared an intense interest in Esperanto, a contrived "universal" language. No doubt Soros and his father, repulsed by the virulent belief systems of Nazism and Communism, were attracted by the vision of a world free of nationalities that Esperanto represented.

Later, Soros became a disciple of the Austrian philosopher Karl Popper, a contrarian who specialized in debunking other philosophers and who first coined the term "open society." In one of his works, Popper wrote these ominous words:

The moral decisions of others should be treated with respect, as long as such decisions do not conflict with the principle of tolerance. We have the right not to tolerate the intolerant. We should tolerate even them whenever we can do so without running a great risk; but the risk may become so great that we cannot allow ourselves the luxury. (The Open Society and its Enemies, 1945)

Soros eventually moved to the United States, where he became a naturalized citizen. He also became a lifelong friend of the late hippie poet Allen Ginsberg, who—according to Soros' authorized biography (Soros, Michael T. Kaufman, 2002)—persuaded him that America's war on drugs was a misguided revival of Prohibition.

(Senior aide Michael Vachon said Soros was traveling in Europe and could not be reached for comment for this article.)

Soros' first venture into philanthropy, Vachon said, was providing scholarships for black students to Capetown University during the apartheid era in South Africa. After the fall of Communism, Soros provided funding to help ease the transition to democracy in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet republics. Vachon said Soros also provided scholarships for students to the Central European University—which he founded in Budapest to introduce Western teaching—and funding in Russia to translate books once banned by Communist dictators.

Vachon contends that Soros is a generous man who has tried to use his vast wealth to benefit humanity but whose image has been distorted by the "conservative media establishment." His giving to controversial causes is motivated, Vachon said, by "compassion." Marijuana should be available to the suffering. Women should have the right to terminate a "problem pregnancy." Homosexuals should not face discrimination.

As for the charge of Soros' being "anti-family," Vachon says that's "nonsense." He cites the foundation's $125 million grant-its largest award in the United States—-to fund after—school activities for poor kids in the five boroughs of New York City and elsewhere.

"These are public school kids whose parents are at work and who would otherwise be out on the streets or watching TV alone at home," Vachon said. "Instead of being in harm's way and getting into trouble, they are in programs that help them with academics and introduce music, art and sports into their [lives]. I think that's about as pro-family as you can get."

Still, others accuse Soros of hypocrisy, deception and ulterior motives. It was Soros, after all, who bankrolled special-interest groups promoting campaign-finance reform (the McCain-Feingold Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act) and who then turned right around and exploited its biggest loophole—the ability of independent political action committees to receive unlimited funding from big spenders (like Soros) to advance the cause of one candidate (like John Kerry) over another (like George W. Bush).

Naturally, this has not sat well with GOP leaders. The Bush-Cheney campaign has accused Soros of engineering a "shadow campaign" of "pro-Democrat liberal propaganda."

Dangerous George

A look at just one of Soros' philanthropic endeavors—medical marijuana—is revealing.

At last count, nine states had passed laws decriminalizing marijuana possession or providing for drug treatment instead of incarceration, or allowing the use of medical marijuana (for patients with glaucoma, AIDS, chemotherapy-induced nausea, migraine headaches and a host of other conditions). And four more states—Alaska, Arkansas, Montana and Nevada—have similar initiatives on the ballot this November.

The startling fact is that virtually all of these ballot initiatives owe their success primarily to one individual—George Soros.

It started in California with the passage of Prop. 215 (The Compassionate Use Act of 1996), a medical-marijuana initiative. Prop. 215 proponents buried the opposition, outspending them in the campaign $2.5 million to $33,600—a ratio of 75 to 1—according to reports collected by National Families in Action (NFA), an Atlanta-based organization dedicated to helping families and communities prevent drug use among children. Of that $2.5 million, 92 percent ($2.3 million) came from an organization called Californians for Medical Rights. Key contributors were George Soros ($550,000), Peter B. Lewis ($500,000) and John Sperling ($200,000). Lewis is chairman and chief executive officer of Progressive Auto Insurance, the nation's fourth-largest car insurer. Sperling is chairman and CEO of the Apollo Group and Phoenix University. Lewis was in the news several years ago when he was arrested for allegedly smuggling a small quantity of marijuana into New Zealand. No formal disposition of the case was ever recorded.

The same basic strategy was replayed in other states. Californians for Medical Rights morphed into Americans for Medical Rights with the same three principals—Soros, Lewis and Sperling. All told, Soros alone has probably spent in the neighborhood of $15 million promoting marijuana initiatives, if one also counts his generous contributions the Drug Policy Foundation, according to NFA Chairman Sue Rusche.

Soros has complained for years about America's war on drugs, which he said in a 1997 Washington Post op-ed is doing "more harm to our society than drug abuse itself."

But drug-legalization opponents say Soros and his allies have been misleading, if not downright deceptive, in claiming there's a real medical need for illegal drugs. They note that there's already a drug in pill form, called Marinol, that's been synthesized from cannabis (the marijuana plant), tested on animals and humans and approved by the Food and Drug Administration for medical purposes such as nausea reduction. The only problem—it's not smoked and doesn't produce the marijuana "high."

"Joe Public is not qualified to make those decisions about whether marijuana is, first, safe and, second, effective," Rusche said. "But what the initiatives do is ask voters to make decisions that scientists and physicians normally make. And I don't think that's a good idea."

Soros and others generally deny their goal is drug legalization, but those denials don't convince everyone. It's just a strategy called "incrementalism"—and "medical marijuana is the first step toward making it legitimate," said Rusche.

Gen. Barry R. Caffrey, federal drug czar under President Clinton, once complained to a congressional committee that certain "well-heeled" individuals were perpetrating a drug-reform fraud on the American people through "a slick misinformation campaign." He called it "a fraud so devious that even some of the nation's most respectable newspapers and sophisticated media are capable of echoing their falsehoods."

Indeed, Soros wrote in one of his books that he favored the outright legalization of most drugs, except for the most dangerous ones, like crack cocaine. He was quoted in Rolling Stone magazine in 1994—revealing his tactics for promoting drug-reform efforts—as insisting on certain criteria for his financial backing of drug-reform efforts: "Come up with an approach that emphasizes 'treatment and humanitarian endeavors' … hire someone with the political savvy to sit down and negotiate with the government officials, and target a few winnable issues, like medical marijuana and the repeal of mandatory [sentencing] minimums."

"That's what they've been up to all these years," Rusche said of the drug reformers. "They were very open about wanting to legalize not just marijuana but other drugs as well. And now they've learned to play sophisticated word games."

Curious George

So, who is George Soros?
The year 2004 brought Soros a whole new set of priorities. The "central focus" of his life, he insisted, is the defeat of George W. Bush and everything he stands for. The loathing runs deep. As he wrote in his epilogue to The Bubble of American Supremacy: Correcting the Misuse of American Power:

It is not enough to defeat President Bush at the polls; we must repudiate the Bush doctrine and adopt a more enlightened vision of America's role in the world. If the presidency of George W. Bush was an aberration, we must learn something from it. An open society makes progress by trial and error.

And he has put his money where his mouth is, giving what has been called the largest single political contribution in American history—$10 million to an anti-Bush political-action group, America Coming Together (ACT). (See "Getting out the liberal vote," page 23.) ACT has generated bad press in several so-called presidential battleground states by filling the ranks of get-out-the-vote workers with convicted felons, including individuals convicted of assault and sex offenses.

Some political observers worry that Soros, who has made major ripples on the international financial scene before, could be up to more than just conventional political hardball and might cause Bush an unpleasant "October surprise" by pulling strings and causing "marketplace disruptions" on the economic front.

"I'm troubled that one man's deep pockets could end up having such a profound effect on whose political and moral values end up prevailing in November," said Gary Bauer, president of the pro-family American Values organization and himself a presidential candidate in 2000. He calls Soros' hatred of Bush "almost psychotic," as evidenced by his vitriolic statements and extravagant giving.

Another erstwhile presidential candidate, Howard Phillips, president of the Constitution Party, is somewhat dismissive of Soros' political import. He said if anything, Soros may inadvertently swing more votes to Ralph Nader by reminding "people on the left why they're unhappy with Bush."

But that doesn't mean Soros isn't dangerous. "George Soros is on the wrong side of just about every issue," Phillips said. "His main claim to fame is that he has a lot of money to spend."

It raises an intriguing question: Can a man—even a billionaire—ultimately draw sufficient personal self-worth just from the defeat and repudiation of someone else? Some have compared George Soros to a Rockefeller or Carnegie, but by merely manipulating currencies and speculating with other people's money, has he really produced anything of lasting value?

While some see Soros as a postmodern, New Age figure, Dr. R. Albert Mohler—president of Southern Seminary in Louisville, Ky., and an astute culture watcher—said Soros is really a throwback to the age of Enlightenment.

"By Enlightenment, I'm really referring to the idea that human reason is the greatest source of wisdom—a rejection of the biblical worldview, which is established in divine revelation," Mohler said. "You also have with this 'open society' the idea that all issues can be negotiated, and this is the utopian vision of humanity. As I listen to Soros speak, it makes you wonder if he really understands that there are [terrorists] who want to kill us. Insofar as humanism has a modern exponent, willing to fund humanist causes, it really is George Soros."

Mohler noted a fundamental contradiction in the Soros persona: "His belief in the role of the state is incompatible with the very means of wealth-making that led to his own fortune. But then again, his worldview is probably able to accommodate that contradiction with no problem."

That's George Soros.

The Lowdown on MoveOn

From "Flying Toasters" to wild political missiles, MoveOn.org has become a force to be reckoned with.

MoveOn is the shortened name of the 1998 online petition drive opposing the impeachment of Bill Clinton—called "Censure President Clinton and Move On to Pressing Issues Facing the Nation." The drive was so successful that its creators—two Silicon Valley entrepreneurs who struck it rich with the Flying Toasters screensaver—decided to create a permanent organization using the Internet to "raise millions of dollars and move tens of thousands of people to action within hours" on behalf of ultraliberal political causes.

That was the genesis of the Web site MoveOn.org and three separate nonprofit organizations bearing the MoveOn name—a 501c4 lobbying group, a political action committee for liberal candidates and a MoveOn Voter Fund, a so-called "527" organization. The latter is named after the section of the U.S. tax code that exempts these political entities from the McCain-Feingold campaign-finance restrictions, so long as they adhere to guidelines such as not "coordinating" their activities with a political party or candidate. Some Republicans regard this as an unfortunate loophole and an evasion of the spirit of the law—at the very least.

In February 2003, MoveOn was credited with rallying hundreds of thousands of people to jam congressional switchboards to oppose the war in Iraq. It has been so effective in mobilizing the left that the Capital Research Center's (CRC) Foundation Watch publication called it "the quick reaction force of the liberal movement."

It's also been responsible for dragging hardball politics to a new low, generating campaign ads comparing George W. Bush to Adolf Hitler. Soros has attempted to disassociate himself from such activities, but his denials ring hollow in light of the direct involvement of Jonathan Soros, his son, in soliciting the ads in the first place.

George Soros reportedly contributed some $18 million, according to the CRC, to groups such as Common Cause to change campaign-finance rules—and then gave $2.5 million, according to Soros senior aide, Michael Vachon, to MoveOn, matched by a like amount from his cohort in the medical-marijuana campaigns, insurance magnate Peter B. Lewis. The two also promised to match additional outside donations to MoveOn up to $5 million, according to the CRC.

The goal: "Regime change" in the United States. The reason: "America, under Bush," Soros says, "is a danger to the world."

-Stephen Adams

This article appeared in the September 2004 issue of Citizen magazine. Copyright © 2004 Focus on the Family. All rights reserved. International copyright secured.

Any wonder why he wants "in" on the Presidency? Kerry will be beholden to him, and he will likely do to us what he did to Great Britain and other countries, trashing them while pocketing a fortune.
Everytime he had a choice, Kerry chose to side with communists rather than the United States.
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Seaman Apprentice

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 6:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

lrb111 wrote:
Soros is becoming a world wide pariah. Trying to overthrow the Latvian cabinet too.

Actually, he's been a world wide pariah for many years. He made his money destroying other countries' economies and seems intent on doing the same to ours.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 10:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Soros bankrolled the special interest groups promoting the McCain Feingold Act... then turned around and exploited its biggest loophole, the 727's. He made the loophole available, then he poured millions into 727's. I'm not sure our representatives are as smart as we would want them to be. On the other hand, Soros isn't as smart as he thinks he is. The SwiftVets 727 is poetic justice for him. Spend, Soros, spend.

If something goes wrong in the economy before the election, remember, Soros did it.
It's downright brilliant the way he's reserving his devastating intellect to spring it on us at exactly the right moment.
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