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PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 9:21 pm    Post subject: WATCH YOUR SCHOOL BUSES! Reply with quote

I made a report over three weeks ago both to the FBI and to Homeland Security about something that I witnessed that has me scared to death. I have not been contacted by either agency since.

I live in Denton, Texas which is about 27 miles north of Dallas. Several months ago as I was returning from a day trip to Oklahoma I passed a convoy of old used yellow school buses driving south on Interstate Highway 35E. I found it curious because it was a Sunday afternoon and I didn't expect there to be any school events on a Sunday afternoon. As I passed the buses I noticed that they were all empty except for the drivers who appeared to be foreign looking darker skinned, dark haired individuals. I made an assumption that they were Mexican and that the buses had been purchased at some type of auction to be driven to Mexico and used there. I noticed, however, that all of the buses took an exit off of I-35 near Sanger, Texas. I didn't give it much more thought until after the attack on school children in Beslan. Then it started weighing on my mind. I considered just how easy it would be for terrorists to purchase a fleet of used school buses and take them to a concealed location to be used later. How easy would it be for terrorists to refurbish the buses with names of a target school district? How easy would it be to load a huge school yellow school bus with explosives and how easy would it be for rogue suicide bombers to drive up to the front of multiple elementary schools just before school lets out? Remember, all of the yellow school buses pull right up to the front of the school just before 3:00 PM. They all get into a queue and wait for the bell to ring. When school lets out hundreds of small children and teachers walk right out the front door. Students then search for the numbered bus that they usually ride. How simple would it be for terrorists to arrrange for 20 to 30 school buses to be parked all over a city, a state or the nation at the exact time and the buses be exploded simultaneously to create a disaster unlike anything we can even anticipate or deal with? The death toll would be unbearable and the crime unspeakable. To the terrorists this would be a "spectacular" event.

Just how easy would it be for terrorists to purchase fleets of used school buses? To check it out I googled the following string "used + school + buses" and found a site that offers acres of old school buses at prices starting as low as $950.00. Used school buses are available all over the country and they are advertised on the internet. Acres and Acres of cheap used buses. How many used buses could be purchased without any consideration for the consequences. A school bus is large enough to carry tons of explosives just like the Ryder Truck in Oklahoma City. And, fertilizer could be stored at a number of rural locations around the country.

While we are busy guarding airplanes, trains, gasoline trucks, and more likely vehicles I have not heard of anyone giving considering the use of the trusty old yellow school bus as a vehicle of terror.

Ask yourself if you have ever been suspicious of a school bus? We are trained to yield to school buses. They are perfectly anonymous to the average driver. They belong in our communities. No one would conceivably dream that a school bus would be a terror weapon. Would you.

If you think I an being hysterical just say so. This is my personal nightmare. I have grandchildren in school

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 10:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No, not hysterical. I wouldn't be surprised to not be re-contacted about a possible investigation.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 12:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't think you're being hysterical.

I might have thought so before 9-11, but this is the kind of thing we should all pay attention to. Especially in light of the floor plans of schools in five states found on a computer in Iraq. Situational awareness.

And, no, you probably wouldn't receive a followup call. It probably WAS a bunch of people who bought used buses to take to Mexico or a poor school district in South Texas.

Now, if you tell me that the implants in your arm that were put there by the CIA put that thought into your head.... Wink
~ Echo Juliet ~
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 12:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

After the massacre in Beslam I think your scenario is not only possible but likely.

We really have to be on our toes until terrorisim is under control.

Meantime we pray and pray and pray and keep our eyes open and not be afraid to call 911 and say something just looks wrong.

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Joined: 02 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 1:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Navy Cubed, I live in Deep South Texas and although you are right and we have many poor school districts, our school buses are never hand-me-downs. Occassionaly old ambulances, firetrucks & policecars from our local towns are donated to Mexican towns. I cannot recall a fleet of school buses crossing over. I imagine a big donation like that should of made local news.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 4:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Do we have any ideas about how to protect the schools in our community if buses are being used?
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 4:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm sure that it's covered, because I know of some of the first responder briefs - but I won't talk about precautions here or in any other public place or with any person that I don't know.

Despite Kerry's assertions that there are so many bases that Bush hasn't covered, the fact is that under his administration money has poured into local readiness at an almost alarming rate.

If Kerry showed up at a few intelligence committee meetings, he'd know a little better how the local communities are fairing with regard to preparedness and prevention.
~ Echo Juliet ~
Altering course to starboard - On Fire, Keep Clear
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 4:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Navy_Navy_Navy wrote:
I'm sure that it's covered, because I know of some of the first responder briefs - but I won't talk about precautions here or in any other public place or with any person that I don't know.

Despite Kerry's assertions that there are so many bases that Bush hasn't covered, the fact is that under his administration money has poured into local readiness at an almost alarming rate.

If Kerry showed up at a few intelligence committee meetings, he'd know a little better how the local communities are fairing with regard to preparedness and prevention.

Thanks, that reasures me. But my God, what would those people stoop too? I pray that day never comes.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 5:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Law enforcement and investigative agencies often do not respond to people reporting things. I suspect that you can be sure that they checked it out and found out what the deal was.

Responding takes time, and if you were a bad guy and the FBI responded to you, it may be that the FBI agent was the one being interviewed rather than the caller. You provided the information you had. If they thought you may have more info that they needed, they would have contacted you.

It is our job to report what we see and hear that is strange. Do that, you have done your duty.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 5:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think old buses could be used to a) transport migrant workers to all the farms b) convert into mobile housing for migrant workers.

Don't worry..I called the cops when I had a very weird message left on my answering machine.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 6:07 pm    Post subject: school buses Reply with quote

In January 03 or March 03 I was traveling I-40 from Little Rock Arkansas to Memphis. The reason I'm sure of these dates, my mother was receiving cancer treatment in Little Rock. On I-40 toward memphis I noticed a caravan of around 20 school buses. I thought they must have been transporting students for a huge event. When I began to pass them I noticed there were no names on the sides and that all were empty. I dismissed it and went on my way. Since seeing this post it has come to mind how easy it would be for a bus with explosives to approach our schools. What is even more terrifying is that a bus could take an early route and pick our children up and take them as hostages. I have sent my concerns to Homeland Security, FBI, President Bush, Vice President Cheney and to my Congressman. Noting my oberservation and my concerns.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 6:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My wife and I are always keeping our eyes, and out here in Arizona, ears open to what’s going on around us. With in 5 miles of where we live there are 5 high schools 6 elementary schools and one community college. Not to mention numerous shopping malls and strip malls.

We have a very large Hispanic population here in Arizona. We also have a huge problem with illegal immigrants. Combine those two facts with the fact that I can personally testify that it is almost totally impossible to tell someone from Hispanic lineage from one that is from Arabic lineage until you hear him or her speak, and we have a really big problem!

All that any of us can do is stay alert and don’t be afraid to report anything suspicious.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 7:17 pm    Post subject: Sent on to my local Reps Reply with quote

Whether this in fact turns out to be an innocent purchase, say for a church, organization or something such.

The fact remains everything pointed out here is true and deserves serious attention. Just one wrong bus.. perhaps a volunteer or someone at the school could be placed in the drive to be assured that the bus and driver match, prior to allowing the bus to pull up along the school.

With 2 little ones in elementary school that gave me chills. As AzPat pointed out so many schools in such a small area would be so easy to co-ordinate just off the top of my head, there must be 2 dozen within a 5 mile radious where I live.

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