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Stolen Honor - on television, soon!
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kimberly PO2
Joined: 03 Sep 2004 Posts: 377
Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 10:34 am Post subject: Kerry's Response |
This is a big IF, but what if Kerry were to decide to appear after the showing of this film?
Yesterday, Hyman seemed to back up a bit and said that he did not know how much of the film would actually be shown, could be just 'clips', depending on whether or not Kerry decided to participate.
If that's the case, Kerry (or a 'legitimate' stand in) could end up with more actual 'airtime' the the clips being shown. Could that be a problem? We know what the Kerry camp is capable of, they will attempt to discredit anyone who opposes them, especially if they can swing at the SBVT at the same time.
Kimberly |
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IamHG Ensign
Joined: 21 Aug 2004 Posts: 69
Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 12:56 pm Post subject: |
It might have been mentioned in an earlier post, but the Kerry mouthpiece named "Clanton" had basicly threatened Sinclair by saying that if they air it "they better hope Kerry doesn't win"
On a related note, my daughter was watching MTV and they are airing the "Vote for Change" concert (headliner Bruce Springsteen)
Another example of the Media shamelessly giving Kerry free "attack Bush" media time. _________________ <insert pithy signature here> |
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Kathy Kay Ensign
Joined: 31 Aug 2004 Posts: 58 Location: Lake Charles, Louisiana
Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 1:37 pm Post subject: Re: Kerry's Response |
kimberly wrote: | This is a big IF, but what if Kerry were to decide to appear after the showing of this film?
Yesterday, Hyman seemed to back up a bit and said that he did not know how much of the film would actually be shown, could be just 'clips', depending on whether or not Kerry decided to participate.
If that's the case, Kerry (or a 'legitimate' stand in) could end up with more actual 'airtime' the the clips being shown. Could that be a problem? We know what the Kerry camp is capable of, they will attempt to discredit anyone who opposes them, especially if they can swing at the SBVT at the same time.
Kimberly |
I think the Sinclair representative that has been on the talk shows the past few days has done an excellent job of diffusing the Kerry camp's ability to complain about this by (1) pointing out that this is indeed news insofar as it expresses the views of POWs who have a right to be heard, (2) main stream medial dropped the ball when given the opportunity to deal with the issue and that they have an obligation to air the issue, and (3) John Kerry is invited to participate in the issue to the extent he wants to to give his side of the story.
Now you guys knows as well as I do that Kerry'll never do that and if he does he'll be digging his grave. I think it's a stroke of genius. |
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Paul R. PO3
Joined: 03 Sep 2004 Posts: 273 Location: Illinois
Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 1:52 pm Post subject: |
Sinclair should give Kerry the same percentage of the hour to rebut that Leno and Letterman give Bush supporters compared to Kerry supporters, in, say, the last couple months.  _________________ Paul R. |
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jerake Seaman Apprentice
Joined: 16 Sep 2004 Posts: 91 Location: IL
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Joined: 21 Aug 2004 Posts: 369 Location: Central Kentucky
Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 7:25 pm Post subject: |
Dear Keyboard Comrades,
This is such an important film. It speeks to the very
essence of the Swift/POW message, that John Kerry
has betrayed his countrymen in the past, and he will
undoubtedly do it again.
If you have yet to copy the addresses from page
seven and begun emailing your support of Sinclair's
decision to air this documentary, then please do it
today. Please don't rely on reports like the one
from newsMax above, and assume that you're participation
isn't crucial.
Only those of us who have reasearched, read, written,
prayed, cried, and shouted over these issues will be the
ones to write and support Sinclair, and it's stations. Please
don't think "those other guys" are writing, and "I'm not
good with words". You are ALL needed in this effort. Just
a few brief sentences is enough to get the message said.
So please write to all the stations, the newspapers in the cities
where those stations are, and to the advertisers on those
So in closing Wednesday's Pep Rally, just let me say...
Boom A Laka! Boom A Laka! BOOM BOOM BOOM!
We Can't Do This Without YOU!!!
GOooooooooooo TEAM!
Really support the troops, send them a letter and care package! Visit:http://www.anysoldier.com |
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CTW Rear Admiral
Joined: 10 Sep 2004 Posts: 691
Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 7:58 pm Post subject: |
The NRA bought time on some channels and run their 30 minute program. It has been on several times in FL.
With the free public tv option and buying time,Stolen Honor can be aired.
Sinclair stock dropped. While I can't give investment advice, as investors people may want to consider their stock TODAY.
Anyone in touch with the heavy weights over at the NRA? Any way to get the Move America Forward to help? Perhaps some of the other Bush supporting groups will join in the effort. CTW
Never Ever Kerry |
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Paul R. PO3
Joined: 03 Sep 2004 Posts: 273 Location: Illinois
Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 11:55 pm Post subject: |
Ok, I sent my e-mails & emphasized issue of free speech / threats against Sinclair.
Paul R. |
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rhv5862 PO2
Joined: 21 Aug 2004 Posts: 379 Location: Massachusetts
Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 1:14 am Post subject: Stolen Honor |
Kimberly said "what if Kerry were to decide to appear after the showing of this film". I heard a Kerry spokesperson on Fox tonight slam Sinclair and President Bush while defending Kerrys Vietnam record as well as his 1971 testimony. When asked if Kerry would appear to answer Stolen Honor questions he said "no". I don't believe Kerry would put himself in a position to have to give unscriped answers. He cannot dispell the truth.
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ashter Seaman
Joined: 22 Aug 2004 Posts: 185
Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 3:11 am Post subject: |
I think if Kerry magically grew a pair and showed up, then he would be eaten alive by the other panel members.... I don't see it happening. |
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kimberly PO2
Joined: 03 Sep 2004 Posts: 377
Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 5:23 am Post subject: Re: Stolen Honor |
rhv5862 wrote: | Kimberly said "what if Kerry were to decide to appear after the showing of this film". I heard a Kerry spokesperson on Fox tonight slam Sinclair and President Bush while defending Kerrys Vietnam record as well as his 1971 testimony. When asked if Kerry would appear to answer Stolen Honor questions he said "no". I don't believe Kerry would put himself in a position to have to give unscriped answers. He cannot dispell the truth.
Sinclair gave the option of having someone else stand in for Kerry. What if it were to be a guy like that murray man that Major Garrett gave so much air time to? He was 'evil'. Also, Sinclair said the film might only be shown in 'seconds' here and there and the rest of the time would go to Kerry or his representative. Would Kerry send someone else like Murray to try and discredit the film. Sinclair made no mention of having any film representative to discredit what the kerry camps says. I just don't like the smell of things.
Kimberly |
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rorschach Seaman Recruit
Joined: 26 Aug 2004 Posts: 8
Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 5:40 am Post subject: Pro-Kerry ad by Move-On Pac |
I just saw a Kerry ad by the 527, Move-On Pac. The entire ad was of a very tearful mother who had lost her son in Iraq. Between sobs, she was shaming Bush for his deception, lying about "Iraq being involved in 9-11".
I could not feel sympathy for the mother, because during the entire ad I was hurling invectives at John Kerry et al for their shameless, Michael Moore technique of taking advantage of an innocent, grieving woman to cover their lying asses. Absolutely despicable. |
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Joined: 21 Aug 2004 Posts: 369 Location: Central Kentucky
Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 2:26 pm Post subject: |
Below is a section of an email sent out today
Quote: | John Kerry's Supporters Again
Try to Muzzle His Critics
Smear campaign launched against Sinclair Broadcasting after
it announces plans to air "Stolen Honor" nationwide
The Kerry camp is at it again. After trying -- unsuccessfully -- to block the publication of "Unfit for Command," his supporters are now working to force Sinclair Broadcasting Group to pull back from plans to air the documentary film "Stolen Honor" on its 62 nationwide affiliates later this month.
The documentary vividly portrays the impact of John Kerry's false testimony and statements about the Vietnam War. As brave soldiers endured torture, starvation and death behind enemy lines, Kerry accused them of war crimes and actively sought to discredit everything they fought for. America needs to know the truth about Senator Kerry, and Sinclair is doing the right thing.
Kerry's camp and its allies are now urging supporters to flood Sinclair affiliates with angry calls and letters. A campaign has been started to silence the truth about John Kerry.
Once again, we must meet the challenge. Here's what we need you to do!
1) Contact the Sinclair affiliates to offer your support for the film. They need to hear from Veterans and concerned citizens who want America to see and hear the truth about John Kerry. Further down this email we have provided the list of affiliates for you to call and voice your support. Important points to convey to the affiliates:
Do NOT GIVE IN to pressures to silence the POWs and their remarkable story. The POWs deserve their story to be heard -- they are being silenced now by the Kerry campaign just like they were 30 years ago in captivity. This film needs to be shown!
2) Call Sinclair's Corporate Headquarters and offer your support for the film. PLEASE thank Sinclair for their decision to air an important story on how John Kerry's actions after Vietnam furthered the torture and agony of our soldiers being held in captivity by the North Vietnamese. Tell Sinclair to continue to stand on principle and not back down to pressures from those who don't want the POWs' story to be heard
Please check page 7 of this listing to find lists of addresses, phone numbers and email links to a large variety of contacts. _________________
Really support the troops, send them a letter and care package! Visit:http://www.anysoldier.com |
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Richard Christiansen Ensign
Joined: 09 Aug 2004 Posts: 54 Location: Canon City, CO
Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 3:20 pm Post subject: |
Thanks Swift Boat Veterans and POW's! As a fellow Vietnam Vet also, I submitted the following in my emails to the station list given:
To Whom it May Concern:
As a member of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, I am appealing to you to air the above program. This program is not a typical mud slinging program. Our veterans and POWs have legitimate points to make about John Kerry's history. These points have not been disputed by John Kerry, instead he disputes their right to say it. I respect a man's ability to protest wars, but it does not excuse him from using lies to support his protests and then later run for presidency. He has never squared with the American people concerning some of his past. There are many that think he committed treason. I don't know if I would go that far, however, I think the veterans and POW's have earned the right to speak out the facts and let the facts speak for themselves. The voters deserve to know the truth. Thats what freedom of the press is all about.
Richard Christiansen
Vietnam Veteran _________________ Big Red One & 25th, Lai Khe, Etc - 69-70 |
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Fort Campbell Vice Admiral
Joined: 31 Aug 2004 Posts: 896
Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 4:22 pm Post subject: |
I just sent my E-Mails on this subject. Some of them (6 in all) have come back as undeliverable. I suppose their Mailbox is full.  |
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