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Chgo Tribune endorses Bush

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Joined: 21 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 3:28 pm    Post subject: Chgo Tribune endorses Bush Reply with quote

The Tribune used to be a very conservative publication, but has drifted towards the middle. I was therefore pleased to see they've endorsed the President:

George W. Bush for president

Published October 17, 2004

One by one, Americans typically settle on a presidential candidate after weighing his, and his rival's, views on the mosaic of issues that each of us finds important.

Some years, though, force vectors we didn't anticipate turn some of our usual priorities--our pet causes, our own economic interest--into narcissistic luxuries. As Election Day nears, the new force vectors drive our decision-making.

This is one of those years--distinct in ways best framed by Sen. John McCain, perhaps this country's most broadly respected politician. Seven weeks ago, McCain looked with chilling calm into TV cameras and told Americans, with our rich diversity of clashing worldviews, what is at stake for every one of us in the first presidential election since Sept. 11 of 2001:

"So it is, whether we wished it or not, that we have come to the test of our generation, to our rendezvous with destiny. ... All of us, despite the differences that enliven our politics, are united in the one big idea that freedom is our birthright and its defense is always our first responsibility. All other responsibilities come second." If we waver, McCain said, "we will fail the one mission no American generation has ever failed--to provide to our children a stronger, better country than the one we were blessed to inherit."

This year, each of us has the privilege of choosing between two major-party candidates whose integrity, intentions and abilities are exemplary.

One of those candidates, Sen. John Kerry, embraces an ongoing struggle against murderous terrorists, although with limited U.S. entanglements overseas. The other candidate, President George W. Bush, talks more freely about what is at risk for this country: the cold-eyed possibility that fresh attacks no better coordinated than those of Sept. 11--but with far deadlier weapons--could ravage American metropolises. Bush, then, embraces a bolder struggle not only with those who sow terror, but also with rogue governments that harbor, finance or arm them.

This was a radical strategy when the president articulated it in 2001, even as dust carrying the DNA of innocents wafted up from ground zero. And it is the unambiguous strategy that, as this page repeatedly has contended, is most likely to deliver the more secure future that John McCain wishes for our children.

A President Kerry certainly would punish those who want us dead. As he pledged, with cautiously calibrated words, in accepting his party's nomination: "Any attack will be met with a swift and certain response." Bush, by contrast, insists on taking the fight to terrorists, depriving them of oxygen by encouraging free and democratic governments in tough neighborhoods. As he stated in his National Security Strategy in 2002: "The United States can no longer solely rely on a reactive posture as we have in the past. ... We cannot let our enemies strike first."

Bush's sense of a president's duty to defend America is wider in scope than Kerry's, more ambitious in its tactics, more prone, frankly, to yield both casualties and lasting results. This is the stark difference on which American voters should choose a president.

There is much the current president could have done differently over the last four years. There are lessons he needs to have learned. And there are reasons--apart from the global perils likely to dominate the next presidency--to recommend either of these two good candidates.

But for his resoluteness on the defining challenge of our age--a resoluteness John Kerry has not been able to demonstrate--the Chicago Tribune urges the re-election of George W. Bush as president of the United States.

- - -

Bush, his critics say, displays an arrogance that turns friends into foes. Spurned at the United Nations by "Old Europe"--France, Germany, Russia--he was too long in admitting he wanted their help in a war. He needs to acknowledge that his country's future interests are best served by fixing frayed friendships. And if re-elected, he needs to accomplish that goal.

But that is not the whole story. Consider:

Bush has nurtured newer alliances with many nations such as Poland, Romania and Ukraine (combined population, close to 110 million) that want more than to be America's friends: Having seized their liberty from tyrants, they are determined now to be on the right side of history.

Kerry is an internationalist, a man of conspicuous intellect. He is a keen student of world affairs and their impact at home.

But that is not the whole story. Consider:

On the most crucial issue of our time, Kerry has serially dodged for political advantage. Through much of the 2004 election cycle, he used his status as a war hero as an excuse not to have a coherent position on America's national security. Even now, when Kerry grasps a microphone, it can be difficult to fathom who is speaking--the war hero, or the anti-war hero.

Kerry displays great faith in diplomacy as the way to solve virtually all problems. Diplomatic solutions should always be the goal. Yet that principle would be more compelling if the world had a better record of confronting true crises, whether proffered by the nuclear-crazed ayatollahs of Iran, the dark eccentrics of North Korea, the genocidal murderers of villagers in Sudan--or the Butcher of Baghdad.

In each of these cases, Bush has pursued multilateral strategies. In Iraq, when the UN refused to enforce its 17th stern resolution--the more we learn about the UN's corrupt Oil-for-Food program, the more it's clear the fix was in--Bush acted. He thus reminded many of the world's governments why they dislike conservative and stubborn U.S. presidents (see Reagan, Ronald).

Bush has scored a great success in Afghanistan--not only by ousting the Taliban regime and nurturing a new democracy, but also by ignoring the chronic doubters who said a war there would be a quagmire. He and his administration provoked Libya to surrender its weapons program, turned Pakistan into an ally against terrorists (something Bill Clinton's diplomats couldn't do) and helped shut down A.Q. Khan, the world's most menacing rogue nuclear proliferator.

Many of these cross-currents in Bush's and Kerry's worldviews collide in Iraq.

Bush arguably invaded with too few allies and not enough troops. He will go to his tomb defending his reliance on intelligence from agencies around the globe that turned out to be wrong. And he has refused to admit any errors.

Kerry, though, has lost his way. The now-professed anti-war candidate says he still would vote to authorize the war he didn't vote to finance. He used the presidential debates to telegraph a policy of withdrawal. His Iraq plan essentially is Bush's plan. All of which perplexes many.

Worse, it plainly perplexes Kerry. ("I do believe Saddam Hussein was a threat," he said Oct. 8, adding that Bush was preoccupied with Iraq, "where there wasn't a threat.") What's not debatable is that Kerry did nothing to oppose White House policy on Iraq until he trailed the dovish Howard Dean in the race for his party's nomination. Also haunting Kerry: his Senate vote against the Persian Gulf war--driven by faith that, yes, more diplomacy could end Saddam Hussein's rape of Kuwait.

- - -

On domestic issues, the choice is also clear. In critical areas such as public education and health care, Bush's emphasis is on greater competition. His No Child Left Behind Act has flaws, but its requirements have created a new climate of expectation and accountability. On both of these important fronts, but especially with his expensive health-care plan, Kerry primarily sees a need to raise and spend more money.

The failure of either candidate to offer spending and taxation proposals that remotely approach balancing the federal budget is an embarrassment to both. The non-partisan Concord Coalition calculates the 10-year impact of Bush's proposals as a negative $1.33 trillion; the impact of Kerry's is a nearly identical $1.27 trillion. Kerry correctly cites the disturbingly expensive legacy of Bush's tax cuts--while, in the same breath, promising new tax cuts of his own.

This is a genre of American fiction that Bush, if he is re-elected, cannot perpetuate. To Bush's credit, his tax policies have had the aggregate effect of pushing Americans toward more savings and investment--the capital with which the world's strongest economy generates jobs. But he has not shown the necessary discipline on discretionary spending. Two particularly egregious examples: Medicare prescription drug coverage and an enormously expensive farm subsidy bill, both signed by Bush.

This country's paramount issue, though, remains the threat to its national security.

John Kerry has been a discerning critic of where Bush has erred. But Kerry's message--a more restrained assault on global threats, earnest comfort with the international community's noble inaction--suggests what many voters sense: After 20 years in the Senate, the moral certitude Kerry once displayed has evaporated. There is no landmark Kennedy-Kerry Education Act, no Kerry-Frist Health Bill. Today's Kerry is more about plans and process than solutions. He is better suited to analysis than to action. He has not delivered a compelling blueprint for change.

For three years, Bush has kept Americans, and their government, focused--effectively--on this nation's security. The experience, dating from Sept. 11, 2001, has readied him for the next four years, a period that could prove as pivotal in this nation's history as were the four years of World War II.

That demonstrated ability, and that crucible of experience, argue for the re-election of President George W. Bush. He has the steadfastness, and the strength, to execute the one mission no American generation has ever failed.
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Joined: 30 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 4:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

IS this true? Where can I find the link? It's really surprised me!! Even if it's true, its impact would not be that much given the fact that Illinois is the Democrat's mecca.
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Joined: 03 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 4:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I believe the Tribune is owned by The New York Times.

Isn't the Tribune editor the one who served on the
SwiftBoats with Kerry?? Correct me if I'm wrong.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 4:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here's the link to the editorial. You may have to register to see it.


Yes, I believe the Trib is owned by the NYT.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 4:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

According to RealClearPolitics (many of these listed in the last few minutes) the line-up of endorsements so far:

Kerry: Boston Globe, St. Petersburg Times, Miami Herald, San Francisco Chronicle, Minneapolis Star-Tribune, Kansas City Star

Bush: Dallas Morning News, Rocky Mountain News, SD Union Tribune, San Antonio Express-News, Manchester Union-Leader, Arizona Republic

I live in the Dallas area, and after watching the Dallas Morning News' editorials and letters-to-the-editor, I have to say I was really surprised that the DMN endorsed Bush!
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 4:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Tribune gave an excellent argument for its support for the re-election of President Bush. The Kerry endorsement by the NY Times is senseless. You gotta read it for the best laugh of the day:

Voting for president is a leap of faith. A candidate can explain his positions in minute detail and wind up governing with a hostile Congress that refuses to let him deliver. A disaster can upend the best-laid plans. All citizens can do is mix guesswork and hope, examining what the candidates have done in the past, their apparent priorities and their general character. It's on those three grounds that we enthusiastically endorse John Kerry for president.

Are they living on Mars?

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 5:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

>>Are they living on Mars?<<

No, they live on Venus as they are girlie-men.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 6:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

neverforget wrote:
>>Are they living on Mars?<<

No, they live on Venus as they are girlie-men.

No, they are living in a Bin Laden's mindset. If you read Nicholas Kristoff's op ed article a few days ago: an imaginary interview with Bin Laden, it will make you sick to death. These guys do not understand at all the nature of the today's terrorism threat, because they have a parallel mindset as that of UBL. I am not saying they have exactly the same mindset, but it's parallel such that they don't even think him as a real threat.

It's a great tragedy that big newspapers such as the New York Times and Boston Globe have turned into nothing but a joke. When terrorists and their silent supporters like certain newspapers, that says it all.

About the Tribune's editor, yes. He was the one who "clarified" about the Kerry's Silver Star story. That's why I was stunned that the paper endorse Bush. But I think this is based on a well calculated move. They know Bush will win, and this is nothing to lose for them. Perhaps they will lose some liberal subscribers but they will get more conservatives.
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 6:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

shawa wrote:
I believe the Tribune is owned by The New York Times.

Isn't the Tribune editor the one who served on the
SwiftBoats with Kerry?? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Well Chicago being my home town, though I do not live there now, I consider this great. But it will not help Bush really, Chicago is a dem town and so is the state of Il. At the very least there is hope.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 8:03 pm    Post subject: Squeeze On The LA Times Reply with quote

Good to see that the dark, liberal shadow of the LA LA Times doesn't reach to San Diego.

San Diego has a solid history of a military town. However, with the growing tech industry and universities, the left wing has made some solid inroads.


Also, the Press Enterprise, which covers the Inland Empire, mostly Riverside and San Bernardino counties, also endorsed Dubya today.

I haven't looked, but I would be certain that the Orange County Register also will strongely endorse our President.

So, for those who live outside Southern California and often hear about the highly left wing biased LA LA TImes, we do have some notable, powerful dailies with the right stuff.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 8:39 pm    Post subject: Bush & "Da Mayor" Reply with quote

The President & Mayor Daley are supposedly good friends. Daley often sides with the President and when in town, they've frequently gotten together and had dinner.
Figure that one out!
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 11:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fantastic news.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 11:49 pm    Post subject: Re: Bush & "Da Mayor" Reply with quote

clpeters23 wrote:
The President & Mayor Daley are supposedly good friends. Daley often sides with the President and when in town, they've frequently gotten together and had dinner.
Figure that one out!

Mayor Daley is not a bad guy....he is pretty politically savvy and will stand by what is right for the city and our country. I remember back in 2000 when his brother Bill Daley caused a lot of the debackle in Florida, he was P****d and said, "that has nothing to do with me, ask my brother". Back home we Chicagoans knew he did not approve of his brothers tactics or the division it caused. For the most part Mayor Daley is for unification and solidarity and abhores division and strife. That is why he is so sucessful in Chicago. He is the only, aside from his Dad, dems that I have voted for. They really have done so much good in Chicago and have a reputation for working well with Republicans. Like Bush as gov in Texas, he worked well with the dems. This is truly how our gov should work, but the skerry's and Ted Kenedy's want to create a biased division that should be given no place anywhere.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 4:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A small note.... Outside of Chicago, most of Ill is republican..... The usual urban, city dems... vs the more rural, conservatives....
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