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LewWaters Admin
Joined: 18 May 2004 Posts: 4042 Location: Washington State
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 5:52 am Post subject: Anti-Sinclair Activists Claim POWs Are Lying About Kerry |
Simply Unbelieveable!!!!!
Some excerpts;
"It's a pit of blatant, partisan swinishness," said Mark Mellon of Washington, D.C., who took time from his lunch to join the demonstration. "Are they POWs? They don't look like POWs. They look like elderly white men to me,"
"This is not news. This is purposeful disinformation," said Caroline Timbers of Washington, D.C. "Things were taken out of context to create a lie."
"These people here are concerned about the voices of the POWs, who were harmed by John Kerry's testimony and actions. This is what they're trying to stop," said Kristinn Taylor, a counter-protester who leads the local Free Republic chapter. "It's not about Sinclair. It's about shutting down the truth about what John Kerry did and how it affected our prisoners of war."
CNS News
How can people be so blinded by hatred that they actually believe former POWs from 30 years ago should still look beaten and starved? I see it all as just more defamation of veterans, unless of course, they support that traitor Kerry!  _________________ Clark County Conservative |
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The Balloon Artist PO3
Joined: 25 Aug 2004 Posts: 262 Location: Texas
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 11:42 am Post subject: |
These are just some of the willing "Rent-a-bodies" that the libs use. These are the same crowd who protest any cause celeb because they need warm bodies to hold signs. Remember the fiasco outside the rebublican convention? "Rent-a-bodies" People who may have had the wherewithal to protest on principal were probably pissed to learn that the rest of the lunitics there were paid.
What is amazing to me (or maybe not) is that the MSM talks to these people like they are some kind of authority on the topic at hand. They are rented morons. _________________ What about John Kerry's four months in Vietnam qualify him to be president?
Al Gore was there for five. |
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mach9 Seaman Apprentice
Joined: 05 Oct 2004 Posts: 97
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 12:04 pm Post subject: |
CBS News--local, network, website? |
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ocsparky101 PO1
Joined: 03 Sep 2004 Posts: 479 Location: Allen Park. Michigan
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 12:32 am Post subject: |
It does not matter what they say. The bottom line is that people are being told something for which it has been denied them the opportuinty to see it. Their courosity is peaked. We need to get that free showing out to everyone that we can get it out to. We need them to see it and make their own determination about it. People realize it is in the best interest of the pundits that they call them liars. The ehing is they will look at it if they can and make that determination themselves. When they see it they will realize that it was Kerry that tried to deny them the opportunity to see it and make that determination themselves. We need to get into our address books and get that free link out there and let them see it. Be sure to ask everyone to forward the link on to everyone in their address book. OK PEOPLE LETS GET TO WORK. |
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JB Stone Guest
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 4:10 pm Post subject: |
I just countered a letter in our local paper which, written by a supposed Vietnam Veteran....PRAISED Kerry & McNamara.
Kerry for "ending the war sooner" with his Anti-Everything shenanigans
McNamara for "realizing the war was unwinnable".
My Response:
Quote: | Kerry Should THANK POW’s
I gasped upon reading Mike Tyler’s statement that POW’s from the Vietnam War should somehow “thank” John Kerry! The fictional world he holds dear to his heart is perhaps understandable for someone under 30. But, coming from someone claiming to be a Vietnam Veteran himself, tragic is the only term printable here. Mike and the bulk of Kerry supporters can’t handle watching “Stolen Honor, Wounds That Never Heal”. It requires them looking into the eyes of 17 American prisoners of war telling the truth. Among them you’ll find Bud Day, senior roommate of John McCain at the Hanoi Hilton, most highly decorated living Veteran and one of two Congressional Medal of Honor holders in the film.
Robert McNamara was chief among the meddling politicians that ensured the Vietnam War would become “unwinnable”, driving the forces from his comfortable armchair in D.C. Tyler’s “hero” McNamara also initiated Project SHAD/112 in which more than 10,000 U.S. Servicemen were used as Human Test Rats for Bio-Chemical Weapons Testing starting in the “other” JFK’s administration. McNamara’s currently the focus of a class-action suit for his doing just that. [http://vva.org/shad/index.htm]
The “Anti-War” movement empowered the Viet Cong to prolong the war. Thus the Communist victors killed hundreds of thousands after the fall of Saigon, forced more than 1.5 million into "re-education camps" as two million others fled Vietnam altogether. They’re so pleased that John Kerry’s photo is still prominently displayed in the Ho Chi Minh City's Protestors Hall of the War Remnants Museum.
Exerpts from “Stolen Honor” are now available free online [http://www.buttondepress.com/BostonManifesto/stolenhonor.wmv] or purchase it complete. [http://stolenhonor.com/] Mr. Tyler and others, view the film before you cast it aside. Then, go into the bathroom and look into the mirror. I take no responsibility for your bloodied fists as you try to erase your memories.
Ya just gotta do what ya gotta do......  |
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RogerRabbit Master Chief Petty Officer
Joined: 05 Sep 2004 Posts: 748 Location: Oregon
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 4:19 pm Post subject: |
Quote: | I just countered a letter in our local paper which, written by a supposed Vietnam Veteran....PRAISED Kerry & McNamara. |
That was a great rebuttal JBSTONE _________________ "Si vis pacem, para bellum" |
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Navy_Navy_Navy Admin
Joined: 07 May 2004 Posts: 5777
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 11:28 pm Post subject: |
Excellent letter, JB!
I just got a response from a friend who I haven't heard from in a long time - I'd sent out a long email about Stolen Honor and the Swifts' ads.
Anyway, this guy replied to me with the most ungodly Bush-bashing, conspiracy-theory bullsnit I've ever seen. Ten talking points, direct from O'Donnell and McAuliffe.
It was mind-boggling. A career Air Force enlisted man who served through the Vietnam era, and possibly in Vietnam, as well.
That a civilian would buy into some of the propaganda in the piece he sent me would be understandable. But a career AF man - blew my mind.
I'm glad that our young active duty troopers are smarter. 73-79% of them support the President, with the activated and deployed Guard and Reserves scoring him HIGHER than non-deployed "regulars." (Pretty amazing little statistic, in itself.) _________________ ~ Echo Juliet ~
Altering course to starboard - On Fire, Keep Clear
Navy woman, Navy wife, Navy mother |
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JB Stone Guest
Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 2:33 am Post subject: |
Thanks, guys...!!!
I just supply the AMMO....need LOTS of sharpshooters.
PLAGIARIZE if you like.
You are talking to the AVERAGE READER....not necessarily the schtupe that wrote the bone-headed letter you are rebutting.
EVERY time someone attacks one of MY statements...it gives me a SECOND chance to expand.
And, I ALWAYS research what I say...so not much 'WIGGLE ROOM' allowed anyway.
You CAN "attack" the prior letter...but BE CAREFUL that you don't become the "bad guy".
You just want others to CONCLUDE he's an IDIOT....not say so in so many words.
Quote: | I take no responsibility for your bloodied fists as you try to erase your memories. |
THAT is gonna piss him off....just hope he doesn't come a gunnin' for ME...after all, this is the WILD, WILD West.
I think I may KNOW this guy....LOTS of "disenfranchised" Vietnam Era Veterans living in Hungry Horse, etc......we call them "canyon people"....kinda like "trailer trash"....but heavily ARMED.
Heck...I've got BLACK BEARS pooping on my porch for the last three weeks.
So....STILL, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to TWEAK his beard a bit.
And you NEVER want to "take me on"...unless you've got a BARREL of ink.
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