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Discovered Papers: Hanoi directed Kerry
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

drjohn wrote:
"I called some folks to get help and see if they would pay for a couple of extra days of research. I'm flat broke and couldn't keep paying for a hotel and rental car to do this work."

What do you need, Chief?

Yes - let us help!!!
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Navy Chief,

Do you still need help?
I woke up last night thinking the one thing we really need is documentary proof of a dishonorable discharge. Just that one piece of paper. Someone somewhere knows about it. I am thinking that a Navy officer is still alive who knows what went down. If a dishonorable discharge (or less than honorable) was originally given, where would the venue have been? Rhode Island,? Massachusetts? DC? New York? California? And if so, would there be any records ponting to officers (JAG's) who might have been present?
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Fort Campbell
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The media plays 'trick or treat'
Linda Chavez (archive)

October 27, 2004 | Print | Send

The media are too busy repackaging old Iraq news in an October offensive against President George W. Bush's reelection to investigate truly startling evidence unearthed this week that the Communist Party may have been directing John Kerry's anti-war activities in the early 1970s. The evidence, contained in captured communist records on file at the Vietnam Center at Texas Tech University, shows a well-coordinated effort by the Communist Party to recruit American servicemen and officers to become part of the American anti-war movement. The objective was to organize high-profile activities to undermine support for the Vietnam War, including holding hearings on alleged war crimes, lobbying Congress to oppose the war, exploiting the families of American POWs and urging servicemen to return their service medals.

Not only did John Kerry and his group Vietnam Veterans Against the War follow this game plan, but Kerry went to Paris to meet with the communist official designated as the point of contact for guiding these activities. In June 1970, Kerry met with Madame Binh, foreign minister of the Provisional Revolutionary Government (Viet Cong) of South Vietnam and a delegate to the Paris Peace Talks. The documents discovered this weekend -- one titled "Circular on Antiwar Movements in the U.S." was disseminated in Vietnam in the spring of 1971, and the other titled "Directive" was captured by the U.S. in April 1971 -- are available for viewing at www.wintersoldier.com. They reveal a detailed plan to use antiwar activists in the U.S. as propagandists for the communist cause in Vietnam.

So why isn't the mainstream media all over this story? If John Kerry -- wittingly or not -- was carrying out directives from Hanoi, or perhaps even Moscow, the American people have the right to know before they decide whether to elect him president on Tuesday. But the networks and major dailies were too busy covering a hysterical report that 380 tons of explosives went missing from an Iraqi depot in the early days of the U.S. invasion to inquire into John Kerry's dubious activities in the anti-war movement.

On Monday, the New York Times "broke" the story of the purported looting of weapons from an Iraqi arms depot. "Huge Cache of Explosives Vanished from Site in Iraq" screamed the front-page Times headline, which was picked up by all the major networks and newspapers, not to mention the Kerry campaign. CBS's "60 Minutes" was also set to air a story on Sunday -- two days before the election -- aimed at convincing viewers that the administration had carelessly let the al Qaqaa depot be looted of its powerful explosives, the kind that might even be used to detonate a nuclear device. "Our plan was to run the story on Oct. 31, but it became clear that it wouldn't hold," CBS executive producer Jeff Fager said in a statement.

In fact, the "missing explosives" story was more media campaign ploy than real news. There is substantial evidence that most of the explosives were either destroyed by U.S. bombing prior to the invasion or were already gone by the time U.S. troops arrived at al Qaqaa on April 10, 2003, according to NBC, which had a reporter embedded with the Army's 101st Airborne Division at the time. Furthermore, the U.S. has already destroyed or is in the process of destroying more than 400,000 tons of similar material in Iraq, a fact conveniently ignored by much of the media.

The media rule seems to be if a story might hurt George W. Bush, play it up big; if it might help Bush, bury it; and if might hurt John Kerry, ignore it altogether. In an election as close as this one, the media's role could be decisive. We used to expect the candidates to unleash their own October surprise in an effort to sway the voters at the last minute. Now it's the media that plays that game. Come Halloween, it's media tricks for Bush and treats for Kerry.

Linda Chavez is President of the Center for Equal Opportunity, a Townhall.com member organization.

Something at last. Pass it on to those who you think will pick it up.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I believe I read somewhere on this link that Thomas Lipscomb will be on Brit Hume's show tonight. If so, we need to inform people to watch. Can anyone confirm?
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 2:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Fort Campbell
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 2:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have sent the Linda Chavez article to just about everybody in the media that I know of. Surely some of them will not want her to be the only one to be on top of this story.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 2:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi all! I just got registered after browsing the forum on and off over the past few weeks, something I should have done a long time ago.

I live in Portland, Oregon and have contacted a few of the AM radio stations and Sen. Gordon Smith's office. One of the radio stations sounded very interested so I e-mailed them the links to the WND, Winter Soldier, NY Sun and Texas Tech websites so they could see it all. One of the guys at Sen. Smith's office was also very interested in the info so I sent it to them also.

I used to live in Iowa for 31 years so I even called Sen. Chuck Grasley's office and they said they had gotten numerous calls about this. They said they would see what they could do to help get the word out.

I e-mailed Lars Larson yesterday with all the links so hopefully he'll get the word out on both his local and national radio shows.

Keep up the great work!
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 2:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

welcome GrumpyBB!!
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 2:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

MJB wrote:
I'm guessing we have a pause in the action - since the explosives *cough* made up story *cough* has been sucking the oxygen out of the atmosphere, yes?

Here's my guess - Part Deux will come out tomorrow in the NY Sun, another article by Thomas Lipscomb on the connection between Kerry, VVAW and the NV communists.

I've been thinking about this all morning, and believe that this is working out well. The explosives' story is being convincingly refuted by bolggers and media types all over. It will be a dead issue by the end of the day....saving tomorrow for the next wave of information on Kerry and the communists (sounds like a music group - if it didn't have such ominous overtones).

So...I am still urging readers of this board to CALL YOUR SENATORS. And CALL THE WHITE HOUSE.

Since many people don't read this whole thread, I'll summarize my reasons (apologies to those of you who've heard this before) -

My sister worked on Capitol Hill for a number of years, for a couple of different congressmen.

Because it takes time and effort for people to call their congressional representatives, most phone calls are considered to represent (depending on the topic) the views of 10-100 other people.

10 calls on a single topic can have great significance in a congressional office. 100 is quite a lot.

To have the most impact, calls need to be short, polite, clear and accurate - and have a call to ACTION. What do you want the representative or senator to DO??

I urge you ask for some type of publicity, congressional investigation, press conference with other senators, etc.

NO SCRIPTS. Staffers will pick that up a mile away. Be yourself - express your own concerns.

NO YELLING OR ANGER. Your call will go in the "crackpot" file - and believe me...you wouldn't believe how many nutcases call all the time.

Congressmen work for US. Despite what you might hear or believe, they do want and need to respond to their constituants.

Why do I keep pushing the Senators? If these allegations pan out (and I see no sign so far that they're not accurate) - that puts Kerry in a world of hurt. The Senate is one of the best Old Boys Network around. This has to be pretty big to get one senator to speak out against another (again see: John McCain).

True allegations of potential communist influence in the Senate will be hard to overlook.

Senators (and the White House) need to know we are VERY CONCERNED, OUTRAGED, UPSET, ETC. for them to move out.

I would encourage you to call both of your senators - and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist.

So... I suggest you keep calling TODAY about YESTERDAY'S story.

You can still be outraged about yesterday's news Very Happy !

We all want to help the Swifties defeat Kerry - this is your chance.....
USAF '85-'92
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 3:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

this may muddy the water - but they need to be emailed this too once you get their attention!
From another post-

about the CNS 42 documents!

Very Happy
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Rear Admiral

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 3:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chief and anyone else knee deep in archives:

Do you have a paypal account? If so we could all chip in a little bit and paypal to you. If you don't it only takes a few minutes to open one.

I'd suggest making a new yahoo address for this purpose so that you can post it without being bombarded.

Get a paypal account and post the email address and we'll make sure you have funds to carry on. Promise.

This is no time for ease and comfort. It is the time to dare and endure.
- Winston Churchill
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Joined: 13 May 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 3:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

dmackto wrote:
Chief and anyone else knee deep in archives:

Do you have a paypal account? If so we could all chip in a little bit and paypal to you. If you don't it only takes a few minutes to open one.

I'd suggest making a new yahoo address for this purpose so that you can post it without being bombarded.

Get a paypal account and post the email address and we'll make sure you have funds to carry on. Promise.

Great idea! Paypal is easy to use and free to set up. I should know, I am an Ebay freak Cool
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 3:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

National Review's 'The Corner' mentions the media overlooking the story:

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 3:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's not enough for bloggers to refute it.

It's time for W and Dick to take the damned gloves off.

Kerry's service may be off limits but this stuff is "fair game" to quote Mary Beth Cahill.
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Rear Admiral

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 3:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You guys and gals are great! But I'd rather we support monetarily the Swifties or the new John O'Neill project coming out.


- Chief
Working with Senator Kerry four years in the POW/MIA Office left me thinking -- when did the man ever do any work?
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