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Any ideaRs why someone who is 6'5" would have a Napoleo

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Seaman Apprentice

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 5:40 pm    Post subject: Any ideaRs why someone who is 6'5" would have a Napoleo Reply with quote

Any ideaRs why someone who is 6'5" would have a Napoleon complex?

The following article suggests that Kerry is always anywhere that history is being made or some famous event occurs.


October 29, 2004 Edition > Section: Editorial and Opinion > Printer-Friendly Version

Kerry's 'Team'
New York Sun Staff Editorial
October 29, 2004
URL: http://www.nysun.com/article/4000

It's not quite Michael Dukakis on a tank, but John Kerry does look out of place in his flat-billed baseball cap. In the run-up to election day, the senator has seized on the victory of the New York Times-owned Red Sox as a symbol of his campaign. "I've been rooting for this day since I was a kid," Mr. Kerry said Wednesday night. "This Red Sox team came back against all odds and showed America what heart is. In 2004, the Red Sox are America's team."

They may be America's team, but they're certainly not Mr. Kerry's. Every time the senator mentions the Red Sox, it's embarrassingly clear he doesn't know what he's talking about. Who is Mr. Kerry's favorite ballplayer? "Manny Ortez," the senator has said, though no such person actually plays for the Red Sox. Mr. Kerry seems to have confused Red Sox first baseman David Ortiz with Red Sox left fielder Manny Ramirez. "My favorite Red Sox player of all time," Mr. Kerry told a sports radio show a few years back, "is the Walking Man, Eddie Yost." Only Yost never played for the Red Sox, although he did coach third base for the team.

On Sunday, Mr. Kerry enthused over the Red Sox victory in game one of the World Series. "The Sox did fabulous," Mr. Kerry told reporters. "The Red Sox won 10-9."The final score, however, was 11-9. A spokesman for Mr. Kerry, David Wade, told the Scotsman newspaper that the candidate had a late flight to Florida and he heard the score before the game ended. But the score never was 10-9; the Sox won on a two-run homer, so they went directly to 11 runs from nine. That night, during game two, Mr. Kerry arrived at a campaign event in New Hampshire and cheered,"7-1 Red Sox!" But the score was 6-1, and the Sox went on to win 6-2.

On the night of President Bush's acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, Mr. Kerry thought he'd take a swipe at his rival while building up his baseball credentials. "I'll tell you what happened tonight that will be remembered," declared the senator. "The Boston Red Sox moved to within 2.5 games of the New York Yankees." As it happens, the Red Sox were 3.5 games behind.

You would think Mr. Kerry actually watched the games, given the emotional investment he claims to have in his team. "I was 30 yards away from Billy Buckner in that famous Shea Stadium game in '86," Mr. Kerry said in an interview with ESPN.com, referring to the infamous error that lost game six of the World Series for Boston that year. "So I've been there in the heartbreaks." Mr. Kerry has also made this claim on the stump. "I was about 30 yards away from Billy Buckner when that ball wiggled away," he told a crowd of supporters in Lebanon, N.H. "I had cracked a bottle of Champagne, was jumping up and down prematurely. Nobody should celebrate prematurely. This race is really open."

It's only slightly odd to think of Mr. Kerry bouncing on the bleachers with his uncorked Dom Perignon - perhaps beckoning the hot dog vendor to bring him a baguette and foie gras. But it didn't happen. Mr. Kerry wasn't even there. On the night of game six, Mr. Kerry was at a banquet in South Boston sponsored by the Massachusetts Latino Democratic Committee. An anti-Kerry group of sports enthusiasts, Football Fans for Truth, unearthed a 1986 Boston Globe article establishing that Mr. Kerry attended the banquet, fittingly enough, with Governor Dukakis.

For all this, it's not surprising that the Red Sox, and their fans, aren't buying the senator's act. Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling, appearing yesterday on ABC's "Good Morning America," urged viewers to vote for Mr. Bush. Mr. Schilling will be campaigning with the president in New Hampshire today.

Mr. Kerry may be from Massachusetts, but it's Mr. Bush who is the real baseball fan. Voters don't need to be convinced that the president knows the stats and the players. He's owned a baseball team, and he sponsors tee ball on the White House lawn. The Kerry campaign may think a Boston win in the World Series helps their candidate. But what it's really disclosed is that Mr. Bush shares America's pastime while Mr. Kerry condescends to it.

Some might argue that this means Mr. Bush better understands the country. "Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball, the rules and realities of the game," the cultural historian Jacques Barzun has written. However that may be, at least he knows his own mind.

October 29, 2004 Edition > Section: Editorial and Opinion > Printer-Friendly Version
I'm a Texan, and no one has ever accused me of speaking English.

Last edited by hiyall on Sun Oct 31, 2004 10:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 5:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

wants a log-in

can you post some snippets?
one of..... We The People
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Aristotle The Hun

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 5:57 pm    Post subject: Re: Any ideaRs why someone who is 6'5" would have a Nap Reply with quote

hiyall wrote:
Any ideaRs why someone who is 6'5" would have a Napoleon complex?

The following article suggests that Kerry is always anywhere that history is being made or some famous event occurs.


Isn't Osama 6'5"?

Deportè Monsieur Kerrè
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LSU Engineer
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 6:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've read several places that Kerry has NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder). If you read the diagnostic criteria, it fits him like a glove.

The term "Napoleon Complex" is similar, but commonly used to describe someone who over-compensates for physical inferiority.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 7:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Narcissistic Personality Disorder
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Mary Ann Parker

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 7:38 pm    Post subject: Profile of a Sociopath????? Reply with quote

Didn't have time for a score.
Let us see.
Mary Ann Parker



Profile of a Sociopath

A number of mind-manipulating cult leaders may exhibit many of the behavioral characteristics of a sociopath--an outstanding ability to charm and seduce followers.

Since they appear apparently normal, they are not easily recognizable as deviant or disturbed.

Although only a trained professional can make a diagnosis, it is important to be able to recognize the personality type in order to avoid further abuse.

These traits also apply to a one-on-one cultic relationship.

Glibness/Superficial CharmLanguage can be used without effort by them to confuse and convince their audience. Captivating storytellers that exude self-confidence, they can spin a web that intrigues others. Since they are persuasive, they have the capacity to destroy their critics verbally or emotionally.

Manipulative and ConningThey never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They dominate and humiliate their victims.
Grandiose Sense of SelfFeels entitled to certain things as "their right." Craves adulation and attendance. Must be the center of attention with their own fantasies as the "spokesman for God," "enlightened," "leader of humankind," etc. Creates an us-versus-them mentality

Pathological LyingHas no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and able to pass lie detector tests.

Lack of Remorse, Shame or GuiltA deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.

Shallow EmotionsWhen they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion, it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises.

Incapacity for LoveWhile they talk about "God's love" they are unable to give or receive it. Since they do not believe in the genuineness of their followers' love, they are very harsh in testing it from their devotees and expect them to feel guilt for their failings. Expects unconditional surrender.

Need for StimulationLiving on the edge, yet testing the beliefs of their followers with bizarre rules, punishments and behaviors. Verbal outbursts and physical punishments are normal.

Callousness/Lack of EmpathyUnable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them. Their skills are used to exploit, abuse and exert power. Since the follower cannot believe their leader would callously hurt them, they rationalize the behavior as necessary for their (or the group's) own "good" and deny the abuse. When devotees become aware of the exploitation it feels like a "spiritual rape" to them.

Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive NatureRage and abuse, alternating with small expressions of love and approval produce an addictive cycle for abuser and abused, as well as creating hopelessness in the victim. Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others. The followers only see them as near perfect.

Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile DelinquencyUsually has a history of behavioral and academic difficulties, yet "gets by" by conning others. Problems in making and keeping friends; aberrant behaviors such as cruelty to people or animals, stealing, etc.

Irresponsibility/UnreliabilityNot concerned about wrecking others' lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blame their followers or others outside their group. Blame reinforces passivity and obedience and produces guilt, shame, terror and conformity in the followers.

Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/InfidelityTotalist leaders frequently practice promiscuity, child sexual abuse, rape and sexual acting out of all sorts. This is usually kept hidden from all but the inner circle. Stringent sexual control of their followers, such as forced breakups and divorces, removal of children from parents, rules for dating, etc.

Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic LifestyleTends to move around a lot or makes all encompassing promises for the future. Many groups claim as their goal world-domination or other utopian promises. Great contrast between the leader's opulent lifestyle and the followers' impoverishment. Support by gifts and donations from the followers who are pressured to give through fear and guilt. Highly sensitive to their own pain and health.

Criminal or Entrepreneurial VersatilityChanges their image and that of the group as needed to avoid prosecution and to increase income and to recruit a range of members. Is able to adapt or relocate as needed to preserve the group. Can resurface later with a new name, a new front group and a new twist on the scam. Other Related Qualities:
1. Contemptuous of those who seek to understand them
2. Does not perceive that anything is wrong with them
3. Authoritarian
4. Secretive
5. Paranoid
6. Only rarely in difficulty with the law, but seeks out situations where their tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or admired
7. Conventional appearance
8. Goal of enslavement of their victim(s)
9. Exercises despotic control over every aspect of the victim's life
10. Has an emotional need to justify their crimes and therefore needs their victim's affirmation (respect, gratitude and love)
11. Ultimate goal is the creation of a willing victim
12. Incapable of real human attachment to another
13. Unable to feel remorse or guilt
14. Extreme narcissism and grandiose
15. May state readily that their goal is to rule the world

The above traits are based on the psychopathy checklists of H. Cleckley and R. Hare. In the 1830's this disorder was called "moral insanity." By 1900 it was changed to "psychopathic personality."

More recently it has been termed "antisocial personality disorder." Order: Without Conscience: The disturbing world of the psychopaths among us by Robert D. Hare

NOTE: The information in this article was originally compiled and posted by Exit & Support Network™ and posted in March 2000. If you wish to copy this article on your website, please be kind enough to link back to our site.
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