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Ongoing Support for Swiftees, POW's & TRUTH...!!!

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JB Stone

PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 6:43 pm    Post subject: Ongoing Support for Swiftees, POW's & TRUTH...!!! Reply with quote

I must commend everyone who has stepped forward at great personal cost and at the risk of losing their privacy in a very heated political climate.

Please keep the PRESSURE on.

Over 188,000 people will have signed a petition by Election Day, tomorrow....

to INDICT John Kerry and to investigate and prosecute him if necessary for TRAITOROUS acts.

Acts that he has used solely for his own personal gain and to maintain a false sense of "righteousness" over the last 35 years.

John Kerry is nothing if he is not a SOCIOPATHIC LIAR.

I have watched since my discharge from the Navy in 1970 the horrors foisted upon our Servicemen and indeed our entire populace by a group of America Haters....with TOTAL impunity, no less.

The machinations of Senator Teddy Kennedy, President Carter, John Kerry, and their supporters in the Main Stream Media have combined over decades to conceal a great injustice.

This man obviously should not hold ANY public office....anywhere in a country that he so viciously attacks, year after year.

Honorable John D. Ashcroft
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Honorable Richard B. Cheney
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Honorable William H. Frist, M.D.
United States Senate
461 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Honorable J. Dennis Hastert
United States House of Representatives
235 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

18 October 2004

Hon. John D. Ashcroft, Attorney General of these United States:
Hon. Richard B. Cheney, President of the United States Senate:
Hon. William H. Frist, M.D., Majority Leader of the United States Senate:
Hon. J. Dennis Hastert, Speaker, United States House of Representatives:

On behalf of more than 180,000 Americans who have attached their names, including my own, hereto ("Petitioners"), I respectfully submit this request for investigation and indictment of Senator John Forbes Kerry (D. Mass.) for acts of treason in connection with the proffering of counsel and assistance to enemy agents in time of warfare ("Petition for Investigation and Indictment").

Specifically, Petitioners request the United States Department of Justice open or renew an investigation of Mr. Kerry's actions of "giving aid and comfort" to Communist North Vietnam, particularly in regard to his meetings with enemy agents in Paris on multiple occasions between 1970 and 1972 while still an officer in the United States Navy. Such counsel and assistance to enemy agents in time of warfare is in direct violation of UCMJ (Article 104 part 904), U.S. Code (18 USC Sec. 2381 and 18 USC Sec. 953) and other applicable laws and acts of Congress.

Some of Sen. Kerry's anti-American activities and protests in association with Vietnam Veterans Against the War and other subversive groups may have been subject to pardon by President James E. Carter's Executive Order 4483 of 21 January 1977, which provided general amnesty for draft evaders and other war protesters. However, it is the considered opinion of legal scholars that acts of treason in connection with providing aid and comfort to the enemy in time of warfare are not covered by EO 4483.

Though Sen. Kerry claims to have received an Honorable Discharge at the conclusion of his military service, he refuses to sign a Standard Form 180 authorizing the release of his complete military records in an effort, we believe, to conceal his separation from the military by other than honorable discharge. This assertion is supported by the fact that Sen. Kerry's discharge was subject to review after EO 4483 by a board of officers acting under Title 10, U.S. Code Section 1162 and 1163 in reference to involuntary separation from the service. Those records are critical to the disposition of this Petition for Investigation and Indictment.

Additionally, in connection with an other than honorable discharge, the Department of Defense may have revoked all pay benefits, allowances, medals and honors. Here Petitioners note that upon becoming a U.S. senator in 1985, Mr. Kerry requested that all his medals be reissued, and, more recently, that he received a revised DD-214 listing an Honorable Discharge.

Why are we requesting that John Kerry be investigated and indicted now?

In October 2003, Mr. Kerry chose to make his Vietnam War record the centerpiece of his campaign for the presidency; this has been especially true since his Democrat Presidential primary victory in March 2004. Outraged by this and in response, the more than 180,000 signatories of the above-referenced Petition for Investigation and Indictment chose to make Mr. Kerry's war record the centerpiece of their campaign to disqualify him from public office.

In doing so, Petitioners cite the Constitution's Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3. The pertinent language states: "No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President ... having previously taken an oath ... to support the Constitution of the United States, [who has] engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof."

Of note, there is no statute of limitations on treason.

It is not Petitioners' intent that this Petition for Investigation and Indictment be acted on prior to the 2 November election as this would be disruptive to the election process. Such action by the Justice Department would only be viewed as "political" in nature. It is, however, Petitioners' intent to ensure that Sen. Kerry's actions are subject to investigative review in order to conclusively determine whether he is legally qualified to hold any future office in accordance with the Constitution's Fourteenth Amendment.

Regardless of the outcome of Sen. Kerry's campaign for president, be it known that Petitioners remain committed to holding Sen. Kerry accountable for his actions.

Respectfully submitted,

Mark Alexander
Executive Editor and Publisher,
The Federalist Patriot

Petition and signature account attached.


Please continue to press for the national press to reveal these items.....

You have more than 188,000 people behind you in this cause.

In fact, even those parties who comprise the 2.5 Million Vietnam Veterans and who do NOT agree with this position should know what REALLY happened and how it was engineered and by whom to bring a favored Son of a Rich to a Senatorial Seat and perhaps [I hope to GOD not...!!!]....the Presidency.

John Kerry says we shold, "Put Vietnam behind us," but you know and I know he has raked open the wounds of an entire generation to make political headway for an exceedingly questionable agenda.

The continued safety of the average man, woman and child DEPENDS on removing John Kerry from office....no matter WHAT punishment he is allotted.

THere is no doubt in my mind that the "clubby atmosphere" of the Senate will not allow for hanging one of their own. But, as a country, WHAT course of action are we to take against a CERTIFIABLE traitor, coward, and an enemy within, if not prosecution to the FULLEST extent of the Law.

There is NO statute of limitations on legal action on these points.

John Kerry, a Presidential Candidate, DESERVES to answer to his infractions of the UCMJ, just as the Abu Ghraib Prison guards were brought to justice in front of the World.

The party who has made the MOST noise about this error in judgment and management has been the DEMOCRATIC Party.

And, if you find any sense of "equality" in your soul, shouldn't John Forbes Kerry be scrutinized and, if necessary, PUNISHED to the same extent?

I don't CARE what party you might support, but voting for John Kerry is tantamount to JOINING him in his crimes.

HE called his own acts 'WAR CRIMES'

HE stated publicly that he commited 'ATROCITIES'.

HE indicted EVERY U.S. Sericeman who ever went into battle for this great country of ours.

How can ANYONE imagine that he might be suitable to be Commander in Chief....???


I realize that I am essentially "preaching to the choir"....but,

I want to say....you guys hold a tune REAL GOOD....!!!

Sing it again, my Brothers.


James Bradley Stone, Whitefish, MT
ETN-2, USN, 1967-70
Project SHAD/112, USS Granville S. Hall, 1969

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JB Stone

PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 10:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


For whatever reason, this was not worthy of being in the "thanks" column, but THAT is what I TRULY intended.

I have done all that I can to further your cause.

I realize I'm not a "REAL" Vietnam Veteran.

In fact, the DOD, VA, VFW, ONI, NSA, CIA, AMRIID, DARPA, U.S. Senate, House and others have classified those in my special little group....officially NON-ENTITIES altogether.

I wish you all the best of luck in revealing the details of John Kerry's traitorous, seditious, and wholly fictitious attacks on the U.S. Military and all who have served honorably in ANY conflict, war, police action, or peace-time duty capacity.....!!!

We, the Project SHAD/112 Veterans have grown accustomed to being the subject of much derision and Bureaucratic Stonewalling by other Veterans and every imaginable Federal power existent.

The REASON that this is germane to the topic of John Forbes Kerry's candidacy is that if he IS elected, we will die....forgotten, denied, abandoned, and denigrated.....and in most cases, rather PAINFULLY at that.

Over 10,000 U.S. Servicemen from ALL branches of the Military were involved....from 1962-73, on land AND sea.

I realize it is the general "impression" or belief of the general public and most of the Military that the Cold War was just a scare tactic with NO casualties.

Nothing could be FARTHER from the truth.

We have no "medal winners" ...in FACT we were never even awarded "hazardous duty pay". When I look at a photo of John Kerry with his PHONY Purple Hearts, etc. I am saddened that NONE of our injuries, debilities, and deaths in the line of duty have even been ADMITTED TO, let alone "recognized". We had a reunion in Seattle this summer. Since then, at least two of our number have died....and NONE, to my knowledge, have had their service in the most egregious experimental program ever devised even authenticated in full by a government gone mad.

These are HARSH words, but I do feel that I can at least empathize with those who's honor has been STOLEN.....!!!

Ours was not only PROHIBITED, we have to this day been muzzled by threats of Federal Prison for merely talking about the circumstances.

But, by a stroke of luck and due to the efforts of a few brave Congressmen, we DID have a provision written into a Senate Bill last December which President Bush did sign into law.

Title: A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to improve and enhance the provision of health care for veterans, to authorize major construction projects and other facilities matters for the Department of Veterans Affairs, to enhance and improve authorities relating to the administration of personnel of the Department of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen Specter, Arlen [PA] (introduced 5/23/2003) Cosponsors (1)
Latest Major Action: Became Public Law No: 108-170 [Text, PDF]
Senate Reports: 108-193 COSPONSORS(1), ALPHABETICAL [followed by Cosponsors withdrawn]: (Sort: by date)

Sen Bunning, Jim [KY]


And, buried in section 102, hidden from public consumption is THIS:

(Sec. 102) Makes a veteran who participated in a test conducted by the Department of Defense Deseret Test Center as part of a program for chemical and biological warfare testing from 1962 through 1973 (including the program designated as Project Shipboard Hazard and Defense (SHAD) and related land-based tests) eligible for hospital care, medical services, and nursing home care, notwithstanding that there is insufficient medical evidence to conclude that such illness is attributable to such testing. Terminates such eligibility after December 31, 2005.


The Montana represenatives of the Purple Heart Society have promised to pursue recognition for injuries incurred while on duty as Human Test Rats during Project 112/SHAD.


You might take the time at some point, when the current dust storm has died down to read some of the information HERE:


And, in case you think that I am only blowing my own horn, please look at the range of topics I have compiled HERE:



You might inquire as to WHY I might have chosen a Canadian site to post this information...???

Well, first of all, I have NO funding whatsoever so, the folks that run that board did me an IMMENSE favor by allowing me to archive my research on their site, gratis.

You can also view some of what I've been able to accomplish HERE:



Once again,


to ALL who have furthered the message of the Swift Boat Veterans, POW-MIA Families, and Vietnam Veterans in general.

Perhaps the interest you have stirred up will serve to further the public's interest in MANY matters.


The efforts of perhaps 10 SHADDEES nationwide, mainly "under cover", have resulted in the progress we can claim so far.

The rest are either too sick, dead, or unaware that they were even IN the program. Contrary to reports by the VA & DOD, the list of participants is nowhere NEAR "complete".


I'm NOT applying for your sympathy, empathy, or apology.

I've been called a: coward, liar, wuss, faker, nut case, gold bricker, and TROUBLE MAKER....and THAT is just by other Veterans and VA Doctors....!!!
[ With the PROUD exception of the last title, all are untrue.]

I KNOW what it is like to be called that which you are not.

I have devoted as much time and energy to the topic of John Kerry's candidacy as I have been able, right up to the last moment.



If John Kerry IS elected.....the PRoject SHAD/112 Veterans will die one by one until in TOTAL ignominy.

He will NEVER allow this item to be brought to light.


It was JFK, the REAL JFK, that initiated the program at the behest of Robert McNamara, and it was EXPANDED by LBJ....along with the Vietnam War.

Since Kerry owes his ENTIRE political "career" to sucking up to the Kennedy family, not to mention to selling out to the Communist Vietnamese and a few OTHER transgressions....yet to be PROSECUTED....

TEDDY KENNEDY will NOT "allow" it to pass.

On THAT you can rest assured.


I could go on at GREAT LENGTH regarding the entanglements and source of our misery, but one thing you SHOULD realize is that the "Gulf War Syndrome" which the VA basically laughs off is a DIRECT result of exposures to many of the exact SAME materials as those tested in Project SHAD/112.

Where did YOU think they came FROM....????


Have a nice campaign.

VOTE BUSH - CHENEY '04....!!!

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Joined: 07 May 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 11:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It was bumped over here because discussion is discouraged in the Thanks, Swiftees forum. Topics are locked if they get more than one reply. Your topic looked like you wanted discussion on it and it contained a lot of other material.

The Thank You Swiftees forum was intended to be a sort of guestbook, where everyone leaves their own comments - so that if any Swifts had the time, they could cruise in and peruse the messages, all in one place.

Feel free to leave a note in there, if you want to.
~ Echo Juliet ~
Altering course to starboard - On Fire, Keep Clear
Navy woman, Navy wife, Navy mother
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JB Stone

PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you for allowing me to perhaps catch the attention of a FEW "activist" or "concerned" Veterans and anyone ELSE who stumbles onto this post.

Very Happy

We have no "medal winners" ...in FACT we were never even awarded "hazardous duty pay". When I look at a photo of John Kerry with his PHONY Purple Hearts, etc. I am saddened that NONE of our injuries, debilities, and deaths in the line of duty have even been ADMITTED TO, let alone "recognized". We had a reunion in Seattle this summer. Since then, at least two of our number have died....and NONE, to my knowledge, have had their service in the most egregious experimental program ever devised even authenticated in full by a government gone mad.

These are HARSH words, but I do feel that I can at least empathize with those who's honor has been STOLEN.....!!!

Ours was not only PROHIBITED, we have to this day been muzzled by threats of Federal Prison for merely talking about the circumstances.

My opinion at this point would go like THIS:

What are they going to DO...???

KILL ME again...???


Semper Fi, Anchors Aweigh, Roll those Caissons, Off You Go, and Surf's Up....!!!!

[do Coasties HAVE a motto...???]

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