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The hard truth on illegal immigration

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PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2005 7:13 pm    Post subject: The hard truth on illegal immigration Reply with quote

I thought this was quite interesting and rather informative.

Arizona Representative Russell Pearce
The hard truth on illegal immigration


I want to thank not only the Minutemen but also the people of Arizona and the rest of the country who supported us and urged us on.

Defending freedom and standing up to people who discount the laws of this great country is not a sacrifice but rather our duty.

Perhaps as high as 80% of the violent crime in Phoenix area involves illegal aliens (according to Chief Hurt and Mesa police violent crimes response team)

Illegal Aliens cost taxpayers $68 Billion annually in federal programs in 2002. Studies estimate that amnesty would increase that three fold.

$311 Billion in uncollected taxes (Barron's study).
$200 Billion annually in lost American wages. Native-born American men lost an average of $1700 in wages in 2000 due to US immigration policy (Harvard University).

Maricopa County Hospital loses over $2 million weekly on uncompensated care (largely do to illegal aliens) (2003, 77 border hospitals filed for bankruptcy).

Feds owe $25 million in uncompensated SCAAP costs just in Maricopa County, (1/3 of our federal prisons are illegal aliens).

Arizona spends over $800 million (K –12) annually to educate illegals.

Over half of AHCCCS births are from illegal mothers 1/3 of children in Arizona have immigrant parents.

"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion." Article IV Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution.

Today, the majority of these elected officials are in violation of their oath of office, with severe consequences to their law abiding U.S. citizen constituents’.

From State Representative Russell Pearce R-18, Mesa, Arizona, Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee and Co-Author of Proposition 200 (known as Protect Arizona NOW).

I am so grateful to Americans who stand up for the Rule of Law and the citizens of this great nation. The disrespect for America (United States) our laws, our taxpayers, our sovereignty, our Constitution should be alarming to every American. I am also amazed at the Governor and our Attorney General's (who took an Oath to uphold the Constitution and the Laws) attempt to ignore and in fact their attempt to thwart the people's will and the law and what Prop. 200 is about (preventing illegals from getting free stuff against the law) in its attempt to Re-establish the Rule of Law.

However that is the continue deceit that comes from open border advocates and their kind.
I have spent 30 years in the criminal justice system and now sit as a State Legislator (Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee) and I have been vigilant in protecting the citizens of the United States (specifically Arizona) and will continue to support the Rule of Law and demand others do also. I continue to be amazed at those who pander to foreign nations interest, cheap labor advocates, the liberal left who benefit politically as we watch America being destroyed. I intend to continue to bring forth legislation that will detour illegal aliens and go after criminal aliens by allow local law enforcement to play a role in this illegal alien crime wave. We no longer can afford for our law enforcement community to sit on the side lines while our neighborhoods are destroyed and our nation is attacked by these criminal/violent aliens.

While I was in Washington D.C. recently speaking at the Brookings Institute on immigration. While on stage, I was given a message, "Urgent, call home, Emergency". As I stepped off the stage found a phone and called home I found my son, Sean Pearce and Lou, Deputy Sheriff’s for Maricopa County Sheriffs Office and SWAT Team members had just been critically wounded and Sean was critical and was being flown to a local hospital. I later found they had been shot by Homicide suspect during the execution of warrants and these bad guys were "illegal aliens" with "Matricular Cards".

This year, over three million illegal aliens crossed over our borders (not just to get jobs, however those looking for work that are taking those jobs from Americans ALL in violation of our laws) against the laws set forth in our Constitution and Law. These laws are specific. They demand arrest and deportation for anyone within the United States of America without lawful entry. For anyone hiring an illegal alien, these laws provide fines of $10,000.00 per illegal hired and up to five years in prison. (I intend to introduce for the 3rd time a bill/House Referendum to go after employers who "knowingly" hire illegal aliens and empower citizens and local law enforcement in this effort).

Nonetheless, according to Time Magazine, September 12, 2004, written by Pulitzer Prize winning journalists Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele--over 4,000 illegal aliens breach Arizona’s borders nightly. That is, "Enough to fill 22,000 Boeing 737 airliners or 60 flights every day of the year." Millions of these illegal aliens find employment with our top corporations in every sector of our society’ all the detriment of America’s working class’ and in violation of the rule of law. Yet Tom Ridge of Homeland Security, Asa Hutchinson head of the Border Patrol, our Congress and the president refuse to uphold the Constitution, its laws and their oaths of office. Additionally, our elected officials from mayors to state governors work against American citizens in what history will report as the single greatest “invasion-without-guns” takeover of a nation in history. "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion." Article IV Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution.

Each of these elected men and women swore on a Bible to represent Americans and uphold the Constitution.

Today, the majority of these elected officials are in violation of their oath of office. Beyond this violation, with severe consequences for their law abiding U.S. citizen constituents’ is the poor example they set--absence of honor and legality. According to Webster’s dictionary, fifteen million illegal aliens constitute an invasion.

You can see the effects of this invasion in every city in the United States. Nonetheless, mayors in dozens of cities including Miami, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, Miami, Detroit and Boston maintain Special Order 40 that prohibits police from arresting and detaining illegal aliens. Hundreds of mayors are in violation of their oaths of office when they swore to uphold the rule of law.

Baldacci of Maine is the first governor to sign an order giving illegal aliens a sanctuary state. The cornucopia of benefits include the ability to work illegally, ability to drive without license or car insurance, use of welfare, use our schools with free lunches for their kids and state funded medical care” at our expense. This is the type of corrupt leadership found in the Third World. Baldacci violates his oath of office. However, he is not alone. Not one single governor in the United States stands against illegal immigration or attempts to enforce Federal or local laws in our states. They, in fact, aid, abet and assist illegal aliens. What law do they break?

"A person (including a group of persons, business, organization, or local government) commits a federal felony when she or he: assists an illegal alien she/he should reasonably know is illegally in the U.S. or who lacks employment authorization, by transporting, sheltering, or assisting him or her to obtain employment, or encourages that illegal alien to remain in the U.S. by referring him or her to an employer or by acting as employer or agent for an employer in any way, or knowingly assists illegal aliens due to personal convictions." Federal Law ” Section 8 USC 1324. If you suffered a horde of people overrunning your home or community, you would call the cops and have them arrested. Not so with illegal aliens! By lack of law enforcement, illegals recognize the open invitation to illegal entry. The benefits of lawbreaking exceed their wildest dreams.

Below is just the first part of a prior op ed on Prop. 200, a simple solution to re-establishing the Rule of Law.
Protect Arizona NOW/Prop. 200 "Arizona Taxpayers and, Citizens Protection Act" does three things.

1. Proof of citizenship to register to vote. The U.S. Constitution established more than 200 years ago that only citizens can vote. The initiative requires everyone equally to prove that eligibility. The Help America Vote Act of 2002 requires states to strengthen the integrity of their voter rolls, as does Title 7, Section 12 of the Arizona Constitution, which states: "There shall be enacted registration and other laws to secure the purity of elections and guard against abuses of the elective franchise."

2. Photo I.D. when voting. Photo I.D. is required to cash a check, apply for welfare, sign a lease, get a rental card at a video store. Gov. Napolitano vetoed the photo I.D. bill, stating it was illegal. Yet 11 states already have laws requiring I.D. when voting. Some laws have been on the books for decades, so where does she get it's illegal? Or does she think voting isn't as precious a right in this country as having a video rental card?

3. Proof of eligibility to receive non-federal mandated public benefits. This is already on the books. The initiative would require everyone to provide proof of eligibility equally. The Urban Institute studied this extensively in 1994, the University of Arizona in 2001, and estimated such costs to vary widely in the tens of millions of dollars.

While the overall responsibility of Immigration belongs to the Federal Government, the impact of the Federal Government's failure falls on the citizens of Arizona and it is up to us to do something about illegal activity and the issues of voter fraud and theft of taxpayer dollars.

They say this initiative is divisive? Like its name says, it seeks to protect Arizona taxpayers and citizens. The only divisiveness our initiative could cause might be between those for whom laws matter and those for whom laws don't matter.

Those laws are already on the books--our initiative would only require that laws regarding the eligibility or recipients of public benefits that are already on the books, are enforced. People registering to vote would be required to "prove they are U.S. citizens" when they register to vote. When they go vote, they only have to provide a photo or other acceptable I.D. (spelled out in the initiative). (blockbuster requires two forms of ID to rent a movie, it seems like voting should be almost as important!)

"Illegal immigration, moreover, is not an exceptional case, but a powerful proof that the usually accepted 'model' of how our government works has been supplanted by something else entirely," Youngblood said. " Most Americans, as supported by both the anecdotal evidence of popular opinion outlets such as talk radio, the Internet, etc., and by legitimate, scientific polling data, overwhelmingly support stopping illegal migration. Yet, when you talk to almost any elected official of either party at any level of government, there is a total disconnect between what they say and do, and what their constituents want them to do. Their polite response, of course, is that immigration, illegal or otherwise, is good for the country."

Of course this ignores the Crime (violent and property loss), Cost of Education, cost of Health Care, Americans losing jobs, Destruction of our Neighborhoods, unpaid taxes, unfair and immoral competitive advantage of business over honest business, etc.

For example at our 2004 Republican State Convention over 75% of our elected PC's voted for a Resolution to endorse Prop. 200 and yet out of our Congressional Delegation came out against putting into place a verification process to protect the integrity of our Elections and the Protection of fraud at our welfare offices, (exception of Trent Franks). On a statewide poll conducted by ASU/Channel 8 85% of Republicans supported Prop. 200.

**If you listen to the liberals and pro illegal alien crowd you would think that carrying an ID is somehow hazardous to your health**

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing.
Calling an illegal alien an undocumented immigrant is like calling a burglar an uninvited house guest.

A legislative effort to allow local police to enforce immigration law allows and not allow some of the state’s most violent criminals to remain on our streets, State Rep. Russell Pearce says. Pearce wants to "Take the handcuffs off the police and put them on the bad guys" and says local law enforcement can no longer sit on the side line and watch our neighborhoods be destroyed by gangs, violence and allow those in this country illegally to hide behind sanctuary policies.

Pearce is sponsoring several bills to protect Arizonans from illegal aliens and awaits final action on them in the Senate and consideration by Gov. Janet Napolitano.

One bill, SB1306, would allow local law enforcement such as county sheriffs and municipal police officers to enforce federal immigration laws such as detaining illegal aliens and turning them over to federal authorities.

Another bill, HB2389/HCR2028, asks voters to remove the ability for an illegal alien who is accused of committing a serious felony to get out of jail before trial.

These two common sense measures have received widespread support despite attempts by Democrats and others to paint illegal immigration as a racial issue.

“Illegal aliens have already shown a willingness to break the law,” Pearce said. “When police on Arizona’s streets come in contact with them, they need to serve and protect by asking one simple question: Are you in this country legally?”

So-called sanctuary policies, where police refuse to seek the basic answer on legal status, allow criminal aliens to terrorize our communities. Phoenix and other Arizona cities refuse to allow their police officers the opportunity to do their job by catching criminals who break our laws, Pearce said. In turn, police organizations have abdicated their authority by refusing to back important legislation to crack down on illegal aliens, Pearce said.

In Southern California, several prominent street gangs such as the 18th Street Gang count a large percentage of illegal immigrants among their ranks. In Los Angeles County, an estimated 95 percent of outstanding homicide warrants are for illegal immigrants.

A new Arizona law giving cities and counties the ability to instruct their law enforcement agencies to detain illegal aliens and turn them over to federal authorities will translate into an immediate reduction in crime.

Other southwestern jurisdictions are coming to the same conclusions, Pearce noted.
“In Los Angeles County and neighboring Orange County, law enforcement officials have decided illegal immigration can’t be ignored,” Pearce said. “Illegals account for such a large number of violent felonies that agencies in those two counties now want to ask the one basic question of residency status.”

If SB1306 takes the handcuffs off law enforcement, Pearce said his HCR2028 ensures those illegal aliens apprehended after allegedly committing serious felonies stay behind bars until their trial.

“An illegal facing a lifetime as a guest in an Arizona prison has no incentive to await trial,” Pearce said. “Going back to Mexico for a time only to resurface somewhere else in the United States makes a mockery of our judicial system.”
In Los Angeles County, approximately two-thirds of the 17,000 fugitive felony warrants belong to illegal aliens. Clearly, they have found a gaping loophole in our system.

Arizona has the opportunity to significantly reduce crime and secure our border. The Legislature is on the verge of sending Gov. Janet Napolitano a common-sense bill and asking voters to ensure accused aliens stick around for trial.

“Passing these two measures gives law enforcement the needed tools to combat criminal illegal aliens in Arizona like never before,” Pearce said. “Our residents deserve these two reforms.” Our citizens have right to expect our law enforcement officials to eagerly engaged in this enforcement effort.

Representative Russell Pearce, R-18, Mesa, AZ., Chairman of House Appropriations Committee and Co-Author of Prop. 200 (602-926-5760)


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PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2005 10:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It makes you wonder..... just what is behind President Bush's failure to take action to secure the borders?

Does he see this as a bigger war than we can wage at this time?

What is Mexican President Fox holding over his head?

Maybe if we were not losing a trillion dollars or more a year of our national wealth from illegal immigration, we could pay people more to do the jobs that illegal aliens do now.

A guest worker program might work if the workforce was recruited from the other side of the border and those already here not given amnesty. We need to make the real effort to get those out of the country who are breaking the law and secure the border after they leave.

To ensure this takes place some laws must be passed:

1. Prosecute illegal aliens as a felony conviction. If an illegal alien is deported they receive a lifetime ban from reentering the US for any reason.

2. Work permits are only granted in the country of origin, not after they are in the US.

3. Births of illegal alien children in the US maintain the citizenship of the parents country of origin and are not granted US citizenship.

4. If the aliens are here illegally, they have no rights to public services or educational benefits. Once identified, they are immediately deported to their country of origin.

5. Visa overstays should be prosecuted as a felony and the individuals deported immediately to their country of origin after conviction with a lifetime ban for reentry to the US.

6. Persons in the United States illegally are given a one-year amnesty to exit the US after the borders are secured. Once they exit they will be given a priority placement number (only after passing after a background check) to be given a Guest Worker visa sponsored by a US business. No Visa No Entry.

7. Once the borders are secure all illegal alien prisoners incarcerated for non-violent crimes are deported back to their country of origin.

8. All Federal Funds will be withheld from any Municipality, State or Territory who does not actively assist in the apprehension, arrest or prosecution of illegal aliens.

9. Citizens who desire to assist with securing the borders will be invited to join a Border Patrol unit as an Auxiliary Officer. The Border Patrol will implement a training program to screen/certify these armed citizens who will work alongside Border Patrol Officers in communities Nationwide.

10. Hiring, harboring or transporting illegal aliens needs to be a felony crime to stop the practice.

Well those are just some of my ideas, I was wondering if you all have any better ones?

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Retired AF E-8

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PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2005 11:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

PhantomSgt wrote:
It makes you wonder..... just what is behind President Bush's failure to take action to secure the borders?

Does he see this as a bigger war than we can wage at this time?

What is Mexican President Fox holding over his head?

Excellent questions and points you made PhantomSgt. I am mystified or should I say stupified as to why the President has failed to take action to secure our borders.

I also do not get his compromise on what is right and what is wrong. He called the Minutemen vigilantes.

If there are what is called as in many neighborhoods throughout the US the "Neighborhood Watch" and they are looked upon as good citizens....how can you call the good citizens that choose to protect our borders and see our communities remain safe from illegal aliens vigilantes?

I am disappointed to say the least with Dubya. And yes, what does Vicente Fox hold over the President that he would compromise the morals and ethics HE KNOWS the people re-elected him to uphold?
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PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 12:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wonder how we could get a few hundred "PhantomSgt's" elected to Congress?


Some really GREAT ideas for legislation, there. And it would probably cost less to enforce them all than it's costing us in free eduction, health care, welfare for illegal aliens now.

Plus it adds a measure of SECURITY - which is one of the first goals of having a common government, in the first place.
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PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 2:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Navy_Navy_Navy wrote:
Wonder how we could get a few hundred "PhantomSgt's" elected to Congress?


Some really GREAT ideas for legislation, there. And it would probably cost less to enforce them all than it's costing us in free eduction, health care, welfare for illegal aliens now.

Plus it adds a measure of SECURITY - which is one of the first goals of having a common government, in the first place.

Thanks 3Ns for the kind words. The ideas just eminate from "common sense" a quality that is severely lacking within the "Beltway" these days.

FDR and other Presidents took steps to secure the borders during war and it escapes me why our current President overlooks this fact daily.

Yes the military was stationed on our borders during WWI, WWII and all during the Cold War. The legal authority was given to them to secure the borders and coastlines.

Extraordinary circumstances, demand extraordinary steps be taken by extraordinary people.

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PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 7:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

When Barry Goldwater argued in the 1963 Senate debate on minimum wage that he'd "Never met a man worth a buck and a quarter an hour" he had justification. Upward of 6000 illegals were working his family's cotton and citrus fields living in carboard boxes. Things haven't changed alot (save citrus and cotton are gone from the economy). Phoenix has grown into the nation's fifth largest metro but remains about 26th in purchasing power. Cheap, illegal labor depresses the entire spectrum.

Labor intensive enterprises, assembly, construction, restaurants, hotels, golf courses, service, whatever depend on their effort (admittedly better than crack addled trailer trash) and the state (tax dollars) to pick up the slack. Not so blatant as twenty years ago when Marriot would simply report half their staff to Immigration at the end of tourist season the principals still apply. It was comical some years back with Pat Buchanan touring the state in his Mercedes decrying illegals and everywhere he went they spit in his food.

The local municipalities are no better. They drop trow' with tax breaks for any big employer who moves in with a subsidised hotel or call-center full of minimum wagers and provide unfunded streets and schools. At one point we had 3 Fortune 100s now we've one in the 220s. Can't blame it on illegals entirely but it's indicative of the pecuniary perversity that pervades.

What's funny about Phoenix is that Mexico never settled this far north; Apaches wouldn't let them! It started as a grass farm to feed the horses at Fort McDowell (now an Indian Casino) established to fight the Apaches.

-Wlm Shakespeare
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