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Help! I`m A Hollywood Republican!

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 3:48 pm    Post subject: Help! I`m A Hollywood Republican! Reply with quote


Help! I`m A Hollywood Republican!
Posted 8/18/2005
By Robert J. Avrech
I am a Hollywood screenwriter. I have written feature films, episodic television, movies for network and cable. An Emmy Award for the screenplay for my film “The Devil’s Arithmetic” sits over the fireplace in our living room. I have won numerous awards and I have, thank God, made a good living in Hollywood. For an Orthodox boy from Brooklyn raised during the 60’s and 70’s, when all my classmates were bred to be doctors, dentists and accountants, I was obsessed — unnaturally so — with the movies.

For a considerable period of time, I kept my level of Jewish observance a secret. I did not wear my yarmulke to Hollywood meetings. I understood, on the deepest level, that wearing your religion on your sleeve would be professional suicide. I understood that though Hollywood professed to be “open and tolerant,” when it came to religion — any religion, except for something harmless and fashionable like new-age Buddhism — Hollywood was as open as, well, the KKK.

In truth, most Hollywood people have been perfectly respectful of my Orthodoxy. In fact, several have gone out of their way to accommodate the shooting schedules of the films I’ve been involved with. Usually, these have been the Gentiles. The Jews are another story entirely.

This brings me to my second secret life.

I’m a Republican. A heretofore secret Hollywood Republican. I know men and women who are heavy drug addicts and they have no problem finding employment in Hollywood. I know men and women who are gambling addicts and they work pretty regularly. There’s even a director who was arrested for child molestation and yet was hired by Disney — yes, Disney — to helm a picture, and people defended this decision by saying even child molesters have a right to work. I would bet my bottom dollar that all these people are on the correct side of the political spectrum. They are liberal democrats.

Me, I’m a Republican. A conservative Republican. I believe passionately in free market capitalism. I believe in the Second Amendment, i.e., the right to bear arms (I even own several guns and go to the shooting range with friends from shul several times a month). I despise communism and fascism, and I believe there is a special place in hell for Islamic totalitarians and their Western apologists — probably 99.9 percent of Hollywood people.

Let’s be clear about one thing. Hollywood people are glamorous. But that’s about it. They are ill informed about jihad. They are ill informed about Islam. They are ill informed about Israel, the PA, Iraq, Afghanistan. They are ill informed about U.S. history, the Constitution, etc. The truth is, the movie people I’ve met are ignorant about most everything — save the weekend grosses of the top ten films. That they know like human computers.

Like most Brooklyn Jews, I was raised a Democrat, voted Democrat for years and years, and believed, absolutely, that Republicans were evil. That’s what we were taught from birth, right? Democrats are for the poor and the oppressed, and Republicans are for rich people and big corporations. Who questioned such sophisticated political analysis?

But as I grew older and watched the Democratic party turn into an alien entity run by vulgar race hustlers and anti-Semites cloaked as “mere” anti-Zionists — an alien entity that increasingly refused to confront, much less despise, communism — I realized that this was no longer the party that reflected my national or my Jewish aspirations.

The presidency of Jimmy Carter was the last straw. The man was truly ineffectual. I switched to the Republicans and never looked back.

Hollywood, once upon a time, was one of the most patriotic colonies on the planet. During World War II, Frank Capra made a series of propaganda films titled “Why We Fight.” Marlene Dietrich put herself through a most grueling schedule visiting and entertaining our troops and selling war bonds. Jimmy Stewart joined the Air Force. Numerous movie stars put their careers on hold to help the war effort. These men and women loved America and understood who the enemy was and why the enemy had to be not only defeated but obliterated from the face of the earth.

Look at Hollywood now. Sean Penn goes to Iraq and apologizes for American war crimes. Hollywood’s patron saint is Michael Moore, its liturgy his package of lies, the movie “Fahrenheit 9/11.” When this film had its Hollywood premiere, the red carpet was choked with stars just dying to make an anti-Bush statement. We’re talking about movie stars who know basically nothing about politics. To call them fools would be generous. I have spent time with too many of these people, and believe me, if you’re not talking about how beautiful or how talented they are, the conversation sort of just dies.

It is, I kid you not, a badge of honor in Hollywood to hate America. These airheads who have amassed millions through the free market economy constantly spout nonsense about the need for a Scandinavian style socialist government. They don’t even know that the Scandinavian countries are economic basket cases. I’m not making this up. They actually cruise Sunset Strip in their Bentleys and accuse Republicans of being greedy.

Let’s not forget that at the 2004 Democratic National Convention Michael Moore was given a seat of honor next to — who else? — Jimmy Carter. And the speaker who received the longest standing ovation was none other than the Rev. Al Sharpton, America’s most visible race hustler since Jesse Jackson. It was as though the party had been taken over by the Three Stooges. And Hollywood loved it, showering the Dems with more money than ever.

The political divide in Hollywood is now being felt in the most important quarter: the war against Islamic terrorism. Basically, Hollywood denies that such a war exists.

Script #1: I was recently hired to write a movie for a cable station about the war on terrorism. I was flown to New York where I had a long meeting with the head of the network about what he wanted. He described it thus: “I want a hard-hitting multi-character story about terrorism, with one storyline that emphasizes how someone can be reached through education.”

Okay, that sounded pretty good. My juices were flowing. This is the kind of material I specialize in. Humanistic but with some good action scenes.

And then the head of the network started talking about President Bush. He accused him of being anti-Semitic.

I was flabbergasted. You may disagree with President Bush’s policies, you may not like his speeches or the way he butchers the English language, but gee willikers, no American president has shown such friendship to Jews and to Israel as this fine man. I tried to lay out a few facts, but the head of the network — Jewish, naturally — just brushed them aside. Don’t bother me with facts, he was saying, I believe what I believe and that’s the end of the conversation.

I should have interpreted this as a warning of what was to come and not taken the job. But I did.

After handing in the first draft, I was told that the character of the Islamic suicide bomber was not acceptable. I was told that my portrayal was “insensitive.” After the second draft I was ordered to remove the mosque where a dissident group was vying for control from the more moderate Muslims. And now, five drafts later, here’s what the screenplay has turned into: The Islamic terrorists who properly dominated the original draft are now minor players. American militia members, ala Timothy McVeigh, are now the bad guys.

When I tried to explain that American militia members are hardly a threat to anyone now that the back of the militia movement has been broken through a series of lawsuits, the executives stared right through me. When I confront these people with the truth they look at me as if I am some visitor from some foreign planet.

Which I guess I am.

This film is no longer about terrorism. It’s no longer about…anything. It’s a mess. A jumble of conflicting story lines that can never cohere because the network executives, all proud Democrats, refuse to admit that Islamic terror exists. I was actually told in one meeting that “Jewish terrorists” in Israel are just as dangerous as Arab terrorists. I stared at the executives and felt my blood pressure rise. Jewish terrorists? What Jewish terrorists? What universe are these people living in? Are they just making this stuff up as they go along? Are they even aware that they are lying? Do they even care? Or do they truly believe the nonsense they spout? If they do, then I am truly frightened.

Further, I was lectured that I was anti-Islamic and my screenplay proved it because most of my Islamic characters were terrorists. I tried to calmly and rationally explain that it was Islamic terrorists who sawed off Daniel Pearl’s head; Islamic terrorists who brought down the Twin Towers; Islamic terrorists who blew up the USS Cole; and Islamic terrorists who routinely butcher Israeli men, women and children.

“Israel is different,” the Jewish producers self-righteously lectured me. “If not for the occupation, blah, blah, blah....Besides, we don’t deal in stereotypes...”

In fact, these Hollywood executives do not deal in or care about truth. Did I mention that they are all active Democrats who consider Republicans war mongers, racists, homophobes and just plain evil idiots?

By the way, if ever you should get into a contract negotiation with any of these kind and gentle Democrats, you’ll be lucky to walk away with your undershirt. Talk about brutal. You have not experienced pain until your lawyer calls to inform you that your regular deal has been somewhat modified — meaning you’re about to get murdered financially by some star who just minutes ago was on TV cradling some starving African child.

I have to admit that I have given up on this script. My agent called me up and told me the producers were sensing that I was being “difficult.” Understand, difficult in Hollywood-speak is a lot like getting the plague in medieval Europe. If you are known as difficult in Hollywood, You... Do...Not...Work. Exit parnassah.

My agent, a wonderful woman, told me, “Just do what they want and walk. It’s only a movie.”

Every day, I step into my office and write the words to the script. Every night, I go to bed and repeat to myself the mantra “It’s only a movie. It’s only a movie.” So why is that I cannot sleep — have not, in fact, been able to sleep for weeks and weeks?

Script #2. I have been hired to write a bio-pic about a very famous Republican talk-show host. A man who has revolutionized the radio format. I decide that I’m going to be up front with the studio executives.

“I’m not going to assassinate this man,” I explain. “If that’s what you want, get another writer.”

“No, no, we want you to do it because you have such a good feel for character. Just be honest.”

I’m a moron. I believe them.

I go off and write the script. I hand it in and walk into a firestorm of a meeting. I’ve been too gentle with the talk-show host, they say.

“How?” I ask.

“Well, look at what he’s done to this country,” an executive challenges.

“What, he has 25 million daily listeners who adore him. What’s he ever done except almost self-destruct on pain killers — which I portray in all its awful detail.”

“But he’s a hypocrite!”

“In what way?”

“Well, he talks about family values and look how many times he’s been divorced!”

Have they read the script? The script goes into why the man cannot make a true love match. He’s a sad man. He’s a lonely man.

I ask a really stupid question: “Have any of you ever listened to him?”

They gaze at me as if I’m last week’s trash.

Just as I suspected. Not one of them has ever listened to his show. They all agree he’s not worth listening to.

A few weeks later I’m replaced by a writer who’s a well-known Democrat. My agent tells me that this new writer is absolutely murdering this decent talk show host. Making stuff up, no doubt.

You see, Democrats in Hollywood, and pretty much everywhere, are not satisfied with debating the rights and wrongs of issues. It always comes down to personal attacks. Republicans are not just wrong, we’re evil. This talk show host is not simply wrong, he’s a lying hypocrite.

It’s enough to make a grown man weep.

Last year the Dutch film director Theo Van Gogh was murdered in Holland at the hands of Islamic extremists. It was a gruesome murder. There was not one word of protest from the Hollywood community. Because of liberal political correctness, the 2002 version of Tom Clancy’s “The Sum of All Fears” transformed Palestinian terrorists into European neo-Nazis.

The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) has been leaning very heavily on Hollywood the past few years and the film industry is, frankly, terrified. According to CAIR, not a single Muslim should ever be portrayed as a terrorist on film, reality be damned.

The sad truth is that behind the dashing and courageous Hollywood characters up on the screen sit a bunch of cowards. A group of craven men and women who have little love for this country and who have no idea that Islamic terrorists are working hard to bring down the foundations of civilization.

These Hollywood liberals spend their lives negotiating. They believe that when the time comes they will sit down with Osama bin Laden and cut a deal. Imagine how surprised they’ll be when the cold blade hits their necks. Imagine their shock when they realize there is no negotiating with barbarians; that Osama makes no distinctions between Democrats and Republicans, between observant Jew and Buddhist chanting Jew. I hope it never comes to that, but imagine such a story line.

Actually, it would make a pretty good movie. I should try and pitch it.
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Uisguex Jack
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 5:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A very nice bit of prose. I especially enjoyed his reference to the hollywood aristocracty lineing up for the premiere of Moore's F-911:

To call them fools would be generous.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 5:47 pm    Post subject: Speaking of Hollywood! Reply with quote

In contrast to the ideals, opinions and feelings of today's Hollywood Half-wits, the real actors of yesteryear loved the United States.

They had both class and integrity. With the advent of World War II many of our actors went to fight rather than stand and rant against this country we all love.

They gave up their wealth, position and fame to become service men & women, many as simple "enlisted men."

This page lists but a few, but from this group of only 18 men came over 70 medals in honor of their valor, spanning from Bronze Stars, Silver Stars, Distinguish Service Cross', Purple Hearts and one Congressional Medal of Honor.

So remember; while the "Entertainers of 2005" have been in all of the news media lately I would like to remind the people of what the entertainers of 1943 were doing, (62 years ago).

Most of these brave men have since passed on.

Real Hollywood Heroes

Alec Guinness (Star Wars) operated a British Royal Navy landing craft on D-day.

James Doohan ("Scotty" on Star Trek) landed in Normandy with the U. S. Army on D-day.

Donald Pleasance (The Great Escape) really was an R. A. F. pilot who was shot down,

held prisoner and tortured by the Germans.

David Niven was a Sandhurst graduate and Lt. Colonel of the British Commandos in Normandy.

James Stewart Entered the Army Air Force as a private and worked his way to the rank of Colonel.

During World War II, Stewart served as a bomber pilot, his service record crediting him with leading more than 20 missions over Germany, and taking part in hundreds of air strikes during his tour of duty.

Stewart earned the Air Medal, the Distinguished Flying Cross, France's Croix de Guerre, and 7 Battle Stars during World War II.

In peace time, Stewart continued to be an active member of the Air Force as a reservist, reaching the rank of Brigadier General before retiring in the late 1950s.

Clark Gable (Mega-Movie Star when war broke out) Although he was beyond the draft age at the time the US entered WW II,

Clark Gable enlisted as a private in the AAF on Aug. 12, 1942 at Los Angeles.

He attended the Officer's Candidate School at Miami Beach, Fla. and graduated as a second lieutenant on Oct. 28, 1942.

He then attended aerial gunnery school and in Feb. 1943 he was assigned to the 351st Bomb Group at Polebrook where flew operational missions over Europe in B-17s.

Capt. Gable returned to the US in Oct. 1943 and was relieved from active duty as major on Jun. 12, 1944 at his own request, since he was over-age for combat.

Charlton Heston was an Army Air Corps Sergeant in Kodiak.

Earnest Borgnine was a U. S. Navy Gunners Mate 1935-1945.

Charles Durning was a U. S. Army Ranger at Normandy earning a Silver Star and awarded the Purple Heart.

Charles Bronson was a tail gunner in the Army Air Corps, more specifically on B-29s in the 20th Air Force out of Guam, Tinian, and Saipan

George C. Scott was a decorated U. S. Marine.

Eddie Albert (Green Acres TV) was awarded a Bronze Star for his heroic action as a U. S. Naval officer aiding Marines at the horrific battle on the island of Tarawa in the Pacific Nov. 1943.

Brian Keith served as a US Marine rear gunner in several actions against the Japanese on Rabal in the Pacific.

Lee Marvin was a US Marine on Saipan during the Marianas campaign when he was wounded earning the Purple Heart.

John Russell: In 1942, he enlisted in the Marine Corps where he received a battlefield commission and was wounded and highly decorated for valor at Guadalcanal.

Robert Ryan was a U. S. Marine who served with the O. S. S. in Yugoslavia.

Tyrone Power (an established movie star when Pearl Harbor was bombed) joined the US Marines, was a pilot flying supplies into, and wounded Marines out of, Iwo Jima and Okinawa.

Audie Murphy, little 5'5" tall 110 pound guy from Texas who played cowboy parts?
Most Decorated serviceman of W.W.II and earned: Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Cross, 2 Silver Star Medals, Legion of Merit, 2 Bronze Star Medals with "V", 2 Purple Hearts, US Army Outstanding Civilian Service Medal, Good Conduct Medal, 2 Distinguished Unit Emblems, American Campaign Medal, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with One Silver Star, Four Bronze Service Stars (representing nine campaigns) and one Bronze Arrowhead (representing assault landing at Sicily and Southern France) World War II Victory Medal Army of Occupation Medal with Germany Clasp, Armed Forces Reserve Medal, Combat Infantry Badge, Marksman Badge with Rifle Bar, Expert Badge with Bayonet Bar, French Fourragere in Colors of the Croix de Guerre, French Legion of Honor, Grade of Chevalier, French Croix de Guerre With Silver Star, French Croix de Guerre with Palm, Medal of Liberated France, Belgian Croix de Guerre 1940 Palm.

So how do you feel the real heroes of the silver screen acted when compared to the Hollywood Half-wits today who spray out anti-American drivel, as they bite the hand that feeds them? Can you imagine these stars of yesteryear saying they hate our flag, making antiwar speeches, moving to foreign countries, marching in anti-American parades and saying they hate our president?

I thought not, neither did I!

Carry On The Message To Others. Carry On!
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 6:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Man, I don't know whre to start... he covers so many bases.
It was really a good personal perspective and I wish more people would come out and say what they want to say!

Actually, reading this, makes me want to say that we should leave America (which many of them said they would do if GB was elected again, but pussied out) and make our own country... There isn't enough land left in the world that is still unclaimed to do this... hmm.. so I guess, especially with those people (you) still there, they (you/me) need to reclaim the territory that is STILL the one for the freedom and rights of the people... and NOT a territory of the fascist government.

I hope that there are more people in hollyweird that come out and talk about what the warriors of the U.S.A. have fought for for the last 300 years of this free country. ANd I am sick and tired of hearing, from the Europeans, that the country is (still) too young to know what is better.... In that case we should have let them perish and all be speaking German and Japanese (sorry, I can speak Japanese now, to an extent... but of my own free will). WIll they never 'get it'?

Sorry... letting off steam.. It really PISSES me off to here THEM (mainly referring to Euro's, but also libs) tell US what's best....
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 6:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Actually... tears (honestly) in my eyes after reading the whole series of posts... VERY moving by today's 'standards'...

I am curious about Charles Bronson. I know that he was not originally from America, but am curious about the staments about him being involved in WWII... I had NO idea that he was ther protecting the peoples of Europe and America!!! I am an avid fan of his.. and I didn't even know about this!

all I can say is.............


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 7:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What an absolutely outstanding essay - that is a definite keeper!

And thanks for the other posts, too. There's still hope. A lot of hope!
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 7:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

We must not forget the millions raised by the Hollywood support of the War Bond effort in the forties. Stars who could not serve at the front for one reason or another volunteered to raise money for the war effort.

They didn't arrive at these events in limos or private jets surrounded by yes people or have bags of thousands of dollars worth of gifts thrown at them just for appearing. There were no special trailers or dressing rooms furnished in luxury and stocked with whatever they desired.

No these Stars rolled up their sleeves and got to work supporting the War effort and the troops at the front.

There is only one way to send a message to the Hollyweird Elite; Just Say No!

The next time you are thinking of attending a Penn, Baldwin or some other outspoken neophyte actors movie, just stay home. There are only a few movies that I have watched in the past year and I do a loyalty check on the actors first.

Your message will be heard loud and clear in the Hollyweird boardrooms. They are on the ropes now (box office receipts are slipping away) and it wouldn't take much to push them over to the way Red America thinks. After all money is King in Hollyweird.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't know how true it is, but I heard that Bruce Willis tried to join the Army after 9/11.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I thought it was great too, boy oh boy he didn't hold back. I am glad he came forward and wrote this, although I suspect he will find it much harder than ever, if ever, to find work now. Maybe Mel will give him work.

Well now we know they are making a movie about Rush and plan to tear him up in it.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 5:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rdtf wrote:

Well now we know they are making a movie about Rush and plan to tear him up in it.

Well, we know that there are at least about 25,000,000 people who won't waste their money to see it. Not only will they not spend their money, but I suspect there might be a significant backlash from it aimed at the heart of Hollywood.
"In a word, I want an American character, that the powers of Europe may be convinced we act for ourselves and not for others; this, in my judgment, is the only way to be respected abroad and happy at home." --George Washington
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 6:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


You asked:
I am curious about Charles Bronson.

I don't know if this is true or not, but a long time ago I heard that he was inteviewed on Japanese TV and they asked him if he had ever visited Japan before. His reply: "No, but I flew over it a few times in World War 2."

Yee Haa. Just what they deserve to hear. (My inlaws barely escaped the rape of Nanjing.)
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 11:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There are no heroes in Hollywood.
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