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Never Forget

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Joined: 07 Aug 2004
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Location: Jacksonville, NC

PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 12:34 pm    Post subject: Never Forget Reply with quote

Take the time during your rememberances of 9/11 to check out
http://polipundit.com/. Lorie Byrd has a moving tribute to that
unforgetable day complete with pictures, statements, and articles
related to September 11, 2001. She invites comments and postings
from readers as well.

Here's another link that I found on Free Republic's website. It is from
a site created by FDNY Engine 40, Ladder 35, that lost 343 heroes on
that terrible day. http://www.fdnylodd.com/BloodofHeroes.html ^
Susan R. Morton
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 3:54 pm    Post subject: Engine/Ladder site Reply with quote

Engine/Ladder site is excellent, there are morons on it's blog site. Goes with the territory. Thanks for sending.
"It is never right to do wrong, even if sanctioned by law" Abe Lincoln
The Last True Cruiser
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 5:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A very good e-mail from Move America Forward people.
Most of you probably got this but for those that didn't, here it is.
A long read.

If you're reading this before the end of the day on Sunday, September 11, 2005 I hope you'll have made the effort to fly the American Flag in front of your house or on display somewhere else prominent.
The flying of Old Glory on this day of infamy might seem too empty in its representation of symbolism, but it is the symbolism of our nation united in the face of a terrorist threat that is so important.
I'm sending out this email because as our troops stand in harms way in Afghanistan and Iraq, some voices in this country are sounding a cry for retreat and seemingly attempting to play revisionist games with recent events.
It would be great if people all around this nation were reminded of some of the key points below. And perhaps they will be with your help - by forwarding this email on to friends, family members, co-workers and colleagues. And finally, I hope when you read this email you will realize why we need your participation in the rallies we will hold across the nation the week after next, culminating in the giant "Support The Troops And Their Mission" Weekend in Washington, D.C. Keep watching the Move America Forward Website for more information.

President Bush Thanks Our Troops Serving in Iraq
The War in Iraq is Central
to the War on Terrorism
Some people in this nation have come to the incorrect conclusion that Operation Iraqi Freedom has nothing to do with the attacks against the United States on 9/11.
These people either are ill informed, or they deliberately are trying to mislead the American people in the hopes of turning them against our military, our commander in chief and the mission our men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces are serving in Iraq. In many cases they represent a radical, far-left agenda that most Americans would promptly denounce. One of the strongest advocates for the anti-war effort is the Socialist Worker which is now promoting the anti-war tours of Cindy Sheehan and British socialist politico, George Galloway.
This anti-military constituency ignores the fact that what made Afghanistan such a threat to this nation was that it served as a state-sponsored breeding ground and training ground for terrorism. Al Qaeda operatives were free to gain access to weapons, bomb-making materials and train terrorists in Afghanistan because the government of that nation was sympathetic to the extremist Islamic agenda that was very much anti-American and anti-Israel.
The same situation has existed in Iraq. Saddam Hussein provided a safe-harbor for terrorists to base their operations, gain access to forged papers to travel around the world, and to acquire the materials and weapons to slaughter Americans and other innocents of the West.
As Andrew McCarthy explains in National Review:
"Saddam Hussein's regime was a crucial part of that response because it was a safety net for al Qaeda. A place where terror attacks against the United States and the West were planned. A place where Saddam's intelligence service aided and abetted al Qaeda terrorists planning operations. A place where terrorists could hide safely between attacks. A place where terrorists could lick their wounds. A place where committed terrorists could receive vital training in weapons construction and paramilitary tactics. In short, a platform of precisely the type without which an international terror network cannot succeed."
If you don't want to believe us, maybe you'll believe the Iraqi General who served under Saddam Hussein and witnessed the training of more than 4,000 terrorists at Saddam's orders.
If you're still confused that the terrorist elements under Saddam Hussein's regime were part of the Islamic terrorist coalition (that includes Al Qaeda) maybe we can make it even more straightforward for you.
The individual who leads the terrorists in Iraq right now (who have injured or killed U.S. Troops, Coalition Forces, and Iraqi civilians) is a man named Abu Musab al Zarqawi. He is the head of Al Qaeda in Iraq.

Abu Musab al Zarqawi - Al Qaeda in Iraq
You would think given the fact that the organization shooting at the men and women of our Armed Forces in Iraq was named Al Qaeda in Iraq that it would occur to the anti-war/anti-military/anti-troop crowd that perhaps these were Osama Bin Laden's allies in Iraq.
But, again, they turn a deaf ear towards these facts because the facts undermine their anti-war/anti-military and anti-Bush jihad.
When you read in the newspapers or see on TV someone who says 'maybe we should pull out of Iraq' realize this very important fact: These individuals are saying we should surrender to Al Qaeda... that we should cut and run and admit defeat to the people who have savagely attacked our nation for more than the past decade (including the horrific attacks of 9/11, the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole, the bombings of U.S. Embassies around the world, the original bombing of the World Trade Centers in 1993, etc...).
Lest you think that the idea that the terrorists in Iraq are led by Al Qaeda is a right-wing falsehood, then perhaps you'll accept it when CNN (the most pro-Saddam television network during the two Gulf Wars) says it.
And if you or someone you know still doesn't get the role Iraq plays in the fight against terrorism and the ties to Al Qaeda, maybe hearing from one of the journalists who has been on the scene - in the thick of the battle with these terrorists - will provide a clearer understanding.
Michael Yon recently lamented about the fact that the mainstream news media had failed to realize that they were sitting on one of the most important stories from the fight in Iraq: that the Al Qaeda backed terrorist network in the Mosul area had been badly beaten back by Coalition Forces led by the United States. This would serve as a major victory for the war effort in Iraq, yet most journalists are so out-of-touch with the events in Iraq (and so biased against the military's mission there) that they didn't even realize the scoop beneath their noses:
"...the top Al-Qaeda leader in Mosul writes to the second most wanted man in the world, and describes in amazing detail the weaknesses and impending collapse of the terrorist network in Mosul and surrounds."

Secretary of State Condi Rice Greets U.S. Troops in Afghanistan
The "Bring Them Home Now" Crowd
Want to Surrender in Afghanistan Too
Those who have been taking to the streets (and to the ditches of Crawford, Texas) to argue for U.S. Troops to withdraw from Iraq, have insisted that they support the broader fight against terrorism.
However, these are false words made in a defensive posture, said out of necessity. Many of the same voices who advocate surrendering to the terrorists in Iraq were vocal opponents to a military response against Al Qaeda following the 9/11 attacks on the United States.
Let's take the example of one of the better known anti-Iraq war voices in this country right now, Cindy Sheehan.
Ms. Sheehan told MSNBC's Chris Matthews that she is opposed to the war against the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan as well, because she believes, "that Afghanistan is almost the same thing," as Iraq.
The World Socialist Web Site explained in October 9, 2001, that their reasons for opposing the war in Afghanistan as follows:
"We reject the dishonest claims of the Bush administration that this is a war for justice and the security of the American people against terrorism."
These are now the same phony excuses used by the likes of Jane Fonda, Michael Moore and other leading anti-war critics when they speak out about the fight against terrorism in Iraq.
One of the most common refrains from those opposed to military action in Afghanistan was that we should instead "bomb them with bread" - as if bread and butter were what Osama bin Laden and his compatriots were interested in. They ignore the fact that the agenda of the radical Islamic extremists is to crush the Judeo-Christian world. Their number one targets are Israel and the United States because of who we are, what our values our, and the freedoms we grant to individuals.
But the "bomb them with bread" crowd refuses to accept this reality. And thus, their storyline hasn't changed from Afghanistan to Iraq... they continue on with their "Blame America First" mentality.
· They see America at fault in Iraq - and want to bring home U.S. Troops NOW!
· They saw America at fault in Afghanistan - and felt the U.S. should not take military action against Osama bin Laden.
· And these same misguided voices didn't advocate a U.S. response to any of the dozens of terrorist attacks against the United States in the two decades before 9/11/2001.
So why on earth should we listen to these people now when it comes to how best deal with the terrorist forces in Iraq?
The director of MoveOn.org, Eli Pariser, was one of those in the 'Blame America First' crowd that felt that the blame for the 9/11 attacks rested with the United States, and not the actual terrorists who attacked us.
In fact, Pariser started a 9/11 Peace petition that urged the White House not to take military action against the terrorists.
The petition was housed at the website http://www.911peace.org - but Pariser has had the petition removed to provide cover for MoveOn.org - as it is not a particularly popular position to advocate surrender to the forces of Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan following 9/11.
Here are the links to where the petition used to be found - before Pariser had it taken down:
Eli Pariser, MoveOn, and others are peddling the same 'surrender to terrorism' approach that they advocated after 9/11 in Afghanistan. They were wrong then and they are wrong again today about Iraq.

We Can't Cut & Run Now...
We Can't Allow the Anti-Military Crowd
to Undermine the Mission Our Troops
Are Serving in Iraq & Afghanistan
Move America Forward invites you to join us as we rally together Americans to show their support for our troops and their brave fight against terrorism in Iraq & Afghanistan.
The men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces risk not only life and limb each day, but they must contend with seeing news reports of radical, anti-military extremists taking to the streets denouncing the work our troops do each day.
The anti-military crowd is mobilizing for one of the largest anti-war rallies to date - including a cross-country bus caravan and rally.
They're organizing under the "Bring Them Home Now Tour" as you can see here:
But we at Move America Forward believe in giving voice to those Americans who are sick of seeing news media coverage dedicated largely to the dark voices who work to undermine our troops and their mission.
And every time one of these anti-military groups takes to the streets to rally for surrender, we believe patriotic Americans must stand up and prevent another "Vietnamization" from taking place in this nation.
Our country cannot lose the resolve and the will to prevail in the struggle with the terrorists about what kind of world our children inherit.
Please go to our website to find out how you can join in the "We Support The Troops And Their Mission" national bus tour and rally.
You can also provide financial support for the tour and the rallies here:

Left and Wrong are the opposite of Right!
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Curtis H.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 6:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 1:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Flight That Fought Back
Discovery Channel presentation tonight at 9pm, 11pm, 1am

Chris Driscoll, son of Patrick Joseph Driscoll, comments in this note to FReepers

There was a special viewing for family members of the victims of Flight 93 tonight....wanted to share this with the good folks from this site.

Well hopefully this will put to rest the garbage that all of the conspiracy theorists try to spew. I just saw the documentary and will try to be coherent and put some thoughts down. I'm pretty emotional now so please pardon any lack of logical order....its not a priortity.

But so many of you from this site have been so kind in your words for my father and my family that I just wanted to share this with you.....well here it is.

While my family did not directly take part in the interviews I think they did a great job telling the story from about 7-8 families' views due to phone calls...there were more calls than the 4 that you've probably heard of already - Beamer, Bingham, Burnett and Glick. My blood boils every time I hear the voices of the hijackers...and you'll get to hear them now. While the Zaccariaus Maoussoui case is still ongoing they cant let everything be heard but they do reveal some things.

When I heard the cockpit voice recorder tapes a few years ago in Princeton I very vividly remember hearing a woman flight attendant pleading for her life and it ending rather abruptly...it was truly horrifying and I could not sleep a wink that night thinking of that poor woman. They now believe it was Deborah Welsh...oh man, hearing it live was terrible. They don't play the tapes like we heard them but you get the idea and they narrate it a bit...awful.

Mickey Rothenberg was also believed to be the one who's throat was slit in first class to establish control and send the message to other passengers that their lives would be in danger if they fought back....this too was tough to see...just imagine what his family is feeling tonight.

Capt. Jason Dahl and Co-pilot Leroy Homer were also most likely killed by having their throats slit.....and people in this country want us to negotiate with these animals....wake up morons.

Bottom line...I highly recommend seeing this at 9pm on 9/11 on the Discovery Channel. It should be required viewing for every school age child from 6th grade up so they understand the dangerous world in which we live and WHY WE FIGHT.

I commend the Discovery Channel on a job well done and hope this helps echo the message....NEVER FORGET.

My father died in the first few minutes of this war. He loved this country and his body was slammed into the ground at 580 mph, shredded into pieces and incinerated in ignited jet fuel. Simply because he wanted to go for a hike in Yosemite park with his friends. Barbaric.

This Saturday there will be a walk in his honor - the 4th year this has been done. Last year we had over 600 people come out. All proceeds will be going to the memorial to be built in Shanksville, PA and the memorial in Atlantic Highlands for all of those killed who lived in Monmouth County, NJ. If anyone can make it it is at 10am at Battleground Park in Manalapan, NJ.


Would love to see some of you there - but I know I'm late in the game in putting this up. If you could find a few dollars to donate that would be appreciated as well. Not asking for much - but anything would help.

God Bless You All!!!

Chris Driscoll Proud son of Patrick Joseph Driscoll

Never Forget Never Forgive

Never Forgive ~ Never Forget
one of..... We The People
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 2:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Aaaahhh Kate, thanks for posting this.
God bless them each and every one. There were sheepdogs on that plane. Real heros of the highest order.

Well done documentary.

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