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Letter and Petition

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PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2006 7:36 pm    Post subject: Letter and Petition Reply with quote

Copy of letter I sent to my congressman. I also wrote my senators. I know I can really spout off, but so be it! I shoot from the hip! I may make some people mad, but I'll risk it! Billie

Rep. Tim Johnson

Dear Tim

I’m writing due to concerns about the Veterans Disability Commission toying with the idea of offsetting VA pensions and SSI benefits for disabled veterans. If it’s true it is appalling! It is despicable to think our government would try to dig itself out of the hole it is in on the backs of men and women who have served their country, many of whom have paid a hefty personal price doing so! I suggest along with many veterans and their families that the government get rid of many of our elected official’s pet pork projects many of which are wasteful and some downright ridiculous!

The VA” higher-ups” are wringing their hands trying to figure out what to do with all the new vets coming in. The VA is woefully under funded and can’t take care of the older vets. It doesn’t look like the Iraq War is going to be over any time soon, so the White House had better be prepared for more sick and severely wounded vets.

A drug addict or alcoholic on the street who’s never served in the military doesn’t have any problem getting SSI, but they want to take it away from our vets? I think not!

If this attitude towards our vets keeps up, how do we expect young men and women to join the military when in all likelihood our government will screw them over in the end.

I am the widow of a 100% combat disabled Vietnam Veteran. I know what his struggles were. I know how hard it is to make ends meet. It’s bad enough these vets have to struggle with their disabilities. They shouldn’t have to face the possibility of losing some of their benefits. Some have become disabled later in life and while being able to work paid at a high rate into SS. Now they face losing these benefits? This is wrong! Will the widows and children’s benefits be on the chopping block next?

It’s true the VA could use some overhauling, but don’t do it at veterans expense. Get rid of the waste and put the money where it belongs, with the veterans. There is probably some corruption there too as it seems there is in many places in our government these days.

George Bush has never been VA friendly no matter his rhetoric! I know it and many vets know it!

Am I angry? You bet I am! My husband as a 20 year old soldier in Vietnam lost both his legs in service to our country. Many others came home hurt and had to spend the rest of their lives in pain as he did. They deserve to be treated with dignity and fairness. We owe them that!

It seems these days the “powers that be” in Washington, many of them spend more time squabbling over party politics instead of doing the right things and both sides are guilty of it. Yet we expect our citizens to volunteer for the military and possibly defend this great country and they do! Do we expect them to put themselves in harm’s way and then when they suffer great bodily harm, turn our backs on them? We’ve done this to some of our older vets who suffer from illnesses later in life. Look at the Agent Orange mess. How long did it take to finally admit it caused health problems not only with the vets, but to children born to them? The Gulf War Syndrome is getting the same run around! In plain English, it stinks! There is so much waste in government it boggles the mind!

I am a patriot as was my husband. I support the War on Terror, but I am weary of flag waving at the expense of our soldiers when they come home injured and really need our help. Waving the flag and speaking with great zeal about how we all have to pull together will not put food on the table. Although I am angry about the treatment of our vets, I say these things to you with respect. I hope you can help. Our men and women in the military are some of our greatest resources and source of pride!
Billie Brant

Charleston. IL

Please sign our petition to stop this Disgraceful Commission: http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?disgrace&1

The U.S. Congress Is Ready To Put America's Most Disabled Veterans Below The Poverty Level. Is this how you want your Federal Politicians to repay those, who have sacrificed so much for you, your family and America?
Personally, I think this is a total disgrace to even form the Commission to plan such an act. I'd love to know, who are the federal politicians, who are supporting this Commission of Disgrace.

Since I paid into Social Security for 18 years, with many of those years at the maximum rate of deduction, it should not be constitutional that this Commission can deny me Social Security Disability, because I receive VA benefits.
John "Jack" Cunningham http://www.CapVeterans.com
Sussex, New Jersey

MORE DETAILS AT: http://www.americans-working-together.com/american_veterans/id66.html

On May 19, 2006 the Veterans Disability Benefits Commission will vote whether to recommend a payment offset to Veterans Administration benefits. This will be a decrease in compensation to DISABLED VETERANS. Young Disabled Veterans starting a family will be impacted greatly.

The recommendation could mean that the disabled Veteran will receive only one payment (whichever is higher) but not both. This means that the Veteran will not receive a disability check from the Social Security Administration and the Veterans Administration benefits check. Those Veterans receiving full VA benefits could lose their Social Security Check if its lower.


All Americans should write or email the members of this committee at veterans@vetscommission.intranets.com

Click here to: EMAIL YOUR CONGRESSMEN http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Click here to: EMAIL YOUR SENATORS http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
Contacting the White House (Below)


Please sign our petition to stop this Disgraceful Commission:

Veterans' Disability Benefits Commission

The Commission members are appointed by the President (President George Bush) and leaders of Congress, and the Commission is independent of the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense.
Email the Comission and tell them to do the right thing for the veterans.




Gentleman I urge you not to recommend the changes to VA and Social Security laws that would put the vast majority of Veterans who are disabled below the poverty level.
This move would be a slap in the face of all veterans who faithfully served this country in all branches of the services and in the course of their service became disabled. To place an additional financial burden on them and their families will be a travesty, and a betrayal to their service in past, present and future wars.

I know that should these recommended changes be passed by the House and Senate I and all Veterans in my State, and District will keep a close watch on our Senators and congressman's votes in this matter.

Again I urge you not to take the expected action, No for any personal reason even tho I'm 100% P&T thru the VA for PTSD, and am receiving my SSI.

Gentlemen I know what it is to live on a fixed income, and it took a lot of pride swallowing to apply for these benefits, but when you lose a career because of reasons that at a young age were beyond my/our control in various war zones we went uncomplaining because we were soldiers, and proudly served this great nation, only to learn 36 years later that my service amounts to number crunching or whatever motivation "someone" dreamed up is an insult to me, and all other Veterans who proudly served this Nation.

I have already contacted my Senators and Congressman with my views and hopes in this matter and you may contact me at the following address and phone number.

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PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 1:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Congressmen contacted, e-mail to the commission sent.

I am writing concerning this commission's consideration of changing the way our Veterans benifits are adminstered. To make SSI and Veterans benifits an 'either or' situation should not even be being considered by anyone. Any efforts concerning Veterans benifits should be geared toward MORE compensation and aid, not less.
While lately to me the world is seeming to be upside down and inside out please do not allow this insanity to even reach into the care we give to those who have been willing to sacrifice their all for your/our safety and freedoms.
I call upon each and everyone of you to bury this whole concept and replace it with new ideas to better HELP our veterans. That is the only place your efforts should be directed.

Thanks for the heads up on all this.

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PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 8:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just got this back from the commission in response to my e-mail.

Thank you for taking the time to express your experiences, thoughts, and opinions to the Commission
related to its pending decision whether or not to include Social Security Disability Insurance
(SSDI) in its analysis of compensation and earnings of service-connected veterans in order to assure
that they are properly compensated for their disabilities.

Your views are being considered in preparation for an anticipated decision on May 19, 2006, on this

In response to your concerns, we also wanted to provide you with additional background on the
Commission’s deliberations and intent as well as to address possible misconceptions that seem to be
surfacing in different forums.

There are allegations on the internet and distributed through (email) mailing lists, for example,
that claim the Commission intends to propose offsetting benefits or reducing benefits. These
allegations are misinformation and a serious disservice to both the Commission and all veterans.
This is definitely not the intent of the Commission.

Of the thirteen Commissioners, twelve are veterans and nine are combat veterans. Combined they have
over 260 years of military experience and many service honors, accomplishments, and awards. The men
and woman who serve on the Commission are dedicated to conducting a thorough, objective, and
impartial assessment of the full range of programs and services intended to meet the needs of
disabled service members, veterans, and survivors. The Commission exercises this mandate with an
acute awareness and deep appreciation of the service and sacrifices made by those who are most
affected—the service disabled and survivors.

There also seems to be some confusion between SSDI and Social Security retirement benefits.

Understanding the Differences between SSDI and Social Security Retirement Benefits

SSDI is a benefit for individuals who are below the normal eligibility (retirement) age for Social
Security and are unable to work. They must meet criteria within a narrow definition of disability
and have a medical condition expected to last a minimum of one year or result in death that prevents
them from working. At about age 65, recipients of SSDI then convert to Social Security retirement

While the Departments of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Defense (DoD) programs compensate individuals
with partial disability, the Social Security Administration (SSA) does not. SSA regulations also
restrict how much a person may earn and continue to qualify for SSDI (VA and DoD do not).
Currently, the income limit for SSDI recipients is $860 per month.

The Commission’s consideration of SSDI does not extend to regular Social Security retirement

Background on SSDI and Commission Discussions

There are some veterans in receipt of VA disability compensation who also receive SSDI. The SSDI
payment may cover the same disability, a combination of service-connected and non service-connected
disabilities, or disabilities completely unrelated to military service. The frequency and amount of
SSDI benefits received by disabled veterans are currently unknown. At issue is whether the
Commission should collect this information and include it in its assessment of the appropriateness
of the level of benefits provided to veterans for disabilities resulting from military service.

During the March 2006 meeting, the Commissioners discussed the law establishing the Commission
(Public Law 108-136) and its charter as background for further discussion on the SSDI matter.
Specific focus centered on interpreting the intent of Congress when creating the law and what that
means in terms of the Commission’s authorities. The Commission members also discussed how data
could be acquired from SSA and how it could be matched to data from VA as well as how results could
be interpreted if SSA data were collected.

At the end of the March meeting, the Commission elected to defer a decision on SSDI until the May
meeting so that the Commission staff could research the relevance and usefulness of SSDI data.
Commission Chairman Scott offered the Armed Services and Veterans’ Affairs Committees of the House
and Senate an opportunity to comment on the issue.

A combined document, reporting Chairman Scott’s request and the responses, is posted on the
Commission web site at:

The Commission meets monthly (with a few exceptions). The meetings are open to the public and time
is set aside at these sessions for public comment.

You will find frequent updates to Commission materials and other information including announcements
of our monthly meetings on our website at http://www.vetscommission.org.

Your continued interest and input into the Commission activities are useful and appreciated.

Veterans Disability Benefits Commission
1101 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20004
202-756-7729 (office)
202-756-0229 (fax)

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Joined: 27 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2006 2:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Update! Further communication from this commission.

The purpose of this email is to provide you with an update on the recent vote by the Commission to
decide whether or not to collect Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) data.

In a show of hands vote of 11 to 2 in a public meeting, the Commission agreed on May 19, 2006, to
adopt a motion to clarify that there would be no mention or question of an offset of VA or SSDI
benefits and to limit data collection from the Social Security Administration and SSDI in several
key ways.

1. The goals of the Commission are to improve outreach, expedite the SSDI application and
examination process, and to explore federal certification which could lead to a single disability
exam for all veterans.
2. Therefore any study of SSDI benefits must be conducted for the sole purpose of improving access
and timeliness of these benefits to veterans. For example, possible recommendations based on SSDI
data could include:
a. Waivers for veterans with less than six quarters of SSDI eligibility;
b. Expedited reviews for veterans already service-connected by VA or for those medically retired
from the military.
3. Rather than individual data or data that includes income or medical diagnostic matching, the
Commission voted to direct its research contractor, the Center for Naval Analyses (CNA), to use only
large, combined groups of veteran data. There will therefore be no way to match the obtained data
to any individual, in order to protect the privacy of veterans receiving SSDI compensation.
4. The Commission also hopes to gain additional insights from this rolled-up, grouped data which
might lead to a greater understanding of the effects on quality of life for disabled veterans and
the utilization rates of SSDI by veterans. By understanding how many eligible veterans take
advantage of SSDI and how that process works, the Commission hopes to understand how to improve the
process and encourage all eligible veterans to apply for their SSDI benefits.

Additional documents and information about the motion, the Commission’s vote or the public
meeting(s) are available on our website at: http://www.vetscommission.org/whatsnew.htm or

After sitting through nearly two-days of public meetings, a Vietnam veteran who suffered Traumatic
Brain Injury and other debilitating conditions came forward during the Public Comment period on May
19. Like many of you, he had been led to believe certain misgivings about the Commission. Instead
he expressed his respect and gratitude for the work that the Commission is undertaking in fulfilling
its mission.

We encourage you to stay informed by viewing the Commission’s website regularly and attending the
public sessions. Please feel free to continue to contact us with your input and suggestions
regarding the disability programs, compensation and services available to veterans and survivors—and
included in the Commission’s research and studies.

Veterans Disability Benefits Commission
1101 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20004
202-756-7729 (office)
202-756-0229 (fax)

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