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Me#1You#10 Site Admin
Joined: 06 May 2004 Posts: 6503
Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 3:10 pm Post subject: Bruce Kesler: The NYT’s Can’t Handle The Truth |
Quote: | June 3, 2006
The NYT’s Can’t Handle The Truth
If a car crashed into the lobby of the New York Times, one wonders if it would report it. Sadly, for the many who want a newspaper of record, the truth crashed on the front page of the New York Times last weekend, and the New York Times hasn’t reported it, to correct it.
I did, here and here.
Monday, at RealClearPolitics, veteran investigative reporter Thomas Lipscomb in the first of three carefully researched and documented columns picks up where the New York Times didn’t, “The Truth, John Kerry, And The New York Times”. Read it for the many details.
The core point is the utterly incompetent flackery of Kate Zernike, condoned by the New York Times. Excerpts:What does it take to wake up a good reporter than there are some issues here besides one junior lieutenant’s latest assertions on the basis, once again, of totally undisclosed records? It isn’t simply a matter of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth “lies.” The facts recited by Kerry make no military sense, fly in direct opposition to authoritative testimony, and are yet to be backed by any records anyone has seen. And Kerry keeps changing his story.
In any case, it is time for some tough reporting to evaluate the Kerry’s claims as listed in Zernike’s article. I will be following up with several other key incidents which appear to be widely at variance with these claims. These will include what appears to be the current state of the evidence about the “skimmer” operation Kerry has decided to put in play again and the greatest newspaper coverup in modern history.
It is time we all got to see a picture of the famous Kerry “lucky hat,” rather than another account by the latest star-struck journalist. It is time for Kerry to stop alluding to “records” and start producing them. And it is time media assigned reporters with military experience or the resources to analyze this record and see just who is lying about what. Lipscomb refers to several matters in which I have first hand knowledge. For reference, see the New York Times online archive for June 2, 1971 for my challenge to Kerry to debate, see here for my narrative on August 27, 2004 of how VVJP was formed in 1971, see here for what Purdum did choose to print in the New York Times on August 29, 2004, and see here (October 26, 2004) for my documentation to the New York Times of its unsubstantiated multi-use of “unsubstantiated” to describe the Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth.
All these references, and the reporters’ notes, are available at the New York Times and the rest by Google search. Kate Zernike and her editors at the New York Times can only plead inability to find their own archives, and computer and journalistic incompetence, and admit their transparent bias and errors. -- I won’t be staying up late waiting for their apologies.
Look forward to Lipscomb’s next columns unveiling the rotten carcass that is John Kerry’s deceptions. John Kerry won’t be, and neither will the New York Times.
And neither will the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Its garbled, factless editorial Saturday says of “Kerry takes up the Swift Boat charges,” such delusional drivel as the old chestnut of the MoveOn Left that Karl Rove instigated the Vietnam veterans revolt against Kerry’s self-invented service. Wake up and smell the coffee,Minneapolis Star editorialist, from your 2004 hangover: Where was Rove in 1971 when I did? Where was Rove when the Swiftees came together in 2004? (Which the Star editorialist, perhaps enjoying a sixpack of pre-weekend moonjuice, only mentions in passing.) Then, the editorialist howls at the moon:Eventually, and bizarrely, people were arguing about whether Kerry took his boat into Cambodia on one occasion. To us the story sounded quite plausible (a number of Americans made clandestine trips into Cambodia during that time), as well as irrelevant to the campaign. Hey, Minneapolis Star editorialist, if “to us”, you’re the only one clinging to that Kerry invention, as even he and the New York Times can’t get closer than 35-miles.
If that wasn’t enough to shut the window on such wild caterwauling, it’s followed by this howl:No candidate should have to endure what Kerry got. Some wanted him to sue, but he is a public figure, which complicates matters, and any lawsuit would have taken too long to work its way through the courts, in the meantime highlighting the accusations. Kerry wouldn’t dare go to court, as the legal right of discovery in his journals and records are just the light of day that Kerry can’t stand, and has refused to open to the public. Virtually everything that is open to the public, including the witnessing of over sixty Swiftees who know different, exposes Kerry, the New York Times, and their prairie home companion paper to withering truth.
UPDATE: Kate Zernike, the New York Times, Minneapolis Star Tribune, and others may want to “meet informational computing.”
— Bruce Kesler (ed. Bnksd1@aol.com) | Jun. 3, 2006
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fortdixlover Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
Joined: 12 May 2004 Posts: 1476
Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 3:15 pm Post subject: Re: Bruce Kesler: The NYT’s Can’t Handle The Truth |
That last link on information computing is a goodie. That's an area that's gonna put a real downer on the ability of Kerry and company to confabulate.
-- FDL _________________ "Millions For Defense, Not One Cent For Tribute" - Thomas Jefferson on paying ransom to Muslim corsairs (pirates). |
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Me#1You#10 Site Admin
Joined: 06 May 2004 Posts: 6503
Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 11:22 pm Post subject: |
Quote: | The sad irony is that at a time when technology makes tapping the entire world's body of thought almost trivial for research and discovery, the dark-ages ideology of post-modernism has become popular, especially in academia. This is an ideology that essentially tells us facts don't matter at all, that there is no discoverable "truth" in the facts, merely competing "grand narratives."
Let's see if that ideology holds up as millions around the world acclimate to the "google experience" (a term I use metaphorically).
Due to the internet search engines and the capabilities of the afmorementioned tools, academics, authors, news media writers, and others can no longer get away with talking trash and writing garbage scot-free (no pun intended), as Profs. Walt & Mearsheimer are now discovering.
These capabilities are also beginning to lay waste to, as Dafydd ab Hugh writes in "Grumbles From the Griped", the tactic of finding a controversial issue and then quoting only one side, to make it appear as if the other side is indefensible:And so these Learned Men, having Inquir'd into the Case for the Opposition, discover'd that the Opposition had no Case and were Devoid of Merit, which was what they Suspected all along, and they arriv'd at this Happy Conclusion by the most Economical and Nice of all Methods of Enquiry, which was that they did not Invite the Opposition to confuse Matters by Participating in the Discussion.
From Wilson, Robert Anton, "The Persecution and Assassination of the Parapsychologists as Performed by the Inmates of the American Association for the Advancement of Science Under the Direction of the Amazing Randi," Right Where You Are Sitting Now, And/Or Press, 1982, p. 67. Indeed.
Charlatans, subversives, and postmodernists, meet informational computing. |
Gee. I wonder if that finger is pointing at everyone's favorite fraud and his MSM enablers. Michael Dobbs...save yourself while you still can. |
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Me#1You#10 Site Admin
Joined: 06 May 2004 Posts: 6503
Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 3:00 am Post subject: |
While we generally refrain from and discourage the billboarding of blatant MSM pro-Kerry myopia, perhaps an exception can be made in this case as it illustrates so typically the point which, I think, is being expressed above...and the rhetoric practically mirrors the shallowness of it's NYT's prototype...
Quote: | Of Swift boats and truth
A Register-Guard Editorial
Published: Tuesday, June 6, 2006
One needn't be a John Kerry-should-have-been-president diehard to support the 2004 Democratic nominee's long-overdue effort to clear his name from vicious attacks on his military service during the Vietnam War.
Granted, nearly two years have passed since Kerry's failed bid for the presidency - and more than three decades since U.S. troops fought in Vietnam. But Kerry has every right to defend his meritorious record against the smear campaign waged by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth
During the 2004 campaign, many Kerry supporters argued that he should have responded more forcefully to the attacks when they first occurred. In retrospect, they were right. Even though many of the allegations were obviously false and part of a Rovian strategy to blunt Kerry's strongest political attribute - a heroic war record in a contest against a president who never went to war - they helped sow the seeds of doubt that ultimately cost Kerry the election.
Now, The New York Times reports that Kerry has finally and fully engaged in a fight with the Swift boat group that accused him of fabricating the military reports that led to his military decorations - three purple hearts, a bronze star and a silver star - for his service aboard Navy Swift boats in Vietnam's Mekong Delta.
Kerry has formally requested that his entire Navy file be released, and has hired a researcher who is reviewing military archives for material that might clarify the incidents in dispute. Veterans who served with Kerry are being interviewed in an effort to reconstruct events in detail, and physical evidence, including photographs and journals, is being collected.
Some of the allegations against Kerry went far beyond accusing the senator of dishonesty and lacking patriotism. Principals of the Swift boat group have accused him of self-inflicting the wound that led to his first Purple Heart, of shooting an unarmed Vietnamese teenager who was fleeing his U.S. attackers and, perhaps most preposterously, of lying about his military experience in order to get medals that the young soldier hoped would someday help him get elected president.
Kerry's critics will no doubt claim that he is trying to clear his political runway of debris for another presidential campaign in 2008. That may well be true, but it's also irrelevant. He deserves a chance to clear his record, whether it's to run again for president or merely to fade quietly into retirement with military credentials unquestioned.
Kerry may also be motivated by a desire to prevent future attacks on other veterans. To be sure, some of the same Swift boat group principals were involved in similarly virulent campaigns against Sen. John McCain in the Arizona Republican's 2000 campaign for the Republican nomination and against Democrat Max Cleland in the triple-amputee Vietnam vet's 2002 re-election bid for the U.S. Senate. More recently, Rep. John Murtha, the Pennsylvania Democrat and former Vietnam combat veteran, was "Swift-boated" after he called for pulling out of Iraq.
Even though Kerry should have responded two years ago - and even though his efforts will almost certainly spur even more vile attacks from the ironically named Swift Boat Veterans for Truth - he is right to confront his accusers and to set the record straight.
The Register-Guard |
Be careful Register-Guard and like-minded sycophants. You were duped into a comfy blanket of cynical SVPT disdain by an MSM cabal who had no interest in the pursuit of Kerry-truth. You resurrect this political corpse at the peril of your own credibility...and the payback may be in spades. |
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