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PostPosted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 11:14 pm    Post subject: OPERATION CULTURE OF CORRUPTION-Very Scary!! Reply with quote

Written by Dagny D'Anconia
Friday, 24 November 2006

If you have read the Dagny intelligence reports, you may recognize that what just happened was not so much an election, as a coup. However instead of the military carrying it out with brute force, it was a well designed intelligence and organized crime operation. It is the height of irony: The "Culture of Corruption" operation was carried out by the most corrupt organization that America has ever seen.

The time has come to put all the pieces together and see the big picture. Consider the following facts:

All key defense lawyers for Republicans caught in the "Culture of Corruption" either had a long history of being close Clinton and Democrat antiwar insiders, or had worked for free in intelligence matters against America:

Duke Cunningham had a lawyer with a history of working for the other side in Chinese espionage cases. Cunningham was set up, entrapped, and totally destroyed by private branch of the espionage community known as MZM - as described in War of the Weasels.

MZM was then bailed out by people affiliated with the Clinton administration as described in Weasel Tracks. Just a coincidence? Or did they do this intentionally for the Clinton political machine?

Jack Abramoff had a lawyer who was a big time Clinton Democrat insider - with a long history of both working for people associated with organized crime and of legally helping out the Clintons in cases of major corruption. Abramoff must have been coerced into his choice of a lawyer. This was exposed in The Abramoff Mystery.

Jack Abramoff had a second lawyer for his Florida mafia case that was also a long time antiwar Democrat insider. Just another coincidence? Or was this yet a second case of his being forced to have a lawyer he would have reasonably despised?

This was exposed in Abramoff Goes up the River with a Democrat Paddle. He deceived the mafia when he could get away with it, as shown in Abramoff, the Russians, and the Three Gates of the Torah, suggesting that his intentions were good, in spite of the results.

Abramoff finally went to prison, and reportedly started singing like a bird about Karl Rove and Democrat Senators one week after the election. Just a coincidence? Or did he finally find himself safe in prison where he could speak freely?

Bob Ney, a Republican tied to Abramoff, chose to plead guilty the Friday before the Tuesday election. What kind of Republican would do that voluntarily? He knew that would make the headlines just before the election. The Republican leadership had been urging him to resign for 7 weeks, and he would not do it. He waited until it would do the most electoral damage to the Republicans.

Like Abramoff, Bob Ney also has an attorney who is a highly placed Democrat: Mark Tuohey, a major Democrat donor, who was implicated in the Vince Foster cover up, and was criticized by some for his close ties to the White House when he resigned from managing the DC Whitewater investigation.

Thus we have four cases where an individual did great harm to the Republicans, against all their personal political beliefs, timing it to maximize electoral damage, and each also had a highly placed lawyer with a long history of working for the Clintons etc..

But that is only the beginning of the evidence which reveals the extent of Operation Culture of Corruption.

In the aftermath of the election, Bush appeared ready to throw the Conservatives overboard. When Bush immediately presented Rumsfeld's long sought after head to the Democrats, he gave them total dominance. Instead of sensibly canning Karl Rove, he scapegoated Rumsfeld. Personally, I would rather spare Rumsfeld and instead have Rove's head on a platter.

Several months ago I uncovered some damaging intel on Rove and suspected him of setting up a disaster for the election, but it was hard to get anyone to listen to my warnings about the hallowed "architect". Remember how Abramoff, Ney, and Cunningham each inexplicably had a lawyer with a long history working for the other side? The Plame-gate lawyer Rove had was even worse:

Robert Luskin (seen above with Rove) is an antiwar activist, former speech writer for Democrat VP candidate Geraldine Ferraro, Clinton scandal lawyer (Whitewater, Vince Foster, etc.), and badly tainted organized crime lawyer. Karl Rove put himself at the mercy of a person who was a legal intimate of the Clintons' worst scandals and organized crime. Suspicious?

Then look at Rove's record on advising Bush on Harriet Miers, calling the Minutemen "vigilantes", Dubai ports, border security, the sacking of Porter Goss at the CIA, etc. Remember his disparaging the base, and his enthusiastic visit to endorse La Raza?

It is little known, but Rove has close ties and given support and White House access for years to a lobbyist for Islamic interests in Washington. Grover Norquist has lobbied for a convicted terrorist, Abdurahman Alamoudi, who is now serving time in a US prison. He also lobbies for a country which has adopted measures which are ideal for money laundering, and is located conveniently close to the Middle East.

Bush was getting bad advice from somewhere. Then couple that with Rove's public statements that we would win big a week before the election (so why go to the polls?). Is there anything more he could have done to make the base stay home?

Then note the dismal results of the election. It is suspicious to say the least. The unholy alliance between the weasel intel community and the MSM - with leaks, opposition research, and possible entrapment, framing and blackmailing, won the election battle by raising scandal after scandal. The candidates and the public's opinions were just manipulated pawns.

And now Karl Rove appears to have thrown the election and has the same kind of very high level Clinton confidant Democrat insider lawyer. Coincidence? Even when Rove was the closest political advisor to President Bush, and was in a position to control the direction of the White House?

That is five times that a Democrat insider antiwar lawyer was placed in an absurd position of trust where he could do damage to the Republicans and our national security. More than five times a Republican has acted with perfect timing that was obviously chosen to help the Democrats. Five times it was a disaster for the Republicans and everything they stood for.

The same story has been happening over and over. Frankly, this operational method worked so well with Duke Cunningham, the Democrat operation apparently played it over and over. Once could possibly be a fluke, but the fact that this same strategy was played out five times takes it far beyond coincidence.

Only a lawyer of a person can speak and have those conversations forever sealed. Only a lawyer can act as a mouthpiece between the marked individual and people in organized crime etc. and control the outcome of a case. Only a lawyer can throw a case or make a plea bargain to conveniently implicate others. Only a lawyer can tell a client to plead guilty even when it is not true. Only a lawyer can handle his client like a sock puppet and time legal events.

Look at the success of the Culture of Corruption operation: Because of the Democrat victory Al Qaeda and the Jihadis declared victory, and Rumsfeld was thrown to the wolves. As the leader of the Druze in Lebanon said: Syria is "emboldened by the fact that the Americans are searching for an exit strategy from Iraq. This is encouraging all kinds of people to kill and create chaos in the region." The entire Middle East is sliding into chaos.

The election loss was blamed on the Conservatives. RINO "Republicans" now compete over who would declare their presidential run first. An extreme and corrupt San Francisco Liberal is now only two heartbeats away from the presidency.

Dana Rohrabacher's hearings into the role of Arabs in the Oklahoma City bombing are canceled. The border fence is essentially put on hold. The Bush tax cuts are put in jeopardy. Key Democrats have announced their intent to hold a plethora of hearings against Republicans. Key Democrats plan to defund the military operations in Iraq. Hillary is now in a prime position to retake the White House in 2008 with a Democrat Congress. The list goes on...

If you have read the Dagny intelligence reports, you may recognize that what just happened was not so much an election, as a coup. However instead of the military carrying it out with brute force, it was a well designed intelligence and organized crime operation. It is the height of irony: The "Culture of Corruption" operation was carried out by the most corrupt organization that America has ever seen.

If you have any further doubt of this, just look at the brazenly corrupt selections for the House Committees. The House is looking more like a criminal enterprise than a legislative body. One example of the brazen corruption is Pelosi's backing of Murtha for the #2 spot in the House. You may remember Murtha's dealings with MZM/ADCS from War of the Weasels and Weasel Tracks.

Murtha and Pelosi have also had suspicious dealings in San Francisco real estate. In short, Murtha leaned on the Navy to give up shipyards in San Francisco, and Laurence Pelosi was Senior Vice President of the developers for the land (Lennar). They likely have plenty of dirt on each other, so it is no wonder she chose him for the second spot.

They wanted someone to sabotage the Iraq war, and he was the crook for the job. Since Murtha gladly gave his business partners what they wanted, he was not persecuted or prosecuted for his corruption like Duke Cunningham was. Murtha and Pelosi's corruption was overlooked, while Cunningham, Ney and Abramoff were all showcased.

If you understand all the above, then you will not be surprised that Pelosi is now doing her damnedest to put a known criminal in charge of the House Committee on Intelligence. Alcee Hastings was caught and impeached as a judge for soliciting a bribe from people with a case before him. His partner in crime was convicted and then pardoned by Clinton. After making a speech about how she would fight corruption, Pelosi immediately chose a criminal to be in charge of intelligence.

Now that the nexus between a Rogue Intelligence Agency, the Democrats, and organized crime is exposed, it makes perfect sense. Politically it makes no sense for her to back Murtha and Hastings. However, if you understand this to be an organized crime take over of the government, with intelligence the primary power for the take over, it makes perfect sense.

One thing I learned in all this research of the last year is that there really is no longer any distinction between the Mafia, the Clintons, rogue intelligence operations (such as the weasels or the Russians), or terrorist organizations.

They all operate outside the law. They all seek power and money. They all will kill if it is part of the plan. They all will use illegal means such as drugs, weapons etc. to fund their personal or organizational aspirations.

What used to be the toolbox of the Mafia (money laundering, protection rackets, blackmail, threats, illegal deals, drugs, weapons) now is in the toolbox of the intelligence guys (like MZM) and the Democrats (like the Clintons, Vince Foster etc.), and the Islamofascists. They all make money and do nefarious things outside the law because that is where they all operate. Some may have conveniently legitimate public faces, but behind that is a darker reality.

Remember Clinton's war in Kosovo? It protected the heroin and prostitution operations of the KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army), which had known Al Qaeda members and relatives of Bin Laden involved. The KLA made donations to the John Kerry campaign for President. They have cooperative relationships as needed.

Remember Abscam? Murtha was for sale to Arabs.

As far as the specific details and payoffs between the Clintons and the weasels, I can only surmise. A huge amount of Hillary's $30 million senate campaign money went to "consultants" who could be anyone. Same for the Clinton library disbursements. Same on kickbacks from Dyncorp contracts with the government. Same for any number of contracts related to the Iraq war for MZM (aka Athena Innovative Solutions).

There was a time when the Bush administration was fighting the Rogue Weasels in the intelligence bureaucracy. Bush tried to put up a fight for control of America's intelligence apparatus by placing Porter Goss in command of the CIA, and charged him with the task of rooting out the Rogue Weasels responsible for the leaks there (See The CIA in Deep Qaqaa).

However, after some anti-Goss innuendo once again created by MZM et al, and advising (possibly by Karl Rove and his people) Porter Goss was fired. Naturally Goss was replaced by a known Weasel. Since then the CIA has been uniformly unhelpful with more leaks and anti-Bush policy positions.

With the CIA lost, the only intelligence operations intact were the military intelligence units under Donald Rumsfeld. Thus it is no surprise that Rumsfeld is being replaced by someone who is already on record as being against the expanded role of military intelligence. It is not enough for them to take the CIA: They also have to destroy any competing honest military intelligence service for America.

There isn't anything the Clintons and the Democrats would not do to win: That is the ruthless Clinton way. As long as the Clintons can go on using intel operative games so ruthlessly and covertly we can expect more of the same electoral, political and ultimately military failures.

Intelligence operations are the real but largely unrecognized battlefield for this century and we are barely putting up a fight. Both elections and wars are now won and lost in intelligence operations.

The Democrats, the Leftists, and their allies overseas appear to have politically sabotaged the war in Iraq, just as they arranged for political sabotage for America to lose in Vietnam. It was pure ruthless organized crime and espionage, and America never saw the sucker punch coming. America still does not see it - instead blaming the targets/victims of the operation.

What does this imply for the future? Intelligence operations against us have been proven to be devastatingly effective. This has emboldened anti-American operatives worldwide. Witness the terrorist onslaught in Iraq, the brazen assassination of a former KGB spy by the Russian Mafia/FSB and the assassination of Gemayel in Lebanon. The opposition no longer cares if its hits are obvious. They are sending a message.

If President Bush was assassinated all that would stand in the way of the presidency would be Cheney, and he is one old guy with a bad heart. Recall that there was already one probable attempt on President Bush's life (See Jack Wheeler's Chavez in Chile).

In this context, even the mechanical failure of Air Force One on the President's Asia trip last week may arouse suspicion. The entire Air Force One fleet is maintained by Dyncorp, which in turn is tied closely to MZM (See Weasel Tracks). Was the recent attack on a Bush daughter a warning: that Bush better behave because defense of his daughters is so flimsy?

Would they do something that bold? Who would be left in a position of power to investigate them? Perhaps the only thing holding them back is the fear that Cheney might be a more courageous conservative than Bush, and the fear that a Pelosi Presidency would preempt a Hillary Clinton Presidency.

When you put all the pieces together, it presents a compelling picture. Unfortunately you, dear TTP reaser, are one of only a few people that have any awareness of this. The public does not know about the repeated insane selection of lawyers, the organized crime details of the Abramoff situation, or the Clinton associated private intelligence companies. They have not noticed the disastrous timing of guilty pleas, resignations and the perp walks.

To the public, it just looks like the Republicans are evil, and Bush is inept. And if somehow President Bush dies in office, they will probably chalk it up to Republican moral turpitude and incompetence as well.

Welcome to modern political warfare. We can quite reasonably expect more of the same operation leading up to and beyond the 2008 election. The only reason for them to stop is if, somehow, their operation is finally exposed, and credit finally falls where it belongs.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 3:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

hmm... anyone know who Delay's lawyer is?

I always thought Bush was nuts to keep tenet on....

and I do think some dead people from Chicago voted outside their
Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damage
morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should
be arrested, exiled or hanged.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 2:40 am    Post subject: Ex-Customs Agent Exposes Clinton 'Drug War' Reply with quote

Ex-Customs Agent Exposes Clinton 'Drug War'
Carl Limbacher Jr.January 20, 2000

Last week the Clinton administration announced a $1.3-billion emergency aid package to fight the narcotics trade in Colombia.
That's in addition to money previously in the pipeline, which had already made the Latin American drug capital the third-largest recipient of United States tax dollars in the world.

According to the New York Times, "President Clinton said the aid was 'urgently needed' to help Colombia and to keep 'illegal drugs off our shores.'"

Tell that to John Carman, once one of the most effective shock troops on the front lines of America's war on drugs.

Carman's career went into the dumpster when he blew the whistle on U.S. Customs Service corruption and the Clinton administration's attempts to torpedo U.S. drug-interdiction efforts.

These days Carman, a former Customs senior inspector, has to cope with death threats and harassment from local police, which he believes is connected to his efforts to expose official wrongdoing.

But five years ago, Carman was one of the Customs Service's golden boys, with a personnel file full of commendations and job-performance evaluations that rated him as one of his department's most successful agents.

His beat was the San Diego, CA Customs district, the most heavily trafficked area along the Mexican border – through which 70 percent of America's cocaine supply passes each year.

When the Clinton administration began to shift the focus of its drug war away from border interdiction to new strategies, such as the billion-dollar government bribe the president just announced, successful agents like Carman, who know what works and what doesn't, suddenly became very inconvenient.

This Customs whistle-blower described for NewsMax.com a few of the programs that are no longer a part of America's anti-drug efforts.

"They did away with the car-intercept program where "we'd have specially marked Customs chase cars patrolling back and forth," Carman said. "'Port runners,' as we called them, used to come out of Mexico loaded with drugs."

Carman said high-volume Mexican smugglers would drive up the highway the wrong way: "That's how we knew there was government involvement. People were paid off so these guys could drive the wrong way through traffic, so they could go through the exit the wrong way and enter the U.S. illegally."

High-speed pursuits were one of Carman's specialties as a former police officer. He said he had at least a 90-percent success rate with drug-laden vehicles that would have otherwise beaten U.S. interdiction efforts.

Despite the obvious value of the Customs Service's hot-pursuit program, Clinton officials argued it put civilian drivers at risk and was the cause of too many accidents.

Carman U.S. Border Patrol "illegal alien" pursuits within California are far more dangerous.

Did any of the hundreds of chases he initiated over the years ever end in a crash? "Never," the former agent told NewsMax.com emphatically.

When a smuggler tried to run him off the road as he gave chase back to Tijuana, Mexico, Carman said, the U.S. Border Patrol failed to give him proper back-up.

"I would have seized some very serious narcotics in a van with one driver, no passengers," he said. "Instead the driver drove up over the sidewalk and right past a marked Border patrol vehicle with his lights off.

"I learned later that the Border Patrol was 'ordered off' assisting in the pursuits. That basically let the 'port runner' escape."

The elimination of the chase program is just one part of the Clinton administration's across-the-board cutback in U.S. drug-interdiction efforts.

"These days, they're inspecting fewer than two percent of the planes and ships that come into this country from certain commercial carriers," Carman said. "Even if it was less than 15 percent, that's still not enough."The result? Heroin seizures, for instance, fell 35 percent from 1998 to 1999. In bigger U.S. cities the news was even worse, with declines like 42 percent for Miami, 45 percent for Chicago and a whopping 75 percent decline in heroin seizures for Houston.

Official statistics back up Carman's insider account.

Last November, the New York Post obtained an internal Customs Service report that documented a dramatic drop in airport drug interdiction:

"Customs agents conducted 22,792 personal pat-down searches of airline passengers entering the United States in fiscal year 1999. That's down from 42,929 the previous fiscal year."

Customs officials interviewed by the Post blamed a new set of official directives requiring inspectors to comply with a "reasonable suspicion criteria" before searching any passenger.

Some officials said that the new rules have eroded the agency's power and undermined morale. "There's concern out there that we're letting our guard down on the first line of defense in the war on drugs, our borders," one agent told the paper.

Still, if John Carman's whistle-blowing was limited to complaints about how the administration had pulled the rug out from under the Customs Service, he'd probably still be employed in the federal government today.

But the fact is, the former Customs senior inspector, whose resume includes a stint with the Secret Service during the Ford and Carter years, has more likely become a target of official retaliation because he's gone public with serious charges of official corruption within his own agency.

In 1995, Carman was interviewed at length by NBC's "Dateline" about charges that Customs officials had deliberately undermined enforcement at the San Diego border crossing.

He corroborated the claims of another Customs whistle-blower, Mike Horner, who had alleged that Customs officials routinely deleted computer files on known drug smugglers.

"The same thing happened to me," Carman told NewsMax.com. "Customs managers have no qualms about altering or deleting intelligence data."

Carman said the situation has gotten so bad he now suspects that some Customs officials are actually acting as double agents.

"District directors themselves who are tied in with these drug cartels are asking us whom we know and what we know," said Carman.

One of former-agent Horner's confidential informants was killed and another severely injured, days after just such a request, according to Horner's account in the June 1994 Reader's Digest. Another informant for the Customs Service inspector general recently turned up dead as well.

"This is how serious it gets," Carman emphasized. "I've gotten death threats, too. I've hit a nerve that they don't want exposed."

Customs Service Director Raymond Kelly may be part of the problem. "He's firing people left and right," said the onetime Customs star. "Anybody who complains about illegal activity – especially if you're not a manager or a GS-12 supervisor or higher – Kelly's getting rid of them." Carman said the Customs chief has axed a few people who should have been prosecuted. "That means they beat the rap before they were exposed," he said. "Customs will do anything it can to avoid indicting these people."

Carman described one incident where he was ordered not to enter the name of Jorge Hank-Rhon in the agency's "look out" computer files. Hank is a notorious member of one of Mexico's wealthiest and most politically well-connected crime families.

The Hank family has been described by U.S. law enforcement as "a significant criminal threat to the United States" because of its role in drug trafficking and money laundering.

Carman told NewsMax.com the Mexican drug kingpin and his own supervisor, John "Jack" Maryon, actually met for lunch on a weekly basis. Carman's website features a photo of another Customs official, Supervisor Jerry B. Martin, fraternizing with the smiling Mexican drug-mob chieftain.

Though an official U.S. intelligence assessment says the Hank family's "multibillion-dollar criminal and business empire . . . reaches throughout Mexico and into the United States," Customs officials didn't seem particularly concerned about the strange bedfellows. Carman's boss merely retired and that was that.

Some suspect the Clinton administration has deliberately blocked impolitic investigations when the evidence points to top Mexican officials. Carman cited the case of William Gately, a senior Customs agent who ran a probe dubbed "Operation Casablanca."

"He was ordered to terminate the operation after his bosses at Customs told him the target went to Mexican President Zedillo," Carman said.

Despite the wealth of evidence suggesting government complicity on both sides, America's mainstream press has adopted a hear-no-evil, see-no-evil attitude. The Associated Press reported Jan. 16:

"Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, hailing close ties with Mexico, all but promised Sunday that Mexico need not fear a failing grade next month in the Clinton administration's evaluation of its neighbor's counterdrug performance."

The AP noted that "some administration officials periodically have advocated vigorously a decision to decertify but were overruled."

And what happens if we actually do find out the bad guys have friends in high places? Those countries "deemed to be not fully cooperating with U.S. control efforts can be subject to economic penalties," according to the AP.

Trade agreements such as the North American Fair Trade Agreement also give the White House a powerful incentive to look the other way when U.S. trading partners turn out to be partners in crime.

But the corruption goes beyond economics, Carman believes. "I am totally convinced our system of government is so compromised right now that when the targets get too close to presidential friends or the CIA, they just call people off investigations," he said.

Carman has paid a steep price for his candor. After a series of macabre events, he now fears the very agency he once served with total dedication.

In 1998, he was forced to retire when Customs refused to accommodate a health condition he developed on the job. Despite dwindling personal resources, Carman has taken the Customs Service to court in hope that a judge will order the agency to stop violating the terms of its previously agreed settlement.

Before he was forced out, the former senior inspector's car was rammed in what appears to have been an assassination attempt. Weeks earlier, Carman discovered several lug nuts missing from two of the wheels of his Toyota.

Could it all be coincidental? Carman doesn't think so, in part because of phone messages like the one he shared with NewsMax.com:

"Hey, you m----r f----r," warned the anonymous caller. "You're gonna die just like all the rest, you pig!"

He reported the threat to local and federal authorities, as well as Customs' internal affairs. San Diego police, Customs and the FBI did nothing.

Carman says U.S. Attorney John Keeny explained curtly, "Unless they're shooting bullets at you, we can't do anything about it."

Now, the former border agent fears that Customs may have enlisted local police in an effort to retaliate. Last June. they pulled him over, claiming that his car windows were "illegally tinted."

Knowing his windows were perfectly legal, Carman challenged the officers, who promptly shifted the complaint to "illegal use of turn signal."

When Carman demanded to know whether Customs was behind the harassment, police admitted there were two Customs internal-affairs agents waiting to talk to him. "They wanted to see if I'd break any laws," Carman said. "That's entrapment."

These days, he sustains himself with sporadic work as a licensed private investigator, but it won't keep him – or his efforts to expose massive Customs Service corruption – going much longer.

Just days ago, the former Customs agent obtained an attorney whose specialty is RICO prosecution. "Right now, I need a job to help me cover my legal bills," Carman told NewsMax.com.

Meanwhile, he and other customs whistle-blowers plan to stage back-to-back demonstrations calling for the resignation of Customs Director Raymond Kelly in Los Angeles on Jan. 25 and again the next day in San Diego.

Carl Limbacher Jr. is a NewsMax.com writer who conducts its "Inside Cover" column.

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