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Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America IAVA - Poseurs

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:39 pm    Post subject: Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America IAVA - Poseurs Reply with quote

From Pat Dollard.com

ALERT To False Front Predators: Major Leftist Indoctrination Group Poses As Veterans Aid Organization

Paul Rieckhoff, dead center

An insidious, treacherous, anti-military, anti-democracy and anti-capitalist organization called “Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America”, IAVA, is posing as a veteran’s aid and support group in an attempt to turn the last non-Leftist bastion of America into the Left’s mightiest arm of real force.

They are dedicated to one mission, and one mission only: indoctrinate the average service member into a Leftist ideologue loyal to George Soros’ and Obama’s neo-Marxist revolution. Go to this link and scroll down to the bottom, and you will see the IAVA’s “report card” on politicians’ performance as supporters of the troops. John McCain is given a D, Barack Obama a B.

George Soros is a financier of the IAVA. ( From Blackfive: But Burden says what really bothers him about IAVA’s report card is its insistence that its grades are nonpartisan. He points to IAVA’s funding: Jonathan Soros, son of liberal financier George Soros, is sponsoring the group’s annual dinner next month. At the same time, the IAVA uses technology provided by Democracy in Action, a self-described “progressive nonprofit” that provides discount services to liberal groups. And, Burden points out, Rieckhoff once delivered the Democratic response to one of President Bush’s radio addresses.) They used to operate under the moniker Operation Truth before they came up with the less radical sounding IAVA. Blackfive did an expose on Operation Truth.

The IAVA, led by Paul Rieckhoff, claims to operate as as a “non-partisan” group, but as you can tell by both the report card linked above, and the fact that Rieckhoff blogs exclusively for the Huffington Post as the face of the IAVA, they are anything but. You can put the fact that Rieckhoff makes such a bluster about his alleged “firecely non-partisan” stance into the “Me thinks thou do protest too much” file.

Anyone who operates behind such a curtain of blatant deception is a coward, a predator, and fits the vernacular appellation of “weasel”. Don’t presume that the term “traitor’ hasn’t come to my mind, either.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 9:01 pm    Post subject: Let this SWINE guard the GITMO SWINE Reply with quote

AWOL Matthis Chiroux General Discharge Honorable Condition

Just got this update from a vet friend........He should have to spend the rest of his life guarding released GITMO "detainees" in a pig stye in Mexico....what "Swine Flu" outbreak? They wouldn't attack one of their own, would they?

Naturally he is a former member of Iraq Veterans Against the War.

He was let off the hook regarding his discharge.

Take your blood pressure medicine first.


This punk may feel comfortable under Obama's desk but he better never get within a block of a VFW.

Look at the US flag on the uniform he doesn't have the right to wear.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:51 am    Post subject: That didn't take long.... Reply with quote

SGT Casey J. Porter resigns from IVAW
April 29th, 2009
(from "This Ain't Hell, But You Can See It From Here" blog
My folks tell me that Porter won’t be the last.)

Casey J. Porter has been sending video reports from Iraq for the IVAW and has drawn the attention of the left’s bigwigs like Michael Moore and Democracy Now. Today Porter picked up his stuff and left the organization. The big reason he left? The organization’s protection of Matthis Chiroux.

As some background, the IVAW has split into two sides - 1) the “resisters” who have basically done nothing for the country, and 2) the pro-America, pro-Constitution former service members who actually served in the war.

The split began when Kelly Dougherty, an actual Iraq War veteran, resigned and she was replaced by Alex Bacon a guy who deserted from the fricken Coast Guard (while they were still part of the Transportation Department - that’s like deserting from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration).

So under Bacon’s leadership, the resisters, who are mostly real honest-to-goodness communists, have made it known that they don’t much like the folks who actually served in the Iraq War (ya know, like in the name of the organization) because those members still believe in the Constitution and not some radical overthrow of the US system. That became glaringly clear during last week’s comedy show put on by Matthis Chiroux.

The part of the organization that owes allegiance to the International Socialist Organization rushed to “resister” Chiroux’s defense when actual combat veterans called him to task for his outlandish behavior over the last year. Of course, their VVAW/VFP masters, like Ward Reilly, the Vietnam Veteran Against the War who never went to Vietnam, sided with the resisters. That’s not surprising because Reilly doesn’t see the value in serving the country in time of war - just like Chiroux and Bacon.

Well, apparently, actual war veteran Porter decided he’d had enough today.

Here’s the resignation letter he posted on Facebook;

I am done with IVAW.

Today at 12:31am

After serious and long-term consideration, I have decided to end my association with Iraq Veterans Against the War. This was not a choice I made overnight or lightly, but one I must make for many reasons. I would also like to make clear that I very much appreciate the help, support and friendship of many individuals within the membership of IVAW. My reasons for leaving IVAW are in regards to the organization as a whole.

IVAW lacks the professionalism necessary to be taken seriously as a legitimate anti-war organization. Whether we like to think so or not, appearance is important in how society views an organization and it’s membership. There is a time and place for t-shirts such as rallies, marches, and things like that. IVAW should be requiring it’s membership to dress appropriately for TV interviews, whether it’s a shirt and tie, or a uniform worn correctly. By doing so, IVAW would be taken seriously as an organization to contend with, rather than another radical activist movement.
IVAW is losing its focus on the message/goal of ending the war in Iraq.

The national organization for IVAW is highly ineffective and unwilling to take steps to protect the entire organization and their membership. There is a long string of people within the Anti-War Movement and IVAW who will get behind anyone willing to put their face in front of a camera without consideration as to whether that person or their story is in the best interest of the organization.

I believe that the organization has too many members willing to push a different agenda, and is causing IVAW to lose focus on that goal. So much so, that people who question the policies and direction being taken over by a “socialist” agenda are attacked. When I first started speaking out, the local Austin Socialist activists were very supportive, and continue to be. They put some of there other causes to the side when helping us. Then if other IVAW members want to work with them, they do. The IVAW board can not seem to understand this very basic principle. Just to be clear, it’s not about the “socialist” agenda, anymore than it would be about any other agenda, whether it was “republican” or “capitalist”. It’s about having an organization with too many of one group of people at the helm who could steer IVAW towards their agenda, which covers many topics, rather than keeping the focus where it should be. That is, ending the war in Iraq.

IVAW has shown a serious dereliction of duty in their lack of support for active duty military members. Many people have asked me what we can do to get soldiers to speak up within the military who are against the dual wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. First and foremost, they need someone to turn to, and that organization should be IVAW. However, I can tell you from my personal experience that IVAW, as an organization, does very little, if anything, to support those who stand up within the military. The most support I received from the organization was to have my films on the front page of the website for a short time. I was not looking for monetary donations, but support in the form of promotion via media contacts and also to have my videos used by IVAW to further our goal of ending the war in Iraq. I was willing to fall on my sword, Vlad the Impaler style, in order to bring proof of why the war needs to be ended on film as it happened. Instead, all of the media contacts I have, I had to develop from Iraq via a phone connection with a four second delay and night after night of sending out emails, making phone calls, and editing the films.

I know people say I have a big ego and that I love attention, but the message is and has always been my top priority. The fact that IVAW did not promote my films does not hurt my ego, it hurts that they didn’t see it fit to devote anytime to what I was doing other than keeping my films on their main page for no longer than a month.

Another prime example of no support is Selena Coppa. She has been under immense pressure from her chain of command yet continues to fight hard and loud. When she decided to take on the Socialist element within IVAW she was crucified. The ISO has many Anti-War organizations it uses as fronts, and IVAW just might be one of them. It may not have started out that way, but it is now. These members are not concerned with ending the war in Iraq as they are much more concerned with pushing an overall Socialist agenda. Now Selena is under pressure from the very last group that should be on her case. To those on the board of IVAW that would silence Sgt. Coppa, your actions are disgraceful and you are the worst kind of people: cowards.

There are other active duty soldiers that have spoken out and continue to do so. However, to the best of my knowledge, IVAW has done nothing to support them. I fear what will happen to these members, who are putting themselves out there as part of an organization, if the Army ever clamped down on them. I fear IVAW will be nowhere to be seen. I see no support from the organization, and therefore I cannot in good faith recommend joining IVAW to other active duty soldiers I know. I’m sure the Army will be happy to read that.

IVAW has put itself, and its membership, into a dangerous legal position by retaining some “problem children” as members. For example, Carl Webb places IVAW in a very serious position through his advocacy of radical action from the safety of his keyboard. Advocating of sabotage and other such actions puts other people’s lives at risk and IVAW by not condemning such rhetoric and disassociating itself from persons who advocate sabotage places all members in a compromised position. It now becomes dangerous to any active duty soldier who wants to speak out by giving the Army the ammunition it needs to paint IVAW as a radical and dangerous organization. If it went to trial, all a prosecutor would have to do is point out these posts and that alone could sway a Military Jury into believing the organization is radical and advocates sabotage. And yet, IVAW is silent on Carl Webb and his methods that place other soldiers in harm’s way. There is a time for forgiveness and tolerance, but I cannot be part of an organization that will not take action when a member willfully advocates putting others in harm’s way. By allowing people like Carl Webb to remain a part of IVAW, not only does IVAW have a serious legal issue, it also keeps other potential members from joining.

Why doesn’t the board try to remove Carl? He lashes out at other members, like me for example, and pushes for dangerous and illegal action. But guess what side he is on in IVAW? The Socialist side.

IVAW treats its members with inequity and lacks credibility. While an admitted rapist, and being a party to rape on more than one occasion, Matthis Chiroux, is accorded accolades for making a big deal out of something that required no action on his part to begin with. There are also allegations that he used donated money from IVAW members and activists to pay his rent and buy drugs. But the board does not seem to be concerned with investigating or kicking him out. They even posted his “confession” on the main page of the IVAW site! Where he only brings up the rapes not out of a moral awakening but because he got called out on it. Furthermore, he blames the Army for it. The Army mindset and training made him a rapist. That is just a load of garbage and any who believes that is a fool.

I also talked to the Executive Director, Alex Bacon, about this. I brought up how this is public relations nightmare and that Matthis must be dealt with. But he believes that this will not be big issue. IVAW has tried that in the past with disastrous results. I am very disappointed to see the new Director being so soft on such a volatile issue.

That IVAW threw so much support behind someone like Matthis, who only had to not show up to something and would have been fine, and left active duty soldiers with little to no support, is a travesty against the many fine people involved in this organization. I read time and time again “We are made up of many different people with many different ideas and we need to be respectful of those ideas.” That translates into “We don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.” No matter how badly some members conduct themselves, IVAW and the “movement” seems to handle everyone with kid gloves, when they should be acting to protect the organization and it’s members.

It also angers me to no end how people still support Matthis. Killing someone in the heat of battle, or reflecting on past actions and coming to terms with them and speaking out is one thing. But he only came out about these crimes because he had too. Rape is nowhere near the same as taking a life in combat. I am also surprised how many women still support him. Do you ladies have any self-respect? Let’s go find the women he knew were being raped, and raped himself, and let them read his letter and see if they buy his new found “wisdom”.

Here is the real kicker: neither Matthis Chiroux or Carl Webb have violated IVAW’s ultr-loose fitting rules. That’s disturbing to me and there must be some sort of accountability.

To those who would marginalize the board, IVAW national, or issues dealing with Matthis and Carl you are not seeing this for what it is. Saying that we should just focus on the local level is like saying “Don’t pay attention to what your elected leaders in D.C. do, just focus on your local city government.” IVAW national represents us all, and people must understand that.

As of now, all the films I have made with “IVAW Ft. Hood Presents” and credits for “www.IVAW.org” will stay in place since they are reaching a large audience and I believe it is information that needs to be out there. I want my profile removed from the IVAW site. There will be more films and interviews to come regarding the war in Iraq, however they will be done as Casey J Porter the filmmaker, not as an IVAW member. The Deployment Game: Livin’ FOBulous will at some point be taken down and re-edited to remove the dedication title from the beginning to remove any reference to Matthis Chiroux. I will also be contacting the producer of Winter Soldier: Austin and see what happens from there with that film.

My next film, Return of the Camaro, will be out on May 4th. Fire Mission, the next film dealing with Iraq, will be out on July 20th.

Considering the legal liabilities, lack of support, possible financial mismanagement, and a rapist amongst the membership, I am removing myself from this organization effective immediately. To those among you who have been and continue to be supportive of me, I thank you for all that you have done. There are many good people involved with IVAW and I wish you luck.

I ask all media contacts to no longer refer to me as an IVAW member.

Casey J Porter

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PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2009 11:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Casey J. Porter has been sending video reports from Iraq for the IVAW ....... Reilly, Chiroux, and Bacon
The latter sure sounds more like a Breakfast Treat than a bunch of [bought off] commies to me...the former musta been depressing to his 'brothers' in his unit! Sounds like Obama's planned wussification of the US Army may have had a head start! Who'd a thunk that the IVAW had a ' pro-America, pro-Constitution' side to it? Isn't that like the CPUSA having a 'pro-America, pro-Constitution' side to it.....I must admit to some confusion ( and if I'm confused imagine how Porter's 'Brothers' felt)!
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PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2009 4:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Porter, like Kerry and every other limelight leech, is an opportunist ambivalent to anti-American ideology as long as it floats his personal boat.
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PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2009 6:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chiroux will soon find out that his discharge disqualifies him for the G.I. benefits he trumpeted in his "farewell address" following his hearing (per This Ain't Hell blog). Maybe he can get a job in the Obamadministration as a community organizer or sign up as a Code Pink protester and start over.
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PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2009 3:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

...Alex Bacon a guy who deserted from the fricken Coast Guard (while they were still part of the Transportation Department - that’s like deserting from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration).

He had me until this paragraph, then I was so disgusted I didn't read the rest, nor will I. Take all the shots you want at a lazy, no good coward who probably couldn't qualify for ACORN employment and I won't care. But the cheap shot against the Coast Guard was uncalled for, undignified and just plain ignorant.
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PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2009 4:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

GoophyDog, your righteous indignation is well placed. Whoever wrote that should rethink the mission of the Coast Guard and the courage members display every time they go out in a storm under conditions most of us run from and rescue thousands of people every year. I'm sure he was trying to criticize the dufus for deserting because he was a worthless individual who couldn't claim he feared combat since the Coast Guard is not generally called on for combat duty unless it involves defending our coastline; nevertheless, he should have castigated the coward without besmerching the Coast Guard. I apologize for posting the link without noticing the inflamatory content and comments.
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PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2009 11:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

>...the Coast Guard is not generally called on for combat duty unless it involves defending our coastline...<

The Coast Guard, and its predecessors, have engaged in every war in US history, except the Revolution.

About 8000 Coast Guard personnel served in Viet Nam over the course of that war. Roughly 1000 of them at any one time, mostly under the OPCON of CTF 115.

One sector of Utah Beach at Normandy was under the direction of a Coast Guard Captain, and a vast number of the landing craft were crewed by Coasties.

Every beachhead in the Pacific had Coast Guard crews manning the landing craft. One, skippered by SM1 Douglas Munro, saved the lives of about 300 Marines at Pt. Cruz, Guadalcanal, by drawing fire from the enemy and placing itself between the trapped Marines and the Japanese until other boats could get the Marines evacuated. Munro was KIA.

There are about 400 Coasties serving in OIF right now. I don't know the aggregate number of those who have served so far.
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PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2009 3:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

DADESID, well put. Thanks for even more clarification. I certainly didn't know that and didn't intend to slight the Coast Guard. Even more reason to have been offended by the poorly worded backhanded insult to the Coast Guard by the commenter on the blog criticizing the deserter. In any case, I have the highest regard for all services and for law enforcement and fire fighters and emergency medical personnel. Too bad our government doesn't.
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PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2009 2:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

TEWSPilot, No apology needed and thank you for understanding. DADESID, thank you as well.

Few people know of the other side of the Coast Guard where day in and day out they board vessels at sea with little or no idea of what they might find. Even fewer recall it was the CG who took an active part in Desert Shield to enforce the blockade and have continued as DADESID mentioned.

Now that I'm a bit calmer I actually read the Porter letter. Has anyone else noticed this bit:

Considering the legal liabilities, lack of support, possible financial mismanagement, and a rapist amongst the membership, I am removing myself from this organization effective immediately.

Seems there could be a tell-all if Porter finds himself strapped for cash. Heaven knows he's turned before.
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PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 12:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Another one, a real veteran, has resigned from IVAW:

Kristofer S. Goldsmith
Former Army Sergeant
Operation Iraqi Freedom III

His rather long but incomplete letter of resignation can be read at:

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PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 12:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey Lurch, we just had a new slot open.....
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