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ghiapaul Seaman Recruit
Joined: 09 Jul 2004 Posts: 30 Location: Niles, OH 44446
Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 9:49 pm Post subject: Kerrys speech to the firefighters |
In todays speech, Kerry denounced the swiftboat ads. In the last five minutes, however, I have just seen two moveon.org ads that attack Bush. The first showed a swiftboat in vietnam and how you are attacking a "hero", Then it shows McCain attacking the ad and says Bush should have it pulled. The second goes something like this: during the vietnam war one man went to Vietnam and became a hero; the second man used daddy's pull to get in the air national guard, became a pilot, and missed physicals and other training. It asks who you want as president.
What a hypocrite! He attacks your ads, then has his rich buddy Sokros(?) put ads like this out that. If he wants to counter your ads, he should just release all medical and service records. I'll bet he is going to tell moveon.org to pull their ads so he can try to get Bush to tell you guys the same thing. You can really see what a sneak this guy is. Keep up the good work, and never back down. |
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Wescoot2 Ensign
Joined: 05 Aug 2004 Posts: 62 Location: Park Ridge Il.
Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 10:19 pm Post subject: Was the Gauntlet thrown? |
Kerry in his speach today, challenged Bush if he wanted to speak about ther Vietnam Service, since we all know that Bush didn't serve, its seems to me that Kerry opened the door for one of the Swiftie's to answer the call and say YES....
He also said, that when his ship was faced with fire, the right thing to do was to turn into it, and fire back, he adds and thats exactly what he plans on doing now........Wish he would have done that in the first place, instead of turning tail and running...only to return and pick up the SF guy AFTER he realized they were not receiving any incomming fire...You guys are getting to him, keep up the great work........He asked for it, now he doesn't know how to handle it..... _________________ If your Gonna Be One...Be a BIG RED ONE
No Mission To Difficult...No Sacrifice To Great...
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Navy_Navy_Navy Admin
Joined: 07 May 2004 Posts: 5777
Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 10:23 pm Post subject: |
Trust me, firefighters do NOT support Kerry, in the majority - not even close.
Their General President sold them out for a chair on the Kerry campaign and for Secretary of Labor in the event of a Kerry win.
The rank and file are bitterly opposed to the IAFF's misrepresentation of their support.
There is some of the old-style Tammany Hall kinds of tactics being brought to bear upon IAFF members who buck the endorsement publicly.
The IAFF hasn't even appropriately represented it's own 263,000 members, much less the 1.2 MILLION firefighters in the United States.
The union leaders are all socialists in firefighter's turn-outs - it's causing the biggest upheaval in the history of the union. _________________ ~ Echo Juliet ~
Altering course to starboard - On Fire, Keep Clear
Navy woman, Navy wife, Navy mother |
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NavyChief Rear Admiral
Joined: 12 Aug 2004 Posts: 627 Location: Boise, Idaho
Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 11:24 pm Post subject: |
he he he...
hey, Navy_Navy_Navy Admin:
Just got this from the Kerry Campaign:
Quote: | Dear troy,
Today marks the end of the dishonest and disgusting smear campaign against John Kerry and his crewmates from Vietnam. This morning on the front page of the Washington Post, one of the central figures in the effort to distort John Kerry's military service was completely discredited.
The group behind this smear campaign calls itself "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth." But the truth is the last thing they are interested in.
President Bush refuses to condemn this group. He wants them to do his dirty work. But this effort to distract attention from the issues that matter most has failed.
This morning, John Kerry said he learned an important lesson in Vietnam: "When you're under attack, the best thing to do is turn your boat into the attacker." Today he took these lessons to heart, knocked down these charges, and made a firm commitment to the American people that the lies about his military service will not stop him from fighting for affordable health care, good-paying jobs, and keeping America secure.
This doesn't mean that these blatantly false attacks won't continue -- the Bush-Cheney campaign is desperate and has no record to run on. But it does mean that we are not going to let them distract us from letting people know about John Kerry's plan to make America stronger at home and respected in the world. |
I'm such a bad American
I wrote this back to them in response:
Mary Beth Cahill & et al,
apparently you mistake me for a fool and incapable of knowing truth from fiction. I am currently a 20 years Navy veteran still serving my country. I did not choose to leave my shipmates behind when I went to Desert Storm or El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Panama, or Russia.
A little advice for your campaign: The Washington Post is not a credible source to use for discrediting anyone. You just opened up a can of worms or as the "Waterboy" would say, "a can of woop-ass". By telling the world "Bring it on" your candidate has now brought the mainstream media into play. A few reporters are now going to really investigate your candidate's record and find the multitude of inconsistencies that will help the Bush campaign espouse the belief that your candidate is a waffler. Not smart.
You are also bringing more and more people to the SwiftVets website and questioning your candidate more and more.
I've had 10 fellow servicemen ask me this week alone where they can find the truth about your candidate's service. I directed them to the SwiftVets' site. Today, two of my fellow servicemen who deplored President Bush and were going to vote against him, have now categorically stated they will vote for the President. Your candidate is losing ground quickly amongst the minority in the military that professed support for him. If I succeeded in helping two "see the truth" imagine how many more will see the truth? Imagine what these members will say to their families - dominos effect. Nov 2 is still a ways off and your candidate is headed for big trouble.
So I can make myself clear - I do not support your campaign or candidate. Also, I worked in the Presidential Joint US/Russia Commission on POW/MIAs for four years. Your candidate was suppose to be the Vietnam War Working Group Chairman - he was MIA during the whole period. I have articulated this point and many others to several hundred college students, parents, friends, family, coworkers... they were not too happy about his more recent record on such passionate matters.
I would be more concerned about your employment status as his campaign manager if this is the best you can do.
p.s. I have contributed to the SwiftVets in monetary fashion as have 8000 plus others and growing rapidly. You insult my intelligence and many other "honorable" vets by your slander. "Life is like a jar of jalapenos, what you eat today will haunt you tomorrow".
- Troy Jenkins
"proudly serving someone Fit for Command" _________________ Working with Senator Kerry four years in the POW/MIA Office left me thinking -- when did the man ever do any work? |
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Navy_Navy_Navy Admin
Joined: 07 May 2004 Posts: 5777
Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 1:00 am Post subject: |
That's great - I've got tears in my eyes and my stomach hurts, but thanks for the laughter, anyway! _________________ ~ Echo Juliet ~
Altering course to starboard - On Fire, Keep Clear
Navy woman, Navy wife, Navy mother |
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NavyChief Rear Admiral
Joined: 12 Aug 2004 Posts: 627 Location: Boise, Idaho
Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 1:08 am Post subject: |
You are most welcome. I am glad to do my little part.
And besides, now that you have given me a new nickname, I must live up to it
- instigator _________________ Working with Senator Kerry four years in the POW/MIA Office left me thinking -- when did the man ever do any work? |
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LewWaters Admin
Joined: 18 May 2004 Posts: 4042 Location: Washington State
Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 1:31 am Post subject: |
Wouldn't it be great if all 254 Swift Boat Vets all wrote Kerry and agreed to debate him, at the same time?
I bet he'd do just as they did for Hannity & Colmes tonight, decline to appear, after agreeing, LOL. _________________ Clark County Conservative |
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Theresa Alwood Rear Admiral
Joined: 05 Jun 2004 Posts: 631 Location: Florida
Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 1:34 am Post subject: |
I would like to know why he did not say this in front of the VFW? Of course, we know why....he would have been bood off the stage.
I loved it when I saw the picture of the couple of vets turning their backs on him...just wish it had been the entire group...of course the media failed to mention (other than Fox) about the lack of a standing oviation - President Bush received one. _________________ Born to raise a little hell! |
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ghiapaul Seaman Recruit
Joined: 09 Jul 2004 Posts: 30 Location: Niles, OH 44446
Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 2:51 am Post subject: |
I, too, wondered why his speech today wasn't goven yesterday at the VFW convention because of the subject matter. After being in Ohio, he probably saw the ad quite often, and it must have really gotten to him to address it today. As an aside, he was holding a phone question and answer session yesterday with Ohio reporters. They were NOT allowed to ask any question unless it dealt with policy - no questions regarding military service, etc. |
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afvet69-73 Seaman Recruit
Joined: 07 Aug 2004 Posts: 8
Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 12:02 am Post subject: 30 year IAFF member and for the first time ashamed of my uni |
I have been a proud member of the IAFF for 30 years and a union president for 20 years but im ashamed that the IAFF would let its name be associated with the traitor john fonda kerry. I hope that the leadership of the IAFF sees that many members of its organazation have been members of the service,and many fought in nam,and to endorse this lying,dirt bag kerry, only tarnishes the reputation of the IAFF>.I hope some leader in the IAFF organization comes to their senses and denounces john fonda kerry as the fraud ,lying sack of bull dung that he is.I served in the USAF as a SSgt. and in a IAFF local as a capt,and union leader and will state that as of now the IAFF does not speak for me,and i do not forgive or forget. GOD help the IAFF, and GOD bless the true American vets fighting this 2nd nam war of truth. _________________ never forget,never forgive |
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