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A shameful attack on Kerry's service
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PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2004 10:10 pm    Post subject: A shameful attack on Kerry's service Reply with quote


A shameful attack on Kerry's service

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WASHINGTON — "Have you no sense of decency, sir?"

It was the classic question posed by Joseph Welch to Sen. Joseph McCarthy 50 years ago during the red-hunter's hearings investigating the Army for alleged communist influence. With his query, Welch, the Army's special counsel, began the undoing of McCarthy.

Unfortunately, the question needs to be asked again. It needs to be posed to shamelessly partisan Republicans who can't stand the fact that George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are facing off against a Democrat who fought and was wounded in Vietnam.

Dick Cheney said in 1989 that he (in contrast to John Kerry) didn't go to Vietnam because "I had other priorities in the '60s than military service." While Kerry risked his life, Bush got himself into the National Guard.

Funny, isn't it? When Bill Clinton was running against Republican war veterans in 1992 and 1996, the most important thing to GOP propagandists and politicians was that Clinton didn't fight in Vietnam. Now that Republican candidates who didn't fight in Vietnam face a Democrat who did — and won the Silver Star, the Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts while he was there — the Republican machine wants to change the subject.

Thus the shameful display on the floor of the House of Representatives last week as one Republican after another declared that what mattered was not Kerry's service, but that he decided afterward that the Vietnam War was a terrible mistake for our country.

The decorated combat veteran was transformed from a hero to "Hanoi John" in the phrase of Rep. Sam Johnson, a Texas Republican. Johnson deserves our gratitude for his seven years as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam. But his agenda last week had election-year politics stamped all over it.

Johnson declared that in speaking out against the war, Kerry showed "his true colors, and they are not red, white and blue." Kerry, Johnson said, was engaged in "nothing short of aiding and abetting the enemy."

Rep. John Kline, a Minnesota Republican who served as a helicopter pilot in Vietnam, argued that Kerry's service "does not excuse his joining ranks with Jane Fonda and others in speaking ill of our troops or their service, then or now."

Thanks for your service, Mr. Kline, but that "then or now" part is demagogic: Yes, Kerry three decades ago criticized what our troops were asked to do in Vietnam. But have you ever heard Kerry speak ill of our men and women under arms in Iraq?

The Republican agenda is obvious: to distract attention from the contrast between Kerry's service in a war theater while Bush and Cheney stayed home.

It seems to be a habit. When Bush faces a Vietnam War hero in an election, a Vietnam veteran perfectly happy to trash his opponent always turns up. In the case of Ted Sampley, the same guy who did Bush's dirty work in going after Sen. John McCain in the 2000 Republican primaries is doing the job against Kerry this year.

Sampley dared compare McCain, who spent five years as a Vietnam POW, with "the Manchurian Candidate." Now, Sampley says that Kerry "is not truthful and is not worthy of the support of U.S. veterans. ... To us, he is 'Hanoi John.' " Is that where Sam Johnson got his line?

One person who is outraged by the attacks on Kerry is McCain. When I reached the Arizona Republican, I found him deeply troubled over the reopening of wounds from the Vietnam era, "the most divisive time since our civil war." He called Sampley "one of the most despicable characters I've ever met."

McCain said he hoped that in the midst of a war in Iraq, politicians "will confront the challenges facing us now, including the conflict we're presently engaged in, rather than refighting the one we were engaged in more than 30 years ago."

McCain recalled that he had worked with Kerry on "POW/MIA issues and the normalization of relations with Vietnam" and wanted to stand up for his war comrade because "you have to do what's right." Speaking of Kerry, McCain said: "He's my friend. He'll continue to be my friend. I know his service was honorable. If that hurts me politically or with my party, that's a very small price to pay."

Now that McCain has spoken, will Bush have the guts either to endorse or condemn the attacks on Kerry's service? Or will he just sit by silently, hoping the assaults do their work while he evades responsibility? Once more, Welch's words call out for an answer: "Have you no sense of decency, sir?"
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PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2004 10:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I love this paragraph:

Funny, isn't it? When Bill Clinton was running against Republican war veterans in 1992 and 1996, the most important thing to GOP propagandists and politicians was that Clinton didn't fight in Vietnam. Now that Republican candidates who didn't fight in Vietnam face a Democrat who did — and won the Silver Star, the Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts while he was there — the Republican machine wants to change the subject.
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PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2004 2:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

unabashed comprehensive retraction

Last edited by hist/student on Fri Jul 23, 2004 11:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2004 2:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

hist/student wrote:
You boys are a sad lot

As you may recall, as this follows under the heading of very recent current events... the BIG DEAL with millitary service came to the fore in this ellection cycle when the head of the DNC begain reffering to The President of The United States as having been AWOL , unless he immediatly jumped thru some hoops and caughed up some bone for the liberal pollitical machine to chew.

President Bush did not jump for the bait. Some of his supporters have responded in kind to the DNC and AL GORE 'TRAITOR/BETRAYAL' Slanders and libels.

Not the President.

You guts are in a real BS sling ing contest and you're the only ones really swimming in the fecal matter as it were. When all is said and done you're gonna just be coated in the stuff.

Kerry's inability to take a specific strong stand on any issue whatsoever has left Our Nations Great Leader George Bush plenty of grist for the mill of political grinding without his actually ever lowering himself to the level of actually adressing any of these personal attacks against him...\\

Sarky and craig Please post all the attributable quotes you can where The President of The United States George Bush ever refers to Kerry's dubious circumstances of service, his questionable accumulation of medals in so short of period, his dissgusting early out or his treasonous post military activity.

Post them all??

Bush does not need to do his own dirty work.
An example would be the campain of smearing McCain which was done by some of the same founders of this Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.
Maybe you could show me where Bush has disclaimed any association with or approvaly of some of the vicious lies and slanders done by some of his supporters against a number of folks.
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Carl Bowman
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PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2004 3:42 am    Post subject: Shameful attack on Kerrys service Reply with quote

Craig, you call it a shameful attack on Kerry's service. What do you call Kerrys attack on all who served in Vietnam? We were accused of all sorts of war crimes and atrocities. We all know it was a big lie to further his political career. Even the people who were supporting the VVAW cut all of Kerrys funding because they saw he was an opportunist.

John Kerry has never admitted that he lied or has he made any sort of apology.

As for Kerrys service it was and is very shameful to himself and all the American People.
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PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2004 4:20 am    Post subject: Attack on his service? Reply with quote

Just what does that have to do with the fact that he's a traitor, lied about his comrades and did them irreparable harm? What does that have to do with his grievous insult to the Iwo Jima memorial? What does it have to do with the fact that Kerry has no honor? Go to the Vets Only forum, and even though you're not qualified to post there, you can read through and see how many vets support Kerry; why don't you take a count for us? Oh, wait, I'm sorry - we can't trust you. The more I hang out here and at other similar vet gathering places, the more I find that even I have underestimated the antipathy for Kerry by vets - and especially Vietnam vets. "It says something about the man who defends a man with no honor." Right back at you. Thatisall ....
Walt Jones (USMC, '65 - '69) It says much about the person who defends a man with no honor.
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PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2004 4:27 am    Post subject: Almost forgot .... Reply with quote

craig and sparky:
Forgot to tell you, in case you didn't hear: 12 of 19 of Kerry's so-called Band of Brothers have disowned him , and don't want to be in his smarmy ads anymore. There's actually only 3 left who support him, and they've been getting "their expenses paid". Questions? I'll get you the info if you can't find it. Thatisall ....
Walt Jones (USMC, '65 - '69) It says much about the person who defends a man with no honor.
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PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2004 4:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

What's more shameful, questioning someone's 4 months in country, or their abandoning their crew due to minor scratches and coming back and denigrating all others who actually did serve there honorably?

Since we are reminded on an almost daily basis what a hero Kerry was for his 4 months and it has been he and his supporters who once again tried to slander President Bush's National Guard service (as they also did in 1988 over Dan Quayles service and in 2000), does not his own record bear looking into?
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PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2004 5:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Carl Bowman wrote:
Craig, you call it a shameful attack on Kerry's service. What do you call Kerrys attack on all who served in Vietnam? We were accused of all sorts of war crimes and atrocities. We all know it was a big lie to further his political career. Even the people who were supporting the VVAW cut all of Kerrys funding because they saw he was an opportunist.

John Kerry has never admitted that he lied or has he made any sort of apology.

As for Kerrys service it was and is very shameful to himself and all the American People.

I didn't call it anything. I posted an article.
What do I call Kerrys attack on all who served in Vietnam? I call that accusation bunk. I call it as bunk as much as I would not indict the team players for sake of the coach doing some dirty dealing and feeding the players some bad information and maybe even lying to them about the rules.
But as near as I can tell Kerry was not talking about some of the actual abominations that this or that groups were doing and he was not indicting the players for sake of the rules they were given. Of recent he seems to think that he worded it badly and I do not recall exactly stuff from that far back but I do recall that I thought a number of folks were wording thing badly and some ******** went for that "baby killer" ********.
I really don't think that Kerry blamed the troops any more than I did for setting up such a stupid set of conditions.
i don't think he blamed others any more than he did his self - and even if he was trying to score liberal political points I think he was smart enough to have found better - less controversial - way to go about it.
I think he expressed his self poorly and he was the sort who pissed me off in them days. Genocide was the word I did not like. Killing gooks did not mean more than killing krauts. Vietnam was not any kind of pogrom against orientals and applying the term 'genocide' was just some ignorant counterproductive overstatement.
So, Kerry said stupid things back then. Or he said things and said them stupidly whether the message was valid or not. Seemed to me that the whole theater was one big crime - war crime.
And people say this and that about winning or losing. ?? - Could getting the real upper hand in Vietnam have led to war with China? i suppose some good old team spirit would say that US could have won even that.
Could US win a war against Korea right now? US does not seem to have enough troops or resources to deal with war it has most recently won and commander in chief still supports an ******* who thinks that smaller forces depending on high tech crap is the way to go.
US right now might be much in the position of that girl in that prison camp where they had forty some guards to control seven thousand abused prisoners. - Neglect counting as abuse. Did she say that medics saw ten of the prisoners one day? What if only ten percent of them seven thousand needed medical attention? -Ten a day - seven hundred ....
So let us say that the troops are participating in war crimes. That is it being criminal to set less than fifty folks to control seven thousand. Seems to me inevitable that shooting some of them would be necessary to convince them that business is meant.
I just read awhile ago about a fellow who quit - not a very credible site and didn't really sound like all that credible story except for there being very much reports of most vehicles with people were just people and by letter of law and by .... well, I would not want to say cowardice on the part of the shooters if they were given information that the vehicles contained enemy and bombs.
Free fire zones was a war crime and that "I was just following orders" does not count for much against the troops. It may have been war crime and folks participate in a war crime but they still not be war criminals. Everything is not that cut and dried.
Well, what do you think of the battered little woman who is terrified of the bastard and cannot see any escape but to use the macho bastards gun to blow him away when he is drunked out unconscious? She did murder but is she a criminal?
Suppose that you are handed a gun and told that the fellow across the way who is being handed a gun will kill you if you do not kill him first? You know that dueling is a crime but what are you going to do even if you know that he is being told the same thing being told to you? What you might do might be a crime but would the duelers be the criminals or the ones setting them up?
Well hey! You might even know that he has been told the same lie told to you - but he has a gun ....
So there are ******** who would make of Kerrys stupid remarks as badmouthing them. I don't think so. I do not like him but I do not think that he was that stupid even back then as a youngster.
Today he is a goddamned politician. He is the Democrat runner for president. That is enough in itself to tell me that he is a liar. But that in itself puts him on much even keel with Bush.
But then we have each of them today. If nothing else the Bush appointees has demonstrated to me that I am well convinced that it would be hard put to find more 'evil' administration.

Oh - just a thin on the side.
******** keep bugging McCain to run as vice. - While i would like to see such a thing and then kerry drop .... whatever.
Well, I think it sorry **** that folks would bug McCain to dishonor his self like that. How could he possibly run as vice and be honorable to his party and campaign against his ticket .... Well, if you got more than loose bolts in you bucket you might have a clue what i am talking about. It would be refreshing to see anyone in this forum that has a clue what is honor from a lot of other crap .....
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95 bxl

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PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2004 3:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

sparky wrote:
I love this paragraph:

Funny, isn't it? When Bill Clinton was running against Republican war veterans in 1992 and 1996, the most important thing to GOP propagandists and politicians was that Clinton didn't fight in Vietnam. Now that Republican candidates who didn't fight in Vietnam face a Democrat who did — and won the Silver Star, the Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts while he was there — the Republican machine wants to change the subject.

I love this paragraph:

Funny, isn't it? With John Kerry running against a Republican National Guard Veteran in the 2004 election, the most important thing to democrat propagandists and politicians was that it didn't make any difference that Clinton was a draft-dodger who didn't fight in Vietnam. Now that the democrats finally got someone who actually set foot in the country, the democrat machine wants to change the subject.

Are all democrats this hypocritical?
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PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2004 7:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

95 bxl wrote:
sparky wrote:
I love this paragraph:

Funny, isn't it? When Bill Clinton was running against Republican war veterans in 1992 and 1996, the most important thing to GOP propagandists and politicians was that Clinton didn't fight in Vietnam. Now that Republican candidates who didn't fight in Vietnam face a Democrat who did — and won the Silver Star, the Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts while he was there — the Republican machine wants to change the subject.

I love this paragraph:

Funny, isn't it? With John Kerry running against a Republican National Guard Veteran in the 2004 election, the most important thing to democrat propagandists and politicians was that it didn't make any difference that Clinton was a draft-dodger who didn't fight in Vietnam. Now that the democrats finally got someone who actually set foot in the country, the democrat machine wants to change the subject.

Are all democrats this hypocritical?

LOL - I don't think all of them any more than I would think such of Republicans. - though i must say that when i am online about issues I do have to sit back and remind myself now and again that I do know some honorable enough Republicans.

???? - My goodness. It just came to me to consider than maybe more of my current aquaintences are Republicans than Democrats. - I will have to give that more study - I have mostly weeded out the drug addicts* and bigots from my circle of friends.

*does "bag chaser" mean anything to anyone? I did used to deal some drugs. It was after i told most of druggie folks to go away or go to hell that i was set up by unscrupulous people to get convicted for a thing i hadn't done.
I got the middle sentence of five years for the thing I had not done. Had I been caught for doing what I had done that I quit doing the year before I think the middle sentence was two years. ? Maybe three.??
But I do not see use in going to the work to explain the story unless it be to someone who might wish to expan their knowledge of the world - and not to bother with someone who would call me liar right off nor someone who would just sit and believe any damned thing I say.
I don't care for the true believer any more than the disbeliever. An open minded sceptic is my ideal.

Maybe that Nolan fellow is one of them? I had thought of giving him a little line of BS to test .... - but such dishonesty would not likely gain me much. How would I tell if he were buying into some BS or were he just humoring a BS'er?
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Carl Bowman
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PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2004 10:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Craig , On 23 April, 1971, John Kerry testified under oath before Congress that Americans in Vietnam had ''personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam.” Before his testimony was over, he said, ''We all did it.''

You rattled on for about a page trying to defend Kerry and tell what you thought he meant. I'm from the midwest I guess they speak a different language in Massachusetts. Also testifying under oath doesn't seem to mean the same thing, here you swear to tell the truth. If you are from Mass. you can lie under oath.

I have always wondered why he wasn't arrested on the spot for the crimes he admitted committing under oath he had comitted. CWB
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Carl Bowman
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PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2004 10:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Craig , On 23 April, 1971, John Kerry testified under oath before Congress that Americans in Vietnam had ''personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam.” Before his testimony was over, he said, ''We all did it.''

You rattled on for about a page trying to defend Kerry and tell what you thought he meant. I'm from the midwest I guess they speak a different language in Massachusetts. Also testifying under oath doesn't seem to mean the same thing, here you swear to tell the truth. If you are from Mass. you can lie under oath.

I have always wondered why he wasn't arrested on the spot for the crimes he admitted committing under oath . CWB
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PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2004 11:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Carl Bowman wrote:
Craig , On 23 April, 1971, John Kerry testified under oath before Congress that Americans in Vietnam had ''personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam.” Before his testimony was over, he said, ''We all did it.''

You rattled on for about a page trying to defend Kerry and tell what you thought he meant. I'm from the Midwest I guess they speak a different language in Massachusetts. Also testifying under oath doesn't seem to mean the same thing, here you swear to tell the truth. If you are from Mass. you can lie under oath.

I have always wondered why he wasn't arrested on the spot for the crimes he admitted committing under oath he had committed. CWB

I posted an article.
Could you post what your are saying that Kerry said?
I am from the Midwest but live in California now. However the most of the Midwest might vote I am quite certain that you are being an arrogant ass to profess to speak for the whole of them what language they speak.

You wonder that because you do not understand it at all.
I do not make oaths but am quite willing to be held to the same liabilities/penalties as the folks who do. Even if I did make an oath I could still state my opinion and it would not be perjury no matter how right or wrong I might be or how true or not the things on which I base my opinion.

To convict Kerry of a crime that you say he confessed would involve the law to acknowledged that it be a crime what he confessed to.

Got that?

A citizen might confess to all sorts of stuff that he might personally consider to be a crime but he still cannot be brought up on charges or sentenced to anything unless the authorities recognize what he did as a crime.

Still with me? - At worst if some thought what Kerry accused to be a crime there might possibly - well not really - be a case for the folks he accused of committing the same crime could sue him for slander by claiming that it was not a crime or that they did not do it what he said.

About all that leaves you is that he said some thing and you do not like the things he said. From there you expand on the things he said and then make all sorts of judgments on your expansions - or on the expansions of others if you are not clever enough to come up with your own "artistic license" manner of interpretation.

Oh - Police testify under oath every day that someone did something and now and again truth wins out - or maybe truth loses? - but the cops do not generally get charged for perjury unless they get caught at something really blatant.
Now at my trial there was an "expert" witness who said that in his opinion I was manufacturing methamphetamine. There was also a statement he made that he had just recently read that Hydriodic acid could be made by refluxing iodine and muriatic acid.
Go ask a chemistry wise buddy what he might think of that.
But even if it could have been proved in court that was just ******** it would have been unlikely to prove that he had not just read that somewhere.
Remember that this fellow is an "expert witness". Part of his testimony was that he had just read something somewhere.
Now I know he was a liar and given the opportunity I could have demonstrated that what he said was not true. I could not have proved that he did not just recently read that somewhere though.
Same thing with some **** that the DA told the Jury - and given opportunity I could have proved her doing perjury saying that there is no such thing as gold scratch test to check the % of gold in an item using aqua regia. - But it is a thing in law that even were i to be able to prove her to be lying her ass off with that "expert testimony" she gave in her closing - she would be immune to prosecution and the lies would have been marked off as "harmless error".

Kerry said that he did stuff and he did do that stuff he said that he did. There is no question that others did as he said they did doing the same thing. In his opinion it was violation of law.

As for the **** that you would like to accuse that he said above - that **** did happen. The best you can argue is the extent of it.

Yes - some of his Winter Soldier ******** were lairs. Who can know ho many were just freelance ******** making it up for ego or whatever and how many were Nixon or Hoover plants saying **** easily disproved for sake of undermining the whole affair.
Some were proved to be liars. A way lot more were not proved to be liars and very many were substantiated.
So grasp to whatever straws you wish from that.
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PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2004 12:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Craig wrote:

Some were proved to be liars. A way lot more were not proved to be liars and very many were substantiated.

Document that. Who was substantiated?
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