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WHY isn't the press telling Americans THIS?!

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Joined: 06 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 11:50 pm    Post subject: WHY isn't the press telling Americans THIS?! Reply with quote

Can citizens file a FEC complaint? Isn't there ANYTHING we can do besides our usual letter to the editor?


In April the Kerry for President web site proudly announced:

"Zach Exley joins the [Kerry] Internet team as Director of Online Communications and Online Organizing. He was previously the director of special projects for the MoveOn.org."

To appreciate the level of coordination represented by MoveOn's revolving door with the Kerry campaign, imagine what the media outcry would be if the Bush campaign suddenly announced that leading Swiftvet John O'Neill would be coming aboard as "Director of Veterans Outeach."

Full Text:
Saturday, Aug. 21, 2004 10:58 a.m. EDT
FEC Complaint Against 'Fahrenheit 9/11'?

When the White House accused the Kerry campaign of "losing its cool" on Friday by filing an FEC complaint against the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth, the Democratic nominee immediately fired back with an allusion to Michael Moore's movie "Fahrenheit 9/11."

"John Kerry is not the type of leader who will sit and read 'My Pet Goat'" when he is under attack, responded Kerry spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter, citing the scene of Bush in a Florida classroom immortalized in Moore's film.

Was Cutter's reference merely coincidental? Or further evidence of illegal coordination between the Bush-bashing Moore, his backers at the 527 group MoveOn.org and the Kerry campaign?
That's what the Kerry FEC complaint alleges against Bush and the Swiftvets, citing an array of contacts and associations between Bush insiders over the years and the Texans who bankrolled the Swiftvet ads.

But if that's the basis for claiming the campaign finance laws have been broken, Moore, MoveOn and Kerry himself have much, much more to worry about.

Consider: When "Fahrenheit" debuted in late June, MoveOn, whose sole mission these days is to depose President Bush, led the promotional effort.

"MoveOn.org signed up more than 115K people who pledged to see the pic during the opening weekend," the group's executive director Eli Pariser told Variety. "When I went to Waterville, Maine, and asked how many people from MoveOn were there, probably about three-quarters of the people there said yes."

"The liberal group MoveOn.org even organized people to prebuy tickets," reported National Public Radio at the time.

The effort included organizing 1,000 people across the country to host "Fahrenheit" parties in their homes, according to Wisconsin's Capital Times. "Eli Pariser, MoveOn.org's executive director, reported during the online conference call that more than 3,000 house parties were taking place Monday night," the paper said.

Pariser's group wasn't the only Kerry campaign surrogate working to promote Moore's film. Key Democratic operatives with ties to top Clintonista Harold Ickes were immediately deployed to trash "Fahrenheit" critics.

Former Hillary Clinton press secretary Howard Wolfson, for instance, was "parachuted" into the Cannes film festival, the Washington Post reported in May, to help fend off Republican attacks on Moore.

Also working media relations for Moore, Ickes' former White House colleagues Chris Lehane and Mark Fabiani.

Remembered chiefly for his hardball style of scandal management during the Clinton Whitewater and Campaign Finance imbroglios, Ickes now directs the giant "Media Fund" 527, which the Washington Post has called a "shadow Democratic Party."

Spokeswoman Cutter's reference to "Fahrenheit" isn't the first time Democratic Party officials have been caught coordinating their message with the conspiracy-minded filmmaker.

In February - after Moore called President Bush as "deserter" - Democratic National Committee chairman Terry McAuliffe immediately incorporated the charge into the party's official attack on the White House.

"I look forward to that debate with John Kerry, a war hero with a chest full of medals, standing next to George Bush - a man who was AWOL in the Alabama National Guard," McAuliffe told ABC's "This Week."

There's also direct ties between the Kerry campaign and MoveOn, via some key personnel.

In April the Kerry for President web site proudly announced:

"Zach Exley joins the [Kerry] Internet team as Director of Online Communications and Online Organizing. He was previously the director of special projects for the MoveOn.org."

To appreciate the level of coordination represented by MoveOn's revolving door with the Kerry campaign, imagine what the media outcry would be if the Bush campaign suddenly announced that leading Swiftvet John O'Neill would be coming aboard as "Director of Veterans Outeach."

But even that wouldn't be a violation of the campaign finance laws, at least not according to the way those laws have been applied to MoveOn.org, Michael Moore and the Kerry campaign during the current election cycle.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 12:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear friend, as things are in this country, it is a true miracle that any Republican becomes the president of this country.

The Media is against us conservatives
The educational system is against us conservatives.
The scientific community is against us conservatives.
The United Nations is against us conservatives.

The true is that ONLY GOD and His control over history allows this country to fall in the able hands of conservatives now and then. Otherwise, the moral debacle in which we would have fallen would have been enough to bring down this empire a longgggggggggggggg time ago.

This is why it is so fitting that we all should say: GOD BLESS AMERICA! Razz
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 12:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I saw a AP story earlier that said Kerry had box office good looks! They didn't mention the box office was at the Triple Crown.
American Conservative
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 12:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The media is absolutely committed to getting rid of Bush. I don't think they're all that fond of Kerry, but they chose him when Dean scared them.

Do you want to know the power of the press? Look at the week before the Iowa primary. They and the DNC decided they wanted Dean out, and he was then pretty much out. I don't like Dean at all, but man I felt bad how his party and the media turned on him.

Please understand this. The media is committed to getting rid of Bush. They will do whatever they have to do get that job done.

Do you really think the media is unaware of how much more connected the DNC is with ACT and MoveOn,org? Do you really think they don't know that? SBFVT doesn't have 1/25 the budget or 1/25 the connection to national committees that Moveon.org does. The NY Times knows this. THEY DO NOT CARE. THEY WANT TO GET RID OF BUSH.

(The irony of course is that it was their ABB attitude that got them here. You have to check out your candidates better, people! If it was anybody but Kerry we wouldn't be in this mess)

Only the American people will decide this. We have to fight back at these lies of this being a GOP operation. We have to hit the Kerry campaign on this. If they honestly believe that these are false allegations, making false allegation against Bush is a very curious way to respond.

We have to stay on topic and force the press to stay on topic. We need to call a lie a lie.

We have to get back on message. Do not let the Chris Matthews of the world's dictate what we're trying to say!
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Joined: 13 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 2:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Your are totally correct, the libs will do anything and I mean anything,
(until it might hurt them a great deal,)

They know the way to spread lies and exaggerations, they are skilled
at twisting words and sentences, the msm tells only what they want,
and they will twist the truth like a pretzel to get rid of the president.

He is like a flea on their bottom, he just keeps doing well no matter
what they spew on him, he just smiles and gets busy doing his job.

When the president is not Kerry, the vets will spontaniously combust,
they will be found in little heaps of ashes here and there in Washington
and New York.

My question is? What does George Soros get from all of this money
he is spending? This is not a man who gives without expecting a
return in some form. How much control will he have on president
Kerry? What is his real motive? What will he gain? Why do I keep
asking questions ? right? I do not trust him in any way. Wink
Swiftvets rock!
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 2:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

George Soros contributes to 527 groups for the same reason we do; to expose the truth.


And if you believe that, I've got a bridge I just know you'll be interested in buying!

Bye bye, Boston Straggler!
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 2:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"OSI Statement on George Soros’s Political Activities
George Soros’s private political activities are wholly separate from the Open Society Institute. OSI is a nonpartisan, nonpolitical entity—in accordance with U.S. laws for tax-exempt organizations.

Soros, as a private individual, is entitled to use his after-tax personal funds to support political candidates or parties within the parameters of U.S. election law. Any public statements on political issues are also made solely in his personal capacity. The Open Society Institute is not consulted or otherwise involved, and OSI is neither able nor permitted to comment".

kerry returned to the United States on July 22, 1971, held a press conference publicly calling on President Nixon... for the surrender of the United States to North Vietnam.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 3:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Moveon Staffer Moves on to Kerry Campaign

At MoveOn's PAC, Exley worked with a branch of the group that spends limited individual donations, so-called "hard money" that is allowed in presidential races.

To guard against any risk or appearance of improper coordination between MoveOn and the Kerry campaign, steps are being taken to make sure Exley doesn't communicate with anyone at MoveOn until after the November election, Pariser said.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 3:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

yeah, and unfortunately one of Bush's campaign advisors has just stepped down because of his involvement with SBVFT.

I swear, just when I think Kerry's toast - I get slapped in the face AGAIN!

Please, God Please! Don't let Kerry get elected as the next President of our country.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 3:34 am    Post subject: Hmm.. Reply with quote

Hmm... to me what's really telling is how powerful we are. I mean look at how ONE little group (and by many counts, money, members, etc Swifties are little) has caused this huge firestorm of talk. That was with ONE comercial too. Smile

Now you've got the second (and I think even better) comercial going and yet even more noise going on. You know, those libs don't seem to secure in their beliefs if they're reacting this much to one group.

I was watching a Protest Warrior video and watched how ONE guy with a sign stopped an entire Anti-War protest in it's tracks just to they could yell at him. It was a great moment, I loved it! You guys are doing the same to the "Anti-Bush March" that is the main stream media. Keep up the fire!
Give em hell Swifties!

Four more in '04!
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 4:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fear Not! Justamom...although this has happened, and the SwifVet did have to step down..we will be fine. The truth will shine, it has to..Now, will the media go "crazy" over this? Yep..that is just how it is..unfortunately, they are blind to anything other than their own determination to defeat W.

It is a fact, but as stated here..look how much money we have raised in just 24 hours..we are not a right wing conspiracy..we are Americans who will do whatever it takes to "stand up"..and fight for our country, and protect her from the lies of Kerry..

Heck, I am listening to the radio now and the lead story on CBS radio news? The stepping down of this vet from the Bush Campaign..oh, and some newspaper 'reporter'.. Rolling Eyes stating that he is coming out in support of Kerry against the charges against him..

Soooo, here we go..Kerry said bring it on?? Okay, we will and we will not stop until the American people wake up out of their daze and realize that as a nation at war..we demand a Commander with honor and dignity and truth whose utmost responsibility is to our men and women in uniform..and that man is George W Bush..WE will never surrender!!!

keep the faith.. Cool

Daughter of Proud Vet!
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 4:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Here's the problem:

The Kerry campaign feels that if they throw enough mud at us, some of it is going to stick. In this I am afraid this is true.

They are also hoping that if enough Mud sticks it will destroy our credibility to the point where no one will listen. This, I believe to be false. The American people are fair minded by and large, and it is getting pretty obvious that the Kerry campaign is at best hypocritical. His poll numbers are continuing to tank.

The problem is that we could fairly easily defend ourselves against the Dem charges, but that would involve changing the topic. IMHO this is one thing we can not afford to do. Instead we should simply say, "This has nothing to do with Bush." Campaign staffer helped SBVT? The president did the right thing, however this has nothing to do with Kerry's mendacity.

In short, we answer our critics by attacking and keeping on message. As long as we do, we will be fine. The truth will out as long as we keep at it and refuse to be distracted.


Truth is Beauty
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 4:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Please note, the ex-POW who stepped down participated in a steering committee for the campaign. He was a volunteer for the ad, and is not a member of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.

So now the lawyers earn their retainers.

And we move on. Wink
Bye bye, Boston Straggler!
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Joined: 20 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 5:11 am    Post subject: Re: . Reply with quote

katsuichi wrote:
....... He's just a mouthpiece for a giant, agenda'd corporate interest........

Blah blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda yadda--Just the same-old, same-old tired liberal blather--

As my favorite, and I'll admit oft quoted, political commentator has said, "Do you think the Founding Fathers would have stood for any of the cr*p that al Qadea puts out? These are the guys who went ballistic because someone put a tax on their BREAKFAST BEVERAGE!"--

Anyway, katsuichi, this group isn't about President Bush--It's all about telling the truth about what John Kerry did and did not do during his abbreviated tour in Viet Nam and the dreadful things which he said in order to get his name in the paper and ingratiate himself to the Far Left once he got back--I would be very surprised indeed if this group of swift boat veterans would be doing or saying anything differently than they are now regardless of who the Republican Party was running opposite Kerry--C
“I haven’t seen anyone milk this much out of a bad boat ride since Gilligan” -- Dennis Miller
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