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Add TV advertisement ideas to this thread!!!
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 4:45 am    Post subject: Add TV advertisement ideas to this thread!!! Reply with quote

I thought it might be effective to pool our creative juices and come up with ideas for additional TV ads.
If such a forum already exists please tell me.

My idea: An Ad that contrasts John Kerry's efforts to get the US out of Vietnam and his ludicrously lowball predictions on what would happen in Vietnam and Cambodia after the US pulled out and what ACTUALLY happened in terms of the death and devastation and the 30 plus years of Hell those countries and peoples have since endured.

Details: John Kerry once testified (someone supply a link please) concerning what would happen if we left Vietnam in order to encourage the US to leave Vietnam as soon as possible. I don't recall his exact words nor whether they exist in text only or if there is a recording of him saying it. (having his voice would make a bigger impression in the ad) I do recall him being asked how many people would be killed if the US left and him replying that there would only be a limited number of deaths (2000 or so?) in Cambodia and Vietnam when we left and the communists took over. In actuality there was a slaughter in both countries. (http://www.yale.edu/cgp/ lists 21% of Cambodia’s population being massacred, about 1.7 million people)The PEACE movement and its effects on our national will and ability to prosecute a war led to our pulling out and these deaths and John Kerry was one of the leaders of that movement. Not only did he defame the people fighting in Vietnam with his accusations of atrocities but his efforts via the PEACE movement led to the deaths of millions of people. His lack of judgement was incredible!

This ad would also serve as a reminder of what happens when the military doesn't play to win and to make it topical could include quotes on Kerry pulling the troops from Iraq and what could happen in Iraq or Afghanistan if we cut and run.

Feel free to improve on an idea, come up with a script for an idea, add your own ideas, etc.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 5:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Remember This is a Public Forum, which anyone can View.
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 5:43 am    Post subject: This might be effective Reply with quote

Here is an idea I would love to see as a commercial.

Read various quotes Kerry made over the years claiming he was in Cambodia on Christmas Eve of ’68, while pictures of the clips in papers where they were quoted fade in and out of the background. Then play the clip of Kerry on the Senate floor saying his Christmas in Cambodia was seared – seared in his mind. Then freeze frame, (preferably on a dubious looking pose) or, if necessary, switch to the unflattering pre-botox picture from the front of the book, and voice over “Oh, really?” followed by verbiage explaining the truth, emphasizing the great distance he was from the border that day, and a quote or two by his campaign backing away from it. Then the final question dramatically, “Tell us, Senator, what other imaginary exploits do you have absolutely SEARED into your faulty memory?”


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PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 6:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm thinking this would make a GREAT ad.

"Sen. Kerry's CAMPAIGN says:
- Sen. Kerry not in Cambodia over Christmans 1968

Sen. Kerry's CAMPAIGN says:
- Sen. Kerry's 1st PH was self-inflicted.

Sen. Kerry's CAMPAIGN says:
- Sen. Kerry's "no man left behind" story not accurate.

That's what Sen. Kerry's CAMPAIGN says.

Sen. Kerry, what do YOU say ?"

U.S.M.C. - 1969-1971
RVN- 1970-1971
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Seaman Apprentice

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 6:39 am    Post subject: Added to above post Reply with quote

I'm thinking this would make a GREAT ad. ME TOO

Swift Vets said
- Sen. Kerry not in Cambodia over Christmans 1968
"Sen. Kerry's campaign NOW says:
- Sen. Kerry not in Cambodia over Christmans 1968

Swift Vets said
- Sen. Kerry's 1st PH was accidently self-inflicted.
Sen. Kerry's campaign NOW says:
- Sen. Kerry's 1st PH was possibly accidently self-inflicted.

Swift Vets said
- Sen. Kerry's "no man left behind" story not accurate.
Sen. Kerry's campaign NOW says:
- Sen. Kerry's "no man left behind" story not accurate.

That's what Sen. Kerry's CAMPAIGN says.

Sen. Kerry, what do YOU say ?"
Vote early. Vote often. The Democrate way...
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 7:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

an ad Called VINDICATED highlighting 1. the retraction of "Christmas in Cambodia", 2. the retelling of the "the no man left behind" and 3.the new admission of a self inflicted wound for the first purple heart with a challenge at the end for Kerry to release ALL his military and medical records so we could get whole truth for once would have great impact.
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 7:36 am    Post subject: This ad shows Kerry weak on defence Reply with quote

The scene: War room
The actors: General, Lieutenant

The General is looking over a situation board with troop and front information on it

The Lieutenant rushes in and says:

Ltn: “General we are under attack!!” The Lieutenant points out on the board where the attack is taking place.

Gen: “launch 3 cruise missiles and hit them right here” (this should be some missile that Kerry voted against).

Lnt: “but general we don’t have any of those missiles Sen. Kerry voted against them”.

Gen: “Oh yea that’s right… Then send in the xxx helicopter and scrape their position here”

Ltn: “we don’t have that either remember in 19xx Sen. Kerry voted against them too. “

Gen: “Ok launch the b2 bombers they can fly above the enemy’s anti-aircraft guns”

Ltn: “Sorry General Kerry voted…”

Gen interrupts.

Gen “I know I know General Kerry voted against the b2 bomber too.” ….

Gen “How does Sen. Kerry expect us to protect our troops ”

Ltn: “We do have a couple of WWI biplanes that we got before Sen. Kerry was elected”

Gen “If it was up to Sen. Kerry we would have a 3rd rate military”

if Sen. Kerry had gotten his way…. Germany, China, Russia and even France would have superior military. We need to keep our military strong by providing them with the latest technology and best equipment”.
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 3:39 pm    Post subject: Form sf-180 Reply with quote


All you vets deserve to be honored for your service, and it makes me proud to see you sticking to your guns as Hanoi John continues to foist his folly on the American public.

If any of you are going to the Sept. 12 protest in DC, perhaps you could make a poster size(or larger) facsimile of the SF-180.

Then in a big red circle with an arrow pointing to the dotted line you could write

"John, YOUR signature goes HERE"

The Kerry people, with the help of the media, have so far been able to duck this issue by claiming(falsely) that Hanoi John has actually released his records. This is a farce.

I am also wondering if you swifties have thought about contacting the rather large VietNam-American population in CA or elsewhere.
I'd be willing to bet that they would like help getting their story out, too.

PS - I registered for the draft, but for the luck of timing, I didn't have to go. I was in Ft. Hood in the early seventies where I met MANY returning vets. Their stories were integral to my understanding of the situation.

God Bless you all!
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 11:30 pm    Post subject: Ad showing what we Do know about Kerry Reply with quote

I think a simple tv ad showing what we DO KNOW about Kerry that makes him unfit to be CIC.

1. He spoke out against his fellow US Serviceman while thousands were still in harm's way including many who were POWs. For many Americans, then, and now, his acts bordered on treason. Makes John Kerry unfit to be CIC.

2. He lied about his military service and record for his own personal ambition and political gain. Makes John Kerry unfit to be CIC.

3. His decisions and votes about national defense and intelligence programs throughout his Senate career have been proven wrong time after time. Makes John Kerry unfit to be CIC.
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 12:52 am    Post subject: Big picture vs detals Reply with quote

I agree with the post above, don't focus on the small details but stay on message!

Boiled down, the stress should be put on the following "we have X co-workers of Kerry, his fellow officers, and and additional Y officers who Kerry served under who all claim he is UNFIT FOR COMMAND" and not on micro-details such as the size of the fragment he self-inflicted and got his purple heart with. The micro-details are not unimportant but they should be background data on the main point.

Another take on what the adds should cover (and perhaps what the people going on talk shows should stress) comes from the realclearpolitics site (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/commentary.html)

Here are excerpts from Wednesday, August 25 2004

THE MEDIA & THE SWIFTEES: A question: imagine, just for one minute, what would happen if a few dozen of George W. Bush's former colleagues - from Harvard Business school, Harken Energy, the Texas Rangers, or from the statehouse in Austin - came together as a group to denounce his leadership skills and say he was unfit to be President.

Would big media ignore the group's story? Would The New York Times print a front page defense of Bush and try to cast doubt on the group's credibility by showing a "web of connections" to his opponent? If you answered yes to either of those questions you are, with all due respect, either hopelessly naive or living on Mars.

But that's exactly what we've seen with the Swift Boat Veterans. As Ralph Peters pointed out yesterday, the most salient fact of this entire episode is that the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth group exists at all. SBVT is an unprecedented rebuke of John Kerry's character, one that is over thirty years in the making and one that would have happened regardless of who was in the White House.

Personally - and I know many of you may disagree with me on this - I think the Swiftees made a mistake in questioning Kerry's medals. Most people aren't going to sit down and read Unfit for Command and thus aren't really going to absorb all the details of why he may not deserve a couple of them. (Public disclosure: I purposefully haven't read the book yet because in addition to already having done a good bit of personal research on Kerry's record, I wanted to experience the book's treatment in the media as most of the public would)

The problem is that by making so many detailed accusations, the Swiftees have allowed supporters of John Kerry and the press to conflate the truly important issues (like the "Christmas in Cambodia" lie and Kerry's antiwar statements) from the not so important ones.

As I said, shifting the focus to such micro-details obscures the larger questions about John Kerry's character and motivation that should be occupying the public mind. What the Swift Boat Veterans do in a very compelling way is provide further evidence of the bigger picture that John Kerry has been, since his very earliest years, a shameless opportunist and a person of insatiable ambition.

Kerry conspicuously bought a video camera in Vietnam to record and reenact his exploits. He seemed excessively, even obsessively - interested in being awarded his first medal, a Purple Heart, for action on December 2, 1968. After winning three Purple Hearts he chose to leave at the first opportunity and then he immediately turned around and used his status as a decorated veteran to rise to fame by throwing these same medals (or someone else's medals and/or ribbons) away and by slandering his fellow soldiers.

And now, as with every run for public office John Kerry has ever made, he's draped those same medals around his neck, wrapped himself in the flag, and showered himself in the glory and sacrifice of service in a war that he and those in his party have hated and opposed for decades with every fiber of their being.

the quotes are broken up because I skipped some of his blog. You can follow the link above to read the whole thing.

Again, concentrate on the UNFIT TO COMMAND point as opposed to focusing on small details!
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 2:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

First Ad established that Kerry is a liar.

Second Ad establishes that he accused other Vietnam Veterans of War Crimes.

The Third Ad should now establish the fact that he himself said that he had comitted War Crimes which were against the Geneva Convention.

Similar to this one!!


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Seaman Apprentice

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 2:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

My Idea:
Have men and woman who served DURING Nam featured. Show the clips of Kerry dengrading Bush for not being "in Nam" and allow these men and woman to explain that Kerry's statements demean them, also.
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 9:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree that focus on minutia should be avoided, but don’t try to back off the attack too much in order to appear to be taking the high road, or avoid turning off some voters to your worthy cause. You still don’t have the funds to bypass the impact the first two ads had on the cable media, internet bloggers, and talk radio. You have to do what it takes to keep them talking about you and asking the penetrating questions Kerry doesn’t want to answer.

I still like my first suggestion above which highlights your initial success and his retreat, but a new and escalating assault may be in order.

He has had some success in reframing the debate as a Kerry vs. Bush battle with your motives called into question, and you are presumed to be partisans by many. The resignations in the Bush campaign reinforce this impression. Most will expect you to be silent next week to allow the Republicans center stage during their convention. I hope you are not. I suspect that the protesters, and the Democratic “Truth Squad” headed by Hilary, will probably get more press than the Bush message in the mainstream media next week anyway. Your credibility would get a huge boost if you came out with a new hard hitting ad next week that pundits would lament as “stepping” on Bush’s message, when in fact it would be stepping on the Kerry spin machine just as much, if not more so. Don’t let up now, and consider some ad buys on the cable news channels too if they are affordable.

Always keep the objective in mind. It is the mind of the swing voter, period. The “Anybody But Bush” crowd cannot be swayed, nor are Bush’s partisans likely to switch to Kerry over you stepping on their toes. The objective should be to continue to reinforce the question you are putting in nonpartisans’ minds about Kerry’s veracity, esteem among most warriors (past and present), likelihood of putting America first in Foreign Policy, and even his patriotism. I personally don’t see the question of whether he was meeting his Ready Reserve obligations, and perhaps guilty of treasonous conduct as a Reserve Naval Officer in 1971, as out of bounds or even over the top. An ad posing those as questions, which can only be answered by his execution of the form 180, released during the Republican convention, would be dynamite that couldn’t be ignored by the media, or the Kerry campaign. “Bring it on,” or make you go away; again he can’t have it both ways.

It is curious, and perhaps worth pointing out, that he expected to be greeted with cheering in the street as a liberator after publishing “Tour of Duty” and shamelessly “REPORTING FOR DUTY,” while wrapping himself in the flag he used to fly upside down; and obviously “DIDN’T HAVE A PLAN” for dealing with your insurgency that he “SHOULD HAVE KNOWN” was coming.

Another thought. His campaign repeatedly claims that you “did not serve with him.” You might point out that if he wasn’t serving with you, this is not your fault. The whole unit was supposed to be operating as a cohesive team with defined missions, not a bunch of solo waterborne Rambos making home movies for political posterity.



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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 12:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Absolutely devastating (from the post above)

Another thought. His campaign repeatedly claims that you “did not serve with him.” You might point out that if he wasn’t serving with you, this is not your fault. The whole unit was supposed to be operating as a cohesive team with defined missions, not a bunch of solo waterborne Rambos making home movies for political posterity.

The FAQ at the top if this group describes the swift boats as working together like different engines in the same fire company. Any engine "commander" that didn't work with the other engines is showing his true colors.

Here is another point. I thought the swift boats never worked alone. They always worked with another boat... Did Kerry's Swift boat work alone?
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Wing Wiper
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 1:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Refer to the "Kerry just gave us a HUGE present" post. If there is a video of him making that statement, splice it to the front of Gardner's ad. It would be 10X more effective. Surprised
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