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Drudge: Kerry wants Ashcroft to investigate RNC-SBVFT links
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Joined: 21 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 3:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kerry is grasping at straws trying to stay "afloat", the FEC has already determined that the SBVFT have every right to air any Ads they want, the allegations of a connection between SBVFT and Bush/Cheney are non exsistent and the appearence of one man in an Ad who was a VOLUNTEER worker was nothing, the Attorney is a nothing connection and pales in comparrison to the Kerry Campaigns connections with 527 Organisations.
Kerry himself has already violated the McCain/Feingold Act by contacting a member of the SBVFT and after being told that he continued the conversation in an attempt to stop the Ads!!
The demands that Bush interfere with the SBVFT and demand they halt the Ads would be a violation of the Law as well, and you better believe that Kerry knows this to be true!!
It is all Political Grandstanding in an effort to divert attention from the real issue!! Kerry knows what he is doing here with all this and fortunately we are not all as ignorant as he thinks we are!!
U.S. Army 1983-1995, 11C1P/11H2P NBTDT
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 3:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, now. If the AG opens an independent investigation of allegations of collusion, it seems that there might be a little discovery in order. Say, Kerry's unexpurgated military records, to start with?

I suppose Kerry could take the 5th on signing the SF 180. Wouldn't that be a hoot?
USMC 69-72, 7th Comm, 3rd MarDiv, FMFPAC
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jack white

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 3:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Let's see: attempts to ban books, intimidation of broadcasters, media propaganda, and now the suggested arrest of political opponents.

Maybe Kerry's side won the Cold War after all!!
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 4:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree Kerry is grasping after straws... Hes doing anything he can. Look at today, calling for Rumsfeld to resign? Seems like awkward timing. Its like his political coaches told him to do this.
www.KerryLied.com -Vietnam Vets For Truth
www.KerryDenied.com -T-Shirts, etc.
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Steve Z
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:15 am    Post subject: Ashcroft investigation Reply with quote

Fat chance that John Ashcroft will investigate "links" between the Swift Boat Veterans and the Bush campaign, in order to help John Kerry.

I'm sure that John Ashcroft vividly remembers Kerry and his fellow Democrats grilling Ashcroft during his confirmation hearings, basing Ashcroft's qualification for the job on whether he would enforce laws against abortion protestors. Somehow, I don't believe Ashcroft will do Kerry any favors right now--Ashcroft is a man of INTEGRITY!!!

Besides, Ashcroft can always say that he has more important things to do right now, such as investigate terrorists...Kerry's case can always wait until December!
The traitor will crater!
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Actually I can see Ashecroft's response:

I am sorry that you think that a small group of Vietnam Veterans might be breaking campaign finance laws. However, such matters are best left to the capable hands of the Federal Election Commission. ....and so on....

In short, he calls them an idiots (politely of course) for wasting his time.

Truth is Beauty
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 7:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sue Bob wrote:
--do y'all think that Kerry will ever show his face at a Swiftee reunion again?

...................... Swift Boat Reunion, Norfolk March 2003 ..........................

......... Temperature 80 deg ... Nice looking fur lined bomber jacket ..........
....... Typical Swift Boat attire for those sweltering days in the jungle ......
............... Not exactly a "throng" of admiring "Band of Brothers" ............

........ At the banquet: "Give a hand for the potential next President" .......
............................. {The SILENCE was deafening} ...................................

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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 10:44 am    Post subject: Re: Drudge: Kerry wants Ashcroft to investigate RNC-SBVFT l Reply with quote

Sue Bob wrote:

This is sick!! The Swiftees supporting Kerry should decry this action against their brothers.

As I posted on another thread:

A senior House Democrat, Michigan Rep. John Dingell, sent a letter asking Attorney General John Ashcroft to investigate the possible "illegal coordination" between the two [Bush and SwiftVets]. The Bush campaign and the veterans group have denied any coordination.


On Dingell, a leftist and genuine nutcase:

Welcome to Michigan. Now Get Lost!
By Ward Connerly

July 21, 2003

Ward Connerly has come to Michigan to launch a civil rights initiative to eliminate discrimination and racial preferences by the State of Michigan. This would make the University of Michigan's discriminatory college admissions policies illegal. Congressman John Dingell wrote to Mr. Connerly to register his opposition to the visit. Below, we reproduce their correspondence in full. - The Editors.

(Ward Connerly is a black conservative, by the way -- FDL)

Congress of the United States
House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515-2215
July 9, 2003

Mr. Ward Connerly
American Civil Rights Coalition
P.O. Box 188350
Sacramento, CA 95818

Mr. Connerly:

The people of Michigan have a simple message to you: go home and stay there. We do not need you stirring up trouble where none exists.

Michiganders do not take kindly to your ignorant meddling in our affairs. We have no need for itinerant publicity seekers, non-resident troublemakers or self-aggrandizing out-of-state agitators. You have created enough mischief in your own state to last a lifetime.

We reject your “black vs. white” politics that were long ago discarded to the ash heap of history. Your brand of divisive racial politics has no place in Michigan, or in our society. So Mr. Connerly, take your message of hate and fear, division and destruction and leave. Go home and stay there, you’re not welcome here.

With every good wish,

Sincerely yours,


John D. Dingell

Member of Congress

(Nice for a Congressman to tell a citizen to "go home and stay there". Also astonishing .... The "itinerant publicity seeker, outside agitator, nonresident troublemaker" insults emanating FROM A CONGRESSMAN to a black man are almost word-for-word what was written in letters that segregationist politicians sent civil rights leaders in the 1950s and ‘60s, including to MLK Jr. !!! -- see Outside Agitators and Racial preferences and recycled Jim Crow arguments -- FDL) Evil or Very Mad

Connerly's response. There are very familiar themes here:


July 21, 2003
The Honorable John D. Dingell
Member of Congress House of Representatives
Washington D.C. 20515-2215

Congressman Dingel:,

Thank you for such a warm and hospitable welcome to Michigan.

Amendment I of the United States Constitution is, in part, as follows:

“Congress shall make no law …abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peacefully to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Amendment XIV of the Constitution is, in part, as follows:

“All persons born and naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside…”

Over the years, the courts have consistently held that these Amendments, taken together, grant to all American citizens the right to travel freely, to express their views, and to participate in the affairs—short of exercising a vote—of any village and hamlet in the nation. For most, this is so well established as to be beyond question.

Perhaps, you are unaware that I am an American citizen—a distinction from which I derive the rights and privileges enumerated in the Constitutional Amendments noted above. It is quite clear from your reaction to the recent decisions handed down by the United States Supreme Court to sanction the use of racial preferences, notwithstanding Amendment XIV, that you have little regard for that Amendment; so I should not be surprised that you would also want to deny me the rights that I enjoy pursuant to the Constitution.

I am obliged to tell you, Congressman, that I, on the other hand, do believe in and honor the Constitution of this nation. And, it confirms that my right to visit Michigan, as a full-fledged American citizen and not simply as a tourist, is not contingent on your invitation. As a taxpaying U.S. citizen, anywhere I set foot on American soil is my “home,” just as much as it is yours.

If you would grant me a waiver so that my tax dollars would not be used to support racial discrimination in the State of Michigan, I would more respectfully entertain your impudent advice. Absent that, the term arrogance does not begin to capture the essence of a United States Congressman advising an American citizen to refrain from participating in the affairs of his government. Ironically, your advice is the echo of southern segregationists who sought the comfort of states' rights to practice their discrimination against black Americans. Have you learned nothing about "civil rights" from that horrible chapter in our nation's history?

There is such an eerie similarity between them and you that it bears comment.

George Wallace, Lester Maddox and others who shared their rabid and abhorrent views believed in treating people differently on the basis of skin color…and so do you.

They wanted to practice their brand of racism free from the interference of “meddling, outside agitators”…and so do you.

They called those who disagreed with them and merely wanted to exercise their right to assemble “carpetbaggers” and “non-resident troublemakers” who were “stirring up trouble where none exists”…and so do you.

They were arrogant and intolerant bullies…and so are you.

Your letter is a prime example of why the texture of civil discourse in our nation is so coarse. It is an indication of why Members of Congress need the police to intervene to separate them from fighting. What a terrible example for our children and our grandchildren.

As a member of the Congress, I suppose you have the right to send narrow-minded and venomous letters, at taxpayers' expense, to anyone of your choosing. But, you ought to be ashamed of telling any American citizen to “go home and stay there.” How dare you!

By promoting the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative, those of us who believe in this cause—I among them—are doing what the Constitution of Michigan allows; and you should not be seeking to abridge the right of American citizens to use processes allowed by law to implement their civic beliefs and values. Candidly, if you were true to the oath of office that you have sworn to defend and uphold, you would not be so content to look the other way while Jennifer Gratz, Barbara Grutter and Pat Hamacher were being discriminated against. You would object to the Supreme Court's defiance of the simple command of the 1964 Civil Rights Act that all Americans be treated equally "without regard to race, color or national origin."

The thought does not escape me, Congressman—and it should not you either—that some of my tax dollars contribute to your salary. That makes me an involuntary constituent of yours. Therefore, I must ask, do you treat all of your constituents with such contempt, arrogance and high-handedness, or do you reserve such treatment for the "uppity" ones who insist on using their civil rights to participate in public policymaking?

You say that I am not welcome in Michigan and that the “people of Michigan” don’t want me there. I believe you represent the 15th Congressional District of Michigan and nothing else. Longevity has its way of creating delusions of grandeur, and I believe that has happened to you. In addition, I must ask whether you have run your “get out of town” sermon by the hundreds of other Michiganders who have called, written and emailed me to come to Michigan and assist in the restoration of the principle of “equal protection under the law?”

You have said I am "stirring up trouble where none exists.” That certainly isn’t what I hear from other prominent people in Michigan or what I have read in the dailies of your state. And, it is certainly inconsistent with my observations about Benton Harbor and other racial circumstances in Michigan? It defies credulity that you could be so out of touch with your state as to not recognize the racial tension that lies within, much of which has been engendered by racial preferences at the University of Michigan.

I note with great interest that Reverend Jesse Jackson has announced his intention to open an office of his Rainbow Coalition in Benton Harbor. Would you please be kind enough to send me a copy of your letter to him demanding that he "go home and stay there." I understand that he is also a non-resident of Michigan.

Since you so proudly posted your letter to me on your website, I trust that you will do the same with my response.

With equally good wishes.


Ward Connerly
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 11:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's becoming clear that the "Bring it on" statement is being implemented by stunts to keep grabbing headlines, trying to throw SBVFT off message with legal threats, innuendo and deceptions. I suspect we will see approximately one a day until they either give up or prevail. They think this will make them look tough and will provide enough smoke to envelop the real issues. A possible secondary effect will be to atr Bush with "dirty politics" labels.

If SBVFT does nothing to counter these efforts, the kerry folks may, in fact, be right. I'm no expert at this, but something like a lawsuit against kerry personally to get him to sign a 180 would seem like it would serve two purposes: put him again on the defensive and (more importantly) focus the issue on getting the records released. The MSM and unfortunately many voters are starting to see this as a he said, he said. Further, the recent kerry counter-attacks are over-shadowing the VVAW issues and his clear acts of treason.

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Joined: 20 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 11:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kerry can't take the heat. His campaign attorneys are also working for anti-Bush 527's. Call CNN to protest their one-sided coverage of this issue, Blitzer and Dobbs.

CNN Atlanta phone number: 404-827-1500

And write Blitzer at wolf@cnn.com
Ted Harwood, Ph.D.
Enlisted, U.S. Army ('57-'60)
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 11:48 am    Post subject: Whiners! Reply with quote

The hallmark characteristic of liberals from the workplace to Washington is that they're a bunch of whiners!
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 3:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is a political stunt....which gets Ashcrofts name in the picture....its designed to invigorate the Democratic faithful....because Ashcroft will do nothing with this.


Because its an End run around the Federal Election Commission....which needs to do its work first.

This is just a stunt....2nd day....2nd Stunt. If you react to it...they win....this means nothing...and frankly its just silly
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 3:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Again, remember that the Kerry camp has enlisted the Clinton hired guns. They are very good.

Yesterday it was fire Rumsfeld. Today it's get Ashcroft to investigate.

Shift from being on the defensive and having to answer questions to going on the offense and put the opposition on the defense.
The war against terrorism is not that Americans might die rather that we would alter our way of living. If we get to a point where we choose not to go out because of fear, our economy will sink and in the end so will our nation. Vote Bush.
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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 3:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

One of the saddest things about Kerry's attack against the Swift Vets is that he's putting more effort into fighting them than he has put into fighting the war on terrorism.

If Kerry's side is correct, then he should stop changing his story and sue the Swift Vets for slander (or is it libel?) I'd love to see the outcome of that! A lawsuit for that reason is the only valid reason he has for using the power of the government to silence the group. All those other things that he's doing is nothing more than pure unconstitutional government-imposed censorship. (Where's Tim Robbins and his "chill wind" speech when it's approperate?)

Seriously, take a look at this crybaby behavior of his, does it really seem implausable that he could have used that same behavior to get Purple Hearts he didn't deserve? Look at how crazy this issue has made him, a President needs to be able to take punches like these! If he can't tolerate a little criticism, how's he going to handle a serious national disaster issue while in office?
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Joined: 20 May 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 4:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This could turn into a Kerry "be careful what you wish for, you might get it" moment.

If Ashcroft goes after 527s, 9/10ths of them are Democrat backers, so Kerry will lose big, because Ashcroft, should he do this, isn't going to discriminate, although he may go after the biggest and oldest, i.e. Moveon.org, to make an example of them.

Might be fun to watch.
Everytime he had a choice, Kerry chose to side with communists rather than the United States.
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