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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 8:59 pm    Post subject: TRUTH Reply with quote

Many people today are searching for the truth in this campaign. What is truth? The Kerry campaign presents their truth, the Republicans present their truth. We have been told that groups like the Swift Vets are just a Republic front organization. If they aren’t then, who exactly are they and why are they doing those attacking commercials? And what is really the truth in this situation.

Many people today are living in a world where "truth" is paramount yet they derive their truth from what feels right to themselves and from whatever propaganda they hear that feeds that feeling. I honestly believe that a person who cuts through all of the deceit and lies and spin that is going on will find that the Swift Boat Veterans (www.swiftvets.com), are not a Republican front group but rather will understand that they are over 200 men who served in the same time and unit as Kerry including EVERY ONE OF KERRY'S COMMANDERS IN VIETNAM. They will understand that this group further represents over 90% of the individuals who were part of the larger group from that unit who had met in 2003 at a Swift Boat reunion (which Kerry attended).

This is a fact that cannot be casually cast aside. 90% of any group usually can't agree on any one thing and certainly not politics!


In support of the claims of the Swift Boat Veterans, Kerry's own journal entries from his time in Vietnam have often directly contradict his stories and his campaign is rapidly backpedaling on many issues.

An individual who really wanted the truth should read "Unfit for Command" and critically analyze the arguments and evidence being presented.

I personally believe truth is not John Kerry's specialty. As the son of one of the most if not the single most decorated helicopter pilot from the Vietnam War I can attest to the character and nature of the men who fought with my dad and beside him. Men like Moore, Galloway, Metzger, and Gell. Leaders, officers, soldiers, and yes even reporters.

In A newspaper article about the nomination to the Army Aviation Association of America (Quad-A) Hall of Fame of Hugh Thompson (the helicopter pilot who reported the My Lai incident) states:

Crandall's heroics were chronicled in "We Were Soldiers Once and Young," a book Mel Gibson adapted as the movie "We Were Soldiers."

Thompson said reading their accomplishments left him in awe.

"When I saw who was on the list, I thought, 'I ain't got a chance of winning this,' " Thompson said. "It's quite an honor."

(fortunately both were inducted into the Hall of Fame as they both richly deserved.)

I can attest to the fact that while there are some disagreements between commanding officers over certain things long past and some individuals who may question certain specifics over what occurred at what time I can further attest to the fact that they still generally agree on the broader facts and underlying events. John Kerry has a problem. Espirit De Corp (which is what they say causes all of these cover ups) would demand that at least some if not all of the commanding officers support Kerry for President yet every one of them has challenged his candidacy.

Yes, certain tragedies did occur and certain sick individuals carried out wrong acts but as is the nature in a free society these acts don't remain hidden very well or for very long as is evidenced by both My Lai and Abu Ghraib. (Uncovered with honorable individuals spoke out and whose testimonies were backed up by other individuals).

Once again, looking to Kerry for the truth is challenging. Suggesting that the Vietnam Veterans Against the War were some kind of noble heroes while treating the Swift Boat Veterans as villains is the most angering thing about this whole messed up situation Kerry has put us in.

TRUTH that has come out (as it will in a free society) about these people who so bravely brought out the truth:

Al Hubbard, the executive director of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War, while Kerry was the groups national spokesman passed himself off as Vietnam combat Veteran and a wounded fighter pilot. Hubbard was a Sergeant who had never served in Vietnam.

Individuals who Kerry and the Vietnam Veterans Against the War cited in the New Soldier and during the Winter Soldier investigations turned out to be individuals who were not real Vietnam Combat Veterans but in cases have been shown to have been imposters posing as veterans (sometimes even using real veterans names) who either made up stories or exaggerated real stories to the extent the original participants wouldn't even recognize their description of events. See Guenter Lewy's book "America in Vietnam" where he presents sworn statements from several veterans, corroborated by witnesses that they had not attended the hearing in Detroit in which they were cited as testifying. Furthermore, another 11 of the individuals who testified as "combat soldiers" have no records in the National Archives (which keeps and maintains service records for individuals who served in the military).

Truth is there to be found by people who are willing to hear it. Many items of truth about John Kerry can be found in "Unfit for Command" if a person is willing to really listen to what these guys are saying.

Additional TRUTH:

Kerry testified in front of a Senate Committee that the armed services were like the hordes of Genghis Khan with atrocities being committed every day. How the crimes that he was testifying about were not isolated incidents but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command.

I am an American. I have lived all over the world and seen how Americans can be arrogant, stuck up, opinionated, and yes, even culturally insensitive but I have never known the basic nature and character of the average American to be evil. Indeed I have found that the average service men and women I have known have been among the best people it has been my pleasure to be associated with. Even someone with a basic understanding of us as a people would be able to tell that Kerry's testimony simply does not jive with the nature of Americans or American Service Men and Women. The truth is Kerry Lied.

Now that leaves us with the question --- Why?

I believe it was to get into the public eye because he was shooting for a career in politics from day one and being able to influence national policy this way got him a whole lot of attention and ultimately did set him up for future opportunities.

Did he face the possibility of being challenged? Yes.

However, remember that he got in the first punch and now anyone who challenged him would be seen as trying to cover up. In our culture when an accusation such as rape or baby killing is made there is a stigma that is attached and even if the person is shown to be innocent people around them will often still question their integrity. Kerry had made the accusation that couldn't be successfully defended against when he painted our soldiers as rapist, murderers and reprobates.


INDIVIDUALS WHO NOBLY AND HONORABLY SERVED OUR COUNTRY WERE HURT. I know of individuals who hid their medals coming home and tried to enter in civilian clothes to avoid attention. While my father was in the hospital with a broken back one of my brother's teachers refused to have the child of that "Baby Killer" (simply on the fact he had been a Vietnam Veteran not any actual accusations against him) in her classroom. My brothers regularly were in fights brought about by insensitive individuals who felt they were dirt because they were the sons of a Vietnam Veteran.

The total number of medals that the Swift Vets who have petitioned against Kerry represent include everything from the Medal of Honor to Silver Stars, Bronze Stars, honorably earned purple hearts, etc.

Yet Kerry's 5 medals (which he supposedly threw away) somehow seem to entitle him to be heard as an honorable man while these men who are challenging him and all of their medals are somehow seen to be dishonorable. That has been Kerry's approach from the beginning HE IS THE HERO and the 58,235 men whose names are on the Vietnam Memorial Wall and all of the other veterans who disagree with him are WAR CRIMINALS.


Even if you set aside the entire debate about whether Kerry deserved his medals the question still exists that we are talking about electing to the position of Commander-In-Chief of our entire armed services a man who has claimed until recently that he personally was involved in committing war crimes. A man who THREW AWAY HIS MEDALS. A man who while a young reserve Lieutenant met with enemy delegations in Paris while we were still fighting in Vietnam (do we really want this type of behavior encouraged??????), and a man who is trying to pass himself off as a war hero from a war in which he claims that he and the others who served with him were WAR CRIMINALS.

SPIN SPIN SPIN SPIN SPIN. It makes me so dizzy. What about common sense. What about logic. What about simple facts and figures. WHAT ABOUT TRUTH????

I do believe Kerry lied to get most of his medals.

I do know he lied when he testified before a Senate committee.

I do know that my family and many others were hurt by his behavior.

And I do know that Kerry is not fit to be Commander-In-Chief of our armed services.

I am not politically motivated, I don't like politics, I am not even sure if I remember if I voted in the last election but I know that in past elections I voted independent so I am not some kind of die hard Republican but I also know that the greatest error Kerry made was attempting to use his war record as the foundation of his platform in running for the presidency. I and others like me would have been disgusted by his candidacy but we would have ignored him for the most part. The fact he slammed my father and many other fathers and mothers of the children of Vietnam Veterans and then tried to use his war record (4 MONTHS over 30 YEARS AGO) as his single largest asset in running for president --- THAT I CAN’T TAKE. I will not stand by I will not be silent.

You say you want the truth! EVERYONE is telling you their versions of the truth (SPIN SPIN SPIN).

Well, unlike the Republicans (who would love to shut us up because we have gotten embarrassing and may cause a backlash reaction) and the Democrats (who would love to shut us up because we are attacking their golden boy), and all of those people who ARE politically motivated I’m not going to tell you the truth or even tell you what you need to believe. I know what I believe and why and I have provided you with some information that explains my thinking, but that’s me.

You need to apply your intelligence, look at the facts and the information being provided and try really, really hard to understand how important it is to our country, our military and to your sons and daughters that you sort it out for yourself so you can make an intelligent and educated choice in November.


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PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 9:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This was a great article, #3 Son. I know you are proud of your
father and all Americans are indebted to him for his service.
Susan R. Morton
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 9:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice post #3 Son

Coincidently, I also have been thinking about the “why” of the story Kerry is telling.

The only logical thing that I can come up with, so far, is that the guy is nuts!

Seriously, from what I have gathered, getting elected president has been this guy’s goal since he was a little kid. He may have cracked under the strain of carrying this load. Kinda like Nicholson in “The Shining”.

Yep, he’s the perfect guy to have access to “magic button”.

I hope I’m wrong about this.
ETR-3 USS Harold E. Holt
DE 1074 (1972-1975)
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 9:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Saturday Night Live needs John Lovitz to make one more appearance as the habitual liar and do a John Kerry routine. I was sailing in arruba---Cambodia yeah thats the ticket, looking for hooker...charlie yeah it was christmas 23 err ahh 94 degrees, yeah thats the ticket.......
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nicely presented post.,
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well said #3 son.

It makes me sad also that the traitors stole a wonderful term, "winter soldier" and defiled it and made it ugly. Winter soldier was a term for honorable and bravehearted men, not traitors. The VVAW were "summer soldiers."

Now they are attempting to steal and dishonor the term "band of brothers", a good and decent description of honorable men, not opportunists.
MACV '64...65
Thu Thua, Long An

I actually won the election before I lost it.

"It is a good day to fight! It is a good day to die! Strong hearts, brave hearts to the front! Weak hearts and cowards to the rear!" (Crazy Horse)
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 11:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mooncusser wrote:
Now they are attempting to steal and dishonor the term "band of brothers", a good and decent description of honorable men, not opportunists.

Indeed, they are. We can never let that happen. Kerry's definition of "band of brothers" must go in the can along with him.

I believe this about Kerry:

1. He has a very severe case of narcissistic personality disorder, which is basically untreatable;

2. He was a Marxist in college, during his military service, and when he was involved with VVAW and made his so-called testimoney to congress;

3. His purpose then, his purpose as a senator, his purpose now is to make it impossible for the United States to ever fight and win a war again.

Finally, I believe his true, intellectual and emotional, "band of brothers" are those who demonstrated and attempted to riot in New York.

He is an enemy of the state.

Last edited by neverforget on Sat Sep 04, 2004 3:57 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 11:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Thanks for the translation of my phrase, “the guy is “nuts”, into item 1 of your post.

I was aware of item 2 and his visit with the commies, I fear something far more sinister than item 3 if he gets elected.
ETR-3 USS Harold E. Holt
DE 1074 (1972-1975)
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 4:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

FMBass wrote:

Thanks for the translation of my phrase, “the guy is “nuts”, into item 1 of your post.

I was aware of item 2 and his visit with the commies, I fear something far more sinister than item 3 if he gets elected.

It's clear this guy seems to have lost what little grasp of reality he might ever have had.

However, he has provided a wonderful chance and forum for our veterans and their families to reclaim the honor he and the VVAW attempted so hard to tarnish.

Here's hoping our rally in D.C. on September 12 is more of a bite in the rear for him than that piece of grenade or rice was.


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Seaman Recruit

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 4:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

srmorton wrote:
This was a great article, #3 Son. I know you are proud of your
father and all Americans are indebted to him for his service.

Thank you srmorton.

I am indeed very proud of my father. He earned his medals the hard way. But medals or no medals we should be proud of all of the men and women who have given so much for this country.

Looking forward to September 12 rally in D.C.

Dad, can't be there as he has some other engagements but he is spreading the truth about Kerry every time he gets a chance to speak and he is passing out bumper stickers all over the place that say:

    Not Fonda Kerry


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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 5:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

#3 son

me thinks your Dad is very proud of you also.....

and yes, we should be proud of all our military that have served honorably... with or without medals.... (but not people like that English female etc).... I know I wouldn't have ever even survived day 1 in the military! but I did survive an alcoholic husband and 4 kids!

kerry and his 'peoples' are going in so many directions, they've lost their way.... they look and sound like a bunch of blooming idiots! If these are the kind of people he surrounds himself with, there's not even the hope that as president he'd at least have competant people around him to do the work. They say that Bush doesn't really do anything etc.... but it's really Kerry who wouldn't.... he 'd have to ask 15 different people the same question.... then take a poll.... scream that OBL isn't being fair....

the North Korean leader is running a FEAR and SMear campaign against him and shout that he will NOT BE QUESTIONED by Congress!

He is looking so stupid on these speech stops .... I guess they can't see the lunacy for the stupidity (forest for the trees)!
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