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Do you really like Bush or just hate Kerry?
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 1:44 pm    Post subject: Do you really like Bush or just hate Kerry? Reply with quote

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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 2:18 pm    Post subject: Re: Do you really like Bush or just hate Kerry? Reply with quote

kyleparr wrote:
Please speak to this point. I really cannot stand Bush and Cheney, but my only alternative is Kerry. So, this brings up a point. Would you vote for anyone but Kerry (like I am anyone but Bush), or would you vote for Bush against anyone and why?

We prefer The Old Soldier, thanks.

An interesting contrast: The Old Soldier vs. the New Soldier (a.k.a. John Kerry)

Last edited by fortdixlover on Sat Jun 05, 2004 2:41 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 2:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have a flight suit as well. Here is the question since he never completed flight school was good is posing for the picture.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 2:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So, fortdixlover is one for anyone but Kerry.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 2:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

morfdq wrote:

Behold the manners of the Left. The honorable people at Fort Dix (and McGuire AFB too, I gather) are FOX DICKS, according to this poster.

Take note.


Last edited by fortdixlover on Sat Jun 05, 2004 2:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 2:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

kyleparr wrote:
So, fortdixlover is one for anyone but Kerry.

In fact, as GWB has spoken out in no uncertain terms against the evil of terrorism, and has referred to those who conduct that activity in non-politically-correct terms, and taken military action against them (instead of serving legal papers), meaning the man has balls (unlike PC leftists), he's my man.

You could run FDR himself against GWB and I'd vote for Bush. (Of course, it didn't help that FDR ignored the plight of European Jews under Nazism and let six million Jews die instead of bombing the railroad tracks into the camps. My own relatives were herded into a synagogue, which was then set on fire, and anyone who tried to escape was shot. Ah, Democrats....)

By the way, FDR and Truman knew about the camps. The Black Book of Polish Jewry was placed on FDR's desk in 1943.

The Black book of Polish Jewry, an account of the martyrdom of Polish Jewry under the Nazi occupation.
• By: Jacob Apenszlak; Jakób Kenner; Izak Lewkin; Majzesz Polakiewicz
• Publisher: [New York] The American Federation for Polish Jews in cooperation with the Association of Jewish Refugees and Immigrants from Poland [©1943]

Another anti-genocide victory for the Democratic Party.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 3:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What if John McCain entered the race?

The FDR thing is so NOT relevant, and the complexities of isolationism are not for this discussion.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 3:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

kyleparr wrote:
What if John McCain entered the race?

The FDR thing is so NOT relevant, and the complexities of isolationism are not for this discussion.

John McCain? Absolutely not. I have always held John McCain in nothing but the highest respect for his service...of which there is absolutely no doubt. A brave and honorable man of the highest order.

But his recent words and actions, along with the manner in which the Democrats have begun to clamor for him to be Kerry's running mate, cause me to wonder just who John McCain is now, what he stands for, and who he stands with.

The only other candidate I would have considered was Lieberman. But the far left of the Democratic party felt he was too far to the right and effectively torpedoed his run for the nomination.

Sad, for I feel he was the one man who had the chance of attracting voters from both the right and the left based upon his values and his vision.

George Bush is the candidate for those on the right, and for those who feel as I do that the war on terror is the most important issue we face. He also is establishing a record on getting the economy back on track, and that appeals to those who feel domestic issues are paramount.

Kerry is the candidate for those who hate Bush, and only for those that hate Bush. John "YEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAH!" Dean was the true candidate for the left, but he couldn't keep track of his prescriptions and obviously took the wrong meds at the wrong time.

My take, anyway.
Helantisubron 4, 1970-1974, Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club member, Shellback, American. Nuff said.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 4:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Me I don't hate Kerry at all. I think as a fellow windsurfer I'd probably enjoy his company to some degree. That is if I were ever given the opportunity to meet him. I certainly like his daughter. I find his wife interesting, I've dated a few girls very much like her.

This said I find him totally unqualified to be in any sort of Possition of Trust.

The office of president is probably the most important job in the world as far as having some one who can be trusted to act responsably. This was at the root of why so many found Clinton so abhorant, while others think he was the just the greatest president in American history.

The eight years of Clinton really have put our nation and the world as a whole on the line. I don't think anyone can argue that neither Mr or Mrs Clinton can be trusted at all. One of the larger, looming issues Democratic voters choose to ignore are the personal FBI files mrs clinton absconded with.... and most likely still has a copy of in her posession. Who is to say how many people have had thier darkest personal secrets used to influence their actions from day to day. This is no small matter. However you did not ask about Clinton I only mention them as a matter of Context.

The planning for 911 was a long time in the works. Each time Al Queda attacked us and we did not respond.... and actually turned and ran in Somalia, Bin Laden was further imboldend. David and Goliath. Apeasment in bosnia.... actually arming the KLA (a branch of al queda) in Kosovo, these are some of the bigest disastors in american foreign Policy history. My god the Wye accords ended up making matters much worse for the Isreali Palistinian conlflict. Clinton had a whole mess of unqulified advisors. The only guy I can think of from his adminsistration who was up to the job is David Gergen.... who worked for them for just a short period.

Kerry is reinlisting much the same group of actors who totally screwed up the eight years prior to Bush.

John Kerry when he speaks today..... this without taking into account anything from his Vietnam experience, is quite clearly not to be trusted. He can not and will not take responsiblilty for anything he says if it comes back to bite him. He always has a excuse.. His speech writers made him say it..... you do'nt under stand what I meant.... on and on.

It is dificult to deny Kerry really does take every concievable side of every possable issue there is. This determined on who his audience is at the time.

This is not leadership.

This is a good tact for gaining popularity on a playground in elementary school. However there is always the fear that the bully by the slide will hear what you told the cute girl on the swings about him and this whole strategy blows up. Kerry blames it on his speech writers.

Just now the world can not afford to take off a few years to enjoy a 'pretty boy' compulsive liar. The eight years of clinton has left us a little in arears in this regard. Please don't take offense at my choice of words.... I'm calling it like I see it.

I am the son of a veteran, a warior of the cold war and each of my grand fathers played fairly luminous roles themselves. One as Gen Canines chief of staff thruout wwII , the head of the engineers for pattons army. The other one was a scientist who ended up pretty big in spook land.

Kerrys decorations far outsrip both my fathers and my grandfathers in a big way. Not in quantitiy, dad has after 40 years service allot of medals. Certainly no Silver Star though..... he has four legion of merits, bronze star .... a few other big ones which he got multable times. His father in law did have a silver star for unbelievably heroic actions crossing france.

Each of these family members instilled in me a trait which I've always followed to great success in any endeavor I have undertaken. This is that when in a position of leadership I must be absolutly trustworthy and I must lead by example.

If I do make a mistake The sooner I acknoledge it the sooner we can repair what damage I've done..

By no stretch of the Imagination does Kerry qualify in this regard.

I will not detail all the Many Many ways he's fallen short in this regard....that is what this web site is about. Read the postings by the dozens of Heroic soldiers who have spoken out agains one of their own, only after long, long consideration.

At this point... the creators of this site have been duty bound to make their views clear.

No soldier... and I mean no soldier at all questions somebody's decorations. Whether they are known to be fradulant or not. This is just not done.

Kerry has made a stab at rewriting allmost all his life history in his fairly bizaar quest to be president of the United States.

His military career is rife with problems....... serious problems. I have never heard of someone putting them selves in for a purple heart before. Ever. I have not read it on this site but from my father I hear he actually appealed the denial of one of these decorations.... This really is a bizaar thing to do. Ultimatly this is highly offensive to a grunt on the front lines.... to the degree of being sickening.

Bush I at first did not like. I Liked Gore less. I was not a fan of Bush's father as I was working a block from the white house for the 12 years which were the reagan/bush administrations.

I did not vote for Bush, I voted third party. I always used to do that.... never again.

However as a farmer and horse trainor with a bent for history and a family heratige of public service to the highest levels of many branches of Govt. I listened to Bush.... I listend and I was astonished with what I heard.

Bush says what he means, does what he says and stands by those actions.

Remember we are all defined by our 'thoughts, words and Deeds' No matter what your religeous possition this is what makes you and I beings.

Hey Bush got a dwi..... he readily admits it and quit drinking. I know nothing of his drug use.... I know (I'm about 7 years younger then he) that I don't think too much of folks of my generation who at least did'nt try a little weed once an a while.... I don't see it as an issue at all.

Each time one of the kerry drones makes one of their lists of what they think are bush's shortcomings it just makes them look like idiots... I think I'd be safe betting all of my genetic material that these guys making these accusations are guilty of everything they ascribe to bush. Hypocracy to the ninth degree.

Bush's record is the white house is close to unparelleled in history. I know this would seem hard to believe given the press coverage he's gotton.

The DNC and the larger american press corp have been slowly commiting suicide ever since the last ellection... it is very sad and the ramifictions will be far reaching no matter who wins the next election.

Everyone attacks Fox.... yet craig and sparky maybe even you use Fox and news max as your sources for pointing out presidetial foibles regularly..... this does not really track logically... I can see Kerry saying such conflicting dribble but I would hope better for craig at least. He's clearly got a brain up there somewhere.

Yes Bush has been faced with some of the most trying helmsmanship in american history since Araham Lincoln.... In the roughist of storms, heckled day in and day out by politicos.... nearly every one of his Democratic Appointees who he kept on as a concession to bipartisonship have quit and written very partison critiques of the most sensative workings of government in a time of war. More then a few of these guys should go to jail for leaking stuff.

Bush is a excellent Helmsman.

Kerry abandond the helm of his boat leaving his crew while he therorhetically demonstrated the valour required to be awarded a Silver Star.

In case you don't understand some things about boats.... if a helmsman abandonded his post in the 18th cen navy like that he would have been executed. Kerry certainly was deserving of a court marshall.... yet political conectons got him a silver star for killing a defesless man who may have very well been dead allready.

While away from the helm if the boat came under attack who was supposed to get the thing in gear and out of there.... mind you they were allready under attack.

This is the worst kind of Seamanship I have ever heard of ..... and I have allot of experience in this regard.

Again I think I'd enjoy Kerry's company to some degree, I like people..... I windsurf, he windsurfs..... he's got a hot daughter who makes films, and I ;m a film buff.

I'd gladdly windsurf with him. I would not get on a boat where he was at the helm and cross the atlantic..... something I've done a couple of times...

Sorry to be so long winded, but you asked a fair question.... the inverse of my own question.

I, as a history student am overwhelming clear that all the extrordinay hatred I've seen demonstrated towards bush is very, very dangerous.

Hate not good, clouds the mind. Get a whole group of people to hate..... and you get things like Hitlers holocaust, Bosnian serbs slaughering croats, Albanian Muslims killing christians,......

screemng rants like howard dean, al gore and hillary clinton. These guys don't scare me but they certainly but me 'on guard'

stop the hate.

that's my two cents.

Do you hear that, sparky, craig and the rest of you
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 5:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The question is totally moot. Since it appears they will be the two main choices, stating anyone else is academic. If the Democrat party ever wishes me to return to it's fold, they need to rid themselves of the strong liberal influence.

Run someone like Zell Miller and maybe, some of us recovering Democrats might return.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 6:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

morfdq wrote:
I have a flight suit as well. Here is the question since he never completed flight school was good is posing for the picture.

Eh? He completed school. The controversy is about where he was some time after that.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 6:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

fortdixlover wrote:
morfdq wrote:

Behold the manners of the Left. The honorable people at Fort Dix (and McGuire AFB too, I gather) are FOX DICKS, according to this poster.

Take note.


My goodness!
I did not get that impression. It seemed to me to be pretty well aimed at your self and reference to Fort Dix was removed from your name.

So what is your take on rude when folks post stuff like RepubliCunts and *********?
Do you suppose one to be better manners than the other?
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 7:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


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PostPosted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 12:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A Kerry candidacy is what results when sheer hatred blinds your vision.

Note that there are never any statements that actually support Kerry - it's always just "he's not Bush".

Well, your hate has betrayed you, and Kerry is the result of your hate.

That is, unless hilLIARy clinton decides to derail the nomination in August.

We'll see.
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Big Kahuna

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 2:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


I think Kerry is a Commie Rat Bastard traitor. What he did to the Vets of the 60s and early 70s should never be forgiven by any vet. He's a gigolo and a liar who would love to see the World run by the UN and those to the left of the French. The man has no class and no scruples. He's sold his soul many times over -- don't think he wouldn't sell out America. He's cut from the same cloth as Chirock (sic?). I've never had anyone tell me that they'd vote for Frenchie because they like him or what he stands for. They all say they don't like or trust him -- but need to get Bush out of the White House. That's a Hell of an endorsement!

On the other hand, President George W. Bush is an honest man with integrity. He demonstrates the class Ronald Reagon did -- by not getting in the sewer with his oponents. He has respect for the office, for America, and for the military / Veterans. He does what he feels is best for America -- instead of selling it out.

I respect McCain's service to the country, his honor as a POW (he could have left his bud's behind because of his connections) -- but not his politics. His bitterness from losing to President Bush has pushed John McCain to the Left and he is constantly trying to undermind the President.

As long as I'm on a tangent, y'all might think I'm crazy (er) -- but I'd like to see Cheney announce that he wishes to retire for "Health" reasons, and for President Bush to run with Condaleza Rice. I would like to see him win -- and then in 2008 for Rice to become the first woman and black President. Not only do I trust her and think she'd make a good President -- but it would kill Hitlery to not be the frirst women President and to lose to a black woman (based on her published comments about blacks in the past). Of all the women qualified to be President (black or white) -- I can't think of one I rather see than Rice. A woman will someday soon be President -- please don't let it be Hitlery. Someday there will be a first black President -- would you rather it be Rice or Je$$ee Jacka$$?

President Bush, Cheney, Gillespie -- are you listening to me?
Top 10 Weasels.com is where Kerry is Weasel #1
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