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The Federalist

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 4:42 pm    Post subject: The Federalist Reply with quote



"As riches increase and accumulate in few hands, as luxury prevails in society, virtue will be in a greater degree considered as only a graceful appendage of wealth, and the tendency of things will be to depart from the republican standard." --Alexander Hamilton



"Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude." --Alexis de Tocqueville



"The religious have a belief in God-based moral law, and the Left believes in man-made law as the moral law. [W]hereas they cannot change God's laws, those on the Left can and do make many of society's laws. In fact, the Left is intoxicated with law-making. It gives them the power to mold society just as Judeo-Christian values did in the past. Unless one understands that leftist ideals function as a religion, one cannot understand the Left. Laws are the Left's vehicles to earthly salvation." --Dennis Prager



"For years now lawyers and judges have besieged our family, stating in courtrooms and the media that our severely disabled daughter, Terri, must be starved to death. We have been told that she must die in order to protect her right of privacy. And now the Florida Supreme Court tells us that a law crafted to save Terri's life is unconstitutional when it is applied to her. ... We would like everyone to understand the reason the Florida Legislature and Governor Bush interceded in Terri's case was to protect Terry from a serious miscarriage of justice." --The Schindler Family



"People spend too much time worrying about income inequality. Listening to much of that discussion, one would think that it's a dealer of dollars who determines income. The reason some people have more money than others is that the dollar dealer is a racist, sexist or multinationalist. Hence, justice requires a redealing or redistribution of the dollars. Far better good could be done for our fellow man by focusing more of our attention on productive inequality rather than income inequality. Income inequality is a result, and it's productive inequality that mostly explains that result rather than some insidious plot afoot. Whether it's individuals or countries, one seldom sees highly productive people poor or highly unproductive people rich unless there are government restrictions and subsidies at play. Making people more productive is the challenge. Whining about income inequality is a cop-out." --Walter E. Williams



"We know that dictators are quick to choose aggression, while free nations strive to resolve differences in peace. We know that oppressive governments support terror, while free governments fight the terrorists in their midst. We know that free peoples embrace progress and life, instead of becoming the recruits for murderous ideologies. Every nation that wants peace will share the benefits of a freer world. And every nation that seeks peace has an obligation to help build that world." --President George W. Bush



"The time has come to see if it is possible to present a program of action based on political principle that can attract those interested in the so-called social issues and those interested in economic issues. In short, isn't it possible to combine the two major segments of contemporary American conservatism into one politically effective whole? I believe the answer is yes. It is possible to create a political entity that will reflect the views of the great, hitherto conservative, majority. We went a long way toward doing it in California. We can do it in America. This is not a dream, a wistful hope. It is and has been a reality. I have seen the conservative future and it works!" --Ronald Reagan



"The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth show the role of the individual in history. It wasn't Republican strategists who finished Kerry off two months before the election; it was the American people. The Swift Boat veterans came along and kicked Kerry in the shins and no matter how much heat they took, they were brave and wouldn't give up. ... CBS was forced to run a fake story so early in the campaign that it was exposed as a fraud -- only because of the Swift Boat vets. These brave men, many of them decorated war heroes, have now not only won the election for Bush, they have ended Dan Rather's career. It's often said that we never lost a battle in Vietnam, but that the war was lost at home by a seditious media demoralizing the American people. Ironically, the leader of that effort was Rather's predecessor at CBS News, Walter Cronkite, president of the Ho Chi Minh Admiration Society. It was Cronkite who went on air and lied about the Tet offensive, claiming it was a defeat for the Americans. He told the American people the war was over and we had lost. Ronald Reagan said CBS News officials should have been tried for treason for those broadcasts. CBS has already lost one war for America. The Swift Boat Vets weren't going to let CBS lose another one." --Ann Coulter



"Sadly, even the President's modest goal to freeze domestic spending at last year's level may prove too daunting a challenge in this election year. This shortcoming flows mostly from the Senate's insatiable appetite for spending, and its willingness to use budget chicanery to accomplish its big-government goals. ... The good news is that fiscal conservatives, especially those in the House, are fully engaged and believe that the final weeks of this session give them an opportunity to beat back the big spenders. They will insist there be offsetting spending cuts to pay for much of the 'emergency' spending; they are working to stop the creation of new programs, such as a proposed $83-million suicide-prevention grant program. And they are endeavoring to pass a year-long 'continuing resolution' that would freeze domestic spending at last year's level and in one fell swoop, eliminate all the budgetary smoke-and-mirrors described above. All told, a good start. Conservatives on Capitol Hill should take seriously the warnings that the era of big government is back, take the initiative, remember Winston Churchill's admonition to 'Never give in' -- and prove them wrong." --Michael Franc



"Democrat operatives and most of the pundits who gamed their own way out of military service have, like Monsieur Kerry, sneered at service in the Guard as goldbricking, of a piece with slipping over the Canadian border in the dark of night, risking jail to avoid the uniform or otherwise cheating the recruiting sergeant. It's not true. National Guardsmen have served with distinction in all our wars; Air National Guard pilots are among the nation's most decorated flyers, some winning the Medal of Honor. There is nothing in George W. Bush's record or breeding to suggest that he would have tried to get out of his obligation if the 147th Fighter Interceptor Group, Texas Air National Guard, had been called up and sent to Tan Son Nhut or Bien Hoa or Danang or any of those places whose once-familiar names are now fading from living memory." --Wesley Pruden


There are only five weeks left before the election, but there is still time to get your high-quality "Flush the Johns!" and "I'm not FONDA Kerry" stickers at cost with free shipping. You can buy enough to post them all over, or give them away to friends and associates. There are other great Patriotic items at our Patriot Shop as well. Link to -- http://patriotshop.us/catalog/index.php



"Taken as a whole, John Kerry's legislative record with respect to small business and the issues that matter most to this sector shows a preference for higher taxes, less affordable health coverage, more burdensome regulations, more frivolous lawsuits, and more government spending -- an agenda that's the perfect prescription for fewer business start-ups, more bankruptcies, less entrepreneurship, less economic growth, more unemployment, slower income growth, smaller take-home pays, more poverty, more regulators, more lawyers and bigger government. Stated in macro terms, Senator Kerry is calling for a $2 trillion expansion in government spending for new federal programs over the next decade, over and above what's already projected, while at the same time he supports an agenda that places roadblocks in the path of small business growth and in the expansion of jobs and tax revenues that will flow from that growth. Bottom line, it doesn't add up." --Ralph Reiland



"[W]hat an enormous crock it is to say that Democrats or liberals only believe in voting their economic interests. A great many environmental issues hurt working-class voters. For example, the Arctic Wildlife Refuge would be open for drilling if working-class interests were the sine qua non of liberalism. Indeed, why do most liberals oppose the death penalty? Or favor gay marriage? They would cite justice more than self-interest. Unless, that is, I missed the news that most liberals are murderous homosexuals eager to tie the knot before they get the electric chair." --Jonah Goldberg



"How fouled up are the voter rolls? So fouled up that in some cities there are more registered voters than there are adults. So fouled up that when the Indianapolis Star investigated Indiana's records a few years ago, it discovered that hundreds of thousands of names -- as many as one-fifth of the total -- were 'bogus' since the individuals named had moved, died, or gone to prison. So fouled up that when a Louisiana paper filed 25 phony voter registration forms signed only with an 'X,' 21 were approved and added to the voter list. Illegal aliens have been registered, too, since...any recipient of government benefits can sign up to vote, no questions asked.... It shouldn't take a degree in rocket science to fix a system this sloppy and chaotic. But not everyone wants to fix it. Some operatives don't mind cheating if it brings more of 'their' voters to the polls.... The drift toward Third World-caliber elections in the most advanced democracy in the world is scandalous. Then again, if Americans can't be bothered to scrub the voting rolls or to make sure that voters are properly ID'd, maybe they've got the election system they deserve." --Jeff Jacoby



"Those two French journalists are still missing in Iraq, where they're being held by still another band of terrorists. ...[T]he French have done their best to undermine coalition efforts in Iraq. So why would these terrorists do anything to embarrass France? Even to ask such a question is to misunderstand the nature of terrorism. It is to assume that terrorists need a reason to terrorize. If terrorists were rational, of course French citizens would be immune to such attacks. Few countries were as supportive of Saddam Hussein's regime as France. It was one of Saddam Hussein's major trading partners, money lenders, and arms suppliers, even building him a nuclear reactor -- the one the Israelis took out in 1981. French officials helped undermine the economic sanctions against Saddam's regime, and they played a leading role in the United Nations' oil-for-food scam. Even after that regime was toppled and Saddam himself jailed, the French have held back from the coalition trying to build a stable, democratic Iraq. What could these kidnappers demand that the French have not freely given them?" --Paul Greenberg



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"The Patriot's latest essay on the most recent addition to the Left's long line of 'Useful Idiots,' Socialist John Kerry was, as usual, right on the mark (or, right on the Marx, as it were). Thank you!" --Long Island, New York

"I have, for years, tried to understand the pathology behind 'rich liberals' like Kerry, Kennedy and the rest of the wealthiest members of Congress -- not just their abject hypocrisy but their pathology. Mr. Alexander clarified that beautifully in The Patriot's explanation of 'welfare inheritance liberalism.' Now I have a useful context for understanding some of these Demo-elitists." --Minneapolis, Minnesota

"I'm encouraged to see someone with a broad audience call the undeservedly but nearly universally beatified FDR what he irrefutably was: an elitist, anti-Constitutionalist socialist who put this country on a path toward outright Communism (from which we have fortunately in the last couple of decades begun to veer). It is also gratifying to read your commentary making clear the distinction between Jesus' call to personal, internally motivated stewardship and generosity and the welfare state's impetus toward government mandated income and wealth redistribution." --Boulder, Colorado

"In your Sept. 24 Patriot's Perspective you trace the discarding of the constitution to FDR. I am not defending FDR but submit that Abraham Lincoln was the first to do this. Actually he made FDR look rather timid in this respect." --St. Louis, Missouri Editor's Reply: We have read it, and you will note in our "About The Patriot" page notes, "We believe that role for our central government, as defined by The Federalist of 1787, was, and remains the correct role -- but the constitutional federalism our Federalist Founders established was grossly violated in the 19th century by Abraham Lincoln, and what was left of federalism in the 20th century was largely dismantled by Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson."

"Please stop calling the phony CBS documents FORGERIES - they are NOT!! They are FABRICATIONS. A forgery is an illegal copy of an actual document/painting passed off as real. A Fabrication is a falsehood made up out of thin air. Every time you call these Burkett-generated false documents Forgeries, you are saying they are copies of REAL documents and the content of the originals is true -- that's Dan Rather's position!" --Los Angeles, California Editor's Reply: Don't know what publication you have been reading, but The Patriot #04-38, noted, "Of course, calling these documents 'forgeries' implies they were facsimiles of something that actually exists. These documents were fabrications -- BIG difference."

"Michael Moore-onic remark that Republicans 'eat you and me and every other liberal for breakfast.' Eating Mr. Moore: Now THAT would indeed take a vast conspiracy!" --Cincinnati, Ohio

"I just wanted to thank all involved in the research and printing of this publication -- GREAT JOB! I look forward to getting the Digest every Friday. It's reassuring to know that there are still many out there who have the same opinions, faith, and values that my family and I do. I would also like to thank you for your continued support for our soldiers. My father has been an officer in the army for 23 years and my brother is recently deployed -- your thoughts and prayers are much appreciated!" --Middletown, Indiana



"I am now and have been for years a firm advocate of developing a system to limit the people who can vote in this country. We need to find a way to restrict the number of people who can vote. If we don't weed out the chaff soon it may well be too late. Don't give me that 'democracy' nonsense. In spite of what you hear from your government school teacher, your leftist college professor, or that smiling talking head on television, we are not a democracy. Never were. Weren't supposed to be. You won't find the word 'democracy' in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States or in any constitution of any of the 50 States. There's a reason for that. Our Founding Fathers hated the idea of democracy. They knew that a government of majority rule would dissolve into a tyranny of plunder and chaos. In anticipation of yet another knee-jerk response to my proposal that we limit voting, let me remind you that there is absolutely no constitutional guarantee of your right to vote in any federal election. Do some reading. It isn't there. A latte to the person who can find anything in our Constitution that sounds remotely like 'each citizen shall have the right to vote in a federal election.' Happy hunting." --Neal Boortz

Lex et Libertas -- Semper Vigilo, Paratus, et Fidelis! Mark Alexander, Publisher, for the editors and staff. (Please pray on this day, and every day, for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm's way around the world in defense of our liberty, and for the families awaiting their safe return.)

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Link to -- http://FederalistPatriot.US/current2004a.asp

Last edited by Guest on Mon Sep 27, 2004 4:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 4:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

way to go Ann Coulter!!!!!!!!
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