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The Federalist (great read)

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 3:48 pm    Post subject: The Federalist (great read) Reply with quote


"Our peculiar security is in the possession of a written Constitution. Let us not make it a blank paper by construction." --Thomas Jefferson



"Remember that if the opportunities for great deeds should never come, the opportunities for good deeds are renewed day by day. The thing for us to long for is the goodness, not the glory." --F.W. Faber

"The great trouble with you Americans is that you are still under the influence of that second-rate -- shall I say third-rate? -- mind, Karl Marx." --H. G. Wells

"The most successful politician is the one who says what the people are thinking most often in the loudest voice." --Theodore Roosevelt ++ "A politician will do anything to keep his job, even become a patriot." --William Randolph Hearst ++ "If a politician found he had cannibals among his constituents, he would promise them missionaries for dinner." --H. L. Mencken ++ "Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad reputation." --Henry Kissinger

"I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts." --Will Rogers



"The proper response to difficulty is not to retreat, it is to prevail." --President George W. Bush

"Once created, federal programs are nearly impossible to eliminate." --Rep. Ron Paul

"Bush has a four-year record as president of the United States during which time the country has been attacked by terrorists and engaged in war in two theaters. His actions 30 years ago are eclipsed by more recent and far more important events." --Kathleen Parker

"The battle over judicial appointments today is a battle over how much power judges should have in our system of government. If judges are masters over the charter they have sworn to protect, then 'we the people' are not." --Sen. Orrin Hatch

"In politics, throwing the taxpayers' money at disasters is supposed to show your compassion. But robbing Peter to pay Paul is not compassion. It is politics." --Thomas Sowell

"Kerry calls Iraq a distraction. But here's a question for all Democrats: if we weren't in Iraq, what would the terrorists be doing?" --Dennis Prager

"[Kerry] let the veterans down. When you're in a war you don't go out there badmouthing your fellow soldiers. You know, that's a disservice to the veterans. Anybody who comes back and works against the best interests of the United States, in my view, doesn't deserve to be president of the United States." --Rep. Sam Johnson

Kerry may correctly state that Iraq has become a haven for terrorists. But we have engaged the forces of Islamo-fascism and terrorism on their turf rather than ours. Surely this has made America safer." --Larry Kudlow

"Communism works perfectly in textbooks. Within nations, it doesn't operate so flawlessly. Since academics inhabit the theoretic world and not the practical world, it's unsurprising that they would embrace something that works in the former but not in the latter." --Daniel Flynn



"Pessimism about Iraq seems to be in fashion, with leaders such as John Kerry and Kofi Annan implying that the world would be better off if Saddam Hussein had never been toppled. So it's been more than a little refreshing to hear the message of hope, resolve and gratitude delivered by Ayad Allawi during his U.S. visit.... As for the political process, Mr. Allawi pointed out that Iraqis have already defied the skeptics several times. They've met their January deadline for writing an interim constitution, the scheduled June sovereignty handover, and the August date for a National Conference: 'And I pledge to you today, we'll prove them wrong again over the elections.' ... Mr. Allawi also welcomed NATO's recent decision to step up its training of Iraqi security forces. 'The resolve and will of the coalition in supporting a free Iraq is vital to our success,' he said. 'But these doubters risk underestimating our country and they risk fueling the hopes of the terrorists.' Mr. Kerry, for one, must not have been listening too carefully to those remarks, given his ungracious reaction to Mr. Allawi's speech.... The Senator accused the Prime Minister of 'contradicting his own statement[s]' and of putting the "best face" on the situation. While Mr. Kerry has every right to criticize U.S. conduct of the war, one would think he'd be wiser than to attack Mr. Allawi for saying it will be possible to hold the same elections that Mr. Kerry said just this Monday were his own exit strategy from Iraq. Or to accuse Iraq's Prime Minister of painting an unrealistic picture about a country the Senator has never visited. Having described the U.S. allies who liberated Iraq as a 'coalition of the bribed,' Mr. Kerry now insults the Iraqis he'd be working with if he becomes President." --The Wall Street Journal



This week's "Leftmedia Parrot" Award: "For so long, Mr. Bush has put up with caricatures of a wee W. sitting in the vice president's lap, Charlie McCarthy style, as big Dick Cheney calls the shots. But now the president has his own puppet to play with. All last week in New York and Washington, Prime Minister Ayad Allawi of Iraq parroted Mr. Bush's absurd claims that the fighting in Iraq was an essential part of the U.S. battle against terrorists that started on 9/11, that the neocons' utopian dream of turning Iraq into a modern democracy was going swimmingly, and that the worse things got over there, the better they really were." --Maureen Dowd

This week's "Ignarus Perpetuus" Award: "[Dan Rather] is a towering journalist. ... He is an honest-to-goodness reporter. If anybody is hard on themselves, it is him first. And he is a giant in this business and I know he operates without fear or favor." --Diane Sawyer

From the Leftmedia Psychosis Files: "A 10-year remedy to the [Alternative Minimum Tax] problem could cost the government $602 billion, if all the Bush tax cuts are extended beyond their 2010 expiration date, according to the Congressional Budget Office." --Jonathan Weisman, The Washington Pest **Last time we checked, the money belongs to the taxpayers and it doesn't cost the government anything.

This week's "Limited Candle Power" Award: "The eternally sunny, youthful-looking Edwards bounces off the bus...He wades into the crowds, touching, grasping, hugging, and kissing." --NPR's Nina Totenberg

This week's "Leftmedia Buster" Award: "I can begin to understand how anchor monsters are made. If you're not careful, you can become used to being treated as though you're special and begin to expect it." --CNN's Anderson Cooper



This week's "Blow Hard" Award: "The last thing you want to be seen as is a puppet of the United States, and you can almost see the hand underneath the shirt today moving the lips." --Joe Lockhart on Iraqi Prime Minister Allawi's remarks before Congress ++ "[The situation in Iraq is not] not getting better and we need to change the course to protect our troops and to win." --John Kerry, who did not attend Allawi's speech and has never visited Iraq

Our man on the case, Chappaqua Dick: "The war in Iraq has made the mushroom cloud more likely, not less, likely." --Ted Kennedy **We suspect Teddy has been eating too many 'shrooms of late!

This week's "Limited Candle Power" Award: "A fumbling attempt has been made [in Florida] recently to disqualify 22,000 African Americans (likely Democrats), but only 61 Hispanics (likely Republicans), as alleged felons. ... It is unconscionable to perpetuate fraudulent or biased electoral practices in any nation." --Jimmy Carter **The thought probably never occurred to Jimmy that it might have something to do with the word "felon."

From the "Broader Coalition" Files: "I will lead our allies to share the burden. ...[T]he Bush administration would have you believe that when it comes to our allies, it won't make a difference who is president. They say the Europeans won't help us, no matter what. But I have news for President Bush: just because [he] can't do something, doesn't mean it can't be done." --John Kerry ++ "I cannot imagine that there will be any change in our decision not to send troops, whoever becomes president." --Gert Weisskirchen of Germany's Parliament ++ "People don't expect that much would change under a Kerry administration.... We do not anticipate a sudden honeymoon in the event Kerry replaces Bush." --French government official **Enough said.

There are only FOUR weeks left before the election, but there is still time to get your high-quality "Flush the Johns!" and "I'm not FONDA Kerry" stickers at cost with free shipping. You can buy enough to post them all over, or give them away to friends and associates. There are other great Patriotic items at our Patriot Shop as well. Link to -- http://patriotshop.us/catalog/index.php



This week's "Character-Deficit Disorder" Award: "Oh, I tell you, things are getting bad over there [in Iraq]. On Wednesday, for example, three severed heads were found by the side of the road outside of Baghdad. Hey, memo to the Iraqi people: severed-head pickup is Tuesday." --"Comedian" Bill Maher **Bad form, Bill, bad form.

This week's "Leftpinkie" Award: "Day One of [John's] presidency, every child in America will have health care. Period." --Maria Teresa Thiersten Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry, overlooking pesky details like Congress and legislative process **And on the Second Day, he will stop "global warming," heal every disease, and make the stars twinkle a little brighter!

This week's "Village Victimitis" Award: "Thanks for having me. I really appreciate this because I know that the White House put great pressure on NBC not to have me, and I commend the president of your network and you for not caving." --Kitty Kelley, Bush-bashing author in one of many appearances on NBC's "Today Show" **We're STILL waiting for the Swift Vets to be invited on the "Today Show."

This week's "Consummate Village-Celeb" Award: "As an American, I really feel my country is in a lot of trouble. I think our leaders have taken us in a really bad direction on so many levels. I feel that our leaders really want to own the world for two reasons. One, there are endless profits from owning the entire world, and because if you own and control the world, there is a relief from fear." --Director Jonathan Demme, on another "level"



"[S]ome Democrat strategists haven't given up hope. Says Donna Brazile, who was Al Gore's campaign manager, 'Sen. Kerry is like Seabiscuit: He runs better from behind.' It strikes [me] that it'd be closer to the truth to say Sen. Kerry is like Seabiscuit's behind." --James Taranto

"John Kerry told Temple University Friday he will wage war in Iraq differently. It's called personal diplomacy. Due to his superior people skills and sensitivity he will be better able to get allies to send their soldiers into the wrong war at the wrong time." --Argus Hamilton

"John Kerry would have been waiting at Plymouth Rock to warn [the Pilgrims] to go home, that the Indians would eat them if the wild beasts didn't. Fortunately for all of us, on the day the Mayflower sailed into Plymouth, he was wind-surfing off the coast at Cannes." --Wesley Pruden ++ "Consistently altering one's course with the breeze might come in handy for Popeye, Captain Crunch or a well-mannered dog with terminal flatulence, however it's not a pattern of behavior leading to great respect either at home or abroad." --Ron Marr ++ "He voted for the use of force in Iraq and then didn't vote to fund the troops. He complained that we're not spending enough money to help in reconstruction in Iraq and now he's saying we're spending too much. He said it was the right decision to go into Iraq and now he calls it the wrong war. He could probably spend 90 minutes debating himself." --President Bush



David Letterman.... "Top Ways CBS News Can Improve It's Reputation:" Stick to stories everyone can agree on, like cookies are delicious; Move nightly "happy hour" to after the broadcast; Stop hiring guys with crazy names like "Morley"; Can't figure out if a news story is true? Let Judge Joe Brown decide; Every time Mike Wallace tells a lie he gets a life-threatening electrical shock; If it turns out the story is wrong, give away 276 brand new cars; After delivering a report, correspondent must add, "or maybe not -- who knows?"; Newscast consists of Dan Rather sitting down to watch Tom Brokaw; Oh, I dunno, stop making up crap?

Jay Leno.... President Bush recently gave a speech at the United Nations. I don't want to say it was a hostile crowd but they had Bush stand behind a screen of made of chicken wire. .... At one point, Bush said, "We are determined to destroy terror networks wherever they operate." Although by "terror network" it's not clear if he meant al-Qa'ida or CBS. .... John Kerry says if he's elected president, he will go to the UN and persuade the other nations to help fight the War on Terror. We can't get them to pay their parking tickets -- why don't we start with that? .... Saddam Hussein is [reportedly] depressed but defiant and still claims that he's the constitutionally elected president of his country. So basically, he's the Iraqi Al Gore. .... Here's some news from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. They are now letting people take human remains, mix them in cement, and drop them in the ocean to help make more reefs. Didn't that used to be called "the Mafia?" .... This year there are 50 women on the "Forbes" 400 richest list -- or as John Kerry calls it, his little black book. .... John Kerry is still fighting a bad head cold. And with his head, that could last for years. .... Debates experts say President Bush could win if he doesn't get off message. But John Kerry could win if he gets a message. .... I tell you, Bush is working very hard getting prepared for these debates. He even got one of those "Hooked on Phonics" tapes. .... First [Kerry] gets the Botox. Now he's got the rich tan. In fact it was reported today that he got a bikini wax. Apparently the senator's confused. The "Miss America Pageant" was last week.

Lex et Libertas -- Semper Vigilo, Paratus, et Fidelis! Mark Alexander, Publisher, for the editors and staff. (Please pray on this day, and every day, for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm's way around the world in defense of our liberty, and for the families awaiting their safe return.)

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Link to -- http://FederalistPatriot.US/current2004a.asp
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 4:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

NICE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This week's "Village Victimitis" Award: "Thanks for having me. I really appreciate this because I know that the White House put great pressure on NBC not to have me, and I commend the president of your network and you for not caving." --Kitty Kelley, Bush-bashing author in one of many appearances on NBC's "Today Show" **We're STILL waiting for the Swift Vets to be invited on the "Today Show."
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