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Bob Chamberlain Lt.Jg.
Joined: 08 Aug 2004 Posts: 147 Location: Raleigh, NC
Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 9:23 pm Post subject: Time To Report For Duty |
All of us need to get active on the streets to reach out to voters and make sure they know all we know about John Kerry's record. All of us have been exchanging information here in the forum for months, but the majority of John Q. Public doesn't know to come here. They depend on CBS, NBC and ABC for thier news - or for AP wire stories printed in their local newspapers. We KNOW what they are hearing - and not hearing - about John Kerry. If they are ever going to hear the truth, we have to get out there and tell them.
Last Saturday, four of us, my wife, USMC_CommGod, Redneckvet and I, spent a few hours on some sidewalks in downtown Raleigh carrying picket signs and handing out information about John Kerry. It wasn't at all hard to do, at least after the first couple of times. And we accomplished something. What we really tried to do was to get people to go to my Website where they could read up on John Kerry. The website traffic for these pages is up significantly. We got the word to people. And I simply cannot believe that people can read what is on these pages and still vote for Kerry.
We will be going out again next Saturday. Back to the museums if I can't find an even more productive location to work. I'm pretty sure I can count on USMC_CommGod and Redneckvet. Won't any of you join us (in Raleigh NC)?
And those of you not in Raleigh, get busy now. Get your signs made up, get your parade permits and get out on the streets. We only have three weekends left before election day!!!
Here is the report about how our first weekend went:
All told, things went pretty well. Judging by the number of cards we handed out, I would say that the four of us (my wife, Redneckvet, USMCCommGod and myself) contacted about 250 "discussion units" during a roughly 5 hour period. We were located at a pair of museums in the center of Raleigh that fill an entire block, with a "mall" down the center of the block between the two museums. It turned out to be a slow day, I suspect because of the NCState/UNC football game. I had thought that the game would pull in people from outside the city - and I'm sure it did - but it doesn't look like very many football fans made a side trip to the museums. In any case, I used the term "discussion unit" because the majority of the people we spoke to were not alone and a majority had children with them - mostly young children. I woudl say that about half of the "units" had two voters in the group. So I would estimate that we spoke to maybe 350 voters. Was it worth the effort? Yes, definitely.
First of all, kudos to USMCCommGod (who left his wife alone for the afternoon with three young kids. I wonder what that is going to cost him?), to Redneckvet (who drove two hours or more just to get to Ralegh) and to my wife (who stayed up all night with me working on the sign, printing flyers and hasn't complained about how badly all of this No Kerry! stuff has broken our budget). Also my wife stoutly stayed at the CP by herself while the three of us men were out on the sidewalks, usually at least two together. My wife actually had the worse end of it in some resepects, even if she could sit down - oh my aching feet. She was by herself about 75% of the time vs. maybe 25% of the time for the guys.
Facts and advice:
I think the most effective "aid" that we had was the "business card". I had 1000 business cards printed up at Kinko's in black and white for $48. The card text reads:
John Kerry is unfit to be President
Learn about John Kerry’s record at:
People will take a business card from you even if they aren't all that interested - and I did not find even a single card on the ground anywhere when we were done (one of the rules in Raleigh - run a police call before you leave to collect any trash you are responsible for)
Our typical approach line:
"Excuse me. Would you like some information about John Kerry?"
Of course we were holding big signs that said "Vietnam Veterans Against Kerry", so there wasn't much question about what kind of information we meant. About 90% of the people were willing to stop and talk. A majority of those (at least 4 to 1 if not 5 to 1) claimed they were already going to vote for President Bush.
But we didn't let it go at that. I suspect that many weaker Kerry supporters may have said they supported Bush just to avoid any argument. I always followed up with:
"Well, we appreciate that, but I would like for you to check out this website anyway (hand them a business card, and maybe a flier as well) because there is an awful lot about Kerry that the main stream media just isn't talking about. For instance, did you know..."
To back up a notch, the polls here in North Caroline put President Bush up by several points - anywhere from 5 to 9. But our unscientific sampling would put President Bush up by a margin of at least 4 to 1. So, either our sample was not representative (we had young and old; black, white and Hispanic; men and women; some college age; some WWII veterans; more families than singles), the polls are wrong or (as I suspect) the people we spoke to were not admitting to us the same intentions they are telling the telephone polling people.
This last point is where I think our activities may have had the greatest impact. If people are telling the polling organizations one thing, but telling an obviously anti-Kerry person something else, then their support for Kerry is weak - and maybe just a little bit of the personal touch is all they need to change their mind.
Most of the people who said they supported President Bush (literally 99% of them) said they had never heard of the main point I emphasized (Kerry's photo in the War Remnants Museum). And when I started talking about this photo, nearly everyone got interested. I had two (just two, but that is still a victory) Kerry supporters who initially tried to walk away, but were willing to listen for a moment, and when they heard about the photo really got interested. I won't claim I changed their votes (I never really pushed for that), but by their attitude, I could tell they were really thinking - maybe for the first time. And if you are willing to believe the polls, a lot of the "Bush" people we spoke to are really weak Kerry supporters. We gave them something to think about as well. I honestly feel our day's efforts made a difference.
But Guys and Gals, we've GOT to get more people out there on the street doing just what the four of us did. I truly believe the personal contact is worth a dozen TV ads. We've got how many thousands active in this forum. If each of us would get out every weekend between now and election day, we could personally contact at least a million voters. And if you consider the "ripple effect" of these people telling their friends and family about "what those guys down at the museum said", we could be affecting many more. Look, we only get one chance at this election. If we don't get it right on November 2, we could have to live with John F. Kerry for the next four years. God help us!! We have to get out from behind the keyboards and get out on our feet. It's a bit hard the first time you walk up to a stranger cold, but you get used to it. And being part of a 2 or 3 man "unit" helps. So plesae folks. Print up some busines cards, a handfull of flyers and a big sign. Don't forget a parade permit. Find yourself a good location and do what we did. We have got to get people talking about Kerry's record.
So what did we do exactly??
I mounted a big 4'x6' sign in the back of my pickup with all kinds of stuff about John kerry's record. We printed up flyers, signs and business cards. We parked the truck in a legal spot in the public lot near the museums and used it as a CP. I got a parade permit for the sidewalks around the museums. My wife stayed at the CP (and actually got a high pecentage of the people before they ever left the lot) and the three guys went out with signs on the sidewalks. We got the people who came from other directions or who did not exit the parking lot at the corner where the CP was set up. We talked to people. We handed out flyers. We tried to get people to go to the Website to read for themselves. I think we made a difference. You can too. I have made most everything we used available on the Website, and I will get the rest of it up ASAP. You don't have to create anything, just print it - and use it. Please give it a try.
Photos - sorry about the selection here. I failed to download all of our KerryLied Rally photos from Washington. I took some shots of the sign and the CP, and then when I started to take shots out on the sidewalks, the camera said "No More Memory". Oh, well. Next weekend.
The sign - basically the same on both sides. I'm going to improve the sign before next weekend. In both content and construction. It turned out that the plexiglas has a lot of "static cling". I had mounted the papers with just enough rubber cement to keep them from sliding around. But the plexiglas bows out maybe half an inch from the plywood in some places - and the "static cling" lifts the paper off the board. Still doesn't look bad - but I will make it look better for next time.
My better half and stalwart supporter.
Just another drug-crazed baby killer. Oh my aching feet!
The ice cream vendor was wearing a kilt, but there wasn't anybody who would say a word about it - his arms were the size of my thighs. He also gave free ice cream to any active duty military. Nice guy. _________________ Bob
Useful anti-Kerry campaign material at:
http://www.betrayed-vietnam-vet.info |
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Theresa Alwood Rear Admiral
Joined: 05 Jun 2004 Posts: 631 Location: Florida
Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 9:29 pm Post subject: |
WOW! What a great story!!!! It is people like you who will help bring down John Kerry. Wish I knew of someone to help in my area - I would stand on a street corner also! _________________ Born to raise a little hell! |
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Joined: 21 Aug 2004 Posts: 369 Location: Central Kentucky
Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 9:47 pm Post subject: |
Yay Bob and team!! What a great report and the pics are
terrific! Your truck display is just wonderful!
You heard the man folks, 3 more weeks let's get the word out
Way to Go Bob!! _________________
Really support the troops, send them a letter and care package! Visit:http://www.anysoldier.com |
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Truegrit Lieutenant
Joined: 20 Aug 2004 Posts: 246 Location: Massachusetts
Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 11:47 pm Post subject: Let the Public Know About Us |
I've been standing at high traffic intersections with a sign that I had professionally made, "Kerry is Unfit to be Commander in Chief" and have been getting a very positive response in the Boston suburbs.
I had the sign professionally made at a local shop, FASTSIGNS, which produced the sign quickly for just $60. I also carry along some hand outs.
I will be going into downtown Boston later this week, and Harvard Square, into Kerry territory as it were.
We can have an impact. If we fight, fight, fight and get the message out, we can make a difference in this very critical election. _________________ Ted Harwood, Ph.D.
Enlisted, U.S. Army ('57-'60) |
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Bob Chamberlain Lt.Jg.
Joined: 08 Aug 2004 Posts: 147 Location: Raleigh, NC
Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 1:29 pm Post subject: Need Help On Saturday |
The Raleigh group will be out this Saturday in the area around the Convention Center. It will be a bright, sunshine day. Come on out and help do something productive to defeat Kerry!!! We only have three weekends left and there is lots of work to do.
For specific times and locations, email me at:
Come on guys, there have to be some readers of this forum close enough to Raleigh to drive in. One of our team members drives all the way from Wilmington. Help us put a nail or two in Kerry's coffin. _________________ Bob
Useful anti-Kerry campaign material at:
http://www.betrayed-vietnam-vet.info |
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dmackto Rear Admiral
Joined: 03 Sep 2004 Posts: 719 Location: Florida
Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 1:55 pm Post subject: |
I was thinking about a booth in a flea market. Flea markets are a big thing in Florida. Problem for me is I've dumped any and all cash I can afford to spend into donations and there isn't money left to do much.
Still, I think a booth in a busy flea market could change some votes. And then those people might change a few votes and so on... _________________ Deborah
This is no time for ease and comfort. It is the time to dare and endure.
- Winston Churchill |
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RivanG Seaman Apprentice
Joined: 01 Jun 2004 Posts: 90 Location: West Virginia
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Bob Chamberlain Lt.Jg.
Joined: 08 Aug 2004 Posts: 147 Location: Raleigh, NC
Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 2:19 pm Post subject: |
Hi RivanG,
Looks like you guys are doing the same things we are here in Raleigh. How about putting up a post on your forum to see if we can't get some NC vets to join us here in Raleigh?
I tried flea markets here in Raleigh - there are two big flea market malls. Neither one would allow me to do something political. It is a good idea. Certanly you get good foot traffic, but you may find as I did that the management doesn't want to get involved on either side. _________________ Bob
Useful anti-Kerry campaign material at:
http://www.betrayed-vietnam-vet.info |
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Jack Mclaughlin PO3
Joined: 13 May 2004 Posts: 280
Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 2:40 pm Post subject: |
We need more Bob Chamberlain`s in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan. |
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BuffaloJack Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
Joined: 10 Aug 2004 Posts: 1637 Location: Buffalo, New York
Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 3:46 pm Post subject: |
Great job Mr. Chaimberlain.
This is the kind of thing that is needed.
I live in the heart of super liberal New York.
I have to be content to wear a 6" button with the Swiftvet logo and hope that I don't get punched out by someone from the abundance of liberals here.
They sell blank buttons (2", 4", 6") in most craft shops for a couple of bucks. I merely put the Swiftvet & POW logo and the words "Kerry lied while good men died" together, printed it out on a good graphics printer and slipped it into the blank campaign button.
It works for me and has caused enough comment to bring over a half dozen or so undecided to our cause.
This is something anyone on this forum could do for 2 bucks and 20 minutes. |
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