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Kerry charged with heresy
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 12:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

mikest wrote:
Jeebus. No I am not in FAVOR of abortion. I WISH people didn't feel the need for them, AS I SAID PERFECTLY CLEARLY.

Since MikeWynn is the only one with the guts to answer my question rather than continue to push the same line, I guess you agree that contraception is wrong and never have used it yourself. I also assume that you feel that religion should have more power over our government. And finally, I can only assume that you could care less if mistakes are made and people are excecuted.

No, actually I believe the government should have nothing whatsoever to to do with abortion, contraception, or religion. That includes not spending one dime of your or my tax dollars on anything to do with them. That includes no funding for abortion or anti-abortion education at any level of the public educational system. It's a private moral decision that each has to make according to their own beliefs (religious or otherwise). If some choose, for personal self-serving reasons to commit fetal murder during the first 2 trimesters that's their choice.

Thereafter, the vast majority of fetuses are at least potentially viable outside the womb and State (not Federal) laws againgst murder should apply. To the extent there is a question about where this line should be drawn it should be determined by the private medical community and not by government or politicians. IOW, let the AMA decide!

I'm also opposed to the anti-religionists trying strip our society and it's government of it's religious heritage. Nothing in the Constitution prohibits the expression of personal religious beliefs, even in government. So if we, through our elected reps, want "one nation under God", shut up and live with it. The world's 3 major religions accept the concept of one God. Seems reasonable that our nation can do the same as long as it doesn't limit constitutional rights of unbelievers.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 12:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fair enough.
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Theresa Alwood
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 12:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok...time for the ladies to weigh in.

I am pro-choice; I am pro-death penalty; I am a republican! I know! I know! Sounds strange (these are my opinions and I am entitled to them, so no name calling please).

One of the main reason I am pro-choice is that the majority of the men in this world leave it us to use "protection" and then if by chance a "accident" happens men become jackrabbits and run in the other direction. I have seen too many women have to be a single parent. Most men whine, complain and moan about the "blood-sucking" ex wife and all the money she gets and how he has another family to support and raise. I have seen too many children wonder why Daddy does not come around anymore once Mommy and Daddy got divorced. I have seen a divorced women's economy tumbled to the likes of poverty while the father complains about how much money this divorce is costing him. While it may not sound like a viable reason for abortion, it still should be the choice of those involved. I have seen a lot of child abuse either emotionally or physically by parents and to force someone to have a child will only increase abuse. Both parents are at fault when they fight, bicker and blame each other in front of any child.

Those of us who are married and have kids knows it is hard enough to raise kids in today's world with two parents. I could not imagine doing it all alone. I had my share of TDY's and being a single parent really sucked! It is not something I would ever want to put my kids through on a permanent basis.

There is only one sure way of birth control and we all know that men are not going to go without sex without the benefit of marriage. We also know that when a unwanted pregnancy happens the majority of the time it is the women ends up raising the child alone. Paying a monthly allowance some men feel is adequate for being a dad. I know more single women that are sole custodial parents than I do men. (Actually I do not know of any men who have sole custodial care...most are joint and the children live with their mothers).

Most women choose abortion (and to set the record straight I have never had an abortion, nor would I if that choice was mine to make) due to circumstances beyond their control, not as a viable option for birth control. It is a hard choice and it does not make it easier when you have the conservative right trying to call you a baby killer. I have several friends who have had an abortion and I still think it should be a choice. They only have to answer to God, not to man. So you can debate the issue all you want about whether abortion is right or wrong, but it should be something to be left to an individual.

I know the flip side is putting the child up for adoption, but the US has made adoption very hard for the average parents. I have friends who have had to adopt babies in other parts of the world due to the US adoption laws. There are too many kids already in our system and not enough homes for these children, so how can making abortion illegal going to solve this problem?

There is a reason most women are pro-choice. Even if you look at the first ladies, most are pro-choice even though their husbands are not. They call it Labor for a reason. Having a baby is a lifetime commitment and not everyone one is willing to make that lifelong commitment. Not everyone wants children, not everyone deserves children, but I see it only creating more unwanted children, more child abuse and more child neglect. It may not be the right answer, but at this point in time I see no other option. We do not live in a perfect world with perfect parents or the right answers. I truly believe that if men had to be the ones to actually have the babies we would not be debating this issue.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 12:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Only one quibble Theresa. Men take care of their responsibilities including being an active parent if the woman chooses to keep the baby. You are describing boys.
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 1:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

mikest wrote:
Only one quibble Theresa. Men take care of their responsibilities, you are describing boys.

Maybe men of your class and education Mike but society-wide, especially among inner city minorities, you are, Mike, dead wrong.

Do you know why that persists 40 years after the Civil Rights Act?......

The Democratic Party's commitment to a policy of votes for entitlements and of pandering to a culture of victimology.

If we were to take the Black and Hispanic victims vote out of the election Bush would win in a landslide. You know it! I Know it! The party of victimology knows it. It's just too bad that the victims for the last 40 years haven't learned it yet! As long as they hold with the Democrats they'll be victims. That's just a fact!

Who was the first Republican President and what did he accomplish?

What Party was (and is) the Party of Slavery?
On Sale! Order in lots of 100 now at velero@rcn.com Free for the cost of shipping All profits (if any, especially now) go to Swiftvets. The author of "Sink Kerry Swiftly" ---ASPB

Last edited by ASPB on Sat Jul 03, 2004 1:40 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 1:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Class does not come into it. I know minorities on both sides of the equation and whether they are rich or poor the men take care of their responsibilities and the boys don't. This is not a party thing either. Both have men and boys.
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 1:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

mikest wrote:
Class does not come into it. I know minorities on both sides of the equation and whether they are rich or poor the men take care of their responsibilities and the boys don't. This is not a party thing either. Both have men and boys.

By Class, I mean economic class. Are you implying that irresponsibility is simply a matter of age? Are males men at the age of 18 in our country?
On Sale! Order in lots of 100 now at velero@rcn.com Free for the cost of shipping All profits (if any, especially now) go to Swiftvets. The author of "Sink Kerry Swiftly" ---ASPB
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 1:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Unfortunately there are senior citizens who are boys. Age has nothing to do with it. Being able to take responsibility for your actions is what makes you a man.

And I meant econ class as well.
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 1:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

mikest wrote:
Unfortunately there are senior citizens who are boys. Age has nothing to do with it. Being able to take responsibility for your actions is what makes you a man.

And I meant econ class as well.

OK, we agree; but for purposes of BB debate you might want to be a little more discriminating in your choice of words. If nly for the purpose of clarity.

Am I to presume that you agree that the Democratic Party is the establishment of victimology? Votes for Entitlements? Government not individual responsibility?
On Sale! Order in lots of 100 now at velero@rcn.com Free for the cost of shipping All profits (if any, especially now) go to Swiftvets. The author of "Sink Kerry Swiftly" ---ASPB
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 5:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am anti abortion except in extreme circumstances, rape, insest, life and death of the mother or severe abnormalties of the baby. With that said it is the responibility of both parties to use protection during permiscuious activity. An oh S**T on either part does not justify killing a baby to make it go away. I got divorced and won custody of my son, I raised him as a single parent. He is a fine Marine today. I didn't lay on my butt and whine, I did what was required to finish the job. To many women have abortions without the fathers consent, they just say they don't know who he is because they had multiple partners. That is wrong and needs to be stopped. If it is our choice it needs to be all parties choice not just the women. Yes I know that the women have to endure the pain of birth but I feel that it is selfish to think that way, don't have sex if you don't intend to take care of the possible outcome. The fact is men can't have babies so that logic holds no merrit with me. If you get pregnant and don't want the responsibility of raising the baby, give me a call. I will gladly do the job for you if it keeps you from killing an innocent kid. I have known at least three women that have had abortions and all of them are suffering from the trauma and guilt for the rest of their lives. That is a mistake that you don't get a redo on. I have six kid's, 1 step son who is visiting me know 28 yrs old, son who is a Marine 21 yrs old, three additional step kid's that I adopted last year 17, 15, 12 and a 2 1/2 yr old baby. And I am not catholic either. So I guess I profess to be some sort of expert on the subject. I also have two grandkid's. It takes a real Man to step up to the plate, it also takes a real woman. Every day I go to work and can't wait to get home and see my kid's. We need to stop the disposible society and get back to the basic America that has honor, courage and commitment. Kid's are not disposible trash that we can just throw away or kill at our whim. I am sorry if it burdens people to have a kid and the father runs out on you, but that is just an excuse in my opinion to take the easy way out. I have known a lot of mothers that ran out also. It is tough to raise a kid all by yourself, financilally and emotionally, but the rewards by far out weigh the hardships.
Helicopter Marine Attack Squadron 169 which is now HMLA-169. They added Huey's to compliment the Cobra effectiveness. When I served we just had Snakes.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 5:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Theresa, please don't take my post as a slam on anything that you said. I know exactly where you are coming from, there are major problem's. I agree with a lot of what you said. But I feel we need to fix the system and hold parents accountable for failure to be parents. People lose their kid's to the state for abuse etc, then are allowed to just go out and do it all over again. Adoption is difficult, I know I just did it. Those red tapes are in dire need of repair. Lets fix the problem and stop the killing. We need a license for everything but parenting. My wife and I were also foster parents for about 5 years, I know the system is broke. Semper Fi.
Helicopter Marine Attack Squadron 169 which is now HMLA-169. They added Huey's to compliment the Cobra effectiveness. When I served we just had Snakes.
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Joined: 18 May 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 5:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Theresa Alwood wrote:

One of the main reason I am pro-choice is that the majority of the men in this world leave it us to use "protection" and then if by chance a "accident" happens men become jackrabbits and run in the other direction.There is only one sure way of birth control and we all know that men are not going to go without sex without the benefit of marriage. We also know that when a unwanted pregnancy happens the majority of the time it is the women ends up raising the child alone.

Theresa, I am not going to use this thread or website to debate abortion, although I do enjoy doing it, however, I have to make a couple of points.

1) If I were a woman, knowing that I would be the one pregnant in the event of an 'accident', I would surely either refuse sex or at lease use protection. I say this, as a catholic, only to support my theory that abortion is not pro-choice, its pro-3rd-choice.

2) When you say that
we all know that men are not going to go without sex without the benefit of marriage
, you kind of lay all of the blame on men with no responsibility on the part of women. Are you saying that because
we all know that men are not going to go without sex without the benefit of marriage
, that women are somehow obligated to have sex just because a guy wants to? I think that is a bit unfair both belitting men and not giving women credit for having the sense to say no or if they say yes, to use some kind of protection.

Again, I am not advocating or even condoning contraception, just my belief, but if you can't do the time, don't do the crime, to paraphrase Beretta. Crying or Very sad

Spectre Gunner and 141 FE
Dedicated to Rico. KIA March 14, 1971.
Love ya man.
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 6:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


I'm offering the following in furtherance of rational debate on the topic of abortion, especially for Catholics. Your church's dogma, like all, are the rules of man and not the rules of God IMHO. Abortion is a private matter and not for Government in any nation to either restrict or promote.

Please focus on the historic changes in Catholic dogma on the topic and note that a ban on abortion in the Catholic faith was initially mandated by one "man", St. Thomas Aquinas, not one "God" only after 1300 years of church history! If you want to understand why, google the history of abortion.

History of abortion

2600 BC – First recorded recipe for an abortion producing drug.

1850 BC – Egyptians record recipe for contraceptive pessaries, one made from crocodile dung.

4th Century AD – St. Augustine lays down Catholic dogma sanctioning abortion up to 80 days for female fetus and up to 40 days for male fetus.

13th Century AD - St. Thomas Aquinas states Catholic dogma justifying sexual intercourse only for procreation.

1564 AD - Italian anatomist, Fallopius, discoverer of Fallopian tubes, publicizes condoms as anti-venereal disease devices.

1588 – Pope Sixtus forbids all abortions

1591 - Pope Gregory XIV rescinds Pope Sixtus’ edict against abortion

1803 - Great Britain makes abortion a misdemeanor

1821 – Connecticut outlaws abortion after quickening, early abortions are legal

1860’s – All states pass comprehensive, criminal abortion laws. Most remain until 1973.

1869 – Pope Pius IX forbids all abortions in exchange for France’s Napoleon III acknowledging papal infallibility. France’s population experienced a sharp decrease over the previous 60 years.

1873 – Federal Comstock laws enacted prohibiting mailing or distribution of information on birth control and abortion

1879 – Margaret Higgins Sanger is born. She led the movement for birth control in the U.S.

1882 – First "modern" birth control clinic in the world opens in Holland, sponsored by trade unions.

1913 – Margaret Sanger arrested for violation of Comstock laws because of feminist birth control columns in, The Woman Rebel.

1916 - Margaret Sanger & her sister, Ethel Byrne jailed for dispensing contraceptive information at first American birth control clinic in Brooklyn, NY.

1924 – First scientific confirmation of women’s ovulatory and fertility cycle.

1930 – Pope Pius XI affirms Catholic dogma that every act of sexual intercourse is a sin unless performed with a reproductive intent.

1942 – Margaret Sanger’s Birth Control Federation of America becomes Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

1956 – Dr. John Rock (a Catholic) and others developed the birth control pill. Their research was funded by two women:

1968 – Pope Paul VI issues encyclical Humanae Vitae condemning artificial birth control.

1965 – In Griswold v. Connecticut, U.S. Supreme Court rules Connecticut’s law prohibiting birth control for married couples violates a newly defined right of marital privacy.

1967 – Then-Governor Ronald Reagan of California (who became a very anti-choice president) signs the most liberal abortion law of the times allowing freedom of choice during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy.

1970 – Hawaii, Alaska, and New York repeal criminal abortion laws allowing abortion in the first trimester.

1972 – Supreme Court finds the right to privacy of unmarried persons violated by Massachusetts law against distribution of contraceptives in Eisenstadt v Baird. Justice Brennan in the majority opinion states that all Americans have a right to bear and beget children free from government interference.

Monday Morning, January 22nd, 1973 – The U.S. Supreme Court in a 7-2 decision, hands down Roe v Wade making a 1st trimester abortion a private decision between a woman & her physician. In the 2nd trimester states can put limitations on abortion with regard to the health of the pregnant woman. In the 3rd trimester states can make abortion illegal except to save the life of the woman.

1973 – Indiana passes first call for a Constitutional Convention to ban abortion.

1970 – Belotti v Baird II decision allows states to require parental consent for abortion so long as there is a confidential judicial bypass.

1980 – 19 of the 34 states required have passed calls for a Constitutional Convention.

1989 – Webster v Reproductive Health Services is handed down by Supreme Court allowing states to place increased restrictions on women’s access to abortion.

1991 – Supreme Court upholds Title X gag rule (restriction on mentioning abortion in federally funded clinics) in Rust v Sullivan. Congress votes overwhelmingly to overturn gag rule, but override of Pres. Bush’s veto fails narrowly.

1993 – Newly inaugurated President Clinton reverses several anti-choice policies of Reagan & Bush administrations including gag rule.

1993 – Dr. David Gunn is murdered by anti-choice fanatic in Florida. He is the first of a series of abortion providers shot in the following years.

1994 – President Clinton signs Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE) making it a federal crime to interfere with the provision of reproductive health care.

1995 – U.S. clinical trials of Mifepristone (RU486 - the French abortion pill).

1998 – January 22nd is the 25th anniversary of legal abortion in America. January 29th: A police officer is killed and a nurse is severely injured in a bomb blast outside a Birmingham clinic.

2000 – FDA approves Mifeprex (RU 486 - the French abortion pill) for use in U.S.

So, for Catholics it seems a matter of when you lived if church dogma is the controlling force in this tendentious issue. Wink

Please note that for over 900 years of church history 1st trimester abortion was not banned. Additionally, from 1591 until 1869 there was no Catholic ban on abortion. The ban on artificial control, the "pill", has only been around since we were in Nam!

My great-grandmother, if a Catholic, who was born in 1866 could have had an abortion without objection from the Church. Guess where I'd be! Laughing Laughing

Think about it!
On Sale! Order in lots of 100 now at velero@rcn.com Free for the cost of shipping All profits (if any, especially now) go to Swiftvets. The author of "Sink Kerry Swiftly" ---ASPB
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Joined: 18 May 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 2:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ASPB, While I know of your points of the church and their historical stands on multiple issues, I was really only trying to disarm those in today's society who used old and tired phrases to justify abortion. To me,
too many people today use abortion as a convenience. I have heard many say that they oppose abortion except in those instances of rape and incest, less that 1% of all pregnancies in America according to a study of the AMA last fall. I guess I just have a problem with the terminination of pre-born life, my catholicism aside, when I, and you too I'm sure, have seen way to much wasted and taken life as an adult. I know all of the issues brought up about adoption is too hard, why ruin a young girls' life
with a child so early in life, etc.. Now I'm really going to get the pro-choice(abortion) folks mad at me. It is my opinion that the Primary prevention of unwanted pregnancy lies with the woman. She is, afterall, the one who will live with unwanted consequences. I know that if I were a woman, prevention of unwanted pregnancy would be utmost in my mind if the desire for sex was so overwhelming that I could not wait for marriage, etc.. To me, this is a defining characteristic of conservative thought, not necessarily Republican, but conservative. If we as a people are to hold freedom and liberty as dearly as we do, ought we not extend those same freedoms and liberties to the pre-born as well? I was at perpetual adoration, a Catholic practice for you uninitiated Wink , this morning and read a poem by Rich Christensen, called "I Too Had Love to Give". The last verse goes

Why did you slay me, mother?
Why not let me live>
You would have loved me, mother,
I, too, had love to give

Man, when I finished reading that poem it brought up some emotions I hadn't felt in a long, long time. I really am not trying to wax philisophic, I just feel so strongly about needless death. And most of us on this site know exactly what I mean.

OK, now I'm off my soapbox. Back to Kerry bashing. Very Happy Very Happy

Spectre Gunner and 141 FE
Dedicated to Rico. KIA March 14, 1971.
Love ya man.
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