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Security at Democrat Convention
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PhD candidate
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 3:34 am    Post subject: I am not Keith Nolan Reply with quote

I am not Keith Nolan. I have never met Keith Nolan. AOL has tons of subscibers and therefore share a server. However, I am not Keith Nolan, I am not the other guy you mentioned. I am a WOMAN.
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 3:45 am    Post subject: Re: I am not Keith Nolan Reply with quote

PhD candidate wrote:
I am not Keith Nolan. I have never met Keith Nolan. AOL has tons of subscibers and therefore share a server. However, I am not Keith Nolan, I am not the other guy you mentioned. I am a WOMAN.

Ms PhD Candidate

But....from your statements here, you share their ideology.

If, in fact you are a student, your humble expression of ignorance that true students convey will yield wisdom by participation here. Heretofore your posts do not reflect such expression. Unfortunately, you appear to be the chattel of leftist academic ideologues.

On Sale! Order in lots of 100 now at velero@rcn.com Free for the cost of shipping All profits (if any, especially now) go to Swiftvets. The author of "Sink Kerry Swiftly" ---ASPB
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 3:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

My thoughts exactly ASPB...lol

Just can not miss the writing stlye, I'd even PMd another poster about it, and hinted at it on Hist/Students thread.

And, the timing, well could be a coincidence
One registers, then the next day the other returns
one of..... We The People
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PhD candidate
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 4:02 am    Post subject: are you calling me stupid? Reply with quote

Are you trying in some not so subtle way to call me stupid? I am indeed a PhD student... actually candidate since I have completed my coursework and my internship and have just my dissertation to complete. I am also a member of the adjunct faculty of two colleges and a therapist.

As a therapist, I have studied PTSD extensively and as I have mentioned before I have worked with veterans many of whom suffered the effects of PTSD as a result of Vietnam. I am most proud of my work with them and they were some of the finest men I have ever known. They stood up for people when they were being insulted.

I have never claimed to be a political scientist or a historian and therefore my posts are from the point of view of a humble woman in training to become a clinical psychologist. I wasnt attempting to spark some great intellectual debate or claiming to know everything. Like everyone else here I was merely throwing in my 2 cents.

And perhaps I share the same ideology as the people with whom you have me confused. Maybe there is more than one person that disagrees with the views expressed here... that is a possibility isnt it? And if I am going to be confused with anyone I suppose I should be flattered that it is a man that has authored 10 books.

I will note that I did PM you in an effort to keep what seems to be a personal debate off the board. But you are one of the moderators and you felt it was okay to post here... so I responded here in kind.
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 4:24 am    Post subject: Re: are you calling me stupid? Reply with quote

PhD candidate wrote:
Are you trying in some not so subtle way to call me stupid? I am indeed a PhD student... actually candidate since I have completed my coursework and my internship and have just my dissertation to complete. I am also a member of the adjunct faculty of two colleges and a therapist.

As a therapist, I have studied PTSD extensively and as I have mentioned before I have worked with veterans many of whom suffered the effects of PTSD as a result of Vietnam. I am most proud of my work with them and they were some of the finest men I have ever known. They stood up for people when they were being insulted.

I have never claimed to be a political scientist or a historian and therefore my posts are from the point of view of a humble woman in training to become a clinical psychologist. I wasnt attempting to spark some great intellectual debate or claiming to know everything. Like everyone else here I was merely throwing in my 2 cents.

And perhaps I share the same ideology as the people with whom you have me confused. Maybe there is more than one person that disagrees with the views expressed here... that is a possibility isnt it? And if I am going to be confused with anyone I suppose I should be flattered that it is a man that has authored 10 books.

I will note that I did PM you in an effort to keep what seems to be a personal debate off the board. But you are one of the moderators and you felt it was okay to post here... so I responded here in kind.

Personally, I believe in the "open" exchange of ideas. That is say that all members of the "community" should be able to observe and learn from the dialog. Isn't that what you've learned in graduate school? I did!

If your statements here are to be taken at face value, your educational efforts and your work with those suffering PTSD (especially Viet vets) is to be admired. I would hope that your liberal instructors have also endowed you with a reasonable degree of scepticism and cynicism when dealing with those that claim the disorder.

There are numerous valid studies that support the argument that if the liberal press had not "advertised" PTSD, the number of claiments would be reduced by about 70%.

Multiple Personality Disorder? Without fiction writers, defense attorneys, and victimologists employing pseudo-science I doubt any of us, in or out of your profession, would even know about it.

"resist with care the spirit of innovation upon its principles, however specious* the pretexts." George Washington * Specious means: "having deceptive attraction or allure, having a false look of truth or genuineness"


On Sale! Order in lots of 100 now at velero@rcn.com Free for the cost of shipping All profits (if any, especially now) go to Swiftvets. The author of "Sink Kerry Swiftly" ---ASPB
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PhD candidate
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 6:05 am    Post subject: Open exchange of ideas? Reply with quote

Indeed I did learn the importance of an open exchange of ideas. Honestly, do you really think that goes on here? I have noticed a tendency for those that express a differing point of view to be treated poorly. It is one thing to attack an idea and entirely another to attack a person. There have been several postings debating whether I was one of two other posters and I wonder why that is? Was it because my ideas were not liked? What other reason could it have been? I have only posted a few times and really gave no one any reason to doubt me.

But in an effort to continue an open dialogue I will respond to a couple of points you made. My liberal professors did teach me to question everything but mostly that came from my conservative academic father. He always said I could be liberal so long as I was not a knee-jerk liberal. Meaning, I had to have evidence to back up my argument.

I will go along with you that often we over-pathologize people in this society. Perhaps, there are not as many true cases of PTSD as might be documented in the press. The same could be said for any mental illness. If the liberal media did not report on it, would there be fewer cases diagnosed? Maybe. Does that mean there would be in actual fact fewer cases? Thats a little harder to answer. One effect of the media reporting on mental illness is that people who previously thought they were alone in their suffering now have a name for whats going on. You mention studies that suggest there would be 70 percent fewer cases. What are those studies? I am not saying they don't exist but a reference or two would be nice.

I think you make a valid point about mental illness especially PTSD. But lets not take away from those that do suffer the night terrors, flashbacks and painful intruding memories.

Let us not forget that veterans are not the only ones that suffer the effects of PTSD. I also work in the field of trauma with women and children who suffer as a result of domestic violence. If you wonder where I get my views on violence and why I abhor it as I am sure most people do... understanding my experiences with people (whether they are Vietnam Vets or Domestic Violence victims) would make it clear why I find it hard to support violence of any kind.

I do not support violence in the middle east or anywhere else in the world. However, I would never put down a man or woman that has gone to war for this country. I do truly feel that service to one's country is something to proud of and I think what happened to Vietnam veterans was a tragedy. As I said before, it is one thing to attack an idea (such as our governments choice to go to war) and another to attack a person (such as spitting in the face of Vietnam Veteran).
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 7:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Having been a child of the "anti-communist" 50s, a late 60's Vietnam Riverine combat vet, an observer of and participant in mid '60's and early 70's higher education ( '70 UC Berkeley Undergrad), and the father of two graduates of the liberal higher education system I believe that anyone under the age of 40 has been misinformed about the values that this nation was founded upon. So yes, sure, I come to this forum with the biases and preconceptions natural to my experiences.

If I appear to condescend to youth and inexperience, I do! Sorry, that's part of the package you get when corresponding wih an aging Neocon (paleodemocrat) American liberal. Again, I'm sorry. Anyone under the age of 55 doesn't know what it means to be a "American Liberal". Most Vietnam vets that visit here do, but, after all, they're over 55 also. Laughing

When I say "values" its not a code word for the far right religious wing of the Republican party. It's the principles embraced by Washingtion, Adams, Jefferson, and Lincoln that represent "values" to me. Sorry, I can't stand Hamilton simply because he supported large central government! One hell of a great bureaucrat though! Laughing

As to your last post, it was a very nice piece. At first blush, well communicated. It's 0035 here in California and I'm going to bed. Thanks for your well reasoned post. I'll respond tomorrow to this and to your PM. Welcome to the Warfront! Wink Laughing

Best Wishes,

On Sale! Order in lots of 100 now at velero@rcn.com Free for the cost of shipping All profits (if any, especially now) go to Swiftvets. The author of "Sink Kerry Swiftly" ---ASPB
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 8:38 am    Post subject: Re: WOW Reply with quote

PhD candidate wrote:
Okay first of all lets clear a few things up. One, I am new to the board and I have not posted as anyone else---- ever. And to my knowledge I have not been banned.

Whatever. Personally, I don't give a rat's butt how many times you've been banned or how many personalities you have. All of them sound like sissies. Wink

Second, I am female. I am tired of the references to me as male!!!!!

BFD! Get over it, sister. It's not like you've put any gender identification in your profile or sig line! You really do reason just like a phd candidate! Smile

I object strenously to being called a sissy.

Oh, puh-leeze. Don't strain anything. Rolling Eyes

You generally get treated in accordance with the tone that YOU set for yourself.

Here's a lil hint for you.... you can't jump into the middle of a group of veterans and start spouting pacifist International ANSWER garbage without picking up a couple of pejoratives.

"Sissy" is the least of your worries, babe.

I have stood up to men a great deal in my life both personally and academically and find it offensive that anyone should call me a sissy because you dont like what I say or because I do not respond fast enough.

I don't think anyone's calling you a sissy for that. You can stand up to people all day on a bulletin board and still be as cowardly as a mouse.

You're called a sissy for the reason I mentioned before - the decayed and degraded state of being in which nothing is worth fighting for.

Have you ever put on the uniform and sworn allegiance to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States? Have you ever felt it in your bones what it feels like to be ready to go and fight and even die if that's what a threat to your country calls for?

Your previous observations indicate that you haven't and that you won't and that you wouldn't. Ever.

Because you're a pacifist. Because there's nothing worth fighting for, to you.

So, hide in your little mousehole and leave your protection and your freedom to those who are ready to defend it.

When the homicide bombs and car bombs start going off in my neighborhood, you may be one of those who are cowering in my basement while I stand armed guard topside to protect my neighbors.

Maybe you won't have a neighbor who's willing to take up arms in the name of protecting you or anyone else. Maybe everyone in your neighborhood is pacifist, like you. In which case, you're gonna be screwed, ain't ya?

'Cause this is the enemy's Third Great Jihad we're seeing the beginnings of and whether you side with us or them, if you are not actively part of their war on the west, they want you dead. And if you ARE part of their war on the west, you are still completely expendable.

Read "American Jihad" by Emerson, or "Unveiling Islam" or "The Trouble with Islam," if you can't believe the likes of jihadwatch.org or anti-cair.net.

I'd just as soon that rough men and women stand ready in the night to protect us from the harm these literalists would like to visit upon us. And I'd REALLY just as soon that they do it on the terrorists' own turf, the way they are now.

I know it's easier to bury your head in the sand and keep up that "buy the world a Coke" mentality - BTDT - but reality can bite you in the azz in that position. Get real.

And don't be so touchy about stuff - Christ, I've been called Frau Eva, a cow, (edited by Admin...ouch!...NNN...please? Smile ) , a Bush-hugger, a Bush-whore... like I've never seen and insult on a bulletin board before. Like I've never seen cussing before - hell, they taught us the many uses of the f-word in boot camp, and I've practiced its uses every day in the 25 years since then. Very Happy
~ Echo Juliet ~
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Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 8:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

G (wb)-damn it NNN! Now that is an inspiring post! Bravo Zulu Mujer!

Just remember that, at times, youth needs education more than a swift kick in the panties! Laughing But then again, a swift kick taught me one hell of a lot more.....and a woman did it!
On Sale! Order in lots of 100 now at velero@rcn.com Free for the cost of shipping All profits (if any, especially now) go to Swiftvets. The author of "Sink Kerry Swiftly" ---ASPB
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 3:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Navy-Navy-Navy, that was cute the way you dumped more personal invective on PhD Candidate because she objected to being called a sissy. You kind of made her point about the level of dialogue at this website, don't you think?

And what gives with this PhD-Candidate-is-really-Keith-Nolan nonsense? Why do you think that everyone who disagrees with the prevailing idealogy here is either in the pay of the DNC or some kind of dirty-trickster using multiple names in order to stir up trouble?

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Please do not post any furthur messages referencing the administration of this forum. If you have a complaint/observation/comment, direct it to either the administrator or a moderator via PM or E-mail.

Thank you

That was as nonsensical as this new theory that I've bounced on here again as PhD Candidate.

For cripes sake, I'm one of the few people here who uses his real name.

Finally, I object again to all this "sissy" nonsense regarding PhD Candidate. Name calling is not debate.

Keith Nolan (better known by the nicknames given me by various posters here, to include Lady, Buster, Weasel, Geek with a Typewriter, and The Arrogant Adolescent)
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Joined: 07 May 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 5:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ASPB wrote:
Just remember that, at times, youth needs education more than a swift kick in the panties! Laughing But then again, a swift kick taught me one hell of a lot more.....and a woman did it!

Oh, ya sissy. Wink

Honestly, I can be one of the most patient teachers in the world. I can explain or demonstrate a point in multiple ways if a student is having trouble catching on to something.

But, when someone who's supposed to be that well-educated gets on an internet bulletin board and displays so little common sense..... as in the case of having a hissy fit over a being called by the wrong gender... it's just silly. And I chose to throw a little "silly" back at her.

I treat my children the same way when they're having tantrums. (The 29-year old no longer throws tantrums, of course.... but even the 12-year old has learned a few years ago to reason and listen and exchange, instead of throwing them.)

Now, it's only the Goth silent treatment I have to worry about. Very Happy

And Keith Nolan:

"Invective?" LOL! You're too funny!

Oh, and don't worry - anyone who toes the DNC line is perfectly safe in posting under their real names.

In case you haven't noticed, it's only the RNC Convention that's planned to come under attack by homegrown anarchists and DU'ers. It's only the RNC that stands any real chance of Islamic terror attacks.

You socialists and liberals and other leftists are perfectly safe. You could post your home addresses and phone numbers and still be safer than any conservative or moderate would be.
~ Echo Juliet ~
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 6:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Admin note to the forum:

While I can understand the allure of conjecture as to the impetus behind someone's political point of view, the airing of those observations in this forum is just not acceptable and distracts from the dialogue.

Nor do I intend, in the future, to spend time cherry-pick editing and responding within posts to individual infractions. I will simply delete the offending material and, perhaps, your entire post.

For those who do choose to continue in this mode, I would suggest that you archive your posts, especially any lengthy ones, as they will no longer be in this forum for you to edit.

Either return to topical posts, or I'll have to lock this thread.

Thank you
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 6:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, I'll be good. Wink

It goes against my training and my instincts, but I'll behave. LOL!
~ Echo Juliet ~
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 6:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am proud of the honorary degree in sociology I earned but didn't receive from the USAF.

My Air force experience - I was on the “zebra team” nick named because our team was made up of two black guys from urban America and two white guys from suburbia American. We spent endless hours out in the western prairie patrolling missile sites. I think we should all have gotten honorary degrees in sociology for what we learned during the time we spent together on the zebra team. You see they just do not teach you everything you need to know in school.

Until the 70s the educational system pretty much left out the painful episodes of the Black experience however I had the benefit of being on the zebra team and got the uncut un-politicized version of the black experience and my black brothers got my version of white suburbia.

On a smaller scale the same thing has happened to the Vietnam era veteran. My three sons have never heard of the VVAW. Had you prior to this election year? And my oldest son is in his senior year in a mass communications program. I can not think of a better case study of what happens when the media abuses its power and goes un challenged. It is my opinion that this chapter of America should be taught just like the black experience is now being taught.

Soldiers who go to battle with one another truly are color blind.

“Never in the course of human events have so many been libeled by so few” - John O’Neal - 1971

Please do what you believe too be honorable
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 11:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ASPB wrote:
I believe that anyone under the age of 40 has been misinformed about the values that this nation was founded upon. So yes, sure, I come to this forum with the biases and preconceptions natural to my experiences.

Psst.....with no disrespect intended, it's not as bad as you think....there are many of us under 40 who identify more with the World War II generation than those in the "Baby Boom". We're somewhat cynical at times and not very trusting of our elders, but we understand very well the values up which this nation was founded (despite the misinformation) and often live up to them. In fact...many of us our laying it on the line each and every day from Mosul to Kabul..... Wink

USN 1983-1992
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