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Original question

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Rear Admiral

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 5:29 pm    Post subject: Original question Reply with quote

I asked this question.......in fact I believe it was my first post. Bringing it back, because I am still curious about this and no one has ever said anything more about it, including the Kerry camp. I think they must have read "Unfit" and realized that whatever it was, wasn't there, so they backed off on it, but what? My previous post:
The first reaction this past week to the Swifties ad/book etc, from the Kerry camp was............they have hired a ((&*)(())&() private eye......The information the swifties have brought forth concerning purple hearts, bronze stars etc, do not require a private eye. All that stuff is information based on personal experience and contained in militairy records, some of which Kerry has failed to release, and a private eye is not going to have anymore access to those than anyone else does.

Sooooooooo, what is it that they are worried that a private eye has discovered?????
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Tom Poole
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 5:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

hanna wrote:
...Sooooooooo, what is it that they are worried that a private eye has discovered?????

I remember that discussion when I first joined and assumed the Swiftees were in fact using a private investigator to verify statements from Kerry's gang. Now, I believe their accusation was merely a pre-emptive strike to discourage use of a private investigator. But, even at this late date, the question remains valid. What are they hiding? Why are they so frightened? Perhaps if we libeled them, forcing a law suit, the truth might come out. Too, if we posted vicious speculation on motives of their gang, one or two might come clean. However, with only 27 days remaining, we'll probably never know.
'58 Airedale HMR(L)-261 VMO-2
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Rear Admiral

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 11:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Unfortunately I don't think you can libel public persons;/

But you are right.......sure would be nice to know what the deep dark secret is. Or, what at least 10 of them are *smirk*.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 12:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good point. But the use of private eyes to smear and defame belong in the Kerry/DNC camp.

Weren't they supposedly distributing "brown books" (maybe, and more appropriately, red books) to the MSM that would have all the results of their private eye's investigations into the personal lives of the Swiftees?

Funny how that never really materialized, at least not as predicted. I am sure they distributed something though, and it was talking points. Look how similar/identical the message from their flying monkeys in the press sounds. All the "completely disproven" "pack of lies" "100% bunk" etc. messages all sound the same, like it was a coordinated effort. Gee, ya think? LOL!

Apparently, they shot their wad with the anti-Islam etc. attacks on John Corsi. After that, it was all ad hominem attacks and smears.

The bottom line is that their private eye has NOTHING on the Swiftees. How could he? They are telling the truth, and are honest and decent men. This basically proves it, because the likes of Kerry and his MSM flunkies would never miss a chance to slam the SBVT with anything, no matter how small. I only wonder why they didn't pull a Rather and make up stuff.

Kerry is hoisted on his petard by his record in Vietnam, after Vietnam, and in the Senate and he knows it.

And until Kerry signs the DD180, and lets the truth go free, I will always call him what I believe he is: a liar, a slanderer, and anti-American.

Crushkerry.com has a piece dated from 9/25/04 that deals with this issue as they deconstruct some articles from the NYTimes and the WaPo that are supposedly based on the so called "brown books."

Here is a nice tidbit from the Independent Women's Forum:


Swift Boat 9/11, Part 2

I’m waiting--but not holding my breath--for the major media to report on the Kerry campaign’s efforts to silence the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, whose book, Unfit for Command, about the alleged actual (as opposed to the Kerry-reported) circumstances of Kerry’s Vietnam duty and his medals, is already No. 1 at Amazon, even though it hasn’t been released yet. (See my Swift Boat 9/ll, July 29.) Syndicated columnist Robert Novak seems to be the only print-media man so far who is taking the story seriously.

So far--tellingly--the Dem tactics do not include refuting the facts concerning any of the book’s allegations, which include the charge that none of the wounds for which Kerry received three Purple Hearts required hospitalization and one turned out to have been negligently self-inflicted, and that Kerry’s Bronze Star for rescuing with a wounded arm fellow Swiftie Jim Rasmussen under fire was tainted by the fact that Kerry’s boat had first left the fight and returned only when the shooting was over and another boat was already headed to pick up Rasmussen.

Rather than confronting the version of the events presented in "Unfit" by author John E. O’Neill, the naval officer who took over Kerry’s Swift Boat command after the Democratic contender received his third Purple Heart, which got him sent home eight months early (and after only four months on his tour of duty), the Dems are using ad hominem attacks on the Swifties as their main squelch-the-book tactic. First step: hiring lawyers to send a letter to media outlets warning that their pants would be sued off for libel should they dare to advertise the book. Latest move, according to the Crush Kerry website (thanks, Instapundit, for the link): character assassination on the authors and their backers:

"The Democrat National Committee has prepared a full-scale assault against the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth to draw their character and veracity into question, according to one anonymous source inside the DNC. The campaign of character assassination is scheduled to coincide with the release of the book Unfit for Command which reveals inconvenient facts for the Kerry campaign.

"’We have prepared what we call "Brown Books" that contain damaging military records, personal credit histories, medical histories, psychiatric histories, divorce records, you name it,’ our source told us. ’We’ve got the goods on the Veterans who oppose Kerry.’"

Crush Kerry continues:

"The ’Brown Books’ are so called because of their distinctive plain brown covers, which contain no words. Some books have already been delivered to Kerry-friendly reporters. Others are on their way, our source told us. When asked if we could have a copy, our source declined, saying there is a limited number of ’Brown Books’ and they have been carefully inventoried to control in whose hands the books ended up.

"Ultimately the ’Brown Books’ will end up in the hands of pro-Kerry news agencies and reporters. According to our source, who demanded to remain anonymous for fear of retribution, The New York Times is already on the hook to run a negative series on the Vets, as is the Boston Globe, which is owned by the Times."

One Kerry-friendly reporter who seems to have received a Brown Book is our old friend David Brock, the onetime conservative who apparently decided a few years ago that he could eat better lunches writing tell-all books about his former life under the tails of the Great Satans of the right. On his website Media Matters, David takes on Jerome R. Corsi, the Harvard Ph.D. and professional conservative polemicist who co-authored O’Neill’s book.

Some of David’s horrifying revelations: Corsi doesn’t care much for Islam (I wonder why, these days), which he calls a "Satanic" religion, and he doesn’t care much for Catholicism, either, what with the pederasty scandal and all. Well. And then--no!--Corsi hates Hillary! Oh, and by the way, the same guy who designed the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth website is also the director of FreeRepublic, the conservative website! And Scott Swett, the Veterans for Truth webmaster, has appeared on Fox News! Talk about a conspiracy! David, ya got the goods.

Meanwhile, the Swifties are fighting back--with factual allegations not invective. Ed Morrisey’s Captain’s Quarters blogsite (thanks again, Instapundit) has the full text of the sober, detailed, and thoroughly documented riposte O’Neill, with the help of his own lawyers, sent the execs who got the Kerry campaign letter. Here is an excerpt (although I strongly recommend clicking to Captain’s Quarters and reading the letter in its entirety:

"Kerry’s third Purple Heart was his ticket home. It also was much of the basis of his Bronze Star, repeating ’his bleeding arm’ and shrapnel wound from the mine story. The problem is that his operating report was a total lie since Kerry’s shrapnel wound ’in the buttocks’ came not from a mine at all as he falsely reported, but at his own hand. Larry Thurlow, an officer on shore with Kerry that day, recounts that Kerry’s shrapnel wound came not from any mine, but from a self-inflicted wound when Kerry (with no enemy to be seen) threw a concussion grenade into a rice pile and stayed too close. See Exhibit 10, 3. This ’brown rice’ incident with rice/shrapnel lodged in Kerry from his own grenade is also recounted by James Rassman, a Kerry supporter and ’the no man left behind’ on page 105 of John F. Kerry: The Complete Biography By The Boston Globe Reporters Who Know Him Best, by Michael Kranish, Brian C. Mooney, and Nina J. Easton (New York: Public Affairs, 2004) (the "Kranish book"). See Exhibit 21.

"Most surprisingly, John Kerry himself (while falsely reporting to the Navy and public that he suffered a shrapnel wound from a mine explosion so as to get a third Purple Heart and go home) reflected in his own journal that his buttocks’ wound came, not from any mine but, rather, from a grenade tossed into a rice cache by himself or friendly troops (in the absence of any enemy fire). ’I got a piece of small grenade in my a-- from one of the rice bin explosions.’ Exhibit 15, Tour, at 313; see also Exhibit 15, Tour, at 317. ’Kerry...also had the bits of shrapnel and rice extracted from his backside.’ See also the sworn statement of participants that there was no hostile fire (Exhibits 6, 7, and 10). It also should be noted that the rice extracted from Kerry’s backside could hardly be the result of an underwater mine, as Kerry claimed in his operating report."

There is much more, including a persuasive demolition of Kerry’s claim that he spent Christmas of 1968 Cambodia on an illegal but (he says) U.S. government-sanctioned mission. O’Neill points in his letter to thorough documentation (including a contemporaneous statement by Kerry himself) that he was actually in Sa Dec, Vietnam, some 50 miles from the Cambodian border. (Again, see Instapundit for much, much more on this issue, including Instapundit’s own digital camera-snapped photo of the very page of the Congressional Record in which Kerry states baldly that he was in Cambodia for Yule of ’68. And click here for Instapundit’s update and here for the latest on the issue from Drudge.)

My prediction: If the Kerry folks don’t come up soon with some serious (not Brock-fluff) counterattacks on the facts before the book’s release, their candidate will have egg on his face--or as may be the more apt metaphor, rice up his you-know-what.

Posted by Charlotte Allen | Link to this Entry | 8/9/2004 11:26 AM

Charlotte really has her head screwed on tight! Kudos to her!
Everytime he had a choice, Kerry chose to side with communists rather than the United States.
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one more captins mast

Joined: 10 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 1:51 am    Post subject: W. Scott Thompson knows and Reply with quote

Put a opinion in the Jakarta Post on line Sept. 9,2004

Title :Why my aquatiance John Kerry can lose the election.

W. Scott Thompson is a Prof. at "Tufts" Univ. at Medford Mass.
Prof. of International Politicts and Law.

In his post he said, "Julia the first Mrs. Kerry in a kind reconition of my
love of opra sent me note pads for my birthday with musical notes
from Don Govoania where the servent sings of the Don's conquest
in Spain 1003 of them. He did that for a reason, not just to get in
trouble with the "Prof. Union" at "Tufts".

He also said when Kerry was a guest in his home, Adm. Zoomwalt
would not shake Kerrys hand.

This guy also said "in print" and signed the "opinion" that the last time
he saw Kerry was in the lunch room in the White House when he
"a democrat" was working in the Regan adm. and Kerry and he had
run into each other, and "Kerry" while shaking his hand and asking him
to lunch, "looked" over the rest of the room to see if there was someone
moore inportant than "Thompson" to eat lunch with.

There is no love lost here, "Kerry he says did some very naugthy things
while holding high public office, " and he thinks others know of them.

So the "private eye" thing is to cover that up in advance and blame

the Swiftvets when it comes out, and I'm sure this lawyer will make sure

it comes out, can not tell who side he is on, could be its re: his wife

or some relation in Spain, in any event its very personal.

ps, have been trying to get Sam Johnson the congressman from Tx

to read all Navy Cheif's post (faxed them 60 pages) called them

4 times today, "did you look at the fax yet", at 5:00 Tx time they

had not even read one page. Gave Naval Chief the phone no.

If any one on here that reads this and knows a contact in Con. Johnson's

office call them and tell them the fax is not made up by "blather: etal

now on to more work , will try a direct post on the page asking for

many of us to copy the chief's work from here that is avaiable now

and fax it to our congressmen/women and Senators ect.

Pray for Navy Chief and his work
the strange mr aj
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