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Sunday, September 12, 2:00 - 4:00 pm Eastern:

Kerry Lied Rally: National rally held in Washington to tell the truth about Vietnam veterans.

Rally Photos
Operation StreetCorner

Wednesday, October 27, 5:30 - 7:30 pm Eastern: Swift Vets and POWs for Truth Orlando Rally, followed by an exclusive showing of Stolen Honor. Location: Lake Eola Bandshell.

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 Statement by Admiral Roy Hoffmann, founder of Swift Vets and POWs for Truth   
 Dated:  Wednesday, November 03 2004 @ 08:00 AM PST
 Viewed:  12238 times  
We are pleased with the fact that we were able to effectively bring attention to our issues and raise questions regarding Senator Kerry’s character, leadership ability and qualifications as a potential Commander in Chief. As we have stated since we formed, we believed that John Kerry’s actions in Vietnam, coupled with the reprehensible statements he made after he returned were serious and consequently made him unfit for command. The primary purpose of our organization was to provide a voice for the courageous and honorable veterans of Vietnam, more than 280 Swift Boat Vets, Coast Guardsmen and POWs who served their country with honor. Our national grassroots efforts produced donors in every state in the nation as we raised more than $26 million, with more than $7 million in online contributions. In addition, Swift Boat Veterans and former POW's visited dozens of states to take their message directly to the American people. We were the true embodiment of grassroots citizen action, complied fully with federal election law and had every right to participate in the public discussion of John Kerry's qualifications as Commander in Chief.

-- Admiral Roy Hoffmann (ret.)

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