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 An Outpouring of Pain, Channeled via Politics Email Article To a Friend View Printable Version 
 Dated:  Thursday, October 21 2004 @ 08:00 AM PDT
 Viewed:  3969 times  
-- by Alessandra Stanley

"Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal," the highly contested anti-Kerry documentary, should not be shown by the Sinclair Broadcast Group. It should be shown in its entirety on all the networks, cable stations and on public television.

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 ABC News or ABC spin Email Article To a Friend View Printable Version 
 Dated:  Wednesday, October 20 2004 @ 07:00 AM PDT
 Viewed:  14081 times  
-- by Thomas Sowell

As if Dan Rather's use of forged documents to try to discredit President Bush shortly before the election was not enough of a clue to the mainstream media's political agenda, ABC News has now joined CBS News in the political spin game.

What ABC News has done was too elaborate to be called a "mistake." Now that the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth have become too well known for the mainstream media to continue ignoring them, ABC's Nightline with Ted Koppel has broadcast its "investigation" of one of the Swift Boat veterans' charges against John Kerry.

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 An Appeal to Vietnam Veterans Email Article To a Friend View Printable Version 
 Dated:  Monday, October 18 2004 @ 07:00 PM PDT
 Viewed:  3256 times  
Justin Darr thinks it's sweet irony that Vietnam veterans hold the keys to this year's election.

-- by Justin Darr

One of the darkest scars of shame America must bear is its treatment of returning veterans after the Vietnam War. Despite the fact that the actions, courage, an bravery of our Vietnam vets is equal to any displayed by American soldiers from Bunker Hill to Iwo Jima, American leftists singled them out as criminals and robbed them of the dignity and respect they earned. It was not enough for the left to undermine America’s will to fight and win the Vietnam War, they had to destroy the lives of thousands of men who did nothing but risk their lives to preserve the freedom the left abused. After decades where countless vets have been forced to live through their own private hells, one of those responsible for their plight wants to be President of the United States. Finally, Vietnam Veterans have the chance to strike back against those who so unfairly marred their lives.

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 Answer this question, Mr. Kerry Email Article To a Friend View Printable Version 
 Dated:  Sunday, October 17 2004 @ 09:00 PM PDT
 Viewed:  3966 times  
-- Dateline D.C.

They just don't get it.

The first remark of too many voters, after watching the political advertisements crafted by the Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth -- which detail John Kerry's secret treachery in the spring of 1970, is "I wasn't even born then!"

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 Rush, O'Neill Blast ABC's Ted Koppel Email Article To a Friend View Printable Version 
 Dated:  Saturday, October 16 2004 @ 07:00 PM PDT
 Viewed:  4527 times  
-- by Carl Limbacher

Last week Ted Koppel's "Nightline" aired a report using the testimony of three Viet Cong communist veterans, who detailed their version of John Kerry's actions that won him his Silver Star.

To oppose them, Koppel had Swift Boat Veterans for Truth's leader, John O'Neill, as a guest.

Interestingly, the program ignored the fact that Kerry's own recollections, noted in previous books, directly contradicted the stories told by the Viet Cong terrorists, who were on the program to help Kerry.

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 And now a word from the 'dominoes' Email Article To a Friend View Printable Version 
 Dated:  Friday, October 15 2004 @ 09:00 AM PDT
 Viewed:  1866 times  
-- by Michael P. Tremoglie

During the Vietnam War, John Kerry testified before a Senate Foreign Relations Committee panel that an investigation conducted by Kerry and his group, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, revealed that U.S. soldiers committed atrocities in Vietnam. The investigation was called Winter Soldier.

Now that Kerry wants to be president, some of his former military colleagues say they still resent his allegations. They believe that Kerry slandered his colleagues as war criminals merely as a pretext for gaining support for the withdrawal of troops from Vietnam. They believe he was pandering to those who said the "domino theory" was not valid, that the Vietnamese communists were nationalists, not terrorists.

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 A 55-point chasm in military support for Kerry and Bush Email Article To a Friend View Printable Version 
 Dated:  Thursday, October 14 2004 @ 10:00 AM PDT
 Viewed:  3038 times  
-- by Ross Mackenzie

Oct. 11 editions of Military Times publications (Navy Times, Army Times, Marine Corps Times, Air Force Times) carried an astounding story not likely to get much coverage in the establishment press.

Staff writer Gordon Trowbridge wrote as follows:

President Bush retains overwhelming support among the military's professional core despite a troubled mission in Iraq and an opponent who is a decorated combat veteran, a Military Times survey of more than 4,000 readers indicates.

Bush leads Democratic Sen. John Kerry 73 percent to 18 percent in the voluntary survey of 4,165 active-duty, National Guard, and reserve subscribers.

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 Veterans Kerry dishonored need to be heard Email Article To a Friend View Printable Version 
 Dated:  Wednesday, October 13 2004 @ 10:00 AM PDT
 Viewed:  3517 times  
-- by Gil Spencer

The Comfort Inn in Philadelphia is no Four Seasons, but it’s a whole lot better than the Hanoi Hilton where Mike Cronin spent six years of his life. The Hanoi Hilton is the name American prisoners of war in Vietnam gave the prison where they were held, interrogated and tortured by their jailers.

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 Henderson veteran featured in latest Swift Boat ad Email Article To a Friend View Printable Version 
 Dated:  Wednesday, October 13 2004 @ 09:00 AM PDT
 Viewed:  2479 times  
A Vietnam veteran from Henderson is featured in a new Swift Boat Veterans for Truth television ad set for release this week.

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 Mystery Surrounds Kerry's Navy Discharge Email Article To a Friend View Printable Version 
 Dated:  Wednesday, October 13 2004 @ 07:00 AM PDT
 Viewed:  18126 times  
-- by Thomas Lipscomb

An official Navy document on Senator Kerry's campaign Web site listed as Mr. Kerry's "Honorable Discharge from the Reserves" opens a door on a well kept secret about his military service.

The document is a form cover letter in the name of the Carter administration's secretary of the Navy, W. Graham Claytor. It describes Mr. Kerry's discharge as being subsequent to the review of "a board of officers." This in it self is unusual. There is nothing about an ordinary honorable discharge action in the Navy that requires a review by a board of officers.

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